Guestbook Archive - 2010.pdf - RAF Upper Heyford

Guestbook Archive - 2010.pdf - RAF Upper Heyford

Guestbook Archive - 2010.pdf - RAF Upper Heyford

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UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Tuesday 11/23/2010 6:11:08pmName: David HailpernE-Mail: dhailpern@integratedage.comCity/Country: Fresno, CAYour Entry: I would like to get in touch with anyone from <strong>RAF</strong> Croughton 1975 - 1977. I worked inthe ASC Switch and was room mates with Jerry Rapp. I do like this website, it bringsback good memories.Tuesday 11/23/2010 6:03:50amName: James SparkmanE-Mail: kawvger12@yahoo.comCity/Country: KG, VA, USAYour Entry: Great site for information on the base. We were there in the early 60's. I would beinterested in talking to anyone that went to the English school in the town itself. At thetime it was being taught/run by the Darby's, Rosemary in particular.Sunday 11/21/2010 11:20:37amName: dambrine denisE-Mail: denisdambrine@yahoo.frCity/Country: lyon franceYour Entry: recherche renseignement sur patrick caputo ayant ete a la base de couvron en 1965habiter new york me contacter par email ou au 04 78 28 48 33 merciThursday 11/18/2010 5:24:47pmName: Kyle BusterE-Mail: kxbuster@baptisthealthsystem.comCity/Country: San AntonioYour Entry: Security Policeman from 1971 - 1973 at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong>Page 6 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Monday 11/15/2010 3:34:36pmName: Stuart WoodE-Mail: sjwood1948@yahoo.comCity/Country: Omaha, NEYour Entry: Stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> Haystacks from Sep 68 to Mar 71 and worked in the CBPO. Mademore lasting friends and have the best memories of my youth (19-21) there.Stu WoodMonday 11/15/2010 11:46:11amName: Chris MaGEEE-Mail: dpcusnavyret@cox.netCity/Country: Pensacola, FLYour Entry: assigned tad to raf greenham common may 68-oct 68. i was acdu Navy at the time.worked with lots of AF pers. worked with TSGT Kenneth Farewell. have searched forhim many years with no joy. think he must have been an electronic tech. if any havebeen in touch with him over the years would appreciate any info via email. am sure hewas tad from Alconbury. i retired from USN in 89 after 26 years active svc. CheersSunday 11/14/2010 6:03:13pmName: Randy GibbsE-Mail: Dep1@centurytel.netCity/Country: Montrose, MichiganYour Entry: If anyone out there has contact with Steve Logsdon, please have him drop me a line. Ihave a couple of his old "Buds" from "C" Flight trying to contact him!! ThanksSaturday 11/13/2010 3:49:31pmName: Paul jamesE-Mail: Jamo14@btinternet.comCity/Country: <strong>Upper</strong> heyfordYour Entry: Hi I grow up in upper heyford from 1974 so the base was a big part of my life.airshows.bowling.pizza hut etc.. I now work on the old flight line in building 350 asbodyshop manager it's nice to still see the base as it was in places !!Page 7 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Friday 11/12/2010 11:09:04pmName: scott ostranderE-Mail: mtaman031@yahoo.comCity/Country: roseville ca california usaYour Entry: worked inshop for 20ems in the armament shop working on the bomb computers andbomb racks. stationed there from may 87 to dec91Thursday 11/11/2010 9:46:30pmName: MSgt (Ret) Joseph SalinasE-Mail: azdjjoe@cox.netCity/Country: Tucson, Arizona USAYour Entry: To all those 7320 SPs who were stationed at UH from 83-87 (Moomaw, LeMein, Kett,Dubski, Steed). I was an Admin person who worked for Lt Col David Taylor in the oldL.E. building Capt Leniert, MSgt Bartee, etc. I had some good times at UH. I knoweverybody remember's Colonel Taylor's 45 mile death march. I retired in 92 here inArizona. All those exercises made the free time a hell of a lot of fun.Wednesday 11/10/2010 7:02:52pmName: Vince DvorakE-Mail: cfredflyu@embarqmail.comCity/Country: Littlestown, PA - USAYour Entry: I just "stumbled" across this site while searching for F-111 photos. I was stationedthere from '86-'89. I was a Crew Chief in the 79th, Yellow One Section. My airplanewas 083, "Strange Brew". I elected to extend my overseas tour for 12 months. I thenended up, where else, then Cannon AFB in Clovis, NM. until '92 when I got out. Isearched for jobs a few years then decided to join the Reserves at Dover AFB, DE asa Crew Chief on C-5's. A couple years later I interviewed and was accepted as aFlight Engineer. This was the GREATEST of GREAT jobs any enlisted person coulddream of. traveled the world and drank LOTS of beer! While serving as a Reservist, Iflew for Pan Am as a PFE in Portsmouth, NH (YES, the 'ole Plattsburgh AFB) for 2years when Pan Am folded up for the FINAL time. The Iraq War activated my unit atDover and we flew the hell out of those planes! I received the Air Medal for combatoperations in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2006 I was the Flight Engineer in the C-5 thatcrashed short of the runway at Dover AFB, DE. Today, I am a disabled vet trying towork again. GREAT to see this web site!Page 8 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Wednesday 11/10/2010 2:33:52pmName: Chuck Ferro Ret MSgtE-Mail: charles.ferro@gsa.govCity/Country: Syracuse, NYYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>RAF</strong> <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from 1991 until May of 1994, I worked in themain supply building, then the flight line (equipment turn-in). My wife Irma, who wasalso military, worked as an admin troop in supply. We were close to being the last toleave. It was sad because at that point areas of the base were already beingvandalized. Great memories though, did a lot of traveling and met a lot of nice peoplewhile there. If Simon Escott sees this, give me a shout.Tuesday 11/09/2010 7:12:45pmName: Jeff BowerE-Mail:City/Country: Atlanta, GAYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>RAF</strong> <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> - 20 AMS (1979-81) and it was an amazing 2years for me. Met so many talented and great people on and off base!! Never forgetthese great times!! Loved seeing the NATO Jets!!Tuesday 11/09/2010 3:19:49pmName: T/SGT John Bachmann RetE-Mail: gvrv06@windstream.netCity/Country: Leslie AR 72645Your Entry: I was in the 79th sqdr B flt 70 to 72 crew cheif 003Wednesday 11/03/2010 12:17:04amName:E-Mail:City/Country:Laurence Gareyl.garey@sunrise.chSwitzerlandYour Entry: In 1971 I did an FAA Instrument Rating with as instructor a friend who was an F-111pilot at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong>. When he returned to the USA (to Mountain Home AFB if Irecall correctly) I lost touch with him. Anyone know what happened to him? ThanksTuesday 11/02/2010 2:34:36amPage 9 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Name: Gary GromaskiE-Mail: gjg021757@earthlink.netCity/Country: Nunica,(near Grand Rapids) MichiganYour Entry: just surfed in. I was stationed at U.H.from 12/76-12/78 as part of the 20th AMS, WCIN("A" shop). It would be great to hear from anyone who remembers my last name. Ihave very fond memories of the base, the English, my fellow co-workers, friends, andacquaintances during that unforgettable assignment.Monday 11/01/2010 4:58:06amName: Ed AllenE-Mail: ewallen1947@yahoo.comCity/Country: Harrison MichiganYour Entry: Assigned Det1 98th Strat Wg Jun 1969 untill wing moved to <strong>RAF</strong> Mildenhall 1970Sunday 10/31/2010 11:38:24amName: DON SHAFERE-Mail: donandpauline@hotmail.comCity/Country: NAPLES, FL USAYour Entry: Looking for members of the 66th Trans Sqdrn in Jan 66 to Feb 67. Please e-mail meand say hello The above dates were when I was there.Thursday 10/28/2010 11:59:11pmName: SSgt Joseph FitzgeraldE-Mail: fitzgeraldjd@yahoo.comCity/Country: IdahoYour Entry: WEAPONS 1985 to 1987Monday 10/25/2010 11:41:38pmName: Andrew LuczynskiE-Mail: aluczynski1@gmail.comCity/Country: newport RI USAPage 10 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Your Entry: I was a student there from 1984-1988 Would have class of 1990Sunday 10/24/2010 10:02:23pmName: Rance Jurevwicz, Capt., USA, RetE-Mail: admin@veteranprograms.comCity/Country:Your Entry: http://www.veteranprograms.comWe keep