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Universal Salt Iodization (USI) - FTP Directory Listing

Universal Salt Iodization (USI) - FTP Directory Listing

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66www.unsystem.org/scnSCN TF-AME calls for contributions to its inventory of nutrition indicatorsThe Task Force on Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation (TF-AME) of the SCN Steering Committee has askedJudith Appleton, a social nutritionist with 25 years' field and HQ experience in projects, programmes, policy andadvocacy in a variety of organisations, to inventorise and comment on nutrition indicators currently in use.The purpose is for the TF-AME to make an inventory of these indicators and assess their usefulness according torobustness (relevance, timeliness, specificity, accuracy) and user-friendliness (measurability) in various contextsas well as to provide the basis for advancing an SCN discussion of key nutrition indicators in decision-making,planning and evaluating various kinds of impact and outcome, in different sectoral, geographical, socio-economicand cultural contexts.The overall categories these will slot into in this piece of work are:- food/food security/food chain- health/ill-health- care, of each family memberIn our comments we will also highlight linkages between indicators and natural clusters of indicators.It would be very helpful if you would send Judith (judith.appleton@zen.co.uk) your current guidelines for the identificationand development of indicators and their use in your organisation. Web addresses where she can findrelevant documents would be helpful. You may wish to add your own views of the usefulness of the main indicatorsin use in your organisation, as well as further papers on, examples of, or documentation on indicator use,both in your organisation and in any collaboration and partnership work you have been involved in with other organisations.Please send:1. current guidelines on indicators used in your organisation2. your own views of the usefulness of these and other indicators for your organisation and elsewhere3. references of key papers, or your thoughts, relating to nutrition indicators - If there is a website where thesedocuments can be found, kindly provide the address4. your experience of nutrition-related indicators developed for use in any sectorThe TF-AME is also trying to pin down experience with assessing nutritional outcomes not only in activities labellednutritional, but in many sectors—non-nutritional health, in humanitarian and non-humanitarian food securityoperations, in education, in agriculture, in forestry, in fisheries, in rural development, in urban development,as well as related to trade, transport and finance. If you have experience of nutritional aspects of work in any ofthese areas, perhaps through collaboration, please let me know how any nutritional impacts and outcomes inthese areas have been assessed, according to which indicators, and how those indicators have been developed.Any papers with views on indicators that you find particularly useful, and/or thoughts you may have had on nutritionindicators yourself, will also be of interest to the endeavour.The Task Force is preparing a paper for discussion by SCN in Hanoi early March, we therefore ask you to sendJudith examples of your ideas as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to call her to discuss any or all of theabove, to see TF-AME’s note on its Areas of Work, or to see Judith’s TOR. Judith will get straight back to you onany queries and points you raise.Many thanks from TF-AME and Judith for your time and help.Please address all correspondence about the inventory toJudith Appleton MBEFood, Nutrition and Livelihoods Specialist - working for SCN's TF-AME on nutrition indicators4 Causeway Fold, Blackshaw HeadHebden BridgeWest Yorkshire HX7 7JF U.K.Tel 00 44 1422 846677 [01422-846677 in UK]Cell: 00 44 7769556169EMail: judith.appleton@zen.co.ukSCN NEWS # 35 back to contents

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