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Universal Salt Iodization (USI) - FTP Directory Listing

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www.unsystem.org/scn PUBLICATIONS 77Global Environment Outlook 4UNEP (online)The fourth report in the Global EnvironmentOutlook (GEO) series from the United NationsEnvironment Programme (UNEP) providesa comprehensive, scientifically credible,policy-relevant and up-to-date assessmentof, and outlook for, the state of theglobal environment. GEO-4 is published 20years after the landmark World Commission on Sustainable DevelopmentsBrundtland Report of 1987. Environment for Developmentis the GEO-4 underlying theme and the report pays specialattention to the role and impact of the environment on human wellbeingas well as to the use of environmental valuation as a tool fordecision-making. GEO-4's specialized report, the Summary forDecision Makers is an essential guide for policy-makers. Bothpublications are excellent tools for teaching and research andrelevant in the field of international environmental governance asthey highlight policy opportunities for a more sustainable approachto economic growth and development.www.unep.orgFrom Agriculture to Nutrition:Pathways, Synergies, and OutcomesIFPRI/ The World Bank (online)This paper is a “must read” and has importantimplications for agricultural andfood security programmes aimed at tacklinghunger and malnutrition. Based on areview of the evidence, it argues thathunger and malnutrition in the world willnot be eliminated through agriculturalproduction or raising incomes alone, unless such interventionsare complemented by interventions that address other determinantsof nutrition, such as improving the quality of diets, childfeeding practices, water, sanitation and healthcare. This documentpresents fresh evidence which supports earlier findingsshowing that agricultural interventions are most likely to be successfulin reducing child malnutrition if they incorporate a strongnutrition information/education component and employ genderconsiderations. “www.ifpri.org www.worldbank.orgHousehold Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) for Measurementof Food Access:Indicator Guide VERSION 3 August 2007Coates J, Swindale A, Bilinsky P(online, E/F/S)The HFIAS is composed of a set of ninequestions that have been used in severalcountries and appear to distinguish foodinsecure from food secure householdsacross different cultural contexts. Thesequestions represent universal domains ofthe experience of insecure access to foodthat can be used to assign households and populations along acontinuum of severity. The information generated by the HFIAScan be used to assess the prevalence of household food insecurity(access component) (e.g., for geographic targeting) and todetect changes in the food insecurity situation of a populationover time (e.g., for monitoring and evaluation). The questions canbe added to a standard baseline and final evaluation survey.www.fantaproject.org www.usaid.govFood assistance program in the context of HIV/AIDSFANTA (online)As the links between food insecurity andHIV become better understood, there isincreasing acknowledgment in the developmentcommunity of the correspondingneed to integrate food and nutritional supportinto a comprehensive response to theepidemic. This guide is intended for programdirectors, program advisors and senior program managerswho are directly involved in the analysis and formulation of foodassistance strategies and country program activities at HQ andin regional and field offices.www.fantaproject.orgGirl Guides Anaemia Prevention Badge ProjectFANTA/RCQHC/WAGGGS(online, E/F)The Girl Guides Anaemia PreventionBadge Project is a program built to reachadolescent girls in East and SouthernAfrica with information and activities onanaemia prevention and control. Underthe program, Girl Guides (ages 7-18) canearn a badge in anaemia prevention through educational programsand community involvement in anaemia control. FANTAand the Regional Centre for Quality of Health Care (RCQHC)developed an Anaemia Prevention Badge Handbook and Workbookfor the Girl Guides as well as a training manual for GirlGuide leaders.www.rcqhc.org www.fantaproject.org www.wagggsworld.orgHIV, Nutrition and Food Security: What we can doThe World Bank and other agencies(online, E/F/S/C)This document is a synthesis of existinginternational technical guidance on HIV/AIDS, nutrition, and food security, whichis a valuable contribution to efforts thatsupport the integration of nutrition andHIV/AIDS projects and programs. Thesynthesis aims to provide decision makersand service providers, especially those who design and manageprogrammes, with guidance on how nutrition may be integratedinto HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. Most of the recommendationsdraw on international guidelines and should alsobe applicable in other AIDS-affected regions in the world wherepublic resources are constrained.www.worldbank.orgHIV and Infant Feeding:New evidence and programmaticexperienceWHO/UNICEF/UNAIDS/UNFPAwww.who.intwww.unicef.orgwww.unaids.orgwww.unfpa.orgback to contents SCN NEWS # 35

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