coming back to this website again and again. Great work! And millions fromaround the world continue to visit the Award Winning U.S. Veteran CompensationPrograms website. It is a great source where veterans learn how to secure benefits,increase benefits, and get the latest information about compensation, pension, andbenefits for veterans - FIRST. Visit Today!http://www.veteranprograms.comSunday 10/24/2010 5:12:21amName: Chris RoseE-Mail: chrisrose@hotmail.comCity/Country: Paris, KentuckyYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from 1981-1984 and it was the best assignment ofmy 20 year career! I was there when they filmed the James Bond movie "Octopussy"with all the changes they made to the base! I played on the tennis team and worked inthe Structural Repair shop. Good times at The Brown Derby and enjoyed the pubseverywhere. Barry the barber was located right outside the door of our shop! Manywonderful memories from England!Saturday 10/23/2010 6:59:28pmName: Chester J FieldE-Mail: smsgt@ftc-i.netCity/Country: Summerton, SC USAYour Entry: Was assigned as NCOIC of Base OJT in CBPO in 1968 with 66th. Still there in samejob when 66th moved tom Zweibrucken and 20th tranferred from Wethersfield to<strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong>. IN 1971 my wife of 7 years passed away of a rare type of cancer,Ourdaughter was born at South Ruslip in Jun 69. I was also assigned to the 2oth AirPolice Sqdn at Wethersfield from 58-62. Remarried and had a son born in hospital atPage 11 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Oxford. I departed in Oct 73 after a five year tour. Was surprised when I moved to SCand went to Shaw AFB to find the 20th TAC FTr Wg. here. I had many enjoyabletimes at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> even with the many trials and tribulations that I went thru withthe death of my wife. Would like to hear from anyone who was assigned to the CBPOfrom 68 to 73 that remembers me. I retired as an E-8 in Oct 78 at Wright-PAttersonOH after 26 1/2 years.Sunday 10/17/2010 10:07:56amName: TSGT Joseph K. Keys,USAF,(RET.)E-Mail: jkkeys2007@aol.comCity/Country: Cincinnati, OH, USAYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from March 1980 to March 1984. Many goodmemories, good friends!!! I would like to return there someday for a visit!!!Saturday 10/09/2010 11:10:31pmName: Pete ManleyE-Mail: pete.msstateguard@gmail.comCity/Country: Decatur / USAYour Entry: 20th EMS 1985-1988 No Air Support Without Ground SupportFriday 10/08/2010 12:12:59amName: Heather (Marshall) GilliamE-Mail: gilliam207@comcast.netCity/Country: Chattanooga, TNYour Entry: I went to 3-5 grade there.... Looking for old friends... Jennifer Presley, SallyannSpawlding...anybody?!!!Tuesday 10/05/2010 6:48:15pmName: Roy Johnson (John)E-Mail: fidalgomax@wavecable.comCity/Country: Anacortes, WAPage 12 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Your Entry: Great site! Greeting from a fellow ground pounder and K9 puppy pusher from the 20thAP/SP <strong>RAF</strong> Wethersfield 1966-1969. Here is our site: http://rafwethersfield.com/Other to say Hello I would like to have anyone from the 20th SPS that may havemoved from Wethersfield to <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> drop me a line. We have had two 20thAP/SP(1960s) reunions and are planning a third one next year in Chattanooga, TN. Ifanyone is interested drop me a line. Even if you aren't it would good to hear from you.Roy and K9 JayTuesday 10/05/2010 6:41:16pmName: Neal MunsonE-Mail: munson.1@comcast.netCity/Country: north haven, CT.Your Entry: 20th SPS B-flight 1976-77Sunday 10/03/2010 7:19:47pmName: Ernie BosleyE-Mail: thornyredrosebud@hotmail.comCity/Country: Hopkins, Mo. USAYour Entry: I was the first crewchief on F-111E 68-004 when she arrived at UH in 1970. 55TFS A flt. My wife and I lived in Kidlington until we left in Jan.72 and I wasdischarged.Saturday 10/02/2010 10:14:47amName: jerry gaioE-Mail: gGANGY1@GMAIL.COMCity/Country: ENFIELD CTYour Entry: AT UP 1955-1958 MEDIC AT DISPENSARY. LOVE UH AND EXTENDER MY TIME.GOT OUT AFTER FIRST HITCH AND RE UP SPENT 20YRS IN ALSO WAS ATBRIZE NORTON FOR 4 YEARS BUT UH WAS THE BESTThursday 09/30/2010 1:55:21pmName: James C. Seymour Jr.E-Mail: seymour116@msn.comPage 13 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§City/Country: Poughkeepsie, NYYour Entry: We just finished our 4th reunion, of the 3918th ABG & CSG. It was held in ColoradoSprings, CO. We had a wonderful time. It was a group of about 39 men and theirwives. We are planning on holding our 5th reunion in 2012 in Tucson, AZ. We thinkthat we will open it up to anyone who was at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> 1950 to 1970. If anyoneis interested, please e mail me.Wednesday 09/29/2010 1:40:18pmName: Craig TimmermannE-Mail: taass@aol.comCity/Country: Gardnerville, NVYour Entry: Agree... great site... first tour there was from 1966 to 1970... assigned to the 66th AirPolice then Security Police Squadron... all my best to my <strong>Heyford</strong> friends...Cheers!CraigWednesday 09/29/2010 0:40:25amName: Dan LusardiE-Mail: DRYHEAT007@MSN.COMCity/Country: Kerrville TexasYour Entry: Still a great site. I come back once or twice a month to find out who else has foundthis site. Was in the 17th and 18th 1967 to 1969 . What is up with the privatemessages. Do not put your SOC SEC # what else is a secret?? Sort of stupid huh..Tuesday 09/28/2010 12:42:22amName: Jim ReedE-Mail: hubbyshobby@aol.comCity/Country: Manheim, PaYour Entry: I check site about once a month, looking for anyone that was in the Base Fire DeptFeb 1967 to Feb 1970. Also played many games of darts at the Road & Gun Club.Would be great to hear from anyone who remembers all the great times at <strong>Heyford</strong>.Page 14 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Monday 09/27/2010 9:37:21amName: Jerry SzyperskiE-Mail: the2skis@att.netCity/Country: Oregon OhioYour Entry: You're right tom,there are not many of us left.I was there from '54 to '58.I was in the3918th Ops Sq. and worked at the comm. center.I have been looking for guys fromour era,but no one cheks in. After all,were in our 70's now.Just wanted to let you knowthere are a few of us out here .good luck and God bless.Sunday 09/26/2010 2:23:49pmName: Tom AtkinsonE-Mail: papatomack@aol.comCity/Country: Niagara Falls New YorkYour Entry: Strange, I read very little comments about the B-47's and KC-97's of the 1950 era at<strong>Heyford</strong>. Guess there's not to many of us left. I was in the 1st Aviation DepotSquadron (Nuclear Weapons) out in the weapons storage area in the storage andinspection bunker. 1956-57 then to Fairford PCS.It was a great assignment back then as well. 9-26-10 Tom AtkinsonThursday 09/23/2010 1:49:45pmName: David StoryE-Mail: tarheel1912@hotmail.comCity/Country: Vernon Alabama U.S.A.Your Entry: I was stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from Oct 1967- Dec 1969 at which time I went toZweibrucken with the 17th. I was crew chief on RF-101 56-123, and the 5th RF-4c 68-558. The 17th was a great outfit!Wednesday 09/22/2010 9:27:33pmName: Sam MortonE-Mail: barbnsam@htn.netCity/Country: Sebring, Fla.Your Entry: I was your NCO & Airman Club Manager, March 72 Thru April 76.Page 15 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Monday 09/20/2010 7:59:00pmName: Tom TignerE-Mail: tomtigner@yahoo.comCity/Country: national city/usaYour Entry: I was ststioned at heyford 83 thru 86 assigned to the 20th tac ftr wing 79 ags 55 amu(crew chief)Friday 09/17/2010 8:25:02pmName: Cynthia SchrammE-Mail: Cynth325@aol.comCity/Country: Birmingham USAYour Entry: My husband, Steve, was a WSO with the 79th 76-78. He died in Operation DesertShield in 1990 (flying RF-4's.) I'd love to hear from someone who was at <strong>RAF</strong> <strong>Upper</strong><strong>Heyford</strong> and knew him.Thursday 09/16/2010 6:17:00pmName: Steve PeckE-Mail: speck17@twcny.rr.comCity/Country: Syracuse New YorkYour Entry: I was @ <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from 88-91 in the Structural Maint Shop. We painted the WingJet with the lightning Bolt and the Indian Head while I