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The Japanese Approach to Environmental Issues - World Affairs ...

The Japanese Approach to Environmental Issues - World Affairs ...


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ASIA FOR EDUCATORS - COLUMBIA UNIVERSITYhttp://afe.easia.columbia.edu/This site is an initiative on the East Asia Curriculum Project and the Project on Asia in the CoreCurriculum. This resource covers all interest areas and includes information on China as well.Background information, readings, activities, lesson plans, graphics, and video clips on Japan can alsobe found on this site.EDUCATION IN JAPANhttp://www.education-in-japan.info/This site is intended <strong>to</strong> be a networking plaza for those who want <strong>to</strong> know how <strong>to</strong> enrich the lives ofchildren, as well as a resource-rich marketplace for the exchange of ideas, news, and resources. As theneeds of parents, educa<strong>to</strong>rs, and children vary greatly, so does the scope of the contents of thiswebsite.JAPAN INFORMATION AND CULTURE CENTER (JICC)http://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/jicc/index.htm<strong>The</strong> Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC) is the cultural and public affairs section of theEmbassy of Japan in Washing<strong>to</strong>n, D.C. <strong>The</strong> role of the JICC is <strong>to</strong> promote better understanding ofJapan and <strong>Japanese</strong> culture by providing a wide range of information, educational services, andprograms <strong>to</strong> the public. <strong>The</strong> JICC has a Teacher Resource Guide including information on origami,holiday, and celebrations, the <strong>Japanese</strong> language, “Learning About Japan” Resource, and pen palprograms.JAPAN NOWhttp://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/jicc/JNindex.htmThis is a newsletter that serves anyone who is interested in Japan and its culture. Until 2005, it hadbeen a printed nationwide newsletter of 10,000+ circulation, but it has recently been converted <strong>to</strong> anonline format, allowing quick access for readers all over the world.EDUCATION ABOUT ASIA MAGAZINEhttp://www.aasianst.org/eaa-<strong>to</strong>c.htmThis magazine includes articles on all areas and subjects ranging from ancient cultures <strong>to</strong> literature <strong>to</strong>current events. It also includes guides <strong>to</strong> resources for classroom use such as films, books, videos,curriculum guides, websites, software, and other useful educational <strong>to</strong>ols.EAST ASIA RESOURCE CENTER (EARC)http://jsis.washing<strong>to</strong>n.edu/earc/about.shtml<strong>The</strong> East Asia Resource Center (EARC) provides a wide range of outreach programming andservices <strong>to</strong> K-12 educa<strong>to</strong>rs nationwide. K-12 teachers in all stages of their careers will find that theEast Asia Resource Center is a great place <strong>to</strong> learn more about China, Japan, and Korea. Year-roundprogramming includes: one-day workshops on East Asian art, culture, and his<strong>to</strong>ry; the NationalConsortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) thirty-hour seminars; intensive summer institutes inSeattle; study <strong>to</strong>urs <strong>to</strong> China and Japan; and more. <strong>The</strong> EARC cosponsors a lecture series on timelyinternational <strong>to</strong>pics with other outreach centers at the Jackson School of International Studies. <strong>The</strong>UW East Asia Center also provides a wide array of lectures for the general public on China, Japan,and Korea.ASIA SOCIETYhttp://www.asiasociety.org/<strong>The</strong> Asia Society is an international organization dedicated <strong>to</strong> strengthening relationships anddeepening understanding among the peoples of Asia and the United States. Founded in 1956 by JohnD. Rockefeller 3rd, the Society reaches audiences around the world. A nonprofit, nonpartisaneducational organization, the Society provides a forum for building awareness of the more than thirtycountries broadly defined as the Asia-Pacific region - the area from Japan <strong>to</strong> Iran, and from Central8

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