CIMP 2010 Field Trip Guidebook

CIMP 2010 Field Trip Guidebook

CIMP 2010 Field Trip Guidebook

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TECHNICAL FILEGraphic design: Marzena Stempień-Sałek, Andrzej ŁaptaśEdition: Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS)Date: September <strong>2010</strong>Number of copies: 70ORGANIZING INSTITUTIONSThe Committee on Geological Sciences PASInstitute of Geological Sciences PASPolish Geological Institute - National Research InstituteInstitute of Geological Sciences Wrocław UniversitySPONSORSMinistry of Science and Higher Education<strong>CIMP</strong> - Commission Internationale de Microflore du PaléozoiqueCarl Zeiss Sp. z o. o.Precoptic Co.INFOMAX Kielce

Authors:Anna Fijałkowska-Mader, Maria Kuleta, Jan Malec, Zbigniew Szczepanik, Wiesław Trela,Stanisława Zbroja(Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, Holy Cross Mts. Branch,Zgoda 21 Street, 25-953 Kielce, Poland)Grzegorz Pieńkowski(Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4 Street,00-975 Warsaw, Poland)Monika Jachowicz-Zdanowska(Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, Upper Silesian Branch,Królowej Jadwigi 1 Street, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland)Monika Masiak, Marzena Stempień-Sałek(Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55 Street,00-818 Warsaw, Poland)<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 2

IndexWiesław Trela - Outline of Geology of the Holy Cross Mountains – page 4Zbigniew Szczepanik - Stop 1. Wiśniówka quarry – Furongian siliciclastic succession – page 9Anna Fijałkowska-Mader - Stop 2. Kajetanów – The Lower Zechstein black limestones – page 13Jan Malec - Stop 3. Bukowa Góra quarry - Lower Devonian siliciclastic succession – page 15Wiesław Trela, Jan Malec - Stop 4. Kowala – Devonian/Carboniferous boundary – page 18Monika Jachowicz-Zdanowska - Stop 5. Kielce – archive of drill cores; Lithostratigraphy andpalynostratigraphy of the Proterozoic-Lower Palaeozoic basement of the Polish Carpathians –presentation of core samples from the selected deep boreholes from southern Poland - page 20Zbigniew Szczepanik, Wiesław Trela - Stop 5. Kielce – archive of drill cores; Lithostratigraphy andpalynostratigraphy of the Furongian–Silurian succession in the Holy Cross Mountains - page 31Zbigniew Szczepanik - Stop 6. Zbelutka – Lower Cambrian sandstones and mudstones – page 37Monika Masiak - Silurian of the Bardo Syncline - page 38Monika Masiak, Wiesław Trela - Stop 7. Zalesie near Łagów – Ordovician and Silurian succession –page 41Monika Masiak, Wiesław Trela - Stop 8. Bardo Stawy – Ordovician/Silurian boundary, Rhuddanianblack cherts and shales – page 46Monika Masiak - Stop 9. Bardo Prągowiec – Wenlock-Lower Ludlow shales – page 51Wiesław Trela - Stop 10. Łysa Góra (Bald Mount) - Pleistocene peri-glacial boulder cover – page 54Anna Fijałkowska-Mader - Stop 11. Czerwona Góra – Upper Permian conglomerates – page 55Wiesław Trela, Maria Kuleta, Stanisława Zbroja - Stop 12. Zachełmie – Middle Devonian carbonatesand Permian/Triassic continental terrigenous deposits – page 57Grzegorz Pieńkowski, Marzena Stempień-Sałek - Stop 13. Krzemionki – Archeological Museum andReserve – page 60References – page 633<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Outline of Geology of the Holy Cross MountainsWiesław TrelaThe Holy Cross Mountains (HCM) are unique area located within a major tectonic zone ofEurope, i.e., the Trans-European Suture Zone (Fig. 1; Berthelsen, 1992). Geological maps clearlydisplay that the HCM are composed of the Palaeozoic core surrounded by the Permian-Mesozoiccover. The Palaeozoic core is divided into two structurally different units, i.e., the Łysogóry andKielce Regions, separated by the Holy Cross Fault. The Łysogóry Region (northern unit) is supposedto be a passive margin of Baltica (East European Craton), whereas the Kielce Region (southern unit)belongs to the Małopolska Block, which is considered to be a proximal terrane relocated dextrallyalong the present SW margin of Baltica (Nawrocki et al., 2007). The deep seismic soundingexperiments display a crustal structure of the Małopolska Block identical with that of the EastEuropean Craton (Malinowski et al., 2005). Paleomagnetic reconstructions and palaeontological dataindicate that at least since Mid-Ordovician the relative location of the Małopolska Block with respectto Baltica was similar to the present day (Cocks, 2002; Schätz et al., 2006; Nawrocki et al., 2007).The Cambrian system in the HCM is represented by a thick (up to 3000 m) siliciclastic successiondated by trilobite fauna and acritarch microphytoplankton (Żylińska, 2001, 2002; Szczepanik, 2009;Żylińska and Szczepanik, 2009). The shallow water sandstone facies prevail mostly in the western partof the HCM (e.g. the Series 2/3 Ociesęki Formation and the Furongian Wiśniówka Formation),whereas shales and mudstones predominate in the eastern localities. The Cambrian rocks of the olderage were deformed prior to the Furongian-Tremadocian time interval as can be inferred from theangular unconformity between the Furongian sandstones/mudstones and underlying foldedmudstones/shales corresponding to the Cambrian Series 2/3, detected in the eastern part of the KielceRegion (Szczepanik et al., 2004). The topmost part of the Cambrian section in the Łysogóry Region ismade up of the upper Furongian/lower Tremadocian? black shales (up to 150 m thick) correspondingto the Scandinavian alum shales, which relate to transgression commenced the HCM in the lateFurongian. The Cambrian acritarch specimens in the Łysogóry Region display dark brown to blackcolors and refer to the indexes 5+ to 6 (condensate to gas window) in the Amoco Standard ThermalAlteration Index (Szczepanik, oral information). On the contrary, the color of forms from the KielceRegion is much more lighter (mostly yellow) and corresponds to the indexes 3+ to 4+ in the AmocoTAI scale.There is a conspicuous angular unconformity at the Cambrian/Ordovician boundary recognizedin the Kielce Region and documented by the upper Tremadocian glauconite-bearing sandstones andmudstones resting on the folded sandstones and mudstones of the Cambrian Series 2/3. However, inthe eastern part of this area the stratigraphic gap related to the Cambrian/Ordovician boundary narrowsand includes the lower Tremadocian strata (Szczepanik et al., 2004). The bulk of the Ordoviciansuccession in the Kielce Region is represented by the Lower to Upper Ordovician sandstones and<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 4

