Student's Book – Dec 2009 (5.9mb) - The Curriculum Project

Student's Book – Dec 2009 (5.9mb) - The Curriculum Project

Student's Book – Dec 2009 (5.9mb) - The Curriculum Project


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extensionexpressingopinionsBurma has many natural resources, including natural gas. What might be differentabout Burma today if the country had no natural resources?<strong>The</strong> situation in Burma would be better today if the country was resource poor.Brainstorm reasons for and against the above statement, then discuss in groups, or asa class.4.3 MODERN SOUTHEAST ASIAexerciseapplyinginformation,matchingMatch the form of government (Column A) with its description (Column B) and thecountries which currently use that system of government (Column C).COLUMN A COLUMN B COLUMN C1. Communism2. Democracy3. Authoritarianism4. Constitutionalmonarchy5. MilitarydictatorshipA. A King, Queen or Sultan is the head of state but theirpowers are limited by a constitution. <strong>The</strong> monarch mustconsult with a religious or elected group of people beforemaking important decisions.B. This form of government emphasises the state’sauthority. Countries that follow this system are usuallycalled Republics or Unions. In this system non-electedrulers have the most control although individuals usuallyhave some degree of freedom.C. In this form of government political power resides withthe military. It may be official or unofficial, or themilitary may have a very strong influence without beingentirely dominant.D. This form of government tries to equalise the socialconditions and remove inequalities between people.Property possession and business ownership are importantto followers of this system because they believe that allwealth should belong to everyone equally. As a result, thestate may try to take ownership of everything to make surethat profits are equally shared. When referring to just theeconomic system of a country, this way of thinking may becalled Socialism.E. This form of government has two different styles.People either hold political power themselves and directlyinfluence political decisions, or they elect officials torepresent their interests and make decisions for them.Brunei DarussalamVietnamCambodiaIndonesiaSingaporeBurmaPhilippinesLaosThailandMalaysia65

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