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VOLUME 130 - NO. 68 SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 2009 DECATUR, TEXAS 24 PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS PLUS INSERTS 75¢U.S. Army Sgt. and <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> sheriff’s deputyPhillip Fevang is backhome after a second tourin Iraq.This is the last weekendto enjoy a cool dip in theBridgeport Swimming pool.See page 3AFort WorthJacksboroBoydLubbockBridgeportDecaturSee pages 15A, 16ASun8/2394/70Abundant sunshine. Highs in themid 90s and lows in the low 70s.News Briefs ..... 3AOpinion ........... 4ALifestyle .......... 6ASee story, page 2AA 4-year-old child wasinjured in a drive byshooting near DecaturThursday.feature this week. Thegraphic above will appearwhen related information- such as photos, video orstories - is found on ourWeb site. We’ve shortenedthe address using our newWeb site URL shorteningservice.See story, page 2ASports ...............1BClassifi eds .........2A<strong>Wise</strong> Business ...8B<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>P.O. Box 149115 South TrinityDecatur, Texas 76234www.wcmessenger.comBY BRANDON EVANSA tank truck loaded with7,600 gallons of dieselfuel capsized and transformedinto thick sheets offlames and smoke in AlvordWednesday.The truck was northboundon U.S. 81/287 near the intersectionof Farm Road1655 when the wreck occurredshortly before noon.“I got a melted truck anda driver who walked away,”said trooper Ed MayfieldContinued on page 5ABY BRIAN KNOXvoting for the new policy,one against, one abstentionDecatur High School seniorswho don’t pass all of In May, the board changedand one absence.the required statethe existing policyassessment teststhat required studentsto pass thewill still get to walkat graduation withexit-level TAKS testtheir classmates,in order to walk withaccording to a newtheir classmates atpolicy approved bythe graduation ceremony.Just a cou-the school boardThursday.ple of weeks beforeThe policy doesgraduation, a seniorrequire studentsmade a tearful pleato complete certain LUTTRULL to board membersother requirementsto change the policy.to demonstrate that they She said she had workedhave put forth the necessary hard to pass the test buteffort to try to pass the TexasAssessment of Knowledge question and would not gethad missed passing by oneand Skills (TAKS) test. Studentsmust also “satisfacto-hearing from the student andto walk at graduation. Afterrily complete all coursework several of her supporters, therequirements.”board called a special meetingto review the policy.The board’s action camenear the end of a more than At that special meeting,five-hour meeting Thursday the board decided to changewith four board members Continued on page 8A<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyHOT MESS — There were few remains left of a tank truck carrying diesel fuel that capsized and burst into flames near theintersection of U.S. 81/287 and Farm Road 1655 in Alvord on Wednesday.Messenegr photo by Joe DutyREMEMBERING CHELSEA — Decatur High School seniors Holly Harrison and Fleming Smurthwaite present Kelly Monroe Norris with herdaughter’s framed volleyball jersey that was retired during the pregame ceremony of the Chelsea Lunt Memorial Game Tuesday. The DecaturLady Eagles swept the Graham Lady Steers in three games. For more information on the game won for Chelsea, see page 1B.BY KRISTEN TRIBEPeggy Shepherd of Bridgeport elbowedher husband, B.J., when she thought hesaid enough at the Thursday eveningpublic hearing on the county tax rate.He acknowledged the jab, to the delightof the small crowd, and kept talking.The Shepherds were among 14 people<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyBRAND NEW — Paradise Superintendent Monty Chapmanstands in the entryway of the new performing artscenter. Paradise has completed several constructionprojects in time for the start of school.in attendance, many of whom made passionate pleas to the commissioners to reconsider the proposed two-cent propertytax increase.Kathryn Kiem of Runaway Bay, a former employee of the county treasurer’soffice, said she wanted commissionersto consider the consequences of a tax increase.Continued on page 9ABY MANDY BOURGEOISThe scents of fresh paintand new carpet will mixwith the familiar smells ofpeanut butter and glue asstudents and parents enter new school buildingscompleted just in time forthe start of the 2009-2010school year.Four <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> districts have been busy overthe summer working to finish two new campuses andvarious building additionsContinued on page 12ACarrier RoutePresortBULK RATEU.S. POSTAGEPAIDDecatur, TXPermit No. 88THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2009WISE COUNTY MESSENGERHERE’S WHAT YOUMAY HAVE MISSEDIN LAST SUNDAY’SDECATURIN NEWS...■ Wreck causes fierymess■ If at first you don’tsucceed ...■ Citizens offer theirtwo centsIN SPORTS...■ Decatur wins one forChelsea■ Chico nets first win■ Aubrey too quick forSissiesINSIDE ...ALVORDWreck causes fiery messSOLDIERSHERIFFALSO INSIDE ...DRIVE BYSHOOTINGDECATURIN NEWS BRIEFS ...BYE-BYESUMMERWHAT’S THAT?We’re introducing a newAREA DEATHSAND FUNERALSLORENE ABBOTTLENORA DAVISPHIL HAYNESANNA MCBRIDELORI POTTSJAMES WITHEYWEATHER...INDEXDECATURIf at first youdon’t succeed ...New policy gives seniors anotherpath to walking at graduationWISE COUNTYCitizens offer their two centsProposed tax rate increase draws public commentsWISE COUNTYNew facilities at four schools set to open<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyWALK THIS WAY — Decatur High School’s cross country team finishes a practice session at dawn. The team’s first meet is 8 a.m. on Saturday at Tarrant<strong>County</strong> Community College.SUBSCRIBE TODAY!www.wcmessenger.com/subscribeALVORD • AURORA • BOYD • BRIDGEPORT • CHICO • DECATUR • GREENWOOD • NEWARK • NEW FAIRVIEW • PARADISE • RHOME • RUNAWAY BAY •SLIDELL

2 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009By NEIL SPERRYDear Neil: I planted seedsfrom my crape myrtles lastspring and planted them.They are now 2 to 10 inchestall. When can I transplantthem?If they are growing inpots, you can repot the largerones to the next larger potsize. If you’re going to haveto dig them to transplantthem, wait until late winterto do so.Dear Neil: All of theeaves on our 3-year-old redudtree have turned brown.It has been watered faithfully,and it gets plenty of sun. Isee little sprouts at the baseof the trunk. When I snippedoff a twig, it appeared greenat the center. Is it a goner?It’s difficult to tell withonly those symptoms. Inspite of your assurance ofadequate water, it couldhave gotten very dry at leastonce. It could also be damagecaused by herbicides ina weed-and-feed fertilizer.However, by far the mostlikely cause is an insectcalled the redheaded woodborer. The adult looks like atwo-thirds-size yellow jackety GARY CLAYTONISE CO. EXTENSION AGENTGARDENER’S MAILBAGwith a burgundy head. Theexit holes the larvae leaveare smaller than a pencillead in diameter, but theremay be many of them. Thisinsect zeroes in on redbudsand silver maples, alongwith other declining treesof other species. Spring willtell whether the tree is aliveor not, but the sprouts arenot a good sign.Dear Neil: I have a goldenraintree that has been inour yard for three years. Ithas not bloomed yet. Whatcan I do to get it to bloomnext time around?Be patient. This is absolutelynormal behaviorfor a young flowering tree.Compare trees to the animalkingdom. Most specieshave to become establishedand past their juvenilestages before they will kickinto the reproductive mode.Your tree should make thatchangeover any year now.Just keep it moist at alltimes, and use a high- or allnitrogenfertilizer on it.Dear Neil: I need fairlyrapid shade on the west sideof my house, yet the tree willhave to be planted about 5feet from the foundation.What type would be best?Honestly, at only 5 feetaway, a tall, tree-form shrubwould be your best bet. Youcould use possumhaw holly(Ilex decidua) ‘Warren’s Red’or you could consider oneof the really tall tree-formCLAYTON’S CORNERCan rain save you money? Yes. Even inreas where annual rainfall averages only2 inches, you can save money by collectingnd storing rainwater and using it to irriateyour landscape.Efficient water use is increasingly imporantto Texas, and rainwater harvesting iscrape myrtle varieties. Atsuch a close spacing, anyregular tree would be flatsidedby the house, or itsbranches would do damageto the eaves and roofing. Asmall magnolia such as ‘LittleGem’ could be used. Youcould also plant a cedar elm,whose lower limbs could betrimmed to grow up andover the roof.Dear Neil: A group ofMaster Gardeners is plantinga demonstration gardenof EarthKind® roses inwhat used to be an asphaltparking lot. We are clearingthe land of the asphalt, butwe’re wondering if any petroleumproduct might stillbe there. How can we tell?You should plant all roses,EarthKind® types included,in raised beds withgently modified soils. If youremove all the chunks ofasphalt and maybe one ortwo inches of the soil immediatelybeneath, and if youbuild up the bed by 8 or 10inches, you really should befine. If you wanted to plant aquick cover crop for this fall,you could use it as your indicatorplant. Tomatoes aredelicate in these conditions.Even though it’s too late toexpect fruit to mature, thetomato plants would struggleif toxins were present.Green beans would also begood “guinea-pig” plants.You should also contact asoil scientist with the TexasAgrilife Extension office.an innovative approach anyone can use.A rainwater harvesting system consistsof a supply (rainfall), the demand (waterneeded by plants/humans) and a way to collectwater and move it to the plants. Simplesystems distribute rainwater immediately.Complex systems store some for later use.These complex systems, if built correctly,Continued on page 6You may have met one duringyour Master Gardenertraining. Seek their help.Dear Neil: I have hadterrible trouble getting crabgrassout of my yard. I’veused a major weedkillerproduct, even at triple therecommended rate. ShouldI use Round Up, or should Ihire a professional to removean inch of soil and start overwith a new yard? Do professionalshave stronger weedkillers?Be sure, first, that youhave crabgrass. It’s a medium-greenweed, withshortened runners and seedheads that look like helicopterrotors. It’s definitelyan annual weed, so by faryour best way to stop it is toprevent it before it germinatesin the spring. Applya pre-emergent weedkillertwo weeks prior to the averagedate of the last killingfreeze. Repeat the treatment90 days later for a fullseason of prevention. Do notdestroy your lawn, either byusing Round Up, or by removingsoil, either.!Have a question you’dlike Neil to consider? Mailit to him in care of the <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>, P.O. Box149, Decatur, TX 76234 or e-mail him at mailbag@sperrygardens.com.Neil regretsthat he cannot reply to questionsindividually.SubscribeOnline.www.wcmessenger.com/subscribeBuy your pump, pressure tank & suppliesfrom us.Pay a driller to produce the hole.1/2 hp3/4 hp1 hp5 hp$299Since 1856BROWN’S BARBER SHOPDOWNTOWN BROWNS1014 Halsell St., BridgeportRegular, Flat tops, Fades817-874-6493Three Barbers to serve you:Jerry, Beaumont, Aaron$354Tuesday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.Saturday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.$405$14655 YearWarrantyMade to Perform inSand Pressure Tanks Starting at$140220 Long StreetBowie,TX 76230HHH Well Sales(940) 872-6883 (800) 227-1806NicePlaceGrand OpeningWhen do kids startgetting to carryTrapper Keepers?I loved me someTrapper Keeperwhen I was in school.11$11HaircutsDeluxe BuffetOver 80 items, lots of seafoodLunch: 11-3:45 $5 99Dinner: 4-9:00 $7 99Sunday: All-day Dinner $7 99Seniors over 62 years, 10% off203 N. Hwy 287, Decatur(formerly Popeyes Chicken)940-626-2088GreatFoodfrom the New Blog...The Day-to-DayRamblings ofSmalltown Life froma Smalltown MomBY DANIELLE SCROGGINS • WCMESSENGER.COM/BLOGS/MOMGet all yourschoolsuppliesin oneplace.Order YoursOnline Today atwww.messengerofficesupply.com/prepackaged115 South Trinity • Decatur • 940-627-5987 • Fax 940-627-1004www.messengerofficesupply.com • Mon. - Fri., 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009 3BUSINESSELLISON MILES MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDINGThe Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting July 21 for four offices in the Ellison Miles Medical OfficeBuilding on the grounds of Doctors’ Hospital in Bridgeport.WISE COUNTYMEDICAL & SURGICALASSOCIATIONLocation: Suite 36Phone: (940) 683-5287Hours: M-F, 8-5Products/Services: Family medicine with obstetricsELVA ALEJANDRO-CAMERO, M.D.Location: Suite 33Phone: (940) 683-0036Hours: M-Thur., 8-5; Fri., 8-2Products/Services: Family medicine and OBGYN; acceptingTri Care, Aetna, traditional Medicaid and CooksI NEED A HOME!Shepherd MixFemaleSweet but timidTo adopt me or see otherpets available for adoption,Free Adoptionsduring the month of AugustCall: Tammy Loomis,940-627-7577 or visit our website www.sheriff.co.wise.tx.usSponsored by: Brown & Rotramble Law FirmBrenda Brown & Che RotrambleAttorneys at Law401 S. Trinity • Decatur • 940-627-6612in cooperation with<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Animal ServicesSubscribe today❑ One Year In-<strong>County</strong> ................. $35❑ One Year Out-of-<strong>County</strong> .......... $40❑ One Year Out-of-State ............. $45❑ Two Year In-<strong>County</strong> ................. $60❑ Two Year Out-of-<strong>County</strong> .......... $70❑ Two Year Out-of-State ............. $80Name:________________________Address:______________________WISE COUNTY MEDICAL & SURGICAL — Viviana Torres,Dianna Hunter, Shawn L.White, M.D., Diane Sandoval andAngie Boyd. Not pictured, Beryl Brigham, ACNA and PatriciaRussell, PAC.INTERIMDR. ALEJANDRO-CAMERO — Cynthia Castillo, Jo Higgins,Marcia Arce and Dr. Elva Alejandro-Camero, M.D.DOCTOR’S HOSPITALand getthe restof thestory._____________________________City:_________________________State:_________ Zip Code:_______Clip and mail to:<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>P.O. Box 149 • 115 South TrinityDecatur, Texas 76234SUBSCRIBE ONLINE!www.wcmessenger.com/subscribeHEALTHCAREPHYSICAL THERAPYocation: 1903 Doctors’ Hospital Dr.hone: (940) 683-2565ours: M-F, 8-5 with 24-hour nurse coverageroducts/Services: Home health care, skilled nursing,ccupational and physical therapy, speech therapyINTERIM HEALTH CARE — Tony Strathman, R.N., B.D.S.;Christy Lawrence, L.V.N., intake coordinator; Jennifer Bullardand Suzette Huerta, corporate office.Location: Suite 2Phone: (940) 683-0461Hours: By appointment, M-F, 8-5Products/Services: Physical TherapyDOCTORS’ HOSPITAL PHYSICAL THERAPY — Shayne Dutton,PTCERVICAL CANCER VACCINENOT JUST FOR YOUNG WOMENSince 2006, the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil has been offeredto young women as a means of protection against four strains ofthe human papillomavirus (HPV), two of which account for about70 percent of cases of cervical cancer. While Gardasil was initiallypromoted for use by American women between ages 19 and 26,its use has since been expanded to include older women as well.The vaccine has also proven to offer protection from infectionfor women between the ages of 24 and 45 who had no history ofcancer-causing genital warts or cervical disease. With this in mind,women in the latter age category may want to discuss with theirdoctors the possibility of using the vaccine.We emphasize preventive medicine and comprehensivefemale care devoted to maintaining and improving the healthof women, young and old, in our community today. For yourobstetrical or gynecological care, call WISE OBSTETRICS &GYNECOLOGY P.A at 940-626-8008. The office is convenientlylocated at 1713 South Fm 51, Ste. 201, Decatur. New patients arewelcome.P.S. The cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil does not protect womenwho have already been infected with one of the strains of HPV.17,998,000FF MSRPRIGHT ON THE CORNER (US287/US380) • RIGHT ON THE PRICE!You’ll SAVE AS MUCH as if We Had aTAX-FREE WEEKENDcjd.com Sales: 8-7:00 Monday-Friday8-6:00 SaturdayKlementcjd.comService/Parts: US 287 North, Decatur • 817.430.8416 940.627:30-6:00 Monday-Friday06 CHEVY MALIBULT with 37,000 miles! V6. #9039A$10,498*REDUCED!07 HYUNDAI SONATAEconomical 4-door. V6. #9333A$8498*REDUCED!06 PT CRUISERChrysler. 24,000 miles! #9042A$10,250*REDUCED!06 CHEVY1500 R/CV6, automatic. #9285A$10,498*REDUCED!at Klement Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge!07 DODGE 3500 4X4DIESEL Quad. 31,000 miles. #9145A$33,900*REDUCED!05 RAM 2500 R/CDIESEL Dodge ST. Automatic. #9167B$9498*REDUCED!08 GMC CREW 4X4Sharp black 1/2-ton SLE. #9156A$26,498*REDUCED!05 CHEVY1500 X-CABV8, automatic. 56,000 miles. #9208E$12,498*REDUCED!State Law requires that thecustomer pay the sales taxon a vehicle purchase. But itDOES ALLOW us to offer anADDITIONAL DISCOUNToff MSRP equal to that tax!THIS FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY AT...08 DODGE 2500 4X4QuadCab. 6.7L Cummins. #9160A$32,000*REDUCED!08 1500 QUAD 4X4Dodge Lone Star. #9126A$22,498*REDUCED!07 1500 QUADCABDodge. V8, automatic. #9265B$17,995*REDUCED!05 COLORADO Z71Chevy crewcab 4x4. #9131B$16,000*REDUCED!07 DODGE 2500 QUADDIESEL. 59,000 miles. #9240A$24,990*REDUCED!07 1500 QUADCABDodge SLT. 24,000 miles! #9146A$17,950*REDUCED!07 1500 QUADCABDodge Lone Star Hemi. #9341B$18,498*REDUCED!04 1500 QUADCABDodge Lone Star. #9127A$7498*REDUCED!627.670004 F-250 CREWCABDIESEL. Ford Lariat. #7348A$18,498*REDUCED!07 DODGE NITRO 4X4Black. V6, automatic. #9304A$14,998*REDUCED!05 FORD ESCAPEV6 & automatic. #9076A$7498*REDUCED06 RAM 1500 R/CDodge. V6, automatic. #9360A$12,750*REDUCED!05 GRAND CARAVANNice Dodge minivan. #9107A$7495*REDUCED!05 DODGE DURANGORed “New style.” #R1332$11,250*REDUCED!03 EXPEDITIONRoomy Ford. Leather. #9040A$9498*REDUCED!06 FRONTIER 4X4Nissan x-cab. 25,000 miles! #9239A$16,498*REDUCED!RIGHT ON THE CORNER (US287/US380) • RIGHT ON THE PRICE!*TAX, TITLE, LICENSE, EXTRA. With approved credit.