condensed limestones/dolostones (up to 50 m thick section) interrupted by discontinuity surfaces ofvarious stratigraphic range, developed on a central submarine elevation (Dzik and Pisera, 1994; Trela,2005). These facies are surrounded by the Middle/Upper Ordovician black and green/grey shales (upto 200 m thick) occurring in the Łysogóry Region and SW margin of the Kielce Region, interpreted asdeposits of a deeper intra-shelf basins developed under intermittent dysoxic conditions (Trela, 2007).Mudstones and sandstones (~6 m thick) delineating the topmost part of the Ordovician system in theHCM correspond to the global regressive event. Likewise the Cambrian forms, the Ordovicianacritrach specimens reveal conspicuously different color signature between both regions; i.e., darkforms in the Łysogóry Region and much lighter in the southern area (Szczepanik, oral information).In Silurian both regions of the HCM displayed a similar evolution. The sedimentary record isrepresented by the Rhuddanian – Gorstian mudrock facies (up to 300 m thick) passing gradually into athick succession of greywacke sandstones (~500 m thick). The base of the Silurian succession consistsof the Rhuddanian black shales and radiolarian cherts that represent only a small fraction of themudrock facies. The Rhuddanian black shales in the Łysogóry Regions were a part of the faciespattern developed along the present SW margin of Baltica, which was positioned at the northernmargin of the Rheic Ocean (Podhalańska and Trela, 2007). At the opposing margin of this ocean theorganic-rich black shales were deposited along the Gondwana shelf forming the most importantpetroleum source rocks in N African and Arabian Peninsula (Lüning et al., 2000). Moreover, in thecase of the HCM, the sedimentary environment was controlled by the upwelling system generatedalong a submarine elevation by the SE trade winds, which is supported by black radiolarian cherts inthe Kielce Region (Kremer, 2005; Trela and Salwa 2007; Trela 2009). The black shale depositionreturned close to the Llanvirn/Wenlock boundary after the Aeronian and Telychian period of seasonalwater column stratification and mixing. The deposition of greywackes was initiated in Mid-Ludlowand resulted in filling up of the foredeep basin that extended from the Łysogóry Region to the presentSW margin of Baltica (Poprawa et al., 1999; Narkiewicz, 2002). Kozłowski et al. (2004) postulate thatthe source area for greywackes was an arc-continent orogen located westward of the HCM (theŁysogóry Region was in a more distal position towards this orogen than the Kielce Region).In the Kielce Region the greywacke succession is unconformably overlain by the Lower Devoniansiliciclastic deposits, which resulted from the Late Caledonian orogeny. However, in the ŁysogóryRegion shallow water greywacke facies continue across the Silurian/Devonian boundary (Kozłowski,2008). The Lower Devonian siliciclastics (~550 m thick) display evolution of the sedimentaryenvironment from continental to marginal marine settings including deposition in storm- and wavedominatednearshore zone (Szulczewski, 1995a; Kowalczewski et al., 1998; Szulczewski andPorębski, 2008). Close to the Lower/Middle Devonian boundary the siliciclastic deposition wasreplaced by carbonates forming the carbonate platform that reveal three-phased evolution: peritidal tobank and reef deposition followed by the post-reef phase (Szulczewski, 1995a, 2006). The stepwisedrowning of the carbonate platform initiated in Late Devonian was controlled by eustatic sea-level rise5<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