was there. I deployed to Turkeydurring the gulf war, and had some good times at the Broken Spoke or Wagon Wheel.Tuesday 09/14/2010 11:33:52pmName: WHITAKER, RUDYE-Mail: RSWHITAKER@UPS.COMCity/Country: HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMAYour Entry: i WILL NEVER FORGET THOSE DAYSTuesday 09/14/2010 1:49:15pmName: Karen Mills (now McPeak)Page 16 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§E-Mail: Karen.McPeak@va.govCity/Country: BoiseYour Entry: Just browsing through the pages...I don't seem to find anyone I remember. Maybe it'smy memory!!I was there Oct 76-Oct 79 in WCIN/AMS. Funny how people remember their timethere as "the best years" of their lives.What I remember is rain, working 12 hour shifts, 6 days a week, and "recalls". But Iloved the F-111, especially at night and when they did the "elephant walk".FYI: I found a page on facebook that people might find interesting, it's called "Savethe F-111". GREAT PHOTOS. Check it out.I guess Australia is having an "official retirement" of the F-111 this December. howsad.Sunday 09/12/2010 5:10:37pmName: bob horneE-Mail: rjh@isp24.co.ukCity/Country: bradwell, ukYour Entry: hi, will never fore get 20th TFW, had some great times in the clubs, have been tryingto get hold of the poster sleep tight to night hayfords on alert,any one help, old patches from base. thanksregards bobSunday 09/12/2010 10:51:14amName: jesse coatsE-Mail: jesse_coats2000@yahoo.comCity/Country: petal msYour Entry: looking for any one that was in the 18th. before it left shaw. i was a crew chief on the101 at shaw.Thursday 09/09/2010 4:09:04pmName: Michael G. GoodwinE-Mail: brandibeach1@att.netCity/Country: Lugoff, SC 29078Page 17 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Your Entry: Is there anyone out there from the 20th SPS during 1970-1972? Would like to hearfrom someone from those great days at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong>.Wednesday 09/08/2010 4:48:22amName: Margaret Basting-CanningE-Mail: MMBC1966@AOL.COMCity/Country: MELBOURNE, FLORIDAYour Entry: Eric Lura is my brother n law of 30 years! He married my sister Heather...as a matterof fact they just celebrated their 30th anniversary!!Monday 08/30/2010 9:15:03pmName: Jerry TrobaughE-Mail: sgtburg@yahoo.comCity/Country: Millbrae, Calif.Your Entry: Was stationed at <strong>RAF</strong> <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from '71-'74. Had a wonderful time whileserviing with the 20th SPS, "C" Flight, LE. I remember the cold days and nights, thesnow and too much rain. I remember one night walking from the barracks to thearmory in the snow and when I check out my revolver, I had to empty the snow frommy holster. Still, had a wonderful time there and have been back to England fourtimes since leaving. I miss <strong>Heyford</strong> and England very much.Sunday 08/29/2010 4:56:28amName: Les HainesE-Mail: Les.haines@btinternet.comCity/Country: Bovey Tracey, Devon, EnglandYour Entry: Hi, Been to this site three times before, 11/08/2002 & 05/27/2003 last date can't find Ihave not found anyone from my service days, so will start again:- I was in the <strong>RAF</strong>,stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from 1947 to 1948 (until I went out to Germany on theBerlin Airlift)in those days the station was known as 'No. 1 Parachute & GliderTraining School', we had Dakota's & Horsa gliders. Regards to all who have served atU/H.Saturday 08/28/2010 7:46:34pmPage 18 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Tuesday 08/24/2010 10:00:37amName: kevin olleyE-Mail: kevireno@hotmail.comCity/Country: manchester, TN USAYour Entry: I have lost contact with Retired CMSGT Russ Kendell. Any help from anyone??Also looking for contact with Eric RolefsonSaturday 08/21/2010 3:28:30pmName: Maurice SnowdenE-Mail: mcsnowden23@aol.comCity/Country: Dallas TXYour Entry: Hello I was station there from Jan 80 til Jan 82 had great time would like to hear fromthe champion skykings I worked in trans with some great guys,TC Carter,HaroldBlack(FT. WT. TX)Joe Aamaro, just to name a few. Would like to get in contact withthe packing and crating crew (Greg Boyd) Feel free to contact me GO SKYKINGSWednesday 08/18/2010 7:02:38pmName: Lonni Jones aka (bellona)E-Mail: Lmartin@live.comCity/Country: OhioYour Entry: I graduated from <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> High @ Crouton in 78 My father CMSGT John Jonesof the 20th oms was stationed there 77 thru 81,2 brothers also went to school thereDavid and Todd Jones had alot of friends and great memories.Saturday 08/14/2010 9:28:22pmName: Randy GibbsE-Mail: Dep1@centurytel.netCity/Country: Montrose, MichiganYour Entry: For MAC Looking for Bob Martinez, drop me a line I think I can help you out. BTW youare who? I was "Beagle" there, 1975-1977 SPOL-DPage 20 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Saturday 08/14/2010 4:55:54pmName: RICH EDDINSE-Mail: RICHE1225@YAHOO.COMCity/Country: Round Rock/TxYour Entry: Stations at Croughton Airways 73-77. Best of Times.Friday 08/13/2010 7:08:42pmName: Herb CampbellE-Mail: herbcampbell@sbcglobal.netCity/Country: Fort Worth, TXYour Entry: Glad to find this excellent site. I was a tech rep with General Dynamics on the F-111E(1970-1972). I have many fond memories of the friends I made there.Tuesday 08/10/2010 8:01:41pmName: SSgt Edward KotulaE-Mail: ekotulasr@yahoo.comCity/Country: UsaYour Entry: 20th Transportation Sq. 1985-1988Monday 08/09/2010 9:01:24pmName: kevin olleyE-Mail: kevireno@hotmail.comCity/Country: manchester, TNYour Entry: I was at UH a few months ago for a short visit. I was able to tour the small museumand walk around the main base area. A few blokes from a local auto body shop gaveme a lift around the flight line area including in & out of a couple of the shelters that Iworked/crewed in. I plan on returning to visit again during my next visit to UK.Monday 08/09/2010 11:06:10amName: Lorin BerryE-Mail: lberry1@woh.rr.comPage 21 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§City/Country: Urbana OhioYour Entry: I was stationed at UH from 1973-1978. I was in the F-111E Flight Simulator Branch.Was in BHS first then moved into 20AMS when they took Flight Sim into maintenanceinstead of Ops. Many great times at UH and lots of good people to work with. Retiredas CMSgt in 1986 and again in 2007 for good. Worked on Wright-Patterson AFB from1983-2007.Sunday 08/08/2010 5:05:52pmName: Kathy Bryson KirkpatrickE-Mail: kbksandy@comcast.netCity/Country: Portland, USAYour Entry: I was a teacher at <strong>RAF</strong> Croughton elem.1966-67. Enjoyed my year in England.Lived at Mill House, in Aynho, with 3 other girls Would be fun to hear from someonewho taught at Croughton or <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong>.I just happened upon this website.Sunday 08/08/2010 8:52:08amName: Michael G. GoodwinE-Mail: brandibeach1@att.netCity/Country: Lugoff, SCYour Entry: I was at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from '70 to '72 in the 20th SPS as L/E Desk Sergeant.Terrific website. Have made several contacts thru this site. Anyone know of TSgtRalph Culp, TSgt Sheldon Solow or anyone else during this period? Anyone know ofthis type of website relating to Ellsworth AFB, SD ??As most, I have fond memories of UH and England. Just wish I could return !! Wewere one of the firsts to stay in the NEW SPS barracks. Seemed like a hotel at thetime. I have tons of good memories there and will forever be glad I had theopportunity to experience it!!Thursday 08/05/2010 6:41:31pmName: dennis williamsE-Mail: denwms72@hotmail.comCity/Country: pensacola floridaYour Entry: miss my friends of the 20thspsPage 22 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Monday 07/26/2010 11:03:43amName: Conita Jernigan LyleE-Mail: cjl777@sbcglobal.netCity/Country: Dallas, TX, USAYour Entry: I taught 5th Grade at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> in 1962-1963. Lived at The Mill House onBanbury Rd, outside Aynho.Have just published a book:" Letters from England", and would like to get some pressin local papers about my experiences in the early sixties.Monday 07/26/2010 2:51:09amName: Jay St. PierreE-Mail: