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AmbassadorsThe foundation has been built on a group of committed volunteers who give presentations,organise fundraising events and generally support the foundation. The foundation doesnot have an active volunteer programme but maintains close contact with thesevolunteers.RELATIONS WITH COMPANIES AND INSTITUTIONSIn 2007 the foundation again has received a lot of support from companies andinstitutions. The annual report and the regular progress reviews are the formal means ofcommunication with these target groups. The news letters and website are obviouslyavailable as well. Personal contact between the Board members and the sponsoringcompanies and institutions fulfills the need felt by all to be kept up-to-date regularly. Thelarger sponsors support the foundation not only by operational support of goods andservices, but through the availability of their professionals who use their knowledge andexpertise on specific parts of the project as well.PRESS RELATIONSThe press is an important target group for the foundation. On one hand the foundation hasa very limited marketing and communication budget and on the other hand the press isinstrumental in increasing the reputation of the foundation and the project. Regularly pressreleases are distributed to inform the press on the latest news. In 2007 the foundation hasbeen awarded free publicity regularly. Six press releases were distributed in 2007 withregular press coverage of which six times in the national dailies.COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONSIn 2007 a large number of promotional activities took place. Most activities have a directlink with specific contributions to the foundation. Of some activities however the directcontribution can not be measured. The most important activities will be described below.Commercial on RTL televisionAn anonymous contributor committed to the project has donated a commercial ontelevision that has been broadcasted regularly on the several television stations in thecommercial breaks to draw attention for the project from the public.GoedTVSince 26 September 2007 the Netherlands has a new television station. GoedTV showshow charity organisations, social organisations, companies with a social responsibilityprogramme and private charity initiatives put many efforts together for a better society andthe results they achieve. It is a wonderful initiative with a specially produced documentaryabout the <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Lanka</strong> Orphanage Foundation that is broadcated regularly. For moreinformation: www.goedtv.nl.Fundraising concertThe year 2007 has ended very successfully. On the 30th of December in thePieterschurch in Leiden we hosted 450 guests who attended the special fundraisingconcert for our children. It was a beautiful and heart-warming afternoon hosted by ourpatroness Pia Douwes. Together with 22 renowned artists, who all contributed for free, Piaorganised a fantastic event for our project. Ticket sales, an auction and a lottery raised €44,731 after deduction of costs..Activities and eventsStill fundraising events for the children of the Somawathi Holland House of Hope areorganised throughout the country. Schools organised a fundraising event or a runningcontest and ambassador Joop Kühn gave presentations and at the end of the yeartraditionally he baked many ‘oliebollen’ and raised more than € 1,000 with it.55

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