PDF, Patent Landscape Report on Atazanavir - WIPO

PDF, Patent Landscape Report on Atazanavir - WIPO

PDF, Patent Landscape Report on Atazanavir - WIPO


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CATEGORIES WITH HIGHEST EMPHASISWhen the entire collecti<strong>on</strong> is compared by category, and the categories with the highestemphasis within each assignee group is noted, similarities and differences in assigneeemphasis can be noted (Figure 24).The commercial entities are relatively similar in chemical and formulati<strong>on</strong> emphasis, withtheir highest focus <strong>on</strong> synthesis, and stereospecific synthesis in particular. Most of the drugcandidates for this target (viral protease) are peptide mimetics which must stereospecificallybind to a site <strong>on</strong> the surface of the target. Commercial focus <strong>on</strong> this issue is understandablesince the efficacy, cost of goods and reducti<strong>on</strong> of side-effects all rest <strong>on</strong> the effectiveness ofstereospecific synthesis of a drug with multiple stereoisomeric centers (molecular linkageswhich are required to be in the appropriate orientati<strong>on</strong>, left-handed or right-handed).In the area of combinati<strong>on</strong>s, Novartis/BMS places slightly more emphasis <strong>on</strong> combinati<strong>on</strong>swith other protease inhibitors and reverse transcriptase inhibitors than with integrase. It alsoemphasizes auto-immune indicati<strong>on</strong>s and cancer but there is little evidence of pursuit ofneurologic or other anti-viral indicati<strong>on</strong>s.Figure 24. Emphasis <strong>on</strong> Categories in Drug DevelopmentChemistryCombinati<strong>on</strong>sFormulati<strong>on</strong>sIndicati<strong>on</strong>sCOMPARING TECHNICAL EMPHASIS OF TOP COMPANIESThe categories listed above allowed creati<strong>on</strong> of a matrix (Figure 25) that compares eachcompany for activity in different technical areas. The companies selected for the matrix area sampling (44 of 288) of the full list available in Appendix B, and include those companiesthat have an approved HIV-protease inhibitor drug.30

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