mathewstpierre@ca.rr.comCity/Country: Los Angeles, CAYour Entry: 20th SPS "A"/"D" flight from Jan 80-Jan 83Hoping to contact Larry Gilleland and anyone elseSaturday 07/17/2010 3:25:32pmName: marilyn jaggersE-Mail: cm.jaggers@insightbb.comCity/Country: louisville,USAYour Entry: TRYING TO LOCATE AIRMAN 2ND CLASS, FRANCIS JAMES PERCOWSKY,STATIONED AT CROUGHTON AIRFORCE BASE,NORTHAMPTONSHIRE,ENGLAND, AROUND 1962/1964,WE ARE THINKING HEWAS IN COMMUNICATION SQUADRON, THANKSFriday 07/16/2010 12:10:25amName: Hector EstradaE-Mail: hestrada65@att.netCity/Country: Dallas,Your Entry: Stationed at <strong>RAF</strong> <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from 88-92 with 42 ECSCrew ChiefPage 23 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Wednesday 07/14/2010 5:42:48pmName: Tom BoddenE-Mail: tombosr@yahoo.comCity/Country: Jacksonville, FloridaYour Entry: Stationed 20th SPS, 1970-73, L/E Flight Chief, Desk Sgt and Investigations withGene Hoard. Got divorced and engaged to a blonde from Oxford (Marianne) leftwithout getting married. Met her 38 years later and now we are married. Contact me ifyou remember us tombosr@yahoo.com.Tom Bodden, SMSgt (ret)Wednesday 07/14/2010 10:26:58amName: tieman, ronaldE-Mail: esebaby65@aol.comCity/Country: allerona, italyYour Entry: served with the 1st adswas on the upper heyford sky kings in 1956. anyone still out there.Saturday 07/10/2010 9:45:26pmName: Irish HesterE-Mail: irishhester@gmail.comCity/Country: USAYour Entry: 1989 - 1991 20 EMS/NDI LabLots of great memories and good times!Monday 06/28/2010 3:39:30pmName: Craig MundyE-Mail: nolewarrior1971@yahoo.comCity/Country: NashvilleYour Entry: I was a cop at UH from'91-'93. Remember many lonely nights stuck in an ECP.Fondest memories were working in the WSA and playing Spades until the sun cameup.Page 24 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Saturday 06/26/2010 10:28:10pmName: Mike GreeleyE-Mail: mgreeley@gsiag.comCity/Country: ILYour Entry: I was a cook at UH from 77 to 79. Would love to hear from anyone that remembersme.P.S. Hiya Mac. Good to see you here.Friday 06/25/2010 8:52:20amName: Neil “Soup” CampbellE-Mail: campbellskids97@nc.rr.comCity/Country: Fuquay-Varina, NC, USAYour Entry: Was there from June '80- Dec '82. Was in 20th FMS weld shopFriday 06/25/2010 8:39:41amName: Neil “Soup” CampbellE-Mail: campbellskids97@nc.rr.comCity/Country: Fuquay-Varina, N.C., USAYour Entry: Was stationed @ UH from '80-'82 and loved it. People were awesome!!!!!!Monday 06/21/2010 4:22:34amName: Diana EngelE-Mail: dengel1980@yahoo.comCity/Country: Fayetteville NCYour Entry: Wow love this site. I was there as a dependant wife in the early 80's used to love toeat at the Brown Derby they had really good subs. Played pool a lot at the rec. centertoo. Good TimesWednesday 06/16/2010 9:59:54amPage 25 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Name: ROBERT LIVINGSTONE-Mail: robert_livingston@comcast.netCity/Country: elizabethton,tenn./usaYour Entry: WAS STATIONED AT <strong>RAF</strong> MILDENHALL 69-72. VISITED A FRIEND AT <strong>RAF</strong>UPPERHEYFORD WHILE STATIONED THERE. BRINGS BACK A LOT OF OLDMEMORIES. MY WIFE IS FROM MILDENHALL AND 1ST CHILD WAS BORNTHERE.Tuesday 06/15/2010 10:04:16pmName: Donald CoardE-Mail: upperheyford90s@yahoo.comCity/Country: Atlanta, GA, USAYour Entry: I forgot to add that I have started a <strong>RAF</strong> <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> Reunion page for those whowere stationed at <strong>Heyford</strong> from 1985-1995. The link ishttp://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=112712425433206&v=wall. We have 474members and 1,013 pictures posted on the site. The reunion is May 27-30, 2011.There is a tremendous amount of excitement. Come join us. I hope to see you there.Donald "DC" CoardTuesday 06/15/2010 9:57:26pmName: Donald CoardE-Mail: upperheyford90s@yahoo.comCity/Country: Atlanta, GA, USAYour Entry: My name is Donald Coard. I went by "DC" while I was <strong>Heyford</strong> from 1988-1991. Iworked in Comm Squadron as an Air Traffic Controller. I stayed in Building 500. Icoached the 1990/1991 Sky Queens Basketball Team.Saturday 06/12/2010 11:34:38amName: julia prestonE-Mail: julauren2006@hotmail.comCity/Country: oxfordshire united kingdomYour Entry:Page 26 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Tuesday 06/08/2010 10:10:31pmName: John E Martin, TSgt, USAF (Ret)E-Mail: martinj@member.afa.orgCity/Country: Montgomery, AlabamaYour Entry: My association with <strong>RAF</strong>UH started with a TDY in 1964, a tour in the 1980s, and finala TDY (DoD civilian)to remove the telephone switch in the 1990s. God Bless all whoserved there.Tuesday 06/08/2010 6:42:21pmName: Dale WrightE-Mail: tcdaleoo7@aol.comCity/Country: Traverse City, MI 49686Your Entry: Stationed Dec '70 - June 74 and Base Hosp. 902 left as SsgtSaturday 06/05/2010 3:41:46pmName: Donna L. JuslinE-Mail: djuslin@metrocast.netCity/Country: Laconia, NH/ USAYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>RAF</strong> <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from 08/20/76 to 08/19/78 I loved it there. I wasin the 20th FMS/age equip.I played softball with the base team. I did 4 years in the USAF, left as a E-4 sarg.used my GI Bill to go to college and now teach High School Business.Saturday 06/05/2010 10:12:59amName: Don Royer aka BackmanE-Mail: donroyer@msn.comCity/Country: Tucson, AZ, USAYour Entry: As most of us do we come back and check the site. To see if any fellow friends havewritten or been found.Looking for Robbie Morrison still in CRS?Looking for anyone who worked Services from 89-91 or anyone who came TDY forOperation Desert Storm. Hit me up or look me up on Facebook. CheersPage 27 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Thursday 06/03/2010 4:48:58pmName: Ernest D BrownE-Mail: edrjbrown@cox.netCity/Country: Surprise AZ USAYour Entry: I spent three tours of four years each first was Bentwaters 1955/ 59.. Returned toEngland To <strong>RAF</strong> UPPERHEYFORD in Feb 63 Worst winter in 60 years left sept 66Again 73to 76 All were in Vehicle Maintenance Had some bad times but the major[tyof the time was outstanding> Retired when we left heyford in 1976 T/SGTWednesday 06/02/2010 9:18:15pmName: Robert GonzalezE-Mail: rgonz4228@aol.comCity/Country: San AntonioYour Entry: Stationed at UH Hospital Dental Clinic 80-82. We will go back and visit March 2011.Sunday 05/30/2010 5:51:18amName: paul frenchE-Mail: thelella@hotmail.co.ukCity/Country: bloxhamYour Entry: im looking for someone called***DAVID FOUST***around 1984? if anyone has any information please contact me, thanksThursday 05/27/2010 4:08:43pmName: Jackie Quick (EIchhorn, Hunter)E-Mail: jackiequick@comcast.netCity/Country: Colorado Springs, COYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> 85-88 and enjoyed it! I worked in the Hospital.Would love to hear from some of the folks that I hung out with.Wednesday 05/26/2010 11:47:33amPage 28 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Name: Wil NimmonsE-Mail: thenim2000@yahoo.comCity/Country: tucson az USAYour Entry: What are they doing with the base now are you allowed to visit the base i used to bestationed at Raf lakenheath i used to visit heyford at least once a monthSunday 05/23/2010 3:47:13pmName: Gene HarknessE-Mail: yoopercowboy45@gmail.comCity/Country: OhioYour Entry: SPS 1965 -1967Sunday 05/23/2010 9:34:46amName: Jim ReedE-Mail: jimreed2008@comcast.netCity/Country: Voorhees, NJYour Entry: Hi, I am looking for anyone that was station during 1968-1970. I was in transportation(motor pool) during this time frame. Thanks, jimTuesday 05/18/2010 6:24:22pmName: Benny ParsonsE-Mail: ellenparsons@embarqmail.comCity/Country: Hickory, NCYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> beginning October 1970 thru October 1972. I havemany wonderful memories from the time I was there. I will never forget working on theflightline in the 20 Field Sq. I remember the frozen fog on the trees and the extremecold, rationed cigarettes and booze. The air shows were also one of my favorite formsof entertainment. Oh and let's not forget the Rod and Gun Club. I hope that some