Universal Salt Iodization (USI) - FTP Directory Listing

Universal Salt Iodization (USI) - FTP Directory Listing

Universal Salt Iodization (USI) - FTP Directory Listing

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www.unsystem.org/scn 75Nutrition Information in CrisisSituations (NICS) Supplement:Assessing micronutrient deficienciesin emergencies: Current practice andfuture directionsSCN (online)PublicationsAssessment of iodine deficiency disordersand monitoring their elimination:A guide for programme managers, 3rd editionWHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD(online) www.who.int, www.unicef.org,www.iccidd.orgIodine deficiency in Europe:a continuing public health problemWHO/UNICEF(online)Breaking the Rules, Stretching the Rules 2007 (BTR 2007)IBFAN/ICDCBTR 2007 focuses on marketing practicesof 12 baby food companies and 13 feedingbottle and teat companies. BTR is based onmore than 3000 observations submitted toICDC from 67 countries between June 2004to November 2007. Each company report isprefaced by a profile and a “look at this” boxwhich highlights a mind-boggling marketingpractice by the company. Electronic version: ibfan1@gn.apc.org,Hard copy: ibfanpg@tm.net.myEvidence on the long-term effects of breastfeeding,systematic reviews and meta-analysisWHO (online)The Department of Child and AdolescentHealth, in collaboration with the epidemiologyunit in the University of Pelotas, Brazil, conductedthis systematic review and metaanalysisof studies to assess the associationbetween breastfeeding and blood pressure,diabetes and related indicators, serum cholesterol,overweight and obesity, and intellectual performance.Subjects who were breastfed experienced lower mean bloodpressure and total cholesterol, as well as higher performance inintelligence tests. Prevalence of overweight/obesity and type-2diabetes was lower among breastfed subjects. All effects werestatistically significant but for some outcomes their magnitudewas relatively modest.Children and the MillenniumDevelopment Goals:Progress towards a World Fitfor ChildrenUNICEF (online), www.unicef.orgThe State of Food and Agriculture 2007:Paying farmers for environmental servicesFAO (online, E/F/S/A/C)This document explores the potential for agricultureto provide enhanced levels of environmentalservices alongside the production offood. The report concludes that demand forenvironmental services from agriculture -including climate change mitigation, improvedwatershed management and biodiversity preservation - will increasein the future, but better incentives to farmers are neededif agriculture is to meet this demand. Included in this issue is amini CDRom of the FAO Statistical Yearbook 2005-2006 Vol.2/1,containing time series data for 200 countries. www.fao.orgImproved Complementary Foods recipe Booklet:Family Foods for Breastfed Children in ZambiaFAO/UNICEF (online)This recipe booklet is the first of its kindavailable in Zambia. It is for everyone whogenuinely cares about improving the nutritionand health of infants and young children.It is for community service providerssuch as community nutrition promoters,peer educators and other developmentagents from the health, community developmentand agricultural sectors working with families and communitygroups. The booklet is intended as a companion guide tothe Growth Promotion Counselling Cards, to be used primarilyby community nutrition promoters.Nutrition Education: Supplementary Material:Teacher's and Pupil’s Books Grade 4FAO/Curriculum Development CentreZambiaThese education materials are intended to helptackle the widespread problem of malnutritionamong Zambian school children. They arebased on the basic school classroom curriculumfor nutrition education as identified by teachers,heads teachers, local nutritionists and educationstandards officers. The geographical areatargeted was Luapula but most of the issuesapply equally to other Zambian provinces.(online teacher’s - pupil’s)The Millennium Development GoalsReport 2007UN (online)See also: Africa and the MillenniumDevelopment Goals: 2007 updatewww.un.org/millenniumgoalsback to contents SCN NEWS # 35

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