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India’s Contribution AcknowledgedVisitPRETORIA: India’s significant contribution to South Africa’sliberation struggle was warmly and publicly acknowledgedat the public function here on 26 June to mark the 50 thanniversary of the ‘Freedom Charter’. The celebration washeld in kliptown in Soweto where this remarkable documentwas adopted and was attended by about ten thousandpersons, including Cabinet Ministers, provincial leaders,veterans, diplomats and media. India was the only foreigncountry invited to participate and was represented by ShriAnand Sharma, MP and official spokesperson of INC, whohad been actively involved in India’s efforts to support theanti-apartheid struggle in South Africa. He was given thesignal honour of addressing the large gathering which wasalso addressed by President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki.In his remarks, Shri Sharma paid tribute to the sacrifices madeby the courageous South African people to win their freedom.He said that Indian people and its Government had felt a natural“sense of solidarity with the just cause of a struggle for humandignity and freedom”. India had been in the forefront of itssupporters, being the first to impose sanctions against theApartheid regime – a remark greeted by wide applause. Manyothers in the international community had also taken up SouthAfrica’s cause. He, thus, felt privileged to be representing allthose who had supported South Africa from outside. The newSouth Africa symbolized the “triumph of human spirit over therepressive apartheid regime which had been rightly describedas a crime against humanity” and India was proud of having hadthe chance to contribute to this triumph.President Mbeki acknowledged the special solidarity betweenIndia and South Africa warmly in his address. He said that ShriSharma represented the “solidarity and support of the peoplesof the world, as exemplified by the Indian people”. He mentionedthat his presence was symbolic of the fact that ‘the Indian andSouth Africa people can and do claim parentage of a most eminentand historic human being, Mahatma Gandhi”. He reaffirmed “theunbreakable ties of solidarity that unite the peoples and liberationmovements of India and South Africa”. He spoke of the shared“commitment to join hands with the poor of the world to achievethe objective of a better life for all, globally”, referring to thesubstantial potential for cooperation between the two countriesbilaterally as well as multilaterally. ❖Sonia Gandhi Inaugurates NewMetro Corridor␣␣NEW DELHI: The United Progressive Alliance chairpersonand Congress President, Smt. Sonia Gandhi on 2 Julyinaugurated the 7-km long Central Secretariat- KashmereGate underground corridor of the Delhi Metro.Smt. Gandhi lauded the role of all Metro workers andofficials in doing a fine job and said that Delhi’s face wouldchange with the expansion of the Metro network. Metrowould help in reducing congestion and ensuring thatpeople reach their places of work on time, Smt. Gandhisaid.Smt. Gandhi also made a fervent plea to the people toensure cleanliness, safety and upkeep of the system sothat it attains real succes and the coming generationsbenefit from it. ❖Ramesh Chennithala is NewKerala PCC ChiefThe Congress President, Smt. Sonia Gandhi on 24 th Junehas approved the name of Shri Ramesh Chennithala, ex-MP, as the new President of Kerala Pradesh CongressCommittee in place of Shri T. Balakrishna Pillai withimmediate effect, according to a press release signed byAICC general secretary, Shri Janardan Dwivedi, MP. ❖18Congress SandeshJuly, 2005

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