WISE COUNTYALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009 5DIAPERDRIVE — TheYouth Ministryof Assumptionof the BlessedVirgin MaryCatholicChurch inDecatur andthe CourtPope JohnPaul II No.2580 cosponsoredadiaper drivefor the <strong>Wise</strong>ChoicesPregnancyResourceCenterlocated inDecatur.The drivecollected1,926diapers.Southwest InternationalTrucksGet a flywheel resurfaced FREEwith any clutch purchase.Limited time onlyOffer expires August 31, 20093187 S. Hwy 101 • Bridgeport, TX 76426 • 940-683-8122Concealed Handgun ClassesSUDOKUComplete the Sudoku grid so that each row, each column, and each 3 by 3 box containsthe numbers 1 through 9. Numbers cannot be duplicated in a row or a column.• Buy• Sell• TradeConsignments Welcome!• New & Used Guns • Reloading Supplies • Gunsmithing • Bluing1691 W. US Hwy. 380 • Bridgeport • 940-683-1777WHOLESALEDodge Diesel and “B” & “C” Series Cummins Diesel enginesand parts. Pickup and Auto body parts & bumpers.DODGE DIESEL INJECTION PUMPS and TURBOSinstalled or available “To Go”.Dodge Diesel repairs & Hi-Performance work.New Gooseneck TrailerNew 20 Ft. + 5 ft. Excel Gooseneck trailer, Cat yellow with100% powder coat paint, (2) 7K lb. Dexter axles with brakes,twin Bulldog 10k lb. jacks, chain box, wiring in conduit,14,000 GVW, Dovetail with spring assist ramps,rubrails, adjustable Bulldog coupler & more, heavy-duty,high quality. Was $5,950, Now $4,950Pete Peterson5 miles south of Decatur on Hwy. 730940-627-3630Why choose this...X...when you can have areal home?With United-Bilt Homes, you and your family can havethe real, custom-built home you deserve. Our financingoptions make it affordable and easy! Since1958, we’ve helped more than 30,000families build the home of theirdreams. Don’t settle for anything lessthan a quality, custom-built home...from United-Bilt Homes!ZERO downIn-house financingNo payments for 6 monthsMortgage Payment Protection PlanWith approved creditCome visit our model homes today!10305 South Fwy ~ Exit 40/Garden Acres800.944.1604 ubh.com

6 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009BUSINESSWISE COUNTYDevon quarterly earnings exceed $3 millionDevon Energy has reported net earningsof $314 million for the quarter ended June30. Last year at this time, the company reportednet earnings of $1.3 billion.Production of oil, natural gas and naturalgas liquids increased 12 percent to a record65.4 million oil-equivalent barrels in thesecond quarter. Lower prices for all threeproducts led to the decrease in quarterlynet earnings.For the first half of the year, Devon reporteda net loss of $3.6 billion or $8.21 percommon share.Devon’s second quarter 2009 financial resultswere impacted by certain items securitiesanalysts typically exclude from theirpublished estimates. Excluding those items,Devon earned $379 million in the secondquarter of 2009.Combined oil, gas and natural gas liquidsproduction averaged 719,000 Boe per dayin the second quarter, the highest averagedaily production of any quarter in Devon’shistory and compares with 643,000 Boe perday in the second quarter of 2008. Averagedaily production in the second quarter increasedfive percent.The 12 percent increase, 2009 over 2008,was driven by growth in all major operatingsegments. U.S. onshore natural gas production,led by the Barnett Shale field inTexas showed significant growth. Despitethe strong production growth, revenuesfrom oil, gas and natural gas liquids salesdecreased 58 percent to $1.7 billion in thesecond quarter. Dramatically lower pricesfor all three products more than offset theincreases in production.Devon’s average price for natural gas decreased70 percent in the second quarter,compared to the second quarter of 2008, to$2.91 per thousand cubic feet. The company’saverage oil price decreased 53 percentto $52.44 per barrel in the second quarterand Devon’s average natural gas liquidsprice decreased 59 percent to $22.24 perbarrel.Location:708 W. Walnut, DecaturPhone: (940) 389-4303Hours: 24/7Owner/Management:Doug and Cheri DunlapProducts/Services:16-pound bag ice and20-pound bulk ice, usingfiltered waterRIBBON CUTTING — TheDecatur Chamber ofCommerce hosted a ribboncutting Aug. 20 for Twicethe Ice, represented byowners Doug and CheriDunlap.WISE COUNTYTWICE THE ICEWISE COUNTYCocanoughers recognized for supporting centerIn recognition of Allenand Sue Jean Cocanougher’scontinued support of the<strong>Wise</strong> Regional Health Systemdialysis program, <strong>Wise</strong>Regional recently placed aplaque dedicating the newPrismaflex Continued RenalReplacement Therapymachine in their honor. Theplaque is located on thethird floor of the hospital.The Prismaflex machineprovides patients with extendeddialysis treatmentduring inpatient stays atthe hospital. Chronic KidneyDisease (CKD) is a challengingcondition for theaffected patient as well asfor caregivers. Hemodialysisusually involves treatmentsthat last three to fivehours, three times a week.The Prismaflex pumps bloodfrom the patient through adialyzer and returns the“cleaned” blood to the body,all without the patient havingto leave the hospital toreceive treatment.MOTHER’SDAY OU TNow Enrolling for the Fall SemesterFIRST BAPTIST CHURCH DECATURTuesdays and Thursdays 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.3 Reasons Children Love MDO at FBCDReason # 1 Gives MOM a much needed break!Reason # 2 It is a FUN, LOVING PLACEReason # 3 Delicious HOT LUNCH servedFore more information call Laura at 940-627-0080 or email mdo@first<strong>decatur</strong>.usBoyd: Hwy. 114 & Knox Ave. - 433-2185Bridgeport: Chico Hwy. - 683-5765Chico: Hwy. 101 - 644-2208Decatur: Hwy. 380 & Walnut - 627-3444Decatur: 1305 U.S. Hwy. 81/287 - 627-1549Bud Lite Lime$11.99Prices good thru Sept. 13 - Convenience Beverage Inc.12 pack12 oz bottle

Bishop’sBUSINESSDECATURWood sells first 2010 Buick LaCrosseJames Wood Motors in Decatur maybe the king of the GM pickup truck, butit’s now in the limelight for being thefirst dealership in the United States tosell a 2010 Buick LaCrosse car.Wood delivered the restyled and technologicallyenhanced sedan to Andrea“Andi” Smith of Fort Worth at noon onSaturday, July 26.Smith traded in a 2005 LaCrosse,which was the debut model for theBuick that replaced the Century andRegal. She had purchased it at Wood’sused-car lot a couple of years ago.In recognition of its red jewel tintcoatcolor, she has nicknamed her newLaCrosse CXL “Ruby.” (Her car’s interioris in cocoa leather).“I had seen the new LaCrosse in severalmagazines, and it looked like sucha pretty car,” said the administrativeassistant for a financial planning firm.“I figured I would get another gold orsilver car, but while I was driving the50 miles to Decatur, I decided what Ireally wanted was a pretty red.“They were willing to move two orthree other vehicles to get it off theshowroom floor so I could drive it,”Smith said. “This car is so luxurious.The steering is like butter, and theturning radius is like no other car I’veever driven.”Her LaCrosse is equipped with a255-horsepower direct-overhead camV6 and an electronically controlled sixspeedautomatic transmission.Smith said her family has boughtfour vehicles from the 30-year-old, locally-owneddealership known for itsmassive light-duty truck and SUV inventory.Her husband, Thomas, purchasedhis 2006 Yukon from Wood on the sameday their daughter, Elizabeth, boughtWISE COUNTYBaen to speak atRealtor meetingDr. John S. Baen, professorof real estate at the Universityof North Texas, willspeak Friday, Sept. 18, at ameeting of the Greater Denton/<strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> Associationof Realtors at the DentonCountry Club.The meeting is 9 to 11a.m.Baen will address the futureof real estate in hisspeech, “Real Estate SignPhoto by Thomas SmithHERS IS THE FIRST — Buick has extensively updated its LaCrosse for 2010,and James Wood in Decatur sold the first one delivered in the United States toAndi Smith of Fort Worth. She has christened it “Ruby” in honor of its red jeweltintcoat color.a 2006 TrailBlazer.“I just like dealing with them. It’ssuch a friendly atmosphere,” Smith explained.“I tell them what I want, andthey have it ready when I get there.Their salesman, Beau Bell, was rightwhen he told me I would really likethis car.”Bell predicts the LaCrosse’s styling,quiet ride and easy-to-use technologywould make Buick a real competitor toPosts 2009-2014.”Doors open at 8:30 a.m.,and breakfast is included inthe $35 cost. All proceeds goto the association’s scholarshipfund.Affiliates DATCU, Ramey& King and Title Resourcesare event sponsors.For tickets, visit www.denton-wiserealtors.comor callBrandie at (940) 387-8212.LOWER OVERHEAD = LOWER PRICESALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009 7the finest the Japanese and Europeanshave to offer. “The Enclave started thetrend,” he noted.Obviously, the 2010 LaCrosse impressedat least one customer thatday. Bell recalled: “We pulled up to theshowroom after her test drive. She putit in park and said,‘I’ll take it!”Andi Smith had just made automotivehistory.You’ve got it...Somebody wants it.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> Classifi eds • www.wcmessenger.com/classIn The Summer Heat...SAVE WITHWHEAT!I’LL BEATANY DEAL!MIKE•GMC•BuickWHEAT•Pontiac•Chevrolet•Hyundai•Pre-owned“Whatever your vehicle need,I’m here to serve you at ourPre-owned Lot on the southside of US 287.”940.627.2177“OH YES!”Who should you trustwith your OB/GYN care?Decatur Women’s Health Centeroffers a full range of obstetrical and gynecologicalcare for women at every stage of life.(Left to Right) Melissa Bradley, Dr. Douglas Kyle, Kim Mote, Patricia Ruiz“Friendly, professional and confidential.”Your health and well-being as a woman are our concern.We offer a full range of obstetrical and gynecological care.Our emphasis is on making you feel comfortable,confident and reassured.Call today to schedule your next appointment.940-627-42161713 S. FM 51 • Suite 201 • DecaturMore ToChoose From!ASYOUR JOB IS YOUR CREDITSe hablaespañolLOWAS10%DOWN04 FORD F-150 (BLUE)VERY CLEAN, PAYMENTSAS LOW AS $15002 FORD EXPLORER (RED)LOTS OF ROOM, VERY CLEAN,PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $15002 FORD F-150 (SILVER)RUNS GOOD, PAYMENTSAS LOW AS $15000 CHEV SILVERADO (BURGUNDY)AS LOW AS 10% DOWN AND PAYMENTAS LOW AS $150 W.A.C.WEFINANCE03 FORD F-150 (TAN)RUNS GOOD, GOOD FAMILY TRUCK, ASLOW AS 10% DOWN W.A.C.Mitch HammerSalesRuben CantuSales06 FORD F-150 (WHITE)GOOD WORK TRUCK, POWER LOCKS& WINDOWS, AS LOW AS 10% DOWNASK ABOUTOUR $100 CASHREFERRALPROGRAM!940-683-19991110 Hovey, Bridgeportwww.wisecarandtruck.comStephanie BrecedaOffice Manager

8 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009SAVVY SENIORBy JIM MILLERDear Savvy Senior:I will be turning 65 in a few months and applying forMedicare and have been told I need to consider purchasinga supplemental policy to help pay for the things Medicaredoesn’t cover. What can you tell me about this and where canI find help?Supplemental SallyDear Sally,If you’re nearing 65, and plan to choose traditional MedicarePart A and B as your primary source of health coverage,a supplemental policy (also known as Medigap insurance)is definitely something you need to consider. Medigapinsurance helps pay for things that traditional Medicaredoesn’t cover like deductibles, co-payments and other services.Here’s what you should know:ABCs of MedigapMedigap policies, which are sold by private health inurers,come in 12 standardized benefit packages, labeledA” through “L.” The coverage and price generally increases you move through the alphabet from the basic Plan Ahrough the more comprehensive Plan J. Plans K and Lre high-deductible policies that carry lower premiums butigher out-of-pocket costs. The most popular choice is Plan, which strikes a good balance between costs (averaginground $160 per month) and coverage. (Note: If you live inassachusetts, Minnesota or Wisconsin you have a differntset of Medigap plans.)How to chooseTo choose a policy, consider your health status and familyedical history. The differences among plans can be smallnd rather confusing, so you’ll need to do some homework toick the right plan. To help you get started go to the MediareOptions Compare tool at Medicare.gov/mppf. Once youet there, click on “Find & Compare Medigap Policies,” thenype in your zip code. It will give you a breakdown of whatSUDOKU SOLUTIONSeach plan covers, along with a list of companies that offerthem in your area.Since all Medigap policies with the same letter cover theexact same benefits, you should shop for the cheapest policy.You can get the best price if you sign up within six monthsafter enrolling in Medicare Part B. During this open-enrollmentperiod, an insurer cannot refuse to sell you a policy orcharge you more because of medical issues.You also need to be aware of the three company pricingmethods that will affect your costs. Medigap policies areusually sold as either “attained-age” policies, which are premiumsthat start low but rise every year as you get older or“issue-age” policies, which only increase prices because ofinflation, not because of your age. These policies may startout a little more expensive than attained-age policies butmay save you money in the long run. “Community-rate”policies are where everyone in an area is charged the samepremium regardless of age.No drug coverageMedigap policies no longer cover prescription drugs. Ifyou don’t have drug coverage, you need to consider buying aseparate Medicare Part D drug plan, too. You can comparedrug plans and cost at Medicare.gov/mpdpf. Also note thatstandard Medigap plans do not cover vision or dental care,hearing aids or private-duty nursing.All-in-one plansAnother option to consider is a Medicare Advantage plan.Instead of paying separately for Medicare Part B, plus aMedigap supplemental policy and a Part D drug plan youcould sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan that providesall-in-one coverage. These plans, which are sold by insurancecompanies, are generally available through HMOsand PPOs. To find and compare Advantage plans, visitMedicare.gov/mppf.Low income helpIf you have limited income, there are a variety of programsthat may be able to help you cut or eliminate your healthcare costs such as Medicare Savings Programs, Medicaidand prescription drug assistance. To find out if you qualify,visit Benefitscheckup.org.Savvy tipsIf you need help or if you don’t have Internet access, callMedicare at (800) 633-4227 for assistance over the phone.Also ask them to send you a free copy of the “2009 Choosinga Medigap Policy,” publication 02110. Another good sourcefor help is your State Health Insurance Assistance Program,which provides free one-on-one Medicare counseling.To find a local SHIP counselor, call (800) 677-1116 or visitShiptalk.org.!Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit www.savvysenior.org. JimMiller is a contributor to the NBC “Today” show and authorof “The Savvy Senior” book.TERESA N. HILL,M.D., P.A.Board Certifi ed in Obstetrics & Gynecology• Pediatric, Adolescent &Adult Gynecology• Gynecological &Well-Women Exams• Total Obstetric CareACCEPTINGNEW PATIENTSMOST INSURANCEACCEPTED1713 South FM 51Suite 201, Decatur940-627-2118Semi-Annual Pre-OwnedVehicle Clearance08 Hyundai Sonata GLS$12,988$211/mo08 Dodge Quad Cab SLT$19,188$311/mo09 Mercury Grand Marquis$20,488 LS06 Ford Escape XLT$14,98806 Ford F150 Super Crew XLT$15,98808 Chrysler Sebring LX$12,28806 Ford F150 Super Crew XLT$17,988$332/mo$249/mo$265/mo$199/mo$298/moPresented byAmanda P. Lovette, M.D. and StaffBoard Certified in General PediatricsTEEN SUICIDESuicide is the third leading cause ofdeath among U.S. teens, after caraccidents and homicide. Thinkingabout death is common for teens asthey mature and think more deeplyabout everything, including spiritual andphilosophical issues. But when thoughtsof death are accompanied by feelings ofhopelessness or helplessness, a teenmay be at risk for a suicide attempt.Depression, one of the biggest riskfactors for teen suicide, is a real andserious issue for teens. Hormones andsleep cycles change and affect mood.Stress is a common challenge triggeredby schoolwork, job responsibilities,peer pressure, and relationshipstruggles. Substance abuse problemsalso put teens at risk. If you sense ateen is in trouble, get help immediately.08 Dodge Quad Cab SLT$19,98808 Ford Explorer XLT$19,988$324/mo$324/mo09 Ford E350 XLT Club Wagon$21,488 12 Passenger07 Chrysler Aspen Limited$20,98808 Ford Mustang$15,98806 Dodge Stratus SXT$9,988$348/mo$259/mo08 Ford F150$18,28807 Ford Edge SEL$22,48806 Dodge Stratus$7,988$297/mo$373/mo06 Ford Crown Victoria LX$12,98807 Chrysler PT Cruiser$8,988$216/mo$150/mo08 Ford F150 Crew Cab XLT$19,98808 Mercury Gr Marquis LS$16,488$267/mo08 Chrysler Sebring LX$11,988$248/mo02 Dodge D1500 Quad Cab$11,988The reasons behind teen suicideare often complex. Come to LOVETTEPEDIATRICS, 2401 S. FM 51, Suite100, Decatur where highly trainedand caring specialists will evaluateand treat your teen based on his or hermental and physical health condition.Healthy Futures Start Here. Makean appointment by calling (940) 627-8044. We’re open M -Th 8am to 5pmand F 8am to noon. Our friendly staffwill always go the extra mile to makeour patient’s visit most comfortable.SUMMER IS HERE, DON’TFORGET THE SUNBLOCKP.S. The National Suicide Helpline is1-800-SUICIDE.www.lovettepediatrics.com04 Dodge Durango 4x4$11,988SOLD$348/mo$238/mo03 Ford F150 Crew Cab$16,988 Lariat 4x4$281/mo06 Chevrolet HHR$12,48807 Ford Mustang$14,288$164/mo$207/mo$237/mo98 Olds Intrigue$133/mo$4,188$324/mo08 Ford F150 Crew Cab$24,988 LariatSOLD$405/moPAYMENTS BASED ON ZERO DOWN AND EXCLUDE TAX, TITLE AND LICENCE FEES. ‘05 AND OLDER MODELS 60 MONTHS @ 6.98%; ‘06 -’07 MODELS 72 MONTHS @ 5.93% APR. ‘08 - ‘09 MODELS 75 MONTHS @ 6.28% APR.ALL TERMS AND RATES ARE SUBJECT TO LENDER CREDIT APPROVAL BASED ON CREDIT HISTORY. PRICES VALID 8/27/09 TO 9/2/09 AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.95 Toyota Camry LESOLD$238/mo$3,488larryslack.comWagonseller Road at US 287Bowie, Texas 76230

ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009 9PET TALKCROSSWORD PUZZLEDescribed by their name,pocket pets are small fluffycompanions that could fitright into your pocket. Guineapigs, sugar gliders, hedgehogsand hamsters are all a part ofthe pocket pet family.Pocket pets are an excellentaddition to a home that is lookingfor a first pet, or has verysmall children who might beafraid of dogs or larger traditionalpets. Pocket pets havea shorter lifespan than dogsand cats, require less space,and are usually quiet andfriendly.“Pocket pets are morefragile than traditional petsand are very good at hidingany signs of illness,” said Dr.Christy Rettenmund, internwith the Texas A&M Collegeof Veterinary Medicine and& Biomedical Science. “Anychanges in behavior, appetite,or appearance warrant a visitto your veterinarian.”Owning a pocket pet is alittle different than owning adog or a cat. It is a good idea todo some research before purchasingone of these pets becausethey have specific dietand husbandry needs.“Most injuries to pocketpets involve bite wounds ortrauma from dogs and cats, ortraumatic injuries from ownerswho drop their pets,” saidRettenmund, “so it is importantto keep any pocket petsaway from dogs, cats, ferrets,and snakes in the household.”Pocket pets are very fragilecreatures and require properhandling techniques. For example,they should alwaysbe held over soft surfaces toprevent injury from a potentialfall. Pocket pets requireproper handling techniques.Do research before purchasinga pocket pet, because eachspecies has different specificdiet needs and health concerns.Appropriate diet andhusbandry is essential inmaintaining the heememberthat pocket pets need to beseen by a veterinarian on aregular basis just like traditionalpets.!ABOUT PET TALK…PetTalk is a service of the Collegeof Veterinary Medicine & BiomedicalSciences, Texas A&MUniversity.WANTEDOil, Gas & Mineral Leases in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>KNK Investments1-800-436-4830817-220-2147 • 608 Hwy 199 E • Springtownwww.knkinvestments.netwisecountycowboychurch.comG.I. JoeMoviesSTARTFriday, Aug. 28Movies & Times Subject To Change!!!Movie Line 940-627-5522Fri ...... ....................................................... .................................. 7:00..........9:30Sat ......................................................2:00 .............4:30 ............. 7:00..........9:30Sun .....................................................2:00 .............4:30 ............. 7:00Mon. - Thur., Aug. 31 - Sept. 3 .....................................................7:00ShortsAcademyShootsafeHunting Season Is Here!We train new shooters of any ageNow scheduling classes for Sept. 14 - 19Rifl e, Shotgun or Pistol • Half day classesNew & Renewal CHL Class Sept. 12Call or email for details and class availability.shootsafe@shootsafe.com817-291-2376 or 817-220-8999The Final DestinationFri ...... ....................................................... .................................. 7:10..........9:30Sat ......................................................2:10 .............4:40 ............. 7:10..........9:30Sun .....................................................2:10 .............4:40 ............. 7:10Mon. - Thur., Aug. 31 - Sept. 3 .....................................................7:10Fri ....... ...................................................... .................................. 7:15Sat ......................................................2:15 .............4:45 ............. 7:15Sun .....................................................2:15 .............4:45Mon. & Tues., Aug. 31 & Sept. 1 Only ............................................7:15The Time Traveler’s WifeFri ..... ........................................................ ....................................................9:30Sat ............................................................ . ................... . ...............................9:30Sun ........................................................... . .................................. 7:15Wed. & Thur., Sept. 2 & 3 Only . ............................................7:15We will be open Labor Day at 1:30 p.m., Monday Sept., 7thComing Labor Day Weekend Julie & Julia & Aliens in The AtticFM 51 South, Decatur • 940-627-5522 • Box Office Opens at 1:30 p.m.$7 Adults ~ $5 Seniors, Children 11 & under & Matinee • www.plazacinema3.comAn Admirable ManIf a man is honest withothers and with himself...If he receives gratefullyand gives quietly.If he is gentleenough to feeland strong enough toshow his feelings...If he is slow to see thefaults of othersbut quick to discovertheir goodness...If he is cheerful indifficult times andmodest in success...If he does his best tobe true to his beliefsThen he is truly anadmirable man.William EugeneBowyer1931-2008A year has come and gone since my patient & friendhas passed. He set a high standard that I aspire to.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Medical Center ~ BridgeportShawn L. White, MDFamily Medicine with ObstetricsPatricia L. Russell, PA-C • Beryl A. Brigham, ACNP940-683-5287

10 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009BUSINESSWISE COUNTYBass tournament benefits United WayWe think kids are great!Parents: Discover a Pediatric dental environmentthat so many of your friends in <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> have found... Just for Kids–Dentistryfor Children and Teenagers in Keller.Come Experience:• games for your kids • TVs at each chair• in-office sedation dentistry • care for special needs children• parents welcomed at chair side • an experienced and dedicatedmedicaid provider • accepting insurance assignmentBIG BASS — Keith Bryan and Colby Burdine earned the bigbass title with a bass weighing 5.38 pounds at a bass fishingtournament hosted by Devon, with proceeds benefiting theUnited Way of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>.SECOND PLACE — Joel Carter and Anthony Lopez took secondplace in the big bass competition at the “Keeping it Reel”bass tournament sponsored by Devon. Their fish weighed 5.3pounds.Jeffrey A. Hoffman, D.D.S.Baylor Health Plaza at Keller601 S. Main St., Suite 220 • Keller, TX 76248817-741-8390www.justforkidsdentistry.comForty-three teams participatedin the Devon Energybass fishing tournamentJuly 25 at Lake Bridgeport.All proceeds benefited theUnited Way of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>.Dallas Williams and LeeAllen won first place in thetournament with fish weighingin at 11.5 pounds. KeithBryan and Colby Burdinewere second with a totalweight of 9.37 pounds. Thirdplace went to Joel Carterand Anthony Lopez with aweight of 9.05 pounds.Keith Bryan and ColbyBurdine took first place inthe big bass competitionwith a bass weighing 5.38pounds. Joel Carter and AnthonyLopez were secondwith 5.3 pounds.THANK YOU!!!To all those who donated and purchased bakedgoods for our sale. Special thanks to First StateBank in Bridgeport for use of their lobby.The Linda Calloway FamilyJoanne Pham, MDBoard Certified in Otolaryngology – Head & Neck SurgeryMedical & Surgical Treatment for Disorders of the Ear, Nose & ThroatAllergy Testing & TreatmentJudy A. DeMorest, AuD CCC-ABoard Certified in AudiologyHearing Aid Dispensing & ServicingPlanned Giving<strong>Wise</strong> Regional Health Foundation can accommodate gifts thatwill benefit you and your loved ones today and <strong>Wise</strong> RegionalHealth System in the future. Gifts through your will, revocabletrust, retirement plan, or life insurance are a great way to continuesupporting your favorite charitable interests in the futureand still control your assets during your lifetime. A bequest isthe easiest way to ensure that the things you care about will beprovided for in the future. For additional giving opportunities,call (940)-626-13842000 South FM 51 • Decatur, TX 76234 • www.wiseregional.orgComprehensive Hearing Evaluation for Pediatrics & AdultsCustom Earmold FittingWelcome to anExcellent Standardof Dental CareProvided byDr. Fred Renfro &Dr. Chad Lindt(940) 627-79971600 W. US Business 380, Suite A Decatur TX, 76234ENT and Allergy Clinic, PAGeneral DentistryIncluding:• Sedation Dentistry • Smile Makeovers• Secure Dentures • Invisalign/Orthodontics• Implant RestorationsVisit our website www.excellentdental.com or call 940-627-2778 to schedule your appointment.Se habla Español. Excellent Dental, PC • 1101 Eagle Dr., Suite A • Decatur, Texas 76234✔EASE✔VALUE✔SELECTION✔SERVICE115 S. Trinity, Decatur 940-627-5987Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Public Fax 940-627-1004 7:30-5:30 Mon.-Fri.This Brand We TrustSaves You The MostA Trust as Big as Texas.We’re a Texas company that understands what your needs are. Germania has agentsacross Texas to better serve you. From Wichita Falls to Sherman to the Metroplex,we know North Texas!Germania is no ordinary insurance company. We’ve been insuring Texas homesfor over 110 years. We have competitive rates, discount options, and exceptionalclaim service, 24/7.Contact us to find an agent near you and discover for yourself why Gemania isThe Insurance Texans Trust.OFFICEFURNITURESPECIALISTSOrder Onlineatmessengerofficesupply.com1-800-392-2202The Kaker Agency 940-683-2621 (Bridgeport)John H. Kaker Insurance Agency 940-627-2652 (Decatur)