accompanied by syndepositional block-faulting driven in turn by the tectonic extension (Szulczewskiet al., 1996). The worldwide biotic crises and anoxic related black shale (or limestone) horizons werealso recognized within sections related to drowning of the carbonate platform (Racki, 2006;Marynowski and Filipiak, 2007).The facies layout in Early Carboniferous was controlled by tectonic horsts and grabens inheritedafter the Late Devonian syndepositional block faulting (Szulczewski et al., 1996). The Carboniferoussystem in the HCM is represented by deposits of the lower Mississippian series detected only in theKielce Region. Palaeohighs were sites of local non-deposition at the Devonian/Carboniferousboundary. The alternating shales and lime mudstones were deposited on or close to the elevatedblocks, whereas the adjacent basins were dominated by black shale deposition with some participationof phosphorite nodules (Żakowa, 1981; Skompski, 2006). The anoxic shale facies buried the elevatedblocks in the late Tournaisian and prevailed in the Visean across the entire basin. The subordinatefacies are lime breccias and resedimented limestones of sub-marine fans derived from a hypotheticalcarbonate platform placed to the south (Bełka et al., 1993). The deposition of shales with fine-grainedgreywackes finished the Carboniferous succession in the HCM. They are interbedded by a numeroustuffite beds recording the acid volcanic activity (Migaszewski, 1995). In Late Carboniferous, theCambrian deposits of the Łysogóry Region were overthrusted on the Devonian strata of the KielceRegion along the Holy Cross Fault (Kowalczewski, 2004). Thus, it was time when the whole area wasfolded and lifted up, and tectonic framework for development of the Permo-Mesozoic cover wasestablished.The Permian deposits in the HCM, referred to the upper Lopingian (Zechstein), rest on thefolded Palaeozoic rocks along the angular Variscan unconformity. The coarse-grained breccias andconglomerates occur both at the base of the Upper Permian succession and as intervals of variousthickness interrupting red mudstones with calcrete horizons. These deposits are associated with thealluvial fan or fan delta environments (Zbroja et al., 1998; Kuleta and Zbroja, 2006). Thickconglomerate sections occur close to the elevated blocks built of the Palaeozoic strata. Theconspicuous lithologies within these continental deposits are black limestones/dolostones andevaporate deposits (anhydrite nodules) documenting the incursion of marginal marine settings.The Lower and Upper Triassic deposits are represented by red sandstones, mudstones and shaleswith subordinate carbonate interbeds. They document a wide spectrum of continental environmentsincluding: alluvial plain, eolian and lacustrine settings, accompanied however by subordinate shallowmarine deposits (Senkowiczowa, 1970; Kopik, 1970; Kuleta and Zbroja, 2006). The Middle Triassiclimestones and dolostones occurring in the south-western, south and north-eastern localities of theMesozoic cover were deposited in marginal to open marine settings of the carbonate platform(Senkowiczowa, 1970; Trammer, 1975).The Jurassic deposits of the HCM were formed in the eastern arm of the Jurassic Europeanepicontinental basin (Pieńkowski, 2008). The lower part of this system is dominated by the siliciclastic<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 6

