Stress book draft.pdf

Stress book draft.pdf

Stress book draft.pdf


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Frank McDonald “<strong>Stress</strong> Management – Awareness and Coping Strategies”Focus on solving the problemnot on your “what if...?” thoughts and imagesIf the problem you are worried about is one you can do something about,conserve your emotional energies and focus them on what can be done usingthis step-by-step approach to problem-solving:Step 1: What is the problem/goal?Think about the problem/goal carefully, and ask yourself questions. Then writedown exactly what the problem/goal is.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Step 2: List all possible solutionsStart 'brainstorming'. Write down all ideas, even bad ones. List the solutionswithout being critical of them at this stage.1. ___________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________5. ___________________________________________________6. ___________________________________________________Step 3: Assess each possible solutionQuickly go down the list of possible solutions and assess the main advantagesand disadvantages of each one.42

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