BUSINESSRHOMESaginaw Implement joining Ag-Power Inc.After beginning his busiessin 1968, James Mcilvray,owner of Saginawmplement Co., moved hisohn Deere dealership in theid-1970s from Saginaw tohome. He grew Saginawmplement Co. Inc. to one ofhe top John Deere dealerhipsin North Texas.Four generations of Mcilvrayshave been a part ofhe company’s success sincets inception – with customrservice being the priorty.With customers rangingrom farmers and rancherso commercial landscapersnd homeowners the comanyhas continued to striveor quality relationshipsith its customers.In a continued effort toetter serve its customers,aginaw Implement Co. willow become a part of AgowerInc.Manager Annette Davidson,the third generation ofher family at the businessand Sales Manager ClayMcGilvray, also a third generation,said, “We’ll be ableto offer the customer moreproducts and services.” Davidsoncontinued, “All thecustomer will see is a differentsign out front, Clay andI will stay. We’re just becomingpart of a bigger family.”The dealership will continueto offer the popularReady to Mow program, providingmobile maintenanceto customers throughoutNorth Texas. This onsitemaintenance service is especiallypopular in urban areaswhere the mower service isperformed onsite, even ifthe residents are away fromhome or at work. The dealershipwill also continue tohave full service parts, salesand service departments, aswell as a showroom with accessories,clothing and popularcollector toys.Jack Radke, sole owner ofAg-Power Inc., has also beenwith John Deere since themid 1970s. Ironically, Radkewas James McGilvray’s liaisonwith John Deere whenSaginaw Implement wasmoved from Saginaw toRhome. Radke spent his initialeight years with JohnDeere in the Fort Worth areaand was then transferredto Wichita, Kan., to run acompany owned store. After12 years with John Deere,Radke and his wife movedback to Texas in hopes ofpurchasing a dealership.In 1988 that goal was attainedas they became partowners of Settle Machineryin McKinney. In 1991,Radke opened a dealershipin Terrell, and thenin 1996, he purchased theJohn Deere dealership inALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009 11Mineola. It was at this pointthat he changed the name toAg-Power Inc. With the purchaseof the Rhome location,Ag-power now encompasses10 dealerships with the otherlocations in Mt. Pleasant,Sherman, Sulphur Springs,Tyler, Athens and Paris.This fall, customers willsee a new sign on the SaginawImplement door. However,the same business philosophyof customer servicethat was started by JamesMcGilvray and his father,Fred, 41 years ago, will remainunchanged.CROSSWORDSOLUTION4 minutes of revolutionary exercise equals 45-60 minutes of traditionalexercise (i.e. weight lifting and running)! Did you know that the calories youburn are related to the amount of oxygen your body consumes? What if youcould work 12 times the muscle cells as traditional exercises?Thanks to the federalCash for Clunkers program,<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> auto registrationspicked up in July.The office of county taxssessor/collector Montehaw registered 226 newnd 99 used vehicles duringhe month, compared to 189ew and 76 used in June.A breakdown among theounty’s three new car dealrshipsshows James Woodotors, 159 new and 63sed; Karl Klement Ford, 28ew and 22 used; and KarlWISE COUNTYBOYS & GIRLSWant to playFall ball?<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Little League& Softball Sign UpsONE DAY ONLYSAT., AUG. 29, 10 A.M. - 4 P.M.Harmon Park, DecaturPlease bring birth certificate & proofBaseballSteve Carter940-391-6597WISE COUNTYAuto registrations increase in JulyKlement Chrysler DodgeJeep, 39 new and 14 used.Chevrolet continued tobe the most popular brandin the county. Wood sold 49Chevy trucks and 20 Chevycars during the month. Healso sold 16 Hyundai carsand six Hyundai trucks.Other car sales includedBuick, 11; Pontiac, 14; Ford,5; Chrysler, 2; and Dodge, 7.In addition to the Chevrolets,truck sales includeGMC, 43, Ford, 23; Dodge,16; and Jeep, 5.WISE COUNTY DIRECTORY ofArea Churcheswww.wcmessenger.com/churchof <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> residencyFor more information:wisecountylittleleague.comSoftballTerri Ivie817-360-2433GMAC led the way in financing,with 41 loans. FirstState Banks in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>followed with 23. Othersincluded DATCU CreditUnion, 15; Ford Motor Credit,11; First Financial, 10;Hyundai Motor Finance, 5;Wells Fargo, 3; Legend BankDecatur, 2; and North TexasBank, The Community Bankand Woodhaven NationalBank, 1 each.“ Since I started 4 Minute Fitness 3 months ago, I have lost 35 pounds andhave gone from a size 24 to a size 16. I’ve never been an athlete, but I cando anything for 4 minutes. I am so excited for my future. For the fi rst time inmy life, I am physically fit,” says Elizabeth Haley-Beaver, LVNfrom Decatur.FOR A FREE TRIAL WORKOUTand complete information call us at940-393-3674or come by our gym 1451 W. Bus. 380, 2B in Decatur (next to 2K Pawn) and take the 4minute workout.You decide for yourself. What do you have to lose? 4 minutes.www.4minutetx.comWhere shoppingrevolves around you 24/7Friday, August 28th and Saturday, August 29th15 % offall Kenmore Elite®and Kenmore ®Excludes air conditioners, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, floor care, sewing machines, microwaves, closeoutsand Everyday Great Price Items. Offer good thru 8/29/09.We findthe lowestprices.We beat’em.PeriodSee Store For Price MatchPlus Policy details.PLUSappliancesSave on all other brandsExcludes Electrolux, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, humidifiers,floor care, sewing machines, microwaves, closeouts andEveryday Great Price Items. Offer good thru 8/29/09.PLUSNO PAYMENTS,NO INTEREST **FOR 12 MONTHSon any appliance over $399when you use a qualifying Sears cardand if paid in full within 12 monthsSee below for important financing offer details.ORFREE STANDARDDELIVERY AFTER ONLINEOR MAIL-IN REBATE ***on any appliance over $399See below for important offer details.Offers good thru 8/29/2009.See store for Price MatchPlus Policy details.**Offer applies to any appliance over $399 after discounts and coupons when you use a qualifying Sears card and account is kept in good standing. Offer not valid with Sears Commercial One ® and Sears Home Improvement Accounts SM accounts.Offer good thru 8/29/2009. See our Important Customer Information below for Important Deferred Interest details. Excludes Outlet Stores. ***Free standard local delivery on any appliance over $399 after discounts and coupons. Standard deliveryincludes delivery within the local delivery area Mon. thru Fri. and delivery not requiring additional services or time. Outside local delivery area, customer pays an additional charge. Rebate values, local areas and additional charges vary. Maximumrebate value $75. See store for details. Excludes KitchenAid ® built-in refrigeration and Outlet Stores. Offer good thru 8/29/2009. See sears.com for online rebate details. Oregon customers receive value of rebate at point of sale.Save on all Craftsman ®power lawn & garden and outdoor storageExcludes Everyday Great Price items.PLUSNO PAYMENTS,NO INTEREST **UNTIL MARCH 2010when you use a qualifyingSears card and if paidin full by 03/01/2010 ontotal tractor or snowthrowerpurchase over $299See below for importantfinancing offer details.WE’RE HERE TO TRAIN YOUR EMPLOYEESWeatherford College offers: **Offer applies to total tractor or snowthrower purchase over $299 after discounts and coupons when you use a qualifying Sears card and account is kept in good standing. Offer not valid with Sears Commercial One ® and SearsHome Improvement Accounts SM accounts. Offer good thru 8/29/09. See our Important Customer Information below for Important Deferred Interest details. Excludes Outlet Stores.FOR AN EVEN GREATER SELECTION SHOP SEARS.COM BUY ONLINE, PICK-UP AT YOUR LOCAL SEARS STOREOwned and operated by Larry & Ida KirbyBus. 380 • Decatur, TXOwned and Operated by Name • Store address • Store hours • Phone numberOwned and Operated by NameHours:• Store addressMon.•-StoreFri.,hours9 a.m.• Phone- 7numberp.m.Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sun. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.Phone: 940-627-6466DECATURSTORE NAMEOn eligible items.Excludes Alaska.:JULIE LUNDYIMPORTANT DEFERRED INTEREST PROMOTIONAL OFFER DETAILS (WHEN OFFERED): FINANCE CHARGES accrue on a promotional purchase from the date of thepurchase at the rate in effect from time to time and all accrued FINANCE CHARGES for the entire promotional period will be added to your account if the purchase is notpaid in full by the end of the promotional period or if you default under your card agreement. Making the minimum monthly payment will not pay off your promotionalpurchase in time to avoid FINANCE CHARGES. With credit approval, for qualifying purchases made on a Sears card (Sears Commercial One ® accounts excluded). Sears HomeImprovement Account SM valid on installed sales only. Offer is valid for consumer accounts in good standing and is subject to change without notice. May not be combinedwith any other credit promotional offer. Promotional offers of 14 months or more require minimum monthly payments as disclosed in the offer. Sears cards: APR up to26.49%, but if your account has a variable APR, the APR is up to 29.99% as of 7/6/2009 and may vary. Lower rates may apply. MINIMUM MONTHLY FINANCE CHARGE:UP TO $2. See card agreement for details including when the default rate applies. Sears cards are issued by Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. Sears Solutions cards are issuedby HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A. Offer is only valid for consumer accounts in good standing. See card agreement for rates and minimum payment information applicable to youraccount. For New Sears Card accounts: As of 7/6/2009, APR for purchases 21.15%; Default APR 26.15% (rates may vary). Minimum FINANCE CHARGE: UP TO $2. See cardagreement for details including description of the minimum payment calculation and when the default rate applies. Offer is only valid for consumer accounts in good standing.See card agreement for rates and minimum payment information applicable to your account. The Sears Card is issued by Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. Sears Solutions Cardsare issued by HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A. Sears is a registered trademark of Sears Brands, LLC. Sale dates as noted on back unless otherwise indicated. This advertisementincludes many reductions, special purchases and items at our everyday low prices. Outlet stores excluded. Environmental surcharges extra.SEARS DEALER ROP 908C004

