The Japanese Approach to Environmental Issues - World Affairs ...

The Japanese Approach to Environmental Issues - World Affairs ...

The Japanese Approach to Environmental Issues - World Affairs ...


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Meeting Needs and Wants: U.S. and <strong>Japanese</strong> Transportation Innovations in the 1950s and 1960sOption 2: Maps as primary resourcesAsk students <strong>to</strong> search for at least two pairs of maps from different time periods, and discuss whatchanges and developments the maps reveal:• A U.S. highway/interstate map from the 1950sA recent U.S. highway/interstate map• A U.S. railway map from the 1950sA recent U.S. railway map• A <strong>Japanese</strong> highway/interstate map from the 1950sA recent <strong>Japanese</strong> highway/interstate map• A <strong>Japanese</strong> railway map from the 1950sA recent <strong>Japanese</strong> railway mapPART 2: WRITING ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIESVisit and direct students <strong>to</strong> the following websites for guidance on writing annotated bibliographies:• <strong>The</strong> OWL at Purdue: Annotated Bibliographieshttp://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/• Claremont Graduate University Writing Center: Writing Annotated Bibliographieshttp://www.cgu.edu/pages/836.asp• OSPI also provides guidance on writing annotated bibliographies in some of the CBAmaterials. See, for instance, the middle school Causes of Conflict CBA. Click on “supportmaterials” and look for the checklist called “Analyzing Sources” on page five.http://www.k12.wa.us/assessment/WASL/SocialStudies/MiddleSchool.aspxListed below are six resources on transportation in Japan and the U.S. Ask students <strong>to</strong> explore eachsite and write an annotated bibliography. Or, divide your class in<strong>to</strong> six groups and ask each groupmember <strong>to</strong> tackle one website and write an annotated bibliography. Have students report back <strong>to</strong>the class summarizing what they learned and whether they feel their source is useful and reliable.Geography of Japanhttp://spice.stanford.edu/docs/geography_of_japan/Ministry of Lands, Infrastructure and Transport: His<strong>to</strong>ry of <strong>Japanese</strong> Roadshttp://www.mlit.go.jp/road/road_e/hist/index.htmlHigh-speed Railways in Japan: A Short His<strong>to</strong>ry and Current Topicshttp://library.krri.re.kr/own/rail_treatise/2003fail/20031211/8598_file_001.pdf<strong>The</strong> Interstate is 50 (either use the website or choose another document on the site)http://www.interstate50th.org/docs/techmemo1.pdfOverview of U.S. Freight Railroadshttp://nationalatlas.gov/articles/transportation/a_freightrr.html#four<strong>The</strong> Great Paving: How the Interstate Highway System helped create the modern economy--and reshaped the FORTUNE 500.http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2004/01/26/358835/index.htm9

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