PDF, Patent Landscape Report on Atazanavir - WIPO

PDF, Patent Landscape Report on Atazanavir - WIPO

PDF, Patent Landscape Report on Atazanavir - WIPO


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PROTEASE INHIBITOR BREAK-THROUGHIn Figure 31, the Roche citati<strong>on</strong> map for its protease inhibitor patent is arranged to show 1 stto 3 rd generati<strong>on</strong> citati<strong>on</strong>s according to their year of publicati<strong>on</strong>. In the first few years,citati<strong>on</strong> was at a low frequency because the original document was still in the early stagesof being noticed. The rate of citati<strong>on</strong> then picked up speed, with an average rate of 280references per year since 2000. The arrow points out the founder patent for the Novartisdrug <strong>Atazanavir</strong>, which is within the 1998 branch of the map, and this branch is expanded inthe view below. Al<strong>on</strong>g with ATZ, many of the drugs later approved for inhibiti<strong>on</strong> of HIVprotease referred to the original Roche patent, and are therefore included am<strong>on</strong>g the citingreferences in this cite map.Figure 31. Citati<strong>on</strong> Map of Roche’s Early HIV Protease Inventi<strong>on</strong>36

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