Nimble OS SNMP Reference Guide - Spiceworks Community

Nimble OS SNMP Reference Guide - Spiceworks Community

Nimble OS SNMP Reference Guide - Spiceworks Community

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16 | <strong>SNMP</strong> TrapsAlert/EventSeverityDescription/Possible CauseNotes/Action200520062007200820092010201320142015ServicescriticalcriticalinformationwarninginformationwarningwarningcriticalwarningExcessive restarts on the specifiedcontroller were detected. The specifiedcontroller detected repeated failures ina short period of time.The specified controller is beingrestarted in order to recover the statedservice.The array received a request from theadministrator to reboot the specifiedcontroller.The array was not able to complete therequest to reboot the controller.The array received a request from theadministrator to halt the specifiedcontroller.The array was not able to complete therequest to halt the controller.An error occurred on the specifiedcontroller.An error occurred on the specifiedcontroller and all services have stopped.The standby controller has not beenavailable for the amount of time shown.This could be caused by successivepower failures or persistent controllerhardware or software issues. Thecontroller will not attempt to start dataservices and will remain in this state inorder to provide a stable environmentfor support personnel to diagnose theissue. Attempts to manually restart thecontroller once in this state can fail forup to 30 minutes.After the controller restart, verify that theservice has restarted.Contact <strong>Nimble</strong> support.Contact <strong>Nimble</strong> support.A software error occurred while in aredundant controller configuration.Contact <strong>Nimble</strong> support.A software error occurred while in anon-redundant controller configuration.Contact <strong>Nimble</strong> support.The array is not running in a redundantcontroller configuration. Check for failuresymptoms on the peer controller.Alert/EventSeverityDescription/Possible CauseNotes/Action210121032104informationwarninginformationThe system services were started, andthe system shows the currently installedsoftware version.The specified service has stoppedunexpectedly but is not restartingautomatically.A secure tunnel was created on thespecified controller to allow <strong>Nimble</strong>Storage support personnel access.The specified service is unable to runreliably and is being shut down. Contact<strong>Nimble</strong> support.

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