succession of the continental (alluvial plain and lacustrine) and marginal to shallow marineenvironments (Pieńkowski, 2004). The overlying Middle Jurassic sandstones, mudstones andheteroliths were accumulated under influence of relative sea-level changes. Thick carbonatesuccession, deposited in the open to shallow and marginal carbonate ramp settings, dominates in theUpper Jurassic rock record of the HCM (Pieńkowski, 2008). In some places, the Cretaceoussandstones rest on the Upper Jurassic limestones along the erosive surface.In the post-Cretaceous times the HCM was emerged due to tectonic inversion and uplifting,which resulted in partial removal of Mesozoic strata and exposure of Palaeozoic rocks (Kutek andGłazek, 1972). In Miocene, the south-eastern periphery of the HCM was located in the marginal partof the Carpathian Foredeep formed in response to the northward overthrust of the Alpine front.Fig. 1. (the next page) The simplified geological map of the Holy Cross Mountains (afterKowalczewski, Romanek and Studencki, 1990, unpublished map).USB – Upper Silesian Block, MB – Małopolska Block, LB – Łysogóry Block, TTZ – Teisser–Tornquist Zone.7<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Stop 1. Wiśniówka quarry – Furongian siliciclastic successionZbigniew SzczepanikThe Wiśniówka Duża quarry (10 km N of Kielce) is one of the largest quarries in the HCM,which together with two smaller quarries, is located near the Wiśniówka Mount in the western part ofthe Łysogóry Region close (about 1 km) to its southern boundary – Holy Cross Fault (Fig. 1). In thisquarry quartzite sandstones have been mined since eighty years. The sandstones contain nearly puresilica, so they are also excellent raw material for chemical and refractory industries. All threeWiśniówka quarries are located in the western part of the zone of the strongly deformed LowerPalaeozoic rocks that occurs along the northern side of Holy Cross Fault (Fig. 2).Fig. 2. The geological sketch map of vicinity of the Wiśniowka quarries with location of acritarchsamples and occurrences of trilobites.The Wiśniówka Duża quarry is a type location for the Wiśniówka Sandstone Formation(Orłowski, 1975) (Fig. 3). The Furongian strata of the Wiśniówka Formation are sandwiched betweentwo clayey-muddy complexes, i.e., the Middle Cambrian – Furongian Pepper Mountain Formation inthe south and the Upper Furongian – Klonówka Formation in the north. Rocks of the WiśniówkaFormation are tectonically discordantly overlain by the Permian – Triassic conglomerates(Kowalczewski at. al. 1986, Kowalczewski and Dadlez, 1996).

Fig. 3 Lithostratigraphic scheme of Cambrian in the Holy Cross Mts. with position of trilobite andacritarch assemblages.<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 10

Sandstones of variable thickness are predominating lithology in the Wiśniówka Formation,although not the only lithological component in this unit.. The lens-shaped packages of sandstones areseparated by various types of quartz, quartz-ferruginous and mudstone interbeds of different thicknessas well as black and green-grey to red shales (heterolithic facies). The tuffites and bentonites havebeen found among them (Kowalczewski at. al., 1986).The detailed observations revealed that the Wiśniówka sandstones were originally fine grainedquartz arenites with massive structure and loosely packing. The quartz grains predominate in the rockframework (Morawiecki, 1928, Michniak, 1969, Czermiński, 1959) with slight admixtures of silicarocks and accessory minerals - zircon, rutile, anatase, tourmaline and apatite (Michniak, 1969; Łydkaand Orłowski 1978). The oval shape of quartz grains and their good sorting as well as indifferentmineral composition indicate their high textural and mineral maturity (Sikorska 2000).In these rocks, very rich assemblage of sedimentary structures were recognized, such as: waveand current ripple marks, erosion channels and hummocky structures were observed (Radwański andRoniewicz 1960). One of the richest assemblages of the Cambrian trace fossils on the whole worldwas found in this quarry. It contains mainly very numerous trilobite trace fossils belonging toichnospecies: Rusophycus, Cruziana, Planolites, and Phycodes (Dżułyński and Żak 1960; Orłowski etal., 1970, 1971; Orłowski and Żylińska, 1996; Studencki, 1994).In the light of these observations, almost all geologists believe that these rocks were deposited inshallow to very shallow marine setting within distal part of inner shelf zone (e.g. Studencki, 1994). Itshould be noted, however, that there are different opinions concerning the conditions of sedimentationpostulating deposition of these rocks in the deep marine basin due to turbidity currents (Malec, 2009).Sandstones exposed in the Wiśniówka quarry were dated by Orłowski (1968) on basis oftrilobite fauna but fossils were found not directly in the section but on rock heaps and it wasimpossible to link them to the section in the quarry. The trilobite assemblages from Wiśniówka andWąworków located at the eastern margin of the HCM were objects of revision work carried byŻylińska (2001, 2002), who classified them as Aphelaspis rara (Orłowski), Protopeltura aciculata(Angelin). The former taxon is known from the lower part of Furongian, whereas P. aciculata pointedto the lower part of Parabolina spinulosa trilobite zone. A specimen of Protopeltura aciculataAngelin (Żylińska and Szczepanik, 2002) was the first „in situ” sampled trilobite, in the most northernpart of the quarry, indicating that this part of the section represents the bottom part of the Parabolinaspinulosa zone of the Scandinavian Furongian zonation.The acritarch studies of the Wiśnówka Formation were first time carried out by Moczydłowskain 1986 (Kowalczewski at al., 1986). She found acritarchs in the Wiśniówka Mała quarry, locatedsouthward from the Wiśniówka Duża quarry. The detected assemblage was dominated by Timofeevialancarae and Timofeevia phosphoritica that in her opinion may represent a wide range of Cambrian(Middle Cambrian – Tremadocian). Moczydłowska recognized a poor assemblage of the Tremadocianmicroflora in rocks outcropped in the northern transport way to the Wiśniówka Duża quarry.11<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

