NCEPOD: Trauma - Who Cares? - London Health Programmes

NCEPOD: Trauma - Who Cares? - London Health Programmes

NCEPOD: Trauma - Who Cares? - London Health Programmes


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6Airway and breathingReferences1. Gorman DF, Teanby DN, Sinha MP, Wotherspoon J, BootDA, Molokhia A. Preventable deaths among major traumapatients in Mersey Region, North Wales and the Isle ofMan. Injury 1996; 27:189–922. Esposito TJ, Sanddal ND, Dean JM, Hansen JD,Reynolds SA, Battan K. Analysis of preventable pediatrictrauma deaths and inappropriate trauma care inMontana. The Journal of <strong>Trauma</strong> 1999; 47:243–5110. Dunham CM, Barraco RD, Clark DE, Daley BJ, Davis FE3rd, Gibbs MA, Knuth T, Letarte PB, Luchette FA, OmertL, Weireter LJ, Wiles CE 3rd; EAST Practice ManagementGuidelines Work Group. Guidelines for emergencytracheal intubation immediately after traumatic injury.J <strong>Trauma</strong> 2003; 55:162-19711. National Institute for <strong>Health</strong> and Clinical Excellence. DraftNICE head injury guidance 2007 – http://guidance.nice.org.uk/page.aspx?o=267085&c=915223. Papadopoulos IN, Bukis D, Karalas E, Katsaragakis S,Stergiopoulos S, Peros G, Androulakis G. Preventableprehospital trauma deaths in a Hellenic urban healthregion: an audit of prehospital trauma care. The Journalof <strong>Trauma</strong> 1996; 41:864–94. Hussain LM, Redmond AD. Are prehospital deaths fromaccidental injury preventable? BMJ 1994; 23:1077–805. Cales RH, Trunkey DD. Preventable trauma deaths.JAMA 1985; 254: 1059-636. Anderson ID, Woodford M, Donbal FT, Irving M.Retrospective Study of 1000 Deaths from Injury inEngland and Wales. BMJ 1989; 296:1305-87. Lockey D, Davies G, Coats T. Survival of trauma patientswho have prehospital tracheal intubation withoutanaesthesia or muscle relaxants: observational study.BMJ 2001;323:1418. An Acute Problem? National Confi dential Enquiry intoPatient Outcome and Death. 2005.http://www.ncepod.org.uk9. Boegtz MS, Katz JA. Airway management of the traumapatient. Semin Anaes 1985; 4:114-2369

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