ofthe folks that I knew over there will find out about this site. Hello Ron Foster, RichardBurkett, Marty and Anjie Richards, David Taos, Belks, with the very large bluecadillac. That thing seems to be a target for accidents. LOL This is a great site.Thanks for doing it.Page 29 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Thursday 05/27/2010 4:08:43pmName: Jackie Quick (EIchhorn, Hunter)E-Mail: jackiequick@comcast.netCity/Country: Colorado Springs, COYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> 85-88 and enjoyed it! I worked in the Hospital.Would love to hear from some of the folks that I hung out with.Wednesday 05/26/2010 11:47:33amName: Wil NimmonsE-Mail: thenim2000@yahoo.comCity/Country: tucson az USAYour Entry: What are they doing with the base now are you allowed to visit the base i used to bestationed at Raf lakenheath i used to visit heyford at least once a monthSunday 05/23/2010 3:47:13pmName: Gene HarknessE-Mail: yoopercowboy45@gmail.comCity/Country: OhioYour Entry: SPS 1965 -1967Sunday 05/23/2010 9:34:46amName: Jim ReedE-Mail: jimreed2008@comcast.netCity/Country: Voorhees, NJYour Entry: Hi, I am looking for anyone that was station during 1968-1970. I was in transportation(motor pool) during this time frame. Thanks, jimTuesday 05/18/2010 6:24:22pmName: Benny ParsonsE-Mail: ellenparsons@embarqmail.comPage 30 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§City/Country: Hickory, NCYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> beginning October 1970 thru October 1972. I havemany wonderful memories from the time I was there. I will never forget working on theflightline in the 20 Field Sq. I remember the frozen fog on the trees and the extremecold, rationed cigarettes and booze. The air shows were also one of my favorite formsof entertainment. Oh and let's not forget the Rod and Gun Club. I hope that some ofthe folks that I knew over there will find out about this site. Hello Ron Foster, RichardBurkett, Marty and Anjie Richards, David Taos, Belks, with the very large bluecadillac. That thing seems to be a target for accidents. LOL This is a great site.Thanks for doing it.Tuesday 05/11/2010 10:42:23pmName: mike nunnsE-Mail: michael.w.nunns@spiritaero.comCity/Country: newton , kansasYour Entry: RUSSELL JACKSON (JACK) WERE ARE YOU,BY THE WAY YOUR LEFTSIDEBURN IS TO LONG.Tuesday 05/11/2010 10:18:09amName: Anastasia BealeE-Mail: anastasia.beale@inbox.comCity/Country: Milton KeynesYour Entry: Hello, I'm looking for someone who would remember my mum coming to the base.Her name was Pamela Tyler and she had ginger hair and I am lead to believe shewent to <strong>RAF</strong> Croughton alot. I was born in Oct 73 and my mum has told me recentlythat my dad was an American based at <strong>RAF</strong> Croughton. Any information would betreated in confidence as I am trying to understand my family roots and for no otherreason. Thanks in advanceMonday 05/10/2010 5:49:09amName: Michael HandgraafE-Mail: sgthand@yahoo.comCity/Country: Leavenworth, KansasYour Entry: I was stationed at ole Haystack from Set 27, 1963 to Sept 20, 1966. I was in Det 17,28th Weather Squadron. I remember Bob Hamlin, Jay Phillips, and Jim Lortz.Amazing to see so many say that <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> was their best tour and so manyPage 31 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§have fond memories of their time there. I thought I was the only one. I retired as SMgtin 84. I am completing my studies at Liberty Baptist Seminary in the summer. I hadLymphoma Cancer last year. I underwent 8 RCHOP chemo treatments and 28radiation treatments. Thanks to God, I am noww cancer-free ande hope to beginservice at the Univ of Kansas Cancer Care Center and Medical Center in Kansas Cityas Chaplain. God bless you all, and if anyone knows how to get in touch with JohnHaley, Barry Golembieowski (Close I hope), Bob Hamlin, Jim Lortz or Jay Phillips,please let me know. Actually, anyone there in 63-67.Monday 05/03/2010 4:19:02amName: Doug GordonE-Mail: douglin@wanadoo.frCity/Country: FranceYour Entry: I'm preparing an article for journal publication on the RF-101 Voodoos at <strong>Upper</strong><strong>Heyford</strong>. I'm looking for mamories, storiesand photos from the period. can anyonehelp?Thursday 04/29/2010 9:35:39pmName: Jim ReedE-Mail: jimreed2008@comcast.netCity/Country: Voorhees, NJYour Entry: 66 TRW 1968-1970 Transportation SQWednesday 04/28/2010 3:54:41pmName: Susan Harlan (also McEntire)E-Mail: sharlan2@cox. netCity/Country: Tucson, AZYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>Heyford</strong> from 1978-82, mainly in 20OMS tech admin, support andphase. From 1985-93 I was in 20EMS, also in tech admin, orderly room and phase.I've been in contact with a bunch of people from this site and would love to hear fromothers who knew me. I visited <strong>Heyford</strong> 2 years ago and was sad to see how it looksnow. And the Three Horseshoes is no more!Page 32 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Wednesday 04/28/2010 11:06:05amName: Nino NistriE-Mail: ninonistri@aol.comCity/Country: Glastonbury, CT. USAYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>RAF</strong> <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong>from 1966-1969. I was an aircraft maintenance officer with the 18TRS. MSGT. RayManus was my flight chiefand I am still in contact with him. Both my daughters were born in Great Britain. I livedoff base in the village of Duns Tew. I brought from the States my first new car, a 1966Chevelle Super Sport, 4 speed, 396. It was tough driving on the wrong side of theroad. I was in my prime than and it was a great chapter in my life. I retired from theUSAFR and live in CT.Sunday 04/25/2010 7:50:53amName: Rance Jurevwicz, Capt., USA, RetE-Mail: admin@veteranprograms.comCity/Country: Highland, CAYour Entry: http://www.veteranprograms.comWebsites like this is a great service to veterans. Please continue with youroutstanding work. We have added a link to your site on our monthly newsletter. Also,veterans who need information on the latest compensation news, compensationannouncements, and compensation developments, please visit our website today.Also, have you ever had hard time of trying to reach your VA primary care physician?Sick of voice mails? Tired of getting the run-around when you call the VA? The newVA Locator service at U.S. Veteran Compensation programs will save you time,money and aggravation. Try it today!http://www.veteranprograms.comWednesday 04/21/2010 11:42:46pmName: martinE-Mail: stylez_312002@yahoo.comCity/Country: tucson, USAYour Entry: im glad be able to carry on the proud tradition of being a Pedro.CSAR hh-60 gunnerPage 33 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Wednesday 04/21/2010 3:58:14amName: Bill (SAC) KaufmanE-Mail: kaufmansnowbirds@yahoo.comCity/Country: Kenai, AlaskaYour Entry: Was an Air Policeman at <strong>Upper</strong> H from 59-62. "A" flight. Would love to hear from anyof the group I worked with.Saturday 04/17/2010 8:06:37pmName: James H. Stewart Jr.E-Mail: JamesHStewartJr@AOL.COMCity/Country: Vero Beach , FloridaYour Entry: I was in the 20th MMS at <strong>Heyford</strong> from May 1972 until May 1974.