In the effect of modern investigations which have been carried out by Szczepanik (2007) newdata concerning the Cambrian microflora was provided. He found two assemblages:• the first one from the Wiśniówka Mała contains rich acritarch microflora with numerous T.phosphoritica, T. lancarae and Vulcanisphaera spinulifera. These forms occur together withabundant specimens of informal ”galeate” group: Cymatiogalea velifera, Cymatiogalea cristata,accompanied by numerous and varied Multiplicisphaeridium and rare Pirea orbicularis(Szczepanik, 2002, 2009; Żylińska at al., 2006),• the assemblage from the Wiśniówka Duża is less numerous and contains a slightly differentacritarch species represented by numerous T. phosphoritica, rare T. pentagonalis, and lacks of T.lancarae. The association of “galeate” is more diversified and contains new species: Cymatiogaleabellicosa (Deunff), Stelliferidium aff. cornitulum (Deunff). Among forms which represented genusVulcanisphaera specimens with long processes occur for the first time. They belong to the speciesof Vulcanisphaera turbata Martin and Vulcanisphaera africana Deunff.Such a sequence of the acritarch appearance is very similar to pattern noted in the East EuropeanCraton as well as Newfoundland (Canada) and pointed that the Wiśniówka Mała assemblage isslightly older than that from the Wiśniówka Duża (Żylińska at al., 2006). It is very important thatpalynological data has a very good coincidence with trilobite zonation. In New Caledonian sectionsthe first occurrence of Vulcanisphaera africana Deunff is connected with the lower part of Parabolinaspinulosa zone. The similar coincidence was noted in the Wiśniówka Duża quarry where the firstoccurrence of this acritarch taxa is very close to the north wall of quarry, where trilobite Protopelturaaciculata indexed for Parabolina spinulosa zone has been found (Żylińska at al., 2006).Moreover, it is noteworthy to focus on tectonics observations within this quarry. At first glance,it seems that layers dip mostly northward without any other tectonic deformations, but more detailedstudies revealed a lot of interesting tectonic structures (Salwa, <strong>2010</strong>). The co- occurrence of similar,vertical and plunging folds (with amplitudes reaching up-to 6 m) was reported from this quarry. Theyare accompanied by overthrust faults, that resulted from compression from NE-SW and NW- SEtectonic compression. In this quarry quartz, pyrite, barite and other minerals veins are common. Thetectonic deformation of rocks in this quarry was multistage process. The first deformations occurred inloose sediments before its final consolidating. The traces of the Early Caledonian and Variscantectonic processes were as well recorded in these rocks (Salwa, <strong>2010</strong>).This quarry is very important for determining the style of tectonic construction and structuralposition of the Łysogóry Region. For many years, plenty of scientific discussions have been held inthis area. Some geologists claimed that rocks in the quarry dip monoclinaly northward and onlyslightly deformated by Variscian faults (Mizerski, 1998) but others believed that these rocks wereintensively folded and overthrusted (Kowalczewski at. al., 1986, Kowalczewski and Dadlez, 1996;Salwa, <strong>2010</strong>; Znosko, 1996). The second conclusion is nowadays considered to be commonlyaccepted.<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 12