12 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009CLASSIFIED GOLDReal Estate for Sale• Acreage • Business Property• Condos/Town Homes • Duplexes• Homes • Lots • Mobile Homes• Wanted to BuyPets• Pets • Pets Lost & Found• Pet Care/Training• Pet Stud ServicesRentals• Apartments • Business Property • Condos/Town Homes • Duplex Housing • Homes• Mobile Homes • Rooms • RoommateWanted • Spaces & Lots • For Lease • Wantedto Rent • Wanted to Lease • Facilities• Storage BuildingsMerchandise for Sale• Appliances • Clothing/Jewelry• Furniture • Garage Sales• Firewood • Miscellaneous• AuctionsEmployment• Business Opportunity• Employment Information• Adult/Elderly Care • Childcare• Food Service • Medical/Dental• Miscellaneous • Offi ce • Retail/Sales• Trades • Work WantedTransportation• Boats • Cars• Recreational Vehicles• Trucks • Accessories • Trailers• Wanted to BuyServices• Childcare • Adult/Elderly Care• Business • Housecleaning• Let Me Fix It • Miscellaneous• TutoringAnnouncements• Card of Thanks• Let’s Swap• Lost & Found• Personal • WantedFarm and Ranch• Farm Equipment • Fencing • Lawn & Garden• Livestock • Livestock Care/Training• Livestock Lost & Found• Livestock Stud Service • Livestock Supplies• Miscellaneous • Mowing• Pasture & Feed • PoultryNotices• Legal Notices• Public NoticesBusiness HoursMonday through Friday, 8 a.m. to5:30 p.m.DeadlinesClassifieds:Thursday Issue: 11:30 a.m. TuesdaySunday Issue: 11:30 a.m. FridayClassified Gold: 11:30 a.m. FridayReal Estate and Classified Display:Thursday Issue: 3 p.m. ThursdaySunday Issue: 3 p.m. TuesdayClassified Gold: 3 p.m. WednesdaySpecial OffersBusiness Services: Place a paid ad forfour weeks in the Business Servicesclassification of the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong><strong>Messenger</strong> for $50. Receive a boldheading and the fifth week is FREE.Run the same ad in Classified Gold foran additional $32 for five weeks (pricebased on 20 word or less ad).For Sale: Place a paid ad with a boldheadline for two weeks for $25, andif you don’t sell your item at the endof two weeks, you’ll receive the nexttwo weeks FREE. Run the same ad inClassified Gold for an additional $16 forfour weeks (price based on 20 word orless ad).Classified Advertising PolicyClassified ads for the Sunday/Thursdayedition are $12 per week for 20words or less (each additional word is60¢). Run the same ad in ClassifiedGold for an additional $8 per week(20 words or less; each additionalword is 40¢).Error ResponsibilityCustomers are asked to check theirad immediately after it appears in thepaper and report at once any errorfound. Claims for adjustment shouldbe made at that time. The <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> is responsible foran incorrect ad only the first time itruns, so check your ads carefully.Classified Gold goes into 21,000 additionalhomes.PaymentsIn person: 115 S. Trinity St., DecaturBy Mail: <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>P.O. Box 149Decatur, TX 76234-0149CALL 940-627-5987 AND GET RESULTS • MESSENGER CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB: WWW.WCMESSENGER.COM/CLASSREAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENTAcreage6.5 ACRESGreat building sites. Mix of openland & trees. Or buy 12 acres withsingle wide. Broker, (940)389-6515.EAST WISE COUNTYTract 1: Ag, 8+ acres, DentonCreek, $72k. Tract 2: homestead,1+ acre, 3/2, pier & beam, $166k.Marty, (940)466-7588.Homes2 HOUSESBowie, 2/1, triple lot, 2 outbuildings,CH/A, remodeled, $60,000, ownerfinance available.Decatur, 3/2, CH/A, huge lot, all appliances,approximately 3-years-old,$145,000. (940)390-9125.DAN PROCTORCUSTOM HOMESNEW HOMES* OFFERING *Design assistance - Turnkey or partialconstruction - Cost plus or fee contractBuild on your land - Completed homes availableREMODELING* INCLUDES *Room additions - Patio covers - EnclosuresGarages - Kitchens and BathsCONSULTING* PARTIAL INVOLVEMENT FOR *Plan review and advice - Overseeingconstruction - Assistance with budgets andspec sheets - On site meetingsYou Can Build With Confidence35 years of experience817-881-90233/2/2 HOUSEfor sale, 1704 N. McDonald Street,Decatur. Last appraised for$120,000. Make offer, will pay closingcost. (214)253-2972.3/2/2on oversized corner lot in establishedDecatur neighborhood. Openfloor plan, landscaped yard, coveredpatio. Needs updating. $122,000.(214)629-5295.50 ACRESwith home, barn, barn apartment &shop. $535,000. (940)627-2682.BIG HOUSE ON PRAIRIENew 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2-living,acreage with new barn. $268/down,$701/month. Very EZ qualify.(940)627-8700.BRICK COUNTRY HOME4.3 acres, Boonsville, 3/1,wrap-around porch, 3-bay garage,4-bay metal carport, beautiful viewon hilltop, very private. Zero down,assume payments, $170,000.(940)399-7480.CHARMING 3/2home in Lake Bridgeport. Recentlyupdated throughout. Priced belowmarket for quick sale. Broker,(940)389-6515.FSBO, 3/2/2built in 2003, fireplace, fenced backyard,landscaped, WhisperingWinds Estates, Alvord. $124,000.(940)393-8969.FSBO, DECATUR3/2/3 Bailee Custom Home on 2fenced acres! Lots of extras. Call(817)821-2402 or (817)875-9383.HERITAGE CREEK MINI-RANCH3/2.5/2/2 brick, 5 acres, 4-stall metalhorse barn. Fenced andcross-fenced. Won’t last @$199,900. Buy <strong>Wise</strong> Real Estate,(940)399-3900.OWNER FINANCE4,100 square foot, 5/4/4 on 5 acres.Owner finance/lease option.$2,590/month. (817)846-5997All real estate advertising in thisnewspaper is subject to the FairHousing Act which makes it illegalto advertise “any preference, limitationor discrimination based onrace, color, religion, sex, handicap,familial status or national origin,or an intention, to make any suchpreference, limitation or discrimination.”Familial status includes childrenunder the age of 18 living withparents or legal custodians, pregnantwomen and people securing custodyof children under 18.PUBLISHER’S NOTICE:Heritage Creek Tour of Homes, SaturdayAug. 29, noon-3p.m.!! Stop by397 Longbranch, Decatur, to seethis beautiful 3/2/2 on 5+ acres inHeritage Creek. Call (972)733-5133for information.NEW CUSTOM HOMESOwner finance/lease option.(817)846-5997.WOW! 3 & 4-BEDROOMnew homes, 1+ acre. 92% credit approvalrate!! $8,000 tax rebate whileit lasts! Call! (940)627-8700.Lots10 ACRE LOTRiver Bend Estates, Decatur. Private,gated community. $139k.(817)714-1759.2 ACRE LOT FOR SALEHeritage Creek Estates, Phase 1.Decatur ISD. $39,900/OBO.(940)399-6201.Mobile HomesDECATUR ISD, NEW FAIRVIEWNice 2005 Palm Harbor home,4-bedroom, 2-bath on 1.66 acres,2,374 square feet, too many upgradesto list. 147 Lang Way.$84,900. (940)577-4484.K&P Homes, Inc. 20 used homes,all refurbished. Financing available.Springtown, TX. (817)677-3446.MOVE-IN READY!Enjoy country living in a very nicedouble wide. 3-bedroom, 2-bath.Approximately 1,344 square feet on2 acres. Freshly remodeled w/bigupgrades. 167 CR2133, ShenandoahSubdivision near Valley View,(near I35). $77,500, owner financen o t a v a i l a b l e . F S B O .(940)634-2127, leave message.RBMOBILEHOMES.COMMove, set-ups, re-levels. In & out ofstate. Licensed, bonded, insured.R e p o s . F r e e e s t i m a t e s .(940)683-5547. RBI #36191.WILLIAMS MOBILE HOME SERV.Best deal on moving, set up & trimouts. Bonded, licensed & insured.(940)433-3117.RENTAApartmentsBRIDGEWOODExecutive SuitesBridgeport, TXWasher & dryer includedGarages available1&2 Bedrooms Available940-536-93462/1 APARTMENT IN CHICO1 month free! $600/month,$300/deposit. No pets. Call(940)644-2713 or (817)929-1930.Efficiency apartments for rent, allbills paid. (940)433-3133.Small barn apartment for rent inc o u n t r y . $ 5 0 0 / m o n t h .(940)627-2682.This newspaper will not knowinglyaccept any advertising forreal estate which is in violation ofthe law. Our readers are herebyinformed that all dwellings advertisedin this newspaper are availableon an equal opportunity basis. Tocomplain of discrimination callHUD toll-free at1-800-669-9777. Thetoll-free telephonenumber for thehearing impaired is1-800-927-9275.RENTALS• Apartments • BusinessProperty • Condos/TownHomes • Duplex Housing• Homes • Mobile Homes •Rooms • Roommate Wanted• Spaces & Lots • For Lease •Wanted to Rent • Wanted toLease • Facilities • StorageBuildingsEQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITYBusiness property1,000 square foot office space forlease at 605 N. Business 287, Suite104. See Mary at Karl KlementProperties, Inc., 605 N. Business287, Suite 102, Decatur.NOWLEASINGExecutiveOffice Space2,700 sq. ft.1450 FM 51 S.Decatur(formerly First Financial Bank)940-627-45845,000 SQUARE FOOTCommercial insulated, building. Offices,suites & warehouse. Reducedto $2,000/month! FM 51 North, Decatur.Cannon Property Managment.(940)368-1811.Bridgeport, 16th Street, approximately1,100 square feet, commercial,retail or office space for lease.$600/month. (940)627-1063.Commercial office building for rent.805 W. Main, Decatur. For info, contactChris Holmes or Rita Tucker,(940)627-2350.COMMERCIAL PROPERTYOffice/retail space. 1,000-7,000s q u a r e f e e t f o r l e a s e .(940)627-2510.Finished, commercial space forlease, Business Highway 380 frontage,Decatur. 2,135 square feet.$2,500/month plus electric.(940)389-5407.Individual office suite with fullkitchen and conference common areasfor lease in downtown Bridgeport.$300/month, $250/deposit and1/8th of monthly utilities. Call(940)393-3429 or (940)393-1638.Office building near CourthouseSquare. 3 offices, reception/waitingarea, kitchen & restroom, CH/A.$850/month, 1st/last plus deposit.(940)389-5588.OFFICE SUITEjust off Decatur square on NorthTrinity. Cannon Property Management.(940)368-1811.Quality space for lease. Great location,medical/office. 3,368 squarefeet available. Call (940)627-2778for information.Condos, town homesLOVELY 1-BEDROOM CONDOwater view, all appliances included.Runaway Bay, HOA swimming pool.$550/month plus deposit. Seniordiscount. (972)834-8111.Runaway Bay condo, 1-bedroom,downstairs, pool side, with washer &dryer. $625/month. (940)626-9603.Very nice, furnished, 1-bedroomcondo with lake view. $695/month,$450/deposit. Credit references.102 Harbor Drive, Runaway Bay.(817)739-4349.DuplexesDuplex for rent, 3-bedroom, 2-bath.602-A Crestridge Court, Decatur.$800/month. (940)964-2631.***MOVE IN SPECIAL***1/2 OFF 1ST MONTH’S RENT!Bridgeport Area3-bedroom, 2-full bath. Vaulted ceilings,appliances, W/D connections.Fenced yards available. Petfriendly. $750/month, $400/deposit.(817)270-HOME. www.shorthornpm.com.Available now, extra large duplex,2-bedroom, 2-bath new carpet, newpaint, in Bridgeport. $750/month.(940)627-6993.EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNT!3-bedroom, 2-bath, duplexes in Alvord.$725/month. $475/deposit.Fenced backyard. No smoking, petsOK w/pet deposit. (940)393-8740.NICE RHOME DUPLEX2/2 w/appliances, washer/dryerhookups, lawn care. Covered parking/storage.No smoking. Some petsO.K. $695/month, $500/deposit.Owner/Agent (940)399-3900.Now available: 2 & 3-bedroom duplexes.Bridgeport & Decatur.$650-$750/month, month-to-monthlease. Dusty, (817)307-0057.Homes$100 OFF 1ST MONTHDeposit, $199.Decatur: 3/2, 209 S. State.Alvord: 2/1, 208 O’Neill.Bowie: Garden Terrace Apartments,702-C East Wilbarger.No pets allowed. Karl Klement Proper t i e s , c o n t a c t E l a i n e ,(940)627-6362.www.klementproperties.com.***NOW AVAILABLE IN BOYD***BRAND NEW HOMES FOR LEASE$900/MONTH, $500/DEPOSIT3-bedroom, 2 full bath, appliances,washer/dryer connections. Fencedy a r d , c o v e r e d p o r c h .(817)270-4660.www.shorthornpm.com.**NOW IN RUNAWAY BAY**Beautiful new home for rent. 3-bedroom,2-bath, w/privacy fence.$1,000/month, $500/deposit. Hugemaster suite, vaulted ceilings, largecovered porch, all appliances &w a s h e r / d r y e r c o n n e c t i o n s .(817)270-4660.www.shorthornpm.com.1711 Chenoweth Street, Decatur.3/2/2, all brick, pets welcome.(817)247-0246.“Timeless Elegance”NEW LEASE!1511 N Bus 287Decatur - 2/1$850/month • $300/depositAll homes include lawn care.817-825-46472-bedroom, 2-bath, 1-car garage,big utility room, all electric. Nearhospital, 2909 S. Garland, Decatur.$880/month plus deposit.(972)824-7491, Donna.2/2 frame, newly remodeled,washer/dryer/refrigerator, waterwell, 1,200 square feet. 2 miles westof Slidell. $525/month, $450/deposit.No pets. (940)389-5323.3-bedroom, 1-bath, 2-car garage,brick, Boyd ISD. 1 acre yard, nofence, no pets. $800/month plus deposit.(940)433-2255, days;(940)433-9914, nights.3-bedroom, 2-bath, 5 acres, barn.Paradise. (817)929-8981.Executive estate, 4,400 square feet,4-bedroom, 4-bath, media, 3+ garage,2-fireplaces, wet bar, jacuzzi.$2,700/mo. (940)325-8700.OFFICE SPACE &YARD FOR RENTFM 51 South • Decatur1500 sq. ft.$1,500/deposit - $1,500/monthSome bills paid979-540-8658CannonPROPERTY MANAGEMENTPROPERTY FOR LEASE• $750, 2 bedroom, 2 bath,Bridgeport• $450, 1 bedroom, Decatur,301 South Trinity• $895, 3 bedroom, 2 bathDecatur, 800 N. Miller• $650, 3 bedrooms,New Fairview• $850, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath,Cottondale• $1,200, 3 bedrooms, Alvord,109 Lynch Street(beautiful home)• $2,500, 3/2/2 on 14 ac.with 5 stall barn and all theamenities. Gated community940-368-1811www.cannonrealty.netBRIDGEPORT4/2, 2 living areas, WBFP, CH/A, 2acres, shop, barn, storm cellar.$1,175/month plus deposit. Available9/1. References required.(817)366-7167.For rent: 3/2 house on 1 acre, Boyd.$ 9 9 5 / m o n t h , $ 5 0 0 / d e p o s i t .(817)395-2321, (817)395-3001.Home for rent, 3-bedroom, 2-bath,2-car carport, CH/A, Decatur ISD,fenced back yard with shop.(940)627-6553.HOUSE FOR RENT3/2, double car garage, privacyfenced backyard. 302 S. Trenchard.$1100/month. (940)627-9981.Small 2-bedroom rent house, 504Buffalo, Chico. Stove & refrigerator.$ 5 0 0 / m o n t h , $ 2 5 0 / d e p o s i t .(940)644-5201.Mobile Homes4-bedroom, 2-bath on 1 acre,Rhome area. Side-by-side refrigerator,built-in oven/microwave, dishwasher,fireplace. Like new.$950/month plus deposit.(469)878-0101.JOB OPPORTUNITYFor ExperiencedFLORAL DESIGNERExcellent opportunity for the right applicant.Send resume toP.O. BOX 149, Attn: L, Decatur, TX 76234DUE TO INCREASING GROWTHWe are hiring full-time PTs, PTAs & OTsHome Health Care1705 S. FM 51, Suite 108, Decatur, TX 76234• RN - Med/Surg SupervisorBehavioral Health Nurse Mgr.Surgery CirculatorDialysis * Behavioral Health * ICUCCU*PACU*Med/Surg* Cath Lab• LVN - Med/Surg * BHS• Therapy Services: *PT WoundcarePTA /full time * COTA *OT/PRNChico, 2-bedroom, 2-bath, freshpaint, new carpet, CH/A, gas range.$ 5 5 0 / m o n t h , $ 5 5 0 / d e p o s i t .(719)660-5992, cell, ask for Kevin.Spaces & lotsP&W Mobile Home Park. Space forrent, $150/month. Apply at BridgeportGold & Silver, Tues.-Sat.(940)683-3535.SUNSET RV PARKCentrally located between Decatur,Bridgeport, Bowie on Highway 287.Full hook-ups, free laundry, freewireless internet. (940)845-2007.Wanted to leaseNeed to lease 50-100 acres nearDecatur to run cows on.(972)979-1456 or (940)466-9886.EMPLOYM • ChildcareEmployment information!!ATTENTION!!Advertising under this classificationis normally not a bona fideopportunity. Typically, companiesadvertising here offer informationabout potential employment.Some are selling this information.We suggest that ourreaders thoroughly investigatethese advertisers before investingany money.Medical/DentalHome health agency seeks responsible,caring adults to help individualswith daily living tasks. Immediateopenings in Decatur, Alvord, Bridgeport,Rhome, Boyd and Chico.P l e a s e c o n t a c t B e t t y ,1(800)866-6705.• Med Surg - C.N.A/PCA full and part time• Lab - Blood Bank Supr.-BSMT-ASCPOne year Blood Bank Supr. exp. preferred.• Maintenance - Electrician-JourneymanEMPLOYMENT• Dietary - Diet Aide & AmbassadorPart time and PRN• Exercise Specialist -Fit-N-<strong>Wise</strong> Wellness• Business Opportunity• Employment Information• Adult/Elderly Care• Food Service • Medical/Dental • Miscellaneous• Offi ce • Retail/Sales• Trades • Work Wanted2000 S. FM 51 • Decatur, TX. 76234 - A not for profit hospitalwww.wiseregional.com - EOE - Job Line: 940-626-2525Up to $7,000 RN Bonus,

TMALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009 13EMPLOYMENT SERVICES FARM AND RANCHSenior Care Health &Rehabilitation CenterNow hiring for the following positions• RNs• LVNs• CMAsApply in person at2108 15th St. • Bridgeportor call940-683-5023EEO M/F/D/VMiscellaneousBARN HELPin Era Texas. Grooming, cleaningbarn & stalls, ground maintenance,tractor use & maintenance. Referencesrequired. Background Check.Send resume to P.O. Box 149, AttentionBarn, Decatur, TX 76234.MAINTENANCE HELP NEEDEDust have framing experience, aalid Texas driver’s license andust pass drug screen. Salaryased on experience. Please applyo Jodi Dusek at Karl Klement Proprties,Inc., 605 N. Bus. 287, Suite02, Decatur.Seeking part-time retail merchandiserto service Hallmark product atDecatur WalMart. Apply atwww.hallmark.appone.com.COME BE A PART OF A WINNING TEAMDURHAM SCHOOL SERVICESIN PARTNERSHIP WITH NORTHWEST ISDis looking for individuals who areinterested in training to become aSchool Bus DriverNo experience necessary, free trainingprovided.We offer Competitive Wages,Health and Dental benefit options,401(k) and Profit SharingPlans and Unemployment Benefits.FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL940-242-3900 OR JUST APPLY IN PERSONAT 1950 TEXAN DR. • JUSTIN, TEXASDurham School Services Performs Drug and Alcohol Testing,Motor Vehicle and Background ChecksWestern TransportationWe are seeking commercialvehicle drivers with Haz-Matendorsements to work in theEast Texas / Louisiana area. Weoperate Peterbilt tank trucks andfuel the oil well “frac” siteequipment. We are going to hire8 - 10 drivers to work in theEast Texas area.If you are interested, please call940-627-2689Start Pay $12.36 hourPaid Insurance401(k) PlanPaid HolidaysNice EquipmentPumpco Services now has careeropportunities for Equipment Operators.We seek motivated and hardworkingindividuals with a positive attitude.Qualifications include Class A CDL,Hazmat recommended. Fracingexperience is a plus for this position.For more information contactShannan Goff817-556-7447You may fax resume to 817-556-7407Drug free, Equal Opportunity Employer4MINUTEFITNESSGym Attendant/ManagerFor Decatur LocationDesired applicant willstart as gym attendantandtraintobecomeManagerMust be reliable, dependableand people personReferences will be verifiedCall Jacob940-393-0412for interviewHOUSEKEEPER6 days/week. Bilingual preferred.References required. Backgroundcheck. Era, Texas. Send resume toP.O. Box 149, Attention housekeeper,Decatur, TX 76234.Local landscape & irrigation companynow hiring for full-time position.Must be 18-years or older,have valid driver’s license & reliablesource of transportation. Call Robbieat (940)683-8873.EOEOfficeHotel sales manager. Experiencepreferred, but will train right person.Also, maintenance man needed.Apply in person, LaQuinta, 1405 S.Highway 287, Decatur.TradesCDL driver with experience pullingmobile homes. Must have goodwork references & clean record. Call(940)683-5838, R&B Mobile Homes.Experienced workover rig operatorwith clean CDL. Some travel requiredthrough week, home onw e e k e n d s . P l e a s e c a l l(940)683-4017 for more information.Now AcceptingApplications For• General Labor• General Office• Truck Drivers• Skilled LaborPlease apply @SearchPoint Staffing2202 Hwy 380, Suite 7Bridgeport, TX940-683-0032SERVICESServicesSERVICChildcare24-7 childcare in my smoke-freeh o m e . L o w r a t e s . C a l l(580)583-9938, cell.CHILDCARE IN MY BOYD HOMEMon.-Fri., 5a.m.-6p.m., any ages.Infants welcome. Boyd School pickup/drop off. $80/week. Lower ratesfor more than 1 child.(817)694-4561.IN-HOME CHILD CARELocated in Rhome now enrollingday and after school care. For mored e t a i l s , c a l l A n g e l a a t(214)686-0342.BusinessBOBCAT & BACKHOE SERVICEGravel, roads, drainage repair, finalgrade land/lot clearing. Cattleguards, culverts, trenching. Sod/filldirt. (940)393-6622.KAT KARESChild/elder care; house/pet sitting;shopping, appointment ride assistance;tutoring (former teacher);party planning. (940)210-5485,parrishkat@gmail.com.WORRY FREESOLUTIONSSeamless Gutter MetalConstruction• Gutters • Carports• Metal Roofs• Metal Buildings• Privacy FencingLucas Thompson940-284-0420www.worryfreeseamlessgutters.comHousecleaningDO YOU NEED IT CLEANEDReferences and good rates. Call(940)399-3836.TWO LADIES CLEANINGThorough, dependable, courteous.Weekly, bi-monthly, monthly. Emptyhouses cleaned. Call for appointment.(817)400-3118.TAR & CHIP SEALBy CD Paving & Seal CoatingWhat is Tar & Chip Seal?Tar & Chip Seal is a less expensivepavement than blacktop or concrete.It can be applied to a base surface or anolder cracked-up blacktop surface. It is alayer of hot, liquefied asphalt tar which isfollowed by a layer of 3/8” chip rock andthen rolled to compaction.• It stays clean• It will not wash out• It is maintenance-free• Childcare• Adult/Elderly Care• Business• Housecleaning• Let Me Fix It• Miscellaneous• Tutoring• It will last 12 to 15 years• It keeps cool in summer• It has beautiful curb appealLet me fix itA+HANDYMAN SERVICEGeneral home repair/maintenance,auto tune-ups, lawnmower/tillertune-ups. Fence, sprinkler maintenance/repair.30+years experience.Dependable, trustworthy. Call Karl,(817)995-7960, (940)627-1115.ALL AROUND HANDYMANFraming, trim, fencing, drywall,doors/windows, decks, painting.15-years experience. Owner operated.(817)781-1778.ANYONE NEED ROOFING?Absolute best price, quality, andservice. Licensed and insured. Freee s t i m a t e s . C a l l M a r t y ,( 9 4 0 ) 7 9 9 - 3 5 0 3 o r e m a i lmyroof@live.com.ATKINS HOME REMEDIESGeneral home repairs, customwooden window & door screens.Free estimates. (254)967-5343 or(254)842-9094.DAN PROCTOR CUSTOM HOMESNew homes; garages; patio covers,enclosures; room additions, remodeling.35-years experience.(817)881-9023.HOME REPAIRSCarpentry, minor electrical & plumbing.Free estimates. (940)389-0582.SepticSystemsInstalledNow offering StormShelters!LEN ROY DONBUILDERSA Father & Son BusinessRoy & ReynTractor &Backhoe Service817-366-7990Mobile DirectMILLER’S PAINTING& remodeling. Interior/exterior; alsopaint & stain fences. We also dodrywall & wood repair.(817)683-7850.RUSSELL’SHome Improvements& RepairAll Types ofRemodelingPainting - Interior, ExteriorAdd-ons, Decks, Honey Do’s And MoreCall UsFor All Your Home Needs940-389-4943MiscellaneousCOMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL• Remodeling • Repair • RestorationWe are insured!Bar-K ConstructionRandy A. King940-859-6222www.Bar-KConstruction.comPERSONAL TRAININGCertified with distinction, NSCA. Privateone-on-one, your home ormine. Results with minimal equipment.Reasonable rates.(940)366-6614.Williams’ Hauling& Tractor Works• Brushhog & Finish Mowing• Blading, Plowing & Tilling• Backhoe work, driveways• Dirt, sand & gravel hauling• Land Clearing• All types cleanup & haul-offs• Quality work, fair pricingJames Williams940-399-9138TutoringFREE UKULELE LESSONSDecatur Music. Lessons start September12. (940)626-2120.• Parking Lots • Driveways• Ranch Roads • StreetsWE ARE FULLY INSUREDToll Free1-888-TAR-N-CHIPwww.cdpaving.netOffice in Fort WorthFarm EquipmentCheck outwww.hendershotequipment.comfor great deals on Case IH tractorpackages, Vermeer hay equipment,PJ trailers & Rhino shredders.OCEAN FREIGHT CONTAINERSNew & used. Water tight & rodentproof. Larry Singley, (817)992-9122.STORAGE CONTAINERSGreat storage! The best containersat the best price. (817)726-7669.FencingA LOCAL BOYBuild well houses, small barns. Privacy,wrought iron, horse fences.Fence row clean out, repair,post-hole digging. Bob-cat work.Cattle guards. (940)442-4441.ALL TYPES OF FENCINGand welding. Pipe fencing, barbedwire, cedar split rail fencing, etc.(940)210-1242.WWW.TX3DRANCH.COM.BOBBY’S FENCEAll types fencing. Free estimates.Over 25-years experience.(817)444-3213.CHRISTIAN COWBOY FENCINGBarbed wire, horse & goat. Newfence & repairs. Steve, cell,( 8 1 7 ) 3 6 0 - 6 3 8 5 ; h o m e ,(940)626-4660.FARM & RANCH FENCINGPipe & cable, non-climb, barbedwire, entrances, solar gate operators,repairs. Jim at (940)367-7505.Lawn and gardenALL PRO LAWN CARElawn service, landscaping, clean up,hauling off, tree trimming. Dependable,affordable, free estimates. Dylan,(817)891-1600.COWLEY’S HYDROMULCHINGCommercial, residential, new lawnplanting. Free estimates.(940)644-5872.LONE OAK LANDSCAPINGPersonalized landscape plans,20-years experience. Plants furnished,you plant or we plant. Sod,tree work, decks/patios/walls.(940)389-1778.TREES TRIMMED & REMOVED36 years in business, insured. Allmajor credit cards accepted.(817)444-0861, Teater.WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVERIDING LAWN MOWERSUsed lawn mowers for sale. Parts &service available.(940)433-2255.Livestock12% all stock, $7.99, 50 lbs. Deercorn, $6.49, 50 lbs. Laying pellets,$10.89, 50 lbs. Southwest Cube,$6.39, 50 lbs. AGVantage Farm &Ranch Supply, 1817 N. Highway287, (1 mile north of Highway 380),Decatur. (940)627-2312.2005 HONDA VTX1300 cruiser, 2,000 miles, excellentcondition. $7,500. (940)626-2298,(817)501-8711.ALL NATURAL BEEFstraight from the ranch. Young, tender,no growth hormones/antibiotics.Grain or grass fed. Whole, half.(940)366-3172.APHA Registered paint horses HomozygousTobiano. Black/white,Buckskin/white. Yearlings, 3-yearsold.Brood mares w/colts. Also 2002Cremello stallion registered AQHA,APHA. (940)577-2775.<strong>Wise</strong> and Cooke <strong>County</strong>ClearViewTree Service and Stump Removal• Tree Removal• Stump Grinding• Storm Damage Experts• Chipper Service• Bucket TruckFREE ESTIMATES(Senior Citizen Discount)Fully Insured- Toll Free -1-866-606-3224Most Credit Cards AcceptedsrrAQHA HORSES FOR SALERunning bred & foundation bred.Reasonable prices. (940)427-9600,(817)528-2028.ATTENTION: HORSES WANTEDWill remove or buy unwantedhorses or trailers. (817)360-7617 or(940)210-5552.BUY-SELL-TRADEAll classes of horses, ponies, sheep& goats. Riding horses guaranteed.Also, buy livestock, utility, flatbedt r a i l e r s . ( 9 4 0 ) 2 2 4 - 1 4 7 0 ,(940)644-5956.C BAR M TACK-FEED-HORSES143 CR4396, Decatur, TX. Cash,c h e c k s , c r e d i t c a r d s .www.cbarm.net, (817)929-3612.CERTIFIED ANGUS STEERSGrain fed. No antibiotics. No hormones.Half or whole. We can deliverto your processor or ours.Contact Mickey, (817)371-2168; orChris, (972)342-5539.GOATS FOR SALEBoer, Nubian, LeMancha, Saanen.Wethers, bucks & does available.All ages. All de-horned.(940)210-2506, (940)644-2251.I BUY & SELLall kinds of animals: goats, sheep,h o r s e s & c a t t l e . F r e d ,(817)223-4477, Springtown.LIMOUSIN BULLP o l l e d , b l a c k . $ 1 , 5 0 0 .(817)281-5267, (817)614-2632.LLAMASweanlings (6-months-old), adults,bred females, guardians & pet quality.We provide training & supportfor new owners. (940)433-5897.REGISTERED ANGUSbull, 8-years-old. New design/precision.$1,500. (940)389-1886,(214)491-8670.REGISTERED ANGUS BULLSGentle, exceptional herd sire,4-years-old, proven producer,$2,500. Also 18-month-old herdsire prospect. Bulls come with registrationpapers. Also for sale: variouscertified Angus heifers andcows. Contact Mickey @(817)371-2168 or Chris at(972)342-5539.Livestock care/trainingHorse stalls for rent. Full, partial orself-care. (940)210-6741.HORSESHOEING & TRIMTexas certified farrier. Office,(940)644-5140; cell, (940)399-6981.HORSESHOEING BY J.E. HARRIS$25 for trimming. $65 for shoeing.Call (817)902-1766.MiscellaneousAG HAULINGHay, panels, shavings, etc. Texas,surrounding states. Competitiverates, professional service on hotshot flatbed w/tarps. Also, hay haulingfield to barn. (940)300-3384.MowingASK ABOUT TREE TRIMMINGAND SPRING CLEAN-UPACREAGE MOWINGTractor services. Plowing, seeding,aereating, tilling, fertilizing available.Tommy, (940)482-6578.CUSTOM ROUND HAY BALINGCutting, baling. Also, field mowingservices. Experienced & professionalcrew. Contact Scott Smith,(940)399-7613.