(Weapons Loading)I have made contact with Robert(Bob) Salisbury,Jim Hawke,WoodyRoeschlien(spellcheck),Bill Quinlan,Paul Hammonds.I just saw retired Msgt John Pat Clark's entry --and remember him very well.Saturday 04/17/2010 6:10:17amName: Earle B. Swift, Jr.E-Mail: eswift@spotsylvania.va.usCity/Country: Spotsylvania, VirginiaYour Entry: I served at <strong>Heyford</strong> from July 1987 to September 1990. I served with the 620 SPS. Iwas then sent to Minot,ND.I truly wished I had stayed longer at <strong>Heyford</strong>. There weresome truly good times spent there. Feel free to contact me.Friday 04/16/2010 11:27:29pmName: Thomas KeplarE-Mail: thomas.keplar@optusnet.com.auCity/Country: Melbourne, AustraliaYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>RAF</strong> Croughton 1979-92 and <strong>RAF</strong> Uxbridge, London 1991-94where I retired from the USAF. I went to England as a young man with a new brideand this whole experience helped shape my life. I was in the area as <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong>was closing and we started to get Uxbridge ready to turn over to civilians. A peice ofmy heart will always be in England.Thomas Keplar, TSgt (ret), USAFPage 34 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Thursday 04/15/2010 4:35:00amName: Gene MilnerE-Mail: agmilner@gmail.comCity/Country: Venus, Tx. USAYour Entry: 520th AGS, BlueTuesday 04/13/2010 7:32:33amName: ALONZO ELLISE-Mail: ELS547@GMAIL.COMCity/Country: FORT WALTON BEACH, FLORIDAYour Entry: <strong>RAF</strong> <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from 1988-1994 55TH AMU Communication, Navigation, andPenetration Aids SpecialistMonday 04/12/2010 12:36:52amName: ivor james burgess bodyE-Mail: i.body@sky.comCity/Country: rustington West SussexYour Entry: I may be the oldest to sign the guest book born 16/2/1932 at Radcliffe infirmary and aweek later in married quarters. My brother 84 and sister 83 are the oldest probablystill alive, but will not sign the guest book.ivorFriday 04/09/2010 5:05:17amName: workman martinE-Mail: workmanml@HOTMAIL.CO.UKCity/Country: BICESTERYour Entry: WORKED AT HEYFORD ON AND OFF FOR YEARSTuesday 04/06/2010 6:07:43pmPage 35 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Name: Lena Grinnell (Crystal)E-Mail: Cgrinn085@aol.comCity/Country: Pittsburgh, PaYour Entry: My dad Rob Grinnell was stationed there from 87 to around 91. I vaguely rememberliving there. I remember walking to the Shopette for slush puppies. It's very nice tosee that there is a website up for the base. I frequently think about the four years Ispent there.Friday 04/02/2010 10:32:04pmName: John Pat.Clark Msgt,USAF (Retired)E-Mail: kanjana_mat@hotmail.comCity/Country: Pattaya,ThailandYour Entry: I was stationed at UH May 70-Jun 74. Made the move from <strong>RAF</strong> Wethersfield. I was aweapons troop assigned to the 55TFS and then 320th MMS.Lived in TobaccoHousing 736A Bader Dr. Great memories of UH and England.Friday 04/02/2010 8:58:18pmName: Carol Smith (Lawrence R Smith- Dec'dE-Mail: yubetcha@q.comCity/Country: New Mexico, USAYour Entry: My husband Larry and I were stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> after being transferred from<strong>RAF</strong> Wethersfield in the late 60's.We returned to the states to Holloman AFB, NM. and then, three years later were sentback to <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong>. Last tour, 1977 to 1981.Smitty passed away on Feb 11th 2010.We have many fond memories of <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> and surrounding areas, and of thefriends we made there.Anyone remember Smitty? He had the LSC crew for a couple of years, and theyattended loadeo's all over Europe. Please feel free to e mail me.Thursday 04/01/2010 4:32:13pmName: Paul HarrisE-Mail: plhjeh1966@msn.comCity/Country: Westmoreland/USAYour Entry: Hoping to hear from someone 1972-1976Page 36 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§assigned to the BMP.Monday 03/29/2010 7:23:43pmName: William (Peabo) DobbinsE-Mail: bdobbins@aqci.comCity/Country: Washington DCYour Entry: First assignment during my 24 year career. Stationed at <strong>Heyford</strong> from May 1, 1977 -April 30, 1979. Best two years of my life. Worked in the Hospital Outpatient RecordsSection. I'll always remember "the Club" with Sweet Lock, hanging with Frank andCharles Ashby, playing on the football team! And who could forget Audrey's Parties inBrackley...Skykings forever!Monday 03/29/2010 7:09:35pmName: william dobbinsE-Mail: b_dobb0228@yahoo.comCity/Country: Bowie MD/USAYour Entry: Fond memories of <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong>, the two greatest years of my life 1977-79.Monday 03/29/2010 6:12:37amName: Scot MalcolmE-Mail: rufnqaz@yahoo.comCity/Country: Santa Rosa CA USAYour Entry: I was with the 20AMU 1989-91Friday 03/26/2010 1:52:30pmName: Tony JimenezE-Mail: tjim3@yahoo.comCity/Country: Austin/USAYour Entry: Thanks to all my friends that made it bearable to hit that culture shock.Page 37 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Thursday 03/25/2010 7:16:11pmName: Steve ValenciaE-Mail: steve.valencia@sbcglobal.netCity/Country: Arroyo Grande USAYour Entry:Wednesday 03/24/2010 4:21:27pmName: Mark AndersonE-Mail: measma@roadrunner.comCity/Country: Newfane, NYYour Entry: July 74 - July 76 20th OMSMonday 03/15/2010 6:47:40pmName: Fredrick Edwards SrE-Mail: Borkemrif@aol.comCity/Country: Jacksonville, THE Sunshine StateYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from: 01/18/73 - 02/13/1975. Wow, what a site. I'vebeen looking for a site that had "any" information on it about <strong>Heyford</strong> quite a while. Atlast, I found the right one. Okay, let's see, I was member of the 20th SPS and I think itwas, C-Flight. Flight-Chief was named MSgt Doctor. Ok now come on guys, the chowbus,was really called: the "Roach-Coach", right... well, maybe because that was whatwe called it on the Swing and Midnight - fight. hahaha... Ok, the NCO Club was kool,but I did make quite a few runs to downtown London, to the D-House (many of youguys have never heard of it). House parties were in Lower Heford, Oxford, Banbury.God, has it been 35 years already ? ? ? ? ? ? Some of the guys that I ran with were:Marshall (he played football for <strong>Heyford</strong>), my roomie was Ricardo, Bullock (Bull),Greene, Gunther, James, Adams, Shotgun(K-9), Hainey, Armstrong, The Twins(Ronald & Arnold), CMSgt Rigsby, Landers, Smitty, and the list goes on and on... Notsure where any of these guys are today. Hey, let's face it, it's been 35 years and mostof them probably wouldn't remember me anyhow. Just the same, the "reunion"sounds great. I think it would be quite a task though. Especially since most are aloverthe country, and some are even out of the country. Me, I've been retired from theFederal government (Dept of Treasury) for two years now and I enjoy retirement lifelike you wouldn't believe. Well, if any of you out there remember me, email me atborkemrif@aol.com, and, if the reunion takes off, let me know. By the way, theVeterans outreach program that was mentioned (somewhere in Texas I think) is aterrific idea. Start planning.... Kudos the the person who came up with this site. It's agreat place for old soldiers such as myself to reminisce about the "good ole days" onthe tarmac with the F-111s, the 135s... Does anyone remember "the Falconier"?Page 38 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Monday 03/15/2010 6:06:28pmName: Jeff SteeleE-Mail: jksteele@sbcglobal.netCity/Country: Sacramento, CAYour Entry: I was stationed at UH twice, in the 20 MMS (Conventional Munitions) shop from April1974 - April 1976, and in the 20 EMS (Munitions Inspection) shop from October 1983- October 1985.Friday 03/12/2010 9:55:40pmName: William MorleyE-Mail: MorleyMerlyn@aol.comCity/Country: Burlington, MI USAYour Entry: I was at UH from 1990 to 1992 working in Transient Alert. Lived at <strong>RAF</strong> LittleRissington.Wednesday 03/10/2010 3:13:40amName: TIM MARSHALL SGTE-Mail: tamarshall@daktel.comCity/Country: JAMESTOWN NDYour Entry: WAS AT UH '86-'90 'E' FLIGHT SPS THEN ARMEROR LIVED IN BANBURY THENBICESTER ALOT OF GOOD MEMORIES AND TIMES DROP ME A LINEMonday 03/08/2010 8:01:55pmName: Steven C. KlinkE-Mail: sdklink@tampabay.rr.comCity/Country: Ruskin, FLYour Entry: I served in the 79th AMU of the 520th AGS from July 1988 to Oct 1990.Page 39 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Monday 03/08/2010 3:33:00pmName: Gerald EllisE-Mail: lovelutefisk@yahoo.comCity/Country: Merced, CaYour Entry: Hi....I just stumbled on to your website and have reviewed it with great interest. I wasTDY at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> for 3 months in early 1956. I was an ECM tech. with the 509thout of Walker AFB, Roswell NM. The short time we were there are good memories.We spent several nites each week at the New Inn in Oxford, and the small pub inLower <strong>Heyford</strong>. One afternoon we were summoned by the squadron headquarters toline up on the right side of the runway. A B47 attempting to land could not activate