2012 Itinerary Guide - Philmont Document Archives

2012 Itinerary Guide - Philmont Document Archives

2012 Itinerary Guide - Philmont Document Archives


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Each <strong>Philmont</strong> Expedition or group must have at least two BSA registered adult Advisors. For Boy Scout groups,one advisor must be at least 21 years of age; the second Advisor must be at least 18 years of age. For Venturinggroups, both advisors must be at least 21 years of age. Each crew is required to have a majority of youthparticipants, and the maximum number of adults (over 21) is four (4) per crew. Participants 18 through 20years of age may be counted as youth or adult crew members in determining the makeup of the crew. Allleaders must have completed the current youth protection training offered at www.myScouting.org.Coed Venturing Crews are required to provide coed leadership while en route to and from <strong>Philmont</strong> and whilehiking the trails of <strong>Philmont</strong>. A Coed Venturing Crew must have at least one male Advisor and at least onefemale Advisor, each of whom must be at least 21 years of age. Female Advisors must be responsible for thefemale participants; male Advisors must be responsible for the male participants. Male and female youthparticipants will not share the same sleeping facility.Male and female Advisors are required to have separate sleeping facilities. Married couples serving as adultAdvisors may share the same quarters if appropriate facilities are available.When staying in tents, no youth will stay in the tent of an adult other than his or her parent or guardian.All Advisors must be physically capable of hiking and camping in <strong>Philmont</strong>'s high mountains for the length of theExpedition. Each Advisor is expected to reflect high moral standards established by custom, traditional values,religious teaching, and follow the youth protection guidelines.<strong>Philmont</strong> recommends groups identify alternate leadership able to “step in” at the last minute in the event aleader is not able to attend. <strong>Philmont</strong> cannot provide staff to meet the BSA, two-deep leadership requirement.Crew OrganizationEach crew has three youth in leadership positions along with one named adult leader. While some crews addadditional leadership positions, these four positions are required by <strong>Philmont</strong>. The positions and theirresponsibilities include:Crew LeaderEvery <strong>Philmont</strong> crew functions best when led by a youth Crew Leader! Great care should be used in selectinga Crew Leader as this person will have an awesome responsibility. The Crew Leader must have earned therespect of the crew members and adult Advisors.The Crew Leader gives leadership to the crew as they:• select the itinerary that best suits everyone’s physical abilities,• choose routes during the trek that match the crews ability,• set-up and break camp,• establish a fair duty roster.The Adult Advisor must support the Crew Leader and is responsible for:• arranging transportation, overnight stops and meals en route to and from <strong>Philmont</strong>,• ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone in the crew,• addressing crew conflicts that may require appropriate discipline,• serving as a counselor and coach and giving appropriate guidance to the Crew Leader.Chaplain’s AideA crew member, preferably one who has earned one of Scouting’s religious awards, should be selected as theChaplain’s Aide. Their duties include leading grace before meals and encouraging participation in religiousservices and the <strong>Philmont</strong> “Duty to God” program.<strong>2012</strong> ITINERARY GUIDE 5 PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH, BSA

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