14 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009FARM AND RANCH PETS MERCHANDISE FOR SALE TRANSPORTATIONKlean Kutawn CareMowing • Edging • TrimmingCommercial or ResidentialBrush Hog MowingInsuredKenny MoranCell 817-247-9965Office 940-433-5470LIL’ ACRES FARM & LAWNCare. Licensed & insured. Residential,commercial & agricultural. Mowing,weed control, lawn programs.(940)210-5686.Pasture and feed12% all stock, $7.99, 50 lbs. Deercorn, $6.49, 50 lbs. Laying pellets,$10.89, 50 lbs. Southwest Cube,$6.39, 50 lbs. AGVantage Farm &Ranch Supply, 1817 N. Highway287, (1 mile north of Highway 380),Decatur. (940)627-2312.HAYShop Us First Or Last!50 years of actualservice in Hay Sales.Try us and see if ourprices can be beat!Thank you,Charles H. Taylor940-627-3385 • 940-393-2728940-389-3068 • 940-389-5000ALFALFA HAYExcellent horse quality 3x4x8 largesquares. 1,450 lbs; 2-string, 65 lb.squares. Call (940)389-3891.COASTAL HAYSquare bales, fertilized, barn stored.No minimum, you load. 2008,$6/bale. 2009, $7/bale. Boyd,(940)433-2335.COASTAL HORSE HAYsquare bales in barn, fertilized. Nominimum. Between Alvord/Decatur.Delivery available. (817)991-7625,(940)627-2813.COASTALsquare & round bales, horse quality.SC Squared, (817)944-9451.HAYRound & square bales, will deliver.We also haul round & square bales.(817)991-3144.CUSTOM HAY BALINGNorth Decatur, Alvord, Allison,Slidell, Krum areas. Coastal roundbales only. Will consider shares.(940)389-1400, (940)627-7186.CUSTOM ROUND BALINGSmall or large fields. Pasture mowing,dozer work, dig tanks, housepads,roads and driveways. (940)393-2456, (940)433-8051.PetsPETSPETS• Pets• Pets Lost & Found• Pet Care/Training• Pet Stud Services!!ATTENTION!!We suggest that our readers thoroughlyinvestigate any advertiserbefore investing any money.PUG PUPPIESReady To GO21/2 Months Old$100 eachAKC & CKC Registered940-389-1649Black Pug Stud ServiceAKC REGISTEREDLab pup, 1 yellow male, born5-28-09. Parents on site. $175/cash.Rhome area. (817)480-2093.CHIHUAHUA PUPPIESvery cute & ready to go. 2 females,3 males. (940)389-0176.For sale: Bloodle puppies. Vetchecked & wormed. (940)466-9915or (717)552-1058.LAB/BIRD DOG MIXBeautiful puppies looking for goodhomes. 6-weeks-old, 1st shots &wormed. $25/each. (940)210-2767.MINIATURE DACHSHUNDSRegistered, shots & wormed.Chocolate/tan, red, black/tan;8-weeks-old. Parents on site, raisedin kid’s pool. (940)644-5523,(940)393-1836.YORKIE PUPPIESAKC, 1 female, 2 males, born6-27-09. Taking deposits.(817)489-3822.Pet care/trainingADORABLE DOG GROOMING& pet sitting. Serving <strong>Wise</strong> & Tarrant<strong>County</strong>. (817)983-3261, cell;(940)489-3023.LET ME COMEtake care of your animals when youcan’t. Reasonable rates based onrequired services. (940)627-1608.AppliancesKENMORE FRONT-LOAD DRYERwhite, with pedestal, like new. Cashonly. (940)433-5940.Furniture1950'S PREACHER'S BAR& matching desk, whitewashed andstenciled. Large wooden rockingchair. Kirby G Series Diamond Editionvacuum, like new, cost $1,800;$950/OBO. (940)255-2622.AARON’S SUMMERCLEARANCESave big because we leased it first.Lease return mattress sets, $99,cleaned and sanitized with state inspectiontag. Laptops from $289.42” name brand flat screens from$529. Lamp pairs, $29. Sofa andlove from $369. Washer and dryerpairs from $379. New, big 60” MitsubishiDLP TV, $1349. Cash,credit card or check. Save now.Quantities limited. 1302 S FM 51,next to Dollar General, Decatur.(940)627-5043, ask for Miles.Garage sales!!ATTENTION!!Garage sale ads must be called inBEFORE 11a.m. Tuesday to run inthe Thursday edition. If you wantyour garage sale ad in All Around<strong>Wise</strong> also, it MUST be called in before11a.m. Friday THE WEEK BE-FORE the sale. We do not run garagesales the weekend before thesale.-- AUCTION--SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 @ 10 AMLOCATION: is 3 miles west of the Jacksboro Texas Courthouse on Hwy 380 WestView this auction & photos at www.russhessauctions.netThis sale will consist of but not limited to Farm, Ranch, Tools, Estate Guns, Coins, Currency, Furniture, Glassware,Trailers, Boats, Collectibles and more. This is a partial list: Lg. Selection of Silver Coins • ConfederateCurrency • Silver • Gold & Costume Jewelry • Ammo • Rifles • Pistols • Two 5000 watt Portable Generators •New Power Washer • Lg. Restaurant Stainless Refrigerator • Stainless Freezer • Stainless Cabinets • StoreDisplay Cases • Antique Child’s Rolltop Desk • RV Onan Generator • Stick Welder • Lots of New MotorcycleTires • 20’ x 7’ 2001 Equipment Gooseneck Trailer • 25’ Steel Deck Cotton Trailer • 2006 18’ Dovetail Car Haulerw/ 8000 lb. Wrench • Unusual Motorcycle Luggage Trailer • Commercial Warehouse Shelving • Nice Boat Trailerand Motor w/ Clear Titles • Pool Ladder • Water Trough • Knives • Motorcycle Bags • Business TelephoneSystem • Snack Vendors • Carts & Dolly • 3” Trash Pump • Restaurant Lighting • Tools - Electric, Air & Hand •Commercial Lettuce Chopper • Bunn Coffee Maker • Bunn Tea Maker • 911 Memorabilia • Beautiful Cowhide •Garden Tiller • Animal Cages • Shelving • Oak Singer Sewing Machine • Head & Heel Ropes • Lots of Smalls •Furniture • Fishing Poles • Tackle Boxes • McCoy • Shawnee • Ebay Bubble Wrap • Stainless Heat Pans • DeepFryer • Brass • Cutlery • Door Hardware • Leaf Blower • Oil Lamps • Pichinco & Pinball Game • and much moreby sale day. Concession on Premises. Plan to spend the day.Terms: “As Is, Where Is” NO Warranty expressed or implied.Only Cash or Check with Proper ID. 10% Buyer’s Premium. Rain or Shine.Cell (940)507-1433 • RUSS HESS AUCTIONSAuctioneers: Russ Hess • TX Auction Lic #11610Richard Collins • TX Auction Lic # 16166Miscellaneous1910 FORD4 wheel drive, loader/mower, lowhours. Bedroom suite, washer/dryer,dining table & hutch, microwave.Mobile home. (940)626-9905.1923 SINGERtreadle sewing machine w/cabinet,excellent condition. MPX Powerhouse,full range weight machinew/weights. $150 ea. (940)627-7950,evenings.1946 LINCOLN ARC SHIELDwelder, electric, on Lincoln axletrailer, fully restored. Must see toappreciate. (940)393-2379.COLLECTORS!Two, 1997 single action ArmyPeacemaker Colts. .45 caliber, 5.5”barrel, blue color case/finish.Matched set, consecutive serialnumbers: S18001A, S18002A. Cylindersnever been turned. $3,500.(940)393-8740.STEEL BUILDINGSof any size, carports, patio covers &much more. Better quality, cheaperprice. Metal prices are down, now’sthe time to build. Free estimates.(940)867-0507.WHEELCHAIR LIFTSRamps and repairs. Wholesalemedical equipment at discountprices. Also, golf cart batteries. CallMatt Sadberry, MedCare Solutions,(940)393-1427.WINDOW AC UNIT11,000 BTU, 220 volt, good condition.$195. (817)291-2376,(940)748-9961.WOOD BUILDINGS10x16, $1,250. 12x24, $2,250.(214)869-1703.WOOD BUILDINGSto be moved. Complete finished,portable office building, 18’x10’w/pitched, shingled roof, insulatedw/sheetrock, AC phone jack, wiredelectric outlets & lighted, $2,500.Also, large portable building, 24’x12’w/skylight roof & locking door,$1,500. Decatur, (940)393-1815.CarsI’LL BUY THOSE YARD CARSas well as your good used cars.Arvin, (817)925-8768.IF YOU NEEDschool cars, 2003 & 2004 models;or a good, dependable car or truckfor $3,500 or less, come by CowgirlAuto Sales, 804 Business Highway287, Decatur, TX; (940)626-0070.Ask about our inventory. Let’s dobusiness!Pickups/Vans/SUVs2004 FORD F150 LARIATwhite, leather, navigation, DVD,high-end stereo, 51,000 miles.$19,900. (940)255-2233.1993 FORD F150 XLsuper cab with camper shell, fullyloaded, runs great, 80,000 miles.$3,600. (940)626-0780.1991 F-250Single cab, 5-speed, long bed, red,g a s o l i n e t r u c k . $ 1 , 2 0 0 .(940)389-1938.TrailersTILT TRAILERNew, 14,000 lb., 20 foot, tilt trailerwith a 12,500 lb. winch.(940)748-2827.Find the new ride you’vebeen looking for!www.wcmessenger.com/class✔EASE✔VALUE✔SELECTION✔SERVICE115 S. Trinity, Decatur 940- 627-5987Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Public Fax 940-627-1004 7:30-5:30 Mon.-Fri.messengerofficesupply.comPre-PackagedSchool SuppliesCALL NOW940-627-5987NOW to Reserve:Or Order Online atmessengerofficesupply.comWHY STANDIN LINE JUSTTO PAY MORE?We Have The Supplies pliesYou Need, HASSLE FREEReady to Pick Up!OFFICEFURNITURESPECIALISTSWISE COUNTY’S FIRST IMPORT NEW-CAR DEALERJAMES WOODBEST CHOICEFOR ALL YOURIMPORTCAR & TRUCKSERVICE NEEDSSPECIALIZING INTOYOTA KIA HYUNDAIHONDA NISSAN MAZDA✔ASE & FACTORY-CERTIFIED STAFF✔FREE LOANER CARSwith an appointment (subject to availability)✔FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERYwithin 10 miles of dealership with an appointment✔$19.95 OIL CHANGEUp to 6 quarts (Synthetic & specialty oils not included)*✔2-WHEEL ALIGNMENT $34.88Regularly $59.95*✔10% OFF PARTS & LABORON ANY SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE(15,000, 30,000, 60,000 miles, etc.)*✔GREAT PRICES!SOUTH Side of US 287 SouthDECATUR 627-2177james wood hyunudai.com*Special Prices Expire Aug. 31IS YOURIMPORTREADYFORSCHOOLORHOLIDAYTRAVEL?The Same Fast, Friendly & Professional ServiceYou Have Come to Expect from JAMES WOOD

NORTHWEST NOTESALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009 15NISD Vendor Fair open to publicNorthwest ISD is opening the district’s first Vendor Fairand Exhibit Hall to the public. Hosted by the NISD Councilof PTAs and Northwest ISD, the free event will be held atByron Nelson High School (2775 Bobcat Boulevard, TrophyClub) and is open to the community from 2-6 p.m., Thursday,Aug. 20. Over 100 vendors will display the latest andgreatest in services and products ranging from retirementplanning to jewelry. For more information, visit the district’sWeb site at www.nisdtx.org.Back-to-school in Northwest ISDSchool bells will ring in the 2009-2010 school year onTuesday, Aug. 25, and Northwest ISD teachers and staff areexcited to welcome students to a new school year. Studentsand families are encouraged to attend back-to-school eventsat their campus, and a list of activities follows. Additionalback-to-school information can be found on the district’sWeb site at www.nisdtx.org.Prairie View ElementaryMeet-the-Teacher Night: Friday, Aug. 21, 5-6:30 p.m.Seven Hills ElementaryMeet-the-Teacher Night: Thursday, Aug. 20, 6-7:30 p.m.Chisholm Trail Middle SchoolMeet-the-Teacher/Schedule Pick UpGrade 6: Wednesday, Aug. 19, 6-7:30 p.m.Grade 7: Thursday, Aug. 20, 6-7 p.m.Grade 8: Thursday, Aug. 20, 7-8 p.m.Curriculum Night: Thursday, Aug. 27, 6-7:30 p.m.Athletic Parent Meeting: Thursday, Aug. 27, 7:30-8 p.m.Northwest ISD Hosts Immunization ClinicsNorthwest ISD is hosting MOVAX immunization clinicsin an effort to help families ensure that students’ shots arecurrent. All vaccines will be available, and MOVAX will administershots at a cost of $14 for one vaccine or $22 for twoor more vaccines. A parent must be present, and studentsshould bring their shot records. Following are the dates andlocations of the immunization clinics:Northwest High School Clinic (2301 Texan Drive, Justin)— Tuesday, Aug. 25, 7:30 -11:30 a.m.New immunization requirements for students enteringeither kindergarten or the seventh grade go into effect thisschool year. To view the new requirements, visit NorthwestISD’s Web site at www.nisdtx.org.NISD Convocation: Employees motivatedto “Dream, Believe, Dare, Do”Northwest ISD’s Convocation Aug. 20 marked the startof the school year for more than 1,500 employees. NISD superintendentKaren Rue and school board vice presidentMark Schluter charged and motivated staff with messagescentered on “Dream, Believe, Dare, Do.”Held at Byron Nelson High School, the opening event includeda motivational speech by Neal Jeffrey and performancesby the Elementary Honor Choir, Northwest HighSchool Ensemble, Byron Nelson High School Bobcat Dazzlersand an 11-piece band made up of district employees.Service award recipients were recognized along with thecampus and district Teachers of the Year.This was the first year that Convocation was held in conjunctionwith a Vendor Fair and Exhibit Hall sponsored bythe NISD Council of PTAs.Back-to-School in Northwest ISDChisholm Trail Middle SchoolCurriculum Night: Thursday, Aug. 27, 6 to 7:30 p.m.Athletic Parent Meeting: Thursday, Aug. 27, 7:30 to 8p.m.Additional back-to-school information can be found onthe district's Web site at www.nisdtx.org.School supplies still neededThe Northwest ISD Partners in Education program isseeking additional donations for school supplies to helpchildren in need. With the generosity of many communitymembers and local charities — and the support from manyvolunteers — the PIE program has already begun distributingthe supplies to campuses.Volunteers met Aug. 18 and stuffed approximately 220backpacks with supplies for students who couldn’t otherwiseafford the necessary items to start school. However,there are at least 100 more students who need help thisyear.WISE COUNTYNew season hunting, fishing licenses now on saleTexas hunting and fishing licensesfor 2009-2010 went on sale Aug. 15.Sportsmen are reminded all currentTexas annual hunting and fishing licenses(except for the year-to-date fishinglicense) expire Monday, Aug. 31.Most fees for recreational huntingand fishing licenses have increased by5 percent. rRsident hunting licensesnow cost $25, while the Super Comboall-inclusive license costs $68. There isno increase in price for any of the requiredstamp endorsements or the $48Annual Public Hunting permit.Non-resident hunting licenses increasedby $15 from $300 to $315,which also reflects a 5 percent hike.The resident freshwater fishingpackage costs $30, and the saltwaterContinued on page 16At this time, the greatest need is for the following supplies:- backpacks- 3x5 index cards- 3x3 Post It notes- filler (notebook) paper- one subject spiral notebooks- graph paper- black and white composition notebooks- 1-inch binders- markers- red pensDonations can be delivered to the Northwest ISD AdministrationBuilding, 2001 Texan Drive, Justin. For moreinformation, call (817) 215-0172 or e-mail Rachelle Cooperat rcooper@nisdtx.org.American Airlines, TAESL,Boeing donate school suppliesFrom donating crayons to contributing funds through“jean” days, employees working in the Alliance area atAmerican Airlines, TAESL and Boeing joined together toprovide school supplies for students in