it'sstarboard outrigger. Approximately 75 men lined up with the idea of holding the wingup when the plane slowed down after touchdown, when the pilot made his first touchand go, the pilot "crabbed" the plane, and it appeared to be heading for the men linedon the runway. Most of them ran like hell until they realized the plane was in a yawconfiguration. The 2nd attempt the plane landed and as it slowed to almost a stop, themen were able to run under the wing hold it from touching and eventually pried downthe outrigger. Succesfully. Anyway, thanks for your website and memories.Best RegardsJerry EllisSaturday 03/06/2010 11:29:11amName: Christopher J. OlsenE-Mail: chris@gorillashine.comCity/Country: Lexington, KYYour Entry: Chris "Oly" Olsen 20th CES 86-88 Heavy Equipment Operator...looking for friendsmade at <strong>Heyford</strong>!Saturday 03/06/2010 4:57:50amName: ray dalereE-Mail: rmdalere@yahoo.comCity/Country: boston, ma/usYour Entry: i was at heyford from 79-81 in the 20th medical. there were a number of great friends imade in the dorms there and who i travelled with to many places in and around thelocal english countryside. would love to hear from any of those people sometime. feelfree to drop a me a line.Page 40 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Friday 03/05/2010 3:58:13pmName: Sam FleshinE-Mail: SFleshin@aol.comCity/Country: Chardon, OhioYour Entry: A great Web site. I was in upper <strong>Heyford</strong> on two ocacions on TDY from Lincoln AFBfrom 1961 to 1962. My duty was AP. After that I spent a year in Viet Nam 63-64.Thanks for putting this together. Brings back a lot of good memories.Thursday 03/04/2010 2:55:16pmName: Charles BusbyE-Mail: buzzcar@msn.comCity/Country: Banbury OxfordshireYour Entry: After 50 years I need to get in touch with David and Betty Lewis who rented a flat withus at the Railway Tavern Somerton near the <strong>Heyford</strong> Base. I believe they live in ornear Seattle.Thursday 03/04/2010 1:10:37pmName: James MajorE-Mail: jnestor@braceypharmacy.comCity/Country: Ashland, Pennsylvania USAYour Entry: Do you know how I could buy a US Air Force Patch 77th fighter squadron 20th fighterwing? I am looking to purchase one - you can email me at the email listed above -thanks for your help! JimWednesday 03/03/2010 1:46:24pmName: Robert C. JackE-Mail: spookietooth5@verizon.netCity/Country: RT 1 Box 115 Rivesville Wv. 26588Your Entry: I was at upper Hayford from 1968 to Jan 1970 was send to Germany then. I was withthe 66th security Police.Page 41 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Tuesday 03/02/2010 11:11:13amName: Rick SteenbergenE-Mail: ric403@yahoo.comCity/Country: KentuckyYour Entry: Stationed at <strong>Heyford</strong> from Oct 78 till Oct 79.20th MMS Wpns load crew 20.anyloaders from that time around?Monday 03/01/2010 12:23:35amName: Richard ( Coz ) OsmondE-Mail: coz@westcapenergy.comCity/Country: Tucson Az.Your Entry: I was a fire fighter there '76-78 . I'm looking for a few friends , Kevin Morsey , EdBurke , Mike Jesse ,Ed Purcell , Roc Manchester , Randy Brannen and CarlCalamusa . Where you at guys ?Tuesday 02/16/2010 6:34:35pmName: Michael E. McGowanE-Mail: macd1954@aol.comCity/Country: Graham, NCYour Entry: <strong>RAF</strong> <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> SP Nov 72 - Nov 74Saturday 02/13/2010 4:26:16pmName: Phil HaddockE-Mail: misssue@suesplace.comCity/Country: Lagrange, NcYour Entry: Assigned to UH twice; 66th Tac Recon/20th TFW Special Services from Aug 1968 toJune 1973; 20th TFW Special Services Dec 1974 to Dec 1978. Worked in old basegym (hanger by the flight line gate)& Special Services Office. Great Skykings Footballteams & great people. I was the guy in the Press box for many home Football gamesat Croughton in the early 1970's. Must have played the "Foggy Mountain BreakDown" record over 100 times. (each time Skykings scored).I could go on & on about the Haystack.I'm trying to find Sgt. Jim Raprager assigned UH late 1960's early 1970's.Great assignment!!!!!Page 42 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Saturday 02/13/2010 2:30:19pmName: Liam O'DonovanE-Mail: odonovanliam@aol.comCity/Country: Oxford ukYour Entry: i am trying to locate a Mr Bill Wise from Seattle Washington who was stationed at<strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> in the early 1960s. Any information will be held in the strictestconfidence as his daughter is ill and we need to find out if he had any hereditayillnesses that he may be able to assist with. My wife does not expect any contactother than any help he may be able to give.If not does anybody know of any other way of locating ex USAF service men from thattime?Friday 02/12/2010 7:35:20pmName: Russell HokansonE-Mail: rhokey1@yahoo.comCity/Country: Warner Robins, GAYour Entry: 20th OMS/55th Crew Chief of 68-014 from Dec 79 - Dec 81.Friday 02/12/2010 6:56:00pmName: Stephen CryeE-Mail: cryestephen@yahoo.comCity/Country: Lexington Ky USAYour Entry: I was there from 79 to 81 POL Lived in Oxford Lots of memories Thanks USAFThursday 02/11/2010 11:35:00pmName: bruce higginsE-Mail: grader1@gmail.comCity/Country: fenton, michYour Entry: was only at heyford about 8 months then off to germany with the 18th, but spent timeat the lock on the canal in lower heyford drinkin and also at the pub there. boughttailored suits in oxford and partied in trafalgar square new years 69. one of our rf-101scrashed while i was there and had duty picking up pieces in the farm fields too. lost agreat pilot in that one.Page 43 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Thursday 02/11/2010 6:33:29pmName: George Pickering TomlinsonE-Mail: Looking@Bresnan.netCity/Country: Great Falls Montana USAYour Entry: I'm looking for a friend that was at heyford 1959-61 he was adopted by T/Sgt Miller. isname was Kevin Schofield now Kevin Miller.Tuesday 02/09/2010 3:42:50amName: Jeff McWilliamsE-Mail: jeff_mcwilliams@hotmail.comCity/Country: Heidrick, Kentucky 40949 USAYour Entry: Loved being in the UK. SOme of the best times of my life. I was an Security Policefrom Dec. 89 to Dec. 91.Sunday 02/07/2010 11:06:04amName: Laurence GareyE-Mail: l.garey@sunrise.chCity/Country: SwitzerlandYour Entry: I am trying to contact Capt Gary Ball, F-111 pilot at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> in 1971.Anyone know where he is? ThanksFriday 02/05/2010 10:47:01pmName: Howard MasonE-Mail: howardmason@hotmail.comCity/Country: Everett, WA USAYour Entry: Was stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> June 1981 to June 1983, Assigned to 55th BlueAlpha Flight, was Assistant Crew Chief on 68-035 then was Crew Chief on 68-025.Have a lot of memories from UH we did a lot of long days but don't regret any of it.We achieved a lot of new records back then and learned from all the hard work. Sadto see the base has closed. I remember some wild times all us young airmen had,and how busy the airmen club was with many different bands that went through. Allthe traveling we did to so many places on the weekends was a lot of fun.Page 44 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§I remember the big protest that went on back in the spring of 1983 at the base. Wouldbe good to hear from any of the old flight that was there back then. Don't rememberall the names but do some of them, are 1stLT can't remember her name but doremember her nick name LT Swamp Moose (no offense) was all in good fun.HowardFriday 02/05/2010 5:08:12pmName: Cindy Witte FairweatherE-Mail: Chiefcmac03@aol.comCity/Country: Yorktown VAYour Entry: This site gets better and better! I always enjoy going through memory lane with all theUH folks. I was stationed there 76-79, started out in the WAF barracks at Croughton,worked 29th FMS, sheetmetal. Had Barry the Barber cut my hair as he was right outthe door!! Loved the pubs, fellow WAFs and best assignment of the 30 years ofcareer. Was married to Cloudy Fairweather, SPS, who sadly passed right after we leftthe rock. Miss Joe Flannino, Babs, Skitch, Rhoda, Debbie, Anita and Sparky. Greatdays!!Wednesday 02/03/2010 9:59:35amName: Keith J CorballyE-Mail: keithcorbally@yahoo.comCity/Country: newton,ksYour Entry: Crew chief