Stop 2. Kajetanów – The Lower Zechstein black limestonesAnna Fijałkowska-MaderThe abandoned quarry situated in Kajetanów village is located 11 kilometers northward of Kielce,within the eastern part of the Kajetanów embayment (Fig. 4). The western wall of the Kajetanówquarry displays rhythmically bedded dark and black limestones and marls (Fig. 4), dipping northwardat the angle of 12-15º, and cut by minor faults. They are called the Kajetanów Limestones(Pawłowska, 1978), and nowadays up to 8 m thick succession is visible in this outcrop. The limestonesare medium- and thin-bedded, and show discrete horizontal and wavy lamination. In thin section theyreveal an admixture of quartz grains, mica flakes as well as scattered pyrite and small sandstone clastsaccompanied by pyritized bioclasts and fragments of plants. The lower part of the consideredsuccession - the Productus Limestones – is made up of thick- and medium-bedded limestonesintercalated by marls (~1.5 m thick), dated by brachiopod of Horridonia horrida Sowerby. They passupwards into stratified medium- and thin-bedded limestones and marls (about 4 m thick, theStrophalosia Marls) with numerous macro- as well as microfossils, represented by: Horridoniahorrida Sowerby, Strophalosia morrisiana King, Dielasma elongatum Schlotheim., Lingula credneriGeinitz, Bakewella ceratophaga Schlotheim, B. antiqua Verneull, Nucula beyrichi Schloth., Stenoporacolumnaria Schloth., Acanthocladia anceps Schlotheim, Agathamina pusilla Geinitz (Jurkiewicz,1962; Kaźmierczak, 1967). The uppermost part of section is represented by shaly marls (~2 m thick,the Marls with Flora), yielding foraminifers of Geinitzina cuneiformis Jones and remains ofconiferous and ferns, including: Voltzia liebeana Geinitz, V. hexagona Bischoff, Ullmania frumentariaSchoth., U. bronni Goeppert, Carpholites klockeanus Heer, C. eiselianus Geinitz and Sphenopteris sp.(Jurkiewicz, 1962). Intercalations of silty sandstones with calcareous/dolomitic matrix or blackcalcareous siltstones rich in carbonized matter can be found here as well.A few samples from the Marls with Flora deposits were investigated by S. Dybova–Jachowicz(unpublished data) and author (Fijałkowska, 1991). They contain the rich spore-pollen assemblagedominated by Lueckisporites virkkiae, with the low Aa and Ab norms. The genus Lunatisporites,represented mainly by L. noviaulensis is the second under the consideration of frequency in thisassemblage. The important elements of this spectrum are Klausipollenites schaubergeri, Limitisporitesmoersensis and Jugasporites delasaucei. The monosaccate pollens are dominated by Nuskoispoitesdulhuntyi and N. klausi. The acritarch community is represented by rare specimens of Veryhachium andBaltisphaeridium. This spectrum represents the Subassemblage Ia: Lueckisporites virkkiae Ab andacritarchs of the Assemblage I: Lueckisporites Virkkiae Ab, distinguished by Fijałkowska (1991, 1994) inthe lowermost Zechstein in the HCM.The deposition of the considered herein limestone succession took place in the lagoon basin thatin Zechstein was part of the large Kajetanów bay occupying the western margin of the HCM.13<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Fig. 4. The Upper Permian limestones in Kajetanów and their correlation with nearby boreholes.<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 14

Stop 3. Bukowa Góra quarry - Lower Devonian siliciclastic successionJan MalecBukowa Góra quarry is situated in the western part of the Klonowskie Range, in the NW part ofthe Łysogóry Region of the HCM. The Lower Devonian (Upper Emsian) siliciclastic succession, up to170 m thick, can be observed in the quarry (Fig. 5).Fig. 5. The Bukowa Góra section in relation to the Lower Devonian lithostratigraphy of the ŁysogóryRegion.15<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Beds dip at 35-45˚ to N and belong to the southern limb of the Bodzentyn Syncline. The lower part ofthe Bukowa Góra section belongs to the middle and upper part of Zagórze Formation (~110 m thick)(Fig. 5). The upper part of the considered section comprises sediments of the GrzegorzowiceFormation (according Malec, 2005) with three units: Bukowa Góra, Kapkazy and Zachełmie Members(Fig. 5).In the Łysogóry area, the Lower Devonian succession is up to 600-700 m thick. Its lower part isrepresented by shallow marine sediments of the Bostów Formation consisting of claystons, siltstoneswith limestones intercalation (~300 m in thickness). The Silurian/Devonian boundary is located withinlower part of this formation which yielded graptolite and trilobite faunas (Tomczyk et. al., 1977). TheBostów Formation overlies the uppermost Silurian (Pridolian) Klonów Formation composed ofalternating siltstone and sandstone beds of various thickness representing the alluvial and shallowmarineenvironment, however, lacking of marine fossils (Kowalczewski et al., 1998; Kozłowski,2008). The Klonów Formation and Bostów Formation belong structurally to the Caledonian complex(Malec, 1993,2001,2006; Kowalczewski et al., 1998). The Bostów Formation is overlain by the “OldRed” facies of the Variscan complex along the erosive and angular unconformity including thestratigraphic gap (upper Lochkovian – lower and middle Pragian). The “Old Red” facies consists ofthe Barcza and Zagórze Formations. The former one is represented by quartzitic sanstones (~150 m)intercalated by siltstones and claystones with, casts of placoderm plates and detrital psilophyte flora.The Barcza Formation is interpreted as deposits of fluvial meandering channel (Czarnocki, 1936;Kowalczewski, 1971; Łobanowski, 1971, 1990).Zagórze Formation (~200 m thick) is built of a cyclic sandstones packets (some of them over a dozenmetres) intercalated by grey-dark or cherry silstones (a few centimeters to some metres thick).They were deposited in a shallow-marine environments represented by a wide spectrum of settingsfrom lagoonal through shoreface to offshore shelf areas (Szulczewski, 1993a,b). The lower part ofthis unit is composed of horyzontally laminated or cross-bedded and sometime massive quartziticsandstones, pointing to deposition in a high-energy storm conditions. Beds consisting of sandstoneclasts are interpreted as channel deposits. The upper part of this formation is made up of middlebedded,poorly sorted sandstones with silstone intercalations. Sandstones show horizontallamination, cross-bedding and hummocky cross-stratification. The ripple cross-lamination occurson the upper surface of siltstone beds. This part of the Zagórze Formation was deposited in theupper shoreface environment (Szulczewski, 1993a, b). In general, the Zagórze Formation wasdeposited in marginal setting under the storm activity (Szulczewski and Porębski, 2008).The sedimentary record of the Zagórze Formation reveals of numerous allochthonous shellyfossils and ichnofossil assemblages. The articulate brachiopod of Chonetes, Euryspirifer,Spinocyrtia and Strophodonta are predominating fossils in the heterolitic sandstone-siltstonepackets. They form sheet-like discontinuous accumulations resulted from the deposition of thehurricane and storm generated currents (Łobanowski, 1971; Szulczewski, 1993a, b). The<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 16

accompanying fossils consist of bivalves, crinoids, trilobites, tentaculites, rugose corals andostracodes. Up to 20 ichnogenera were identified in this formation. Ichnofossil assemblagesbelong to Skolithos, Cruziana and Zoophycos ichnofacies. They are the most abundant insandstones of storm genesis. The most extensive burrowing occurs in cherry and black silstonesrepresenting lagoonal environment (Szulczewski, 1993a,b; Szulczewski and Porębski, 2008).Miospore assemblages from middle and upper part of the Zagórze Formation belong to foveolatusdubiamiospore zone of the Middle and Upper Emsian, which corresponded to nothoperbonusserotinusconodont zones (Fijałkowska-Mader et. al., 1997).Grzegorzowice FormationBukowa Góra Member (~13 m thick) consists of the black maddy claystons with singlediscontinuous layers of limestone and dolostone, to reach 10 cm. They overlie sandstone andsiltstone of the Zagórze Formation. In claystones and carbonate beds there are abundantautochthonous micro- and macrofossils, including foraminifers, ostracodes - Kozlowskiella orbis(Dahmer), conodonts, brachiopods, crinoids, trilobites, bryozoans, tabulates - Favosites goldfussieifeliensis (Penecke), rugosans - Calceola sandalina Lamarck and stromatoporoids. Blackclaystons contain the upper Emsian assemblages of conodonts indicative of the patulus zone. Inthis unit the different palynomorph assemblages have been recognized. They assigned the BukowaGóra Member to the apiculatus-proteus miospore zone (Fijałkowska-Mader et. al., 1997; Filipiak,2009). The claystones of the Bukowa Góra Member can be generally defined as the shallow shelfdeposits accumulated during the late Emsian sea-level rise (Malec, 1990, 2001, 2005).Kapkazy Member (~34 m thick) overlie with a sedimentary continuity dark claystones of theBukowa Góra Member. It is represented by fine-grained quartzitic sandstones with thin siltstonealternations. In its lower part, there are coarse-grained sandstones with crinoids and brachiopods.The upper part of the Kapkazy Member is composed of horizontally laminated and cross-stratifiedquartzitic sandstones with ripple cross-lamination. These sediments were deposited on the lowershoreface during the regressive event (Szulczewski, 1993a, b; Malec, 2001, 2005).Zachełmie Member (~50 m thick). The lower part of this member is composed of dark graysilstones and sandy claystones with agglutinated foraminifers, ostracods, tentaculites, crinoids andtrilobites. The upper part of this unit contains silstones and sandstones with brachiopods Lingulasp., leperditiid ostracodes Herrmannina sp. and bivalves. Lower part of this unit relates to theshallow-sea environment, whereas the upper to the lagoonal and periodicall continental settings.The lower portion of this unit belongs to late Emsian while the upper to the early Eifelian (Malec,2005).17<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Stop 4. Kowala – Devonian/Carboniferous boundaryWiesław Trela, Jan MalecMore than 350 m thick section of the Upper Devonian succession is exposed in the active Kowalaquarry located in the southern limb of the Gałęzice Syncline at the southern margin of the KielceRegion (Fig. 6). This succession provides inside into worldwide anoxic events associated withrecurrent black shale horizons occurring in the Famennian part of the Kowala section and theDevonian/Carboniferous boundary in the HCM (Fig. 6; Marynowski and Filipiak, 2007).Two of black shale horizons appear close to the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary and refer to as:• the Upper Famennian Annulata black shale (Bond and Zatoń, 2003),• the Hangenberg black shale (Marynowski and Filipiak, 2007).The Annulata black shale (the Kowala black shale in Marynowski and Filipiak, 2007) forms up to25 cm thick bipartite horizon with thin nodular and black limestone interbed. The black shales revealTOC content up to 23 wt. % (Marynowski and Racka, 2009). The lower black shale horizon developedunder dysoxic bottom-water conditions, whereas the upper one relates to the euxinic environment(Marynowski and Racka, 2009). The Upper Famennian miospore zone LV (Retispora lepidophyta–Apiculiretusispora verrucosa) was documented in this black shale horizon (Marynowski and Filipiak,2007).The Hangenberg black shale occurs as a 0.9 thick horizon (Fig. 6) showing TOC content up to22.5 wt.% (Marynowski and Racka, 2009). They rest on a monotonous and fossiliferous nodularlimestones interbedded with marly shales and grade upwards into brown-grey shales (up to 1.2 mthick). The shale unit passes sharply into thin- and medium-bedded limestones (wackestones) with thinshale interbeds (1.0 m thick). The overlying grey and cherry claystone succession with limestonenodules and thin tephra partings represents the Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) part of the Kowalasection. A palynological study of the Hangenberg black shale indicates that this horizon correspond tothe uppermost Famennian miospore zone LN (Retispora lepidophyta–Verrucosisporites nitidus)(Marynowski and Filipiak, 2007).The Hangenberg shale horizon was exposed in the trench adjacent to the northern margin of theKowala quarry (Malec, 1995; Dzik, 1997). A prominent positive δ 13 C excursion, up to 2.7‰ (trench)and 2,54‰ (quarry), was detected within the overlying limestones (Fig. 6; Trela and Malec, 2007)dated by conodonts of the middle/upper preasulcata zone (Malec, 1995; Dzik, 1997). This excursionwas preceded by a mass extinction of ostracode, conodont and ammonite faunas recorded in the shalehorizon and disappearance of Woclumeria fauna in the topmost part of the underlying nodularlimestones (Malec, 1995; Dzik, 1997; Olempska, 1997). This faunal turnover was coeval withdeposition of the Hangenberg black shale in the Kowala quarry, documenting water column euxiniaand wildfires on land (Marynowski and Filipiak, 2007). The considered herein δ 13 C data are<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 18

comparable with a similar excursion interpreted by Buggish and Joachimski (2006) as a result of theLate Devonian relative sea-level fall.Fig. 6. The Devonian/Carboniferous boundary in the Kowala quarry and nearby trench.19<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Stop 5. Kielce – archive of drill coresLithostratigraphy and palynostratigraphy of the Proterozoic-Lower Palaeozoic basement of thePolish Carpathians – presentation of core samples from the selected deep boreholes fromsouthern Poland.Monika Jachowicz-ZdanowskaGeological settingIn southern Poland, in the basement of the Outer Carpathians and Carpathian Foredeep tworegional tectonic units considered as blocks occur – the Upper Silesian Block and the MałopolskaBlock (Fig. 7). These blocks of different general character of Precambrian basement and the overlyingPalaeozoic, show different palaeogeographical facial and palaeotectonic development (Fig. 8). TheUpper Silesian and Małopolska blocks are separated from each other by a narrow Kraków-Lubliniectectonic zone which is a part of much larger transcontinental Hamburg-Kraków dislocation zone (Fig.7).In this area, Palaeozoic lithologies of Variscan and Caledonian structural stages are overlain by ahermetic cover of younger deposits, and they have been recognized on the basis of numerous drillings.In Upper Silesian and Małopolska regions, Precambrian and Palaeozoic deposits were penetrated byapproximately 3000 boreholes, not evenly distributed over the area.The lithologies of five diastrophic-sedimentation cycles of different ages and of differentgeological developments are present there. Those cycles are as follows:• Alpine – molasse deposits and shifted units of Carpathians Mts.;• Mesozoic – platform deposits of Triassic Jurassic and Cretaceous ages;• Hercynian – coal-bearing sediments of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, the Upper andLower Carboniferous terrigenic Culm deposits; sediments of the carbonate platform ofLower Carboniferous and of Upper and Middle Devonian ages; Lower Devonian clasticdeposits;• Caledonian – carbonate and terrigenic sediments of Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurianages.The Upper Silesian Coal Basin of Hercynian stages is the best defined geological unit of theUpper Silesian region. This unit has been intensively studied during the past 200 years because of itseconomic importance.Fig. 7. (the next page) Tectonic regional subdivision of the Upper Silesian Block (Brunovistulicum)and Małopolska Block at the sub-Permian-Mesozoic paleosurface (according Buła et al., 2008).<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 20

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Fig. 8. Compiled profiles of the Precambrian and Lower Palaeozic lithologies of the Brunovistulicumand Małopolska Block (according Buła and Żaba, 2005; Buła et al., 2005).<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 22

UPPER SILESIAN BLOCKThe Upper Silesian Block, together with the Brno Block to the south, form a larger unit calledBrunovistulicum (Fig. 7). This is a