Northwest ISD. Together,they contributed boxes of supplies and more than$900 to the NISD Partners in Education program, whichcoordinates the school supply drive for district students.Medical Center PharmacyPrescriptions • CompoundingFast andFriendly ServiceDrive-Thru • Free DeliveryDECATUR1101 Eagle Dr. • Suite CDecatur, 76234940-627-5400Mon. - Fri., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.Sat., 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.ALVORD115 E. Bypass 287. • Suite BAlvord, 76225940-427-2801Mon. - Fri., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.Closed Sat.Sizzlin’ Summer SavingsSAVE$2,990‘08 CBR 1000 RR MSRP $11,599SALE$8,609As Low As 0.99% APRfor 36 months on approved credit through Honda Financial Servcies*MSRP $14,499‘08 ST 1300SALE$12,024‘08 GL18HPNAM8ON SELECT MODELSMSRP $23,399SALE$21,359“ Visit us onthe Web forGREATdeals on tractor packageswww.hendershotequipment.com ”AFTER $600 DOUBLE BONUS BUCKS‘07 VTX 1800TSAVE$2,475MSRP $11,324SALE$8,925NAVI SYSTEM ABS BRAKESSAVE$2,000MSRP $9,599‘08 CBR 600RRSALE$7,909AFTER $1,000 DOUBLE BONUS BUCKSSAVE$2,399MSRP $7,199‘08 CRF 450R SAVE$2,700SALE$4,499‘08 VT 750C2 MSRP $6,799SAVE$770SALE$6,029AFTER $500 DOUBLE BONUS BUCKSSAVE$1,700AFTER $1,000 DOUBLE BONUS BUCKS‘09 TRX 500FEAFTER $400 DOUBLE BONUS BUCKSSAVE$1,700MSRP $6,449SALE$4,732MSRP $6,999SALE$5,799SAVE$1,2000% FINANCING FOR 72 MONTHS ON ALLCASE IH FARMALL TRACTORS*Take advantage of great rates. This offer applies to all Farmall tractors tough Case IH tractorsthat offer the rugged versatility to tackle a variety of chores fast. Models range from 26.5 to 51PTO hp, so you’re sure to fi nd a tractor that is perfectly powered for the jobs you do. With thisgreat fi nancing deal, our reliable parts and our expert service, there has never been a better timeto talk to your CASE IH dealer. Stop by today or visit www.caseih.com for more information.Prices good Aug. 29 Prices do not include T.T. & L. F&PYour <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Honda Dealer - Where your ‘Fun’ is our business.1650 S. Hwy 287, Decatur940-626-4366 • 866-480-RIDEwww.hondaoftexas.comTuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.0.99% Fixed APR Financing available for customers who qualify for super preferred credit tier for up to 36 months through Honda Financial Services. Payment example: 36 monthly payments of $28.20 for each $1,000 financed. Offer good on new and unregistered 2008 CBR1000RR models. Not all buyers may qualify. Higherrates apply for buyers with lower credit ratings. Check with participating Honda dealers for complete details. Offer ends 9/30/2009. RECOMMENDED ONLY FOR RIDERS 16 YEARS AND OLDER. BE A RESPONSIBLE RIDER. REMEMBER, ATVs CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO OPERATE. FOR YOUR SAFETY, ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET,EYE PROTECTION AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, AND NEVER RIDE ON PAVED SURFACES OR PUBLIC ROADS. KEEP IN MIND THAT RIDING DOESN’T MIX WITH DRUGS OR ALCOHOL. HONDA RECOMMENDS THAT ALL ATV RIDERS TAKE A TRAINING COURSE AND READ THEIR OWNER’S MANUAL THOROUGHLY. For rider traininginformation or to sign up for a rider-training course, call the ATV Safety Institute at 1-800-887-2887. TRX and Best on Earth are trademarks of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Double Bonus Bucks offer is good with the purchase of select models. Bonus Bucks can only be used for purchases at the dealership and must be redeemed on thedate of purchase. Offer has no cash value and is not transferable. Double Bonus Bucks may not be used in conjunction with Honda financing offers. Check with participating Honda Dealers for complete details. Offer good through August 31, 2009.1841 NORTH HIGHWAY 287DECATUR, TX 76234940-627-5451www.hendershotequipment.com

16 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, August 27, 2009WISE COUNTYNew season hunting, fishing licenses ...Continued from page 15fishing package is $35.Effective Tuesday, Sept. 1,the resident lifetime fishingand hunting licenses willincrease to $1,000 and thelifetime combination licenseincreases to $1,800.The Texas Parks and WildlifeDepartment issues 2.1million hunting and fishinglicenses annually throughthe agency’s 28 field offices,ore than 65 state parksnd at more than 1,500 reailersacross Texas.Licenses may also be purhasedonline through thePWD Web site or by phonet (800-895-4248). Call cenerhours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.onday through Friday. Thenline transaction system isvailable 24/7. A $5 conveiencefee will be chargedor online and phone orders.A license confirmationnumber is issued at thetime of purchase for onlineand phone orders, and thephysical license is mailedseparately.Confirmation numberswill verify that a license hasbeen purchased, which issufficient for dove hunting,but will not allow huntersto take fish or wildlife thatrequires a tag.In addition to a hunting license,all wing shooters willneed to purchase a gamebird stamp. To hunt dovesor teal in September, a MigratoryGame Bird Stamp($7) is required. Duck huntersalso need to purchasea Federal Duck Stamp andreceive Harvest InformationProgram certification. HIPcertification will be printedon the license at the time ofsale only after the purchaseranswers a few brief migratorybird questions. Lifetimelicense holders must also beHIP-certified and purchasethe Federal Duck Stamp tohunt migratory birds. Allother state stamp endorsementsare included with alifetime license.New this year, purchaseof the Federal Duck Stampwill cost $15 to $17 dependingon where you buy. If purchasedthrough the TPWDlicense system, there is a$2 administrative fee. Yourlicense will indicate FederalDuck Stamp purchase,and the physical stamp willbe mailed. There are otheroptions for purchasing thestamp, either at some majorpost offices or online.“Remember, it’s your responsibilityto make sureyou are properly licensed, sobe sure to check your licensebefore you leave the salescounter,” said Tom Newtonwith TPWD’s licenseprogram. “We do get a fairnumber of requests for reissuanceof licenses becausethe hunter forgot to get HIPcertified.”There are other mandatoryendorsements to consider atthe time of purchase, too. AnUpland Game Bird Stamp($7) is required to hunt allnon-migratory game birds,including turkey, quail,pheasant, chachalaca andlesser prairie chicken.Of course, anyone whopurchases the Super Combolicense package, the bestbang for the buck, automaticallygets these neededstamps.Also new this year, sandhillcrane permits may beobtained in person at no costonly through TPWD LawEnforcement offices andTPWD headquarters in Austin.Permits are also availableanytime online throughTPWD’s online license salesand by calling 800-792-1112(option 5, menu 2) or (512)389-4820 between 8 a.m.and 5 p.m., Monday throughFriday. For online and phoneorders, a confirmation numberwill be issued in lieu of apermit, and a $5 transactionfee will be charged.Hunter Education Certificationis also required ofany hunter born on or afterSept. 2, 1971, and whois at least 17 years old. Forhunters who are unable towork in a hunter educationclass before hunting seasonfor whatever reason, TPWDdoes offer a deferral option.The deferral option allowspeople 17 years of age or oldera one-time only extensionto complete the state’s huntereducation requirements.The individual must firstpurchase a hunting license,and then may purchase thedeferral option.Hunters using the deferralmust be accompaniedby someone 17 years old orolder who is also licensed tohunt in Texas. The accompanyingindividual must havecompleted hunter educationor be exempt from therequirements (born beforeSept. 2, 1971). The extensionis good for one licenseyear, by which time the personwith the deferred optionneeds to complete a huntereducation course.This option is not availableto those who have everreceived a conviction or deferredadjudication for lackof hunter education certification.They still musttake the course before goingafield.FOLLOW YOUR FAVORITE TEAM NO MATTERWHERE YOU LIVE. ONLY ON DIRECTV. 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VOLUME 130 - NO. 68 SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 2009 DECATUR, TEXAS 24 PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS PLUS INSERTS 75¢U.S. Army Sgt. and <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> sheriff’s deputyPhillip Fevang is backhome after a second tourin Iraq.This is the last weekendto enjoy a cool dip in theBridgeport Swimming pool.See page 3AFort WorthJacksboroBoydLubbockBridgeportDecaturSee pages 15A, 16ASun8/2394/70Abundant sunshine. Highs in themid 90s and lows in the low 70s.News Briefs ..... 3AOpinion ........... 4ALifestyle .......... 6ASee story, page 2AA 4-year-old child wasinjured in a drive byshooting near DecaturThursday.feature this week. Thegraphic above will appearwhen related information- such as photos, video orstories - is found on ourWeb site. We’ve shortenedthe address using our newWeb site URL shorteningservice.See story, page 2ASports ...............1BClassifi eds .........2A<strong>Wise</strong> Business ...8B<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>P.O. Box 149115 South TrinityDecatur, Texas 76234www.wcmessenger.comBY BRANDON EVANSA tank truck loaded with7,600 gallons of dieselfuel capsized and transformedinto thick sheets offlames and smoke in AlvordWednesday.The truck was northboundon U.S. 81/287 near the intersectionof Farm Road1655 when the wreck occurredshortly before noon.“I got a melted truck anda driver who walked away,”said trooper Ed MayfieldContinued on page 5ABY BRIAN KNOXvoting for the new policy,one against, one abstentionDecatur High School seniorswho don’t pass all of In May, the board changedand one absence.the required statethe existing policyassessment teststhat required studentsto pass thewill still get to walkat graduation withexit-level TAKS testtheir classmates,in order to walk withaccording to a newtheir classmates atpolicy approved bythe graduation ceremony.Just a cou-the school boardThursday.ple of weeks beforeThe policy doesgraduation, a seniorrequire studentsmade a tearful pleato complete certain LUTTRULL to board membersother requirementsto change the policy.to demonstrate that they She said she had workedhave put forth the necessary hard to pass the test buteffort to try to pass the TexasAssessment of Knowledge question and would not gethad missed passing by oneand Skills (TAKS) test. Studentsmust also “satisfacto-hearing from the student andto walk at graduation. Afterrily complete all coursework several of her supporters, therequirements.”board called a special meetingto review the policy.The board’s action camenear the end of a more than At that special meeting,five-hour meeting Thursday the board decided to changewith four board members Continued on page 8A<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyHOT MESS — There were few remains left of a tank truck carrying diesel fuel that capsized and burst into flames near theintersection of U.S. 81/287 and Farm Road 1655 in Alvord on Wednesday.Messenegr photo by Joe DutyREMEMBERING CHELSEA — Decatur High School seniors Holly Harrison and Fleming Smurthwaite present Kelly Monroe Norris with herdaughter’s framed volleyball jersey that was retired during the pregame ceremony of the Chelsea Lunt Memorial Game Tuesday. The DecaturLady Eagles swept the Graham Lady Steers in three games. For more information on the game won for Chelsea, see page 1B.BY KRISTEN TRIBEPeggy Shepherd of Bridgeport elbowedher husband, B.J., when she thought hesaid enough at the Thursday eveningpublic hearing on the county tax rate.He acknowledged the jab, to the delightof the small crowd, and kept talking.The Shepherds were among 14 people<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyBRAND NEW — Paradise Superintendent Monty Chapmanstands in the entryway of the new performing artscenter. Paradise has completed several constructionprojects in time for the start of school.in attendance, many of whom made passionate pleas to the commissioners to reconsider the proposed two-cent propertytax increase.Kathryn Kiem of Runaway Bay, a former employee of the county treasurer’soffice, said she wanted commissionersto consider the consequences of a tax increase.Continued on page 9ABY MANDY BOURGEOISThe scents of fresh paintand new carpet will mixwith the familiar smells ofpeanut butter and glue asstudents and parents enter new school buildingscompleted just in time forthe start of the 2009-2010school year.Four <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> districts have been busy overthe summer working to finish two new campuses andvarious building additionsContinued on page 12ACarrier RoutePresortBULK RATEU.S. POSTAGEPAIDDecatur, TXPermit No. 88THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2009WISE COUNTY MESSENGERHERE’S WHAT YOUMAY HAVE MISSEDIN LAST SUNDAY’SNORTHWESTIN NEWS...■ Wreck causes fierymess■ If at first you don’tsucceed ...■ Citizens offer theirtwo centsIN SPORTS...■ Decatur wins one forChelsea■ Chico nets first win■ Aubrey too quick forSissiesINSIDE ...ALVORDWreck causes fiery messSOLDIERSHERIFFALSO INSIDE ...DRIVE BYSHOOTINGDECATURIN NEWS BRIEFS ...BYE-BYESUMMERWHAT’S THAT?We’re introducing a newAREA DEATHSAND FUNERALSLORENE ABBOTTLENORA DAVISPHIL HAYNESANNA MCBRIDELORI POTTSJAMES WITHEYWEATHER...INDEXDECATURIf at first youdon’t succeed ...New policy gives seniors anotherpath to walking at graduationWISE COUNTYCitizens offer their two centsProposed tax rate increase draws public commentsWISE COUNTYNew facilities at four schools set to openSUBSCRIBE TODAY!www.wcmessenger.com/subscribe<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyLACE’EM UP — Northwest freshmen football players, from left, Shaler Sheppard, Vander Lewis, Gabriel Walker and Jabri Young get ready to kickoff seasonwith media picture day last Thursday. The Texans are ready for some football and they will get things started by hosting Mansfield Timberview at 7:30 p.m.Friday night.ALVORD • AURORA • BOYD • BRIDGEPORT • CHICO • DECATUR • GREENWOOD • NEWARK • NEW FAIRVIEW • PARADISE • RHOME • RUNAWAY BAY •SLIDELL

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