of the 67-120 1985 to 1987Wednesday 02/03/2010 7:45:11amName: RICHARD LONGDENE-Mail: rlongden@talktalk.netCity/Country: WORCESTER .ENGLANDYour Entry: Does anybody know a Capt. Buddy Merritt who served on 79th tact.fighter sqaudronaround 1970-1974who was a big help to my parents afterlosing my brother FLT LFT D.C. Longdenwho was killed in his GNAT trainer at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> Dec 1971Page 45 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Saturday 01/30/2010 5:54:46pmName: Georgina WhiteE-Mail: g.g.white@hotmail.co.ukCity/Country: milton keynes UKYour Entry: please can anyone help. i'm looking for a man that goes by the name William Watson.All i know is that he transferred between <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> and Croughton Base betweenthe yrs of 1959 to 1962 i think. please mail me if you can help! thanksTuesday 01/26/2010 7:04:57pmName: Skip and Sandy CharetteE-Mail: user7991a@neb.rr.comCity/Country: Fremont, NebraskaYour Entry: Skip and I met at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> in 1967 married December 9th at the base chapel,lived in Banburry until returning to the states and just celebrated our 42nd weddinganniversary!! Anybody out there????Friday 01/22/2010 10:21:04pmName: Fred Wyatt, MSgt RetE-Mail: fwyatt@cox.netCity/Country: Midwest City, OklahomaYour Entry: Just a short note to catch up and say hello to all fellow UH veterans. Just retired frommy second career as a Forensic Lab Director with the local PD. Am living life now andhaving a great time. Give me a shout if you wish. Best wishes....Thursday 01/21/2010 1:07:14pmName: Bill Hembree Msgt USAF RETE-Mail: sweetpandb32@yahoo.comCity/Country: Kent Wa. AMERICAYour Entry: <strong>RAF</strong> <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> June '70- May '74.AMS '70 FMS '72 BHS 73-74Page 46 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Wednesday 01/20/2010 1:08:47pmName: Charles HalImanE-Mail: c.hallman@sbcglobal.netCity/Country: Fresno, CAYour Entry: I was stationed at <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> from 3/79-3/81. I was an SP on "C" flight. I wouldlike to hear from anyone from that flight and anyone that may have any pictures. All ofmy things from that time are long gone.Tuesday 01/19/2010 6:10:22pmName: Ira L. KingE-Mail: iratheking@hotmail.comCity/Country: Las Vegas, NV United StatesYour Entry: I was happy to find this site online. I was a member of the 20th Combat SupportGroup in the Base Headquarters Squadron From January of 1973 to September of1976. I was a Sargent when I left <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong>. I would love to hear from others Iknew while I was there.Tuesday 01/19/2010 3:18:09pmName: T. A. “Duck” FarrellE-Mail: taduckfarrell@tlwcc.orgCity/Country: Nashville, TN USAYour Entry: To any of the 1972 - 76 "Sky Kings" footballers... Remember the "old days" and You"STILL" outta be a Panthom Fan.Hay Stack was a great base>>>>REMEMBER!!!Monday 01/18/2010 7:24:39amName: WILLIAM (DAVE) HARRISE-Mail: butch179@verizon.netCity/Country: PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIAYour Entry: LOOKING FOR ANYONE WHO WS AT U.H. 67-69 66 FMS. DOES ANY ONEREMEMBER (PROJECT TIRED DOG)? STRIPPING INT. OF C-47'S ANDINSTALLING LONG RANGE FUEL TANKS FOR FERRYING BACK TO TEXAS FORRE-OUTFITTING TO PUFF, FOR VIET NAM. WE WORKED DAY AND NIGHT ONPage 47 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§THIS PROJECT.ALL SHOPS WERE IN ON THIS.Friday 01/15/2010 12:16:02amName: Otis “Boy Wonder” BurdenE-Mail: oburden@cablelynx.comCity/Country: Hot Springs, ArYour Entry: F-111 crew chief @ <strong>Heyford</strong> from 70-71 with the 79TFS. Transfered in from <strong>RAF</strong>Woodbridge. Anyother CC's here from that era?Tuesday 01/12/2010 4:15:54pmName: Linda AspinallE-Mail: lindaaspinall@ntlworld.comCity/Country: EnglandYour Entry: I am looking for Lavern Brown from "C" Battery, 4th AAA Battalion who was at <strong>Upper</strong><strong>Heyford</strong> in the mid 1950s.Sunday 01/10/2010 9:46:04pmName: Teresa Clayton (Vanderlaan)E-Mail: tmst@att.netCity/Country: grandville, MI USAYour Entry: I'm looking for Greg and Jill Pearson. They lived in Banbury had a daughter nameAngel. Gregg worked with Juke Vanderlaan, we had alot of fun at their home. It'sbeen decades but i would love to get in contact with them.Friday 01/08/2010 0:18:03amName: MATTHEW MILLER, JR.E-Mail: MM825@SBCGLOBAL.NET- MM5255@HOTMAIL.COMCity/Country: CHICAGO , IL.Your Entry: I WAS STATIONED AT UPPPERHEYFORD, FROM 9-74 - 9 -76 I WORKED AT THEOLE MEE HALL AS A COOK / 20TH BHS . RETIRED DISABLED VET.Page 48 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Tuesday 01/05/2010 11:12:50pmName: MSgt Vinssen (Vins) Clark, RetE-Mail: vinsclark@comcast.netCity/Country: Colorado Springs, COYour Entry: I was an "X0" troop,test station maintenance,in AMS from Jan 76until Jan 78. I have some old photosfrom my shop plus a few from friends in the ECM Shop.Will need to find them.Tuesday 01/05/2010 10:33:40pmName: Robert G. RossE-Mail: Traildusterrob@gmail.comCity/Country: Palm Desert California USAYour Entry: Stationed at R.A.F. <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> Mar. 1984 to Mar. 1987. Weapons LoadingSection 3 Bay, SGT. E-4. Lived at 9 Millway Close Wolvercote No. Oxon. Many tripson the M 40 to London in my 1980 Mercury Zephyr. I enjoyed the motorwaysthroughout England. Greetings 70 m.p.h. Farewell 55 m.p.h. Many great travels allover England, Scotland, and Wales. Attending great performances at the Royal AlbertHall, and great entertainment at Londons West End. Great gals, nice pubs, goodlagers such as Watneys and Pints of Bitter. Refreshes the parts other beers cannotreach. Greetings especially to my friends at the Plough Pub in Wolvercote No. Oxon.Especially to John who was the publican at the time. Great fish n chips especially onetime when I was at Bakers Street London SW1, had it served in newspaper, evenfound page 3 of the Sun in there somehow. Miss the great comics of Benny Hill andDave Allen who on London Weekend Television sitting on his stool, telling jokes witha cocktail in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Enjoyed my tour at the airbase in<strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong>. The F 111,s were a great aircraft to work on. Just a short note my dadwas born in London his name is Bob Ross. He had a good friend named Ronnie Winnwho years ago worked for the top executives at Pinewood Studios London Englandfrom the 1970s into the 1990s. Ronnie I would like to get in touch with you. Take care.Rob Ross Palm Desert CaliforniaSunday 01/03/2010 1:10:03amName: Jose GalvanE-Mail: xpl0rad0r@yahoo.comCity/Country: Phoenix, Arizona USAYour Entry: I have very fond memories of <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong> and the folks nearby and the bus load ofgirls that went to the Airmen's Club on Weekends. Oh, and the warm beer sold inLower <strong>Heyford</strong> in 1964. Joe Galvan 55th SRW USAFPage 49 of 50

UPPER HEYFORDMemorial Web SiteGUEST BOOK ARCHIVE 2010www.raf-upper-heyford.org¡¢£¤¡¤¥¦§Friday 01/01/2010 10:32:55pmName: Darren D. WheelerE-Mail: ddwheeler@yahoo.comCity/Country: Dallas, Georgia U.S.Your Entry: Stationed at <strong>RAF</strong> Croughton from June 1981 through June 1983. Assigned to the2168th Communications Squadron, which was a support unit to the 20th TacticalFighter Wing. Worked in the ASC Patch & Test Facility as a Tech Controller.Friday 01/01/2010 4:48:00pmName: Seve BilboE-Mail: s-bilbo@hotmail.comCity/Country: Scituate, Mass.Your Entry: Looking to contact members of 1stAFDS Shipped out of Sandia Base NM early 1950sto <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Heyford</strong>Friday 01/01/2010 4:01:08amName: Douglas EricksonE-Mail: kccsdad2@verizon.netCity/Country: Bloomington, ILYour Entry: I havent been on the site in a while. I worked at MATD as a Jet Engine Instructor. Iworked with Brian Ratigan, Eric Verdon, Vern Fisher and a bunch of other real greatpeople. If you remember me please feel free to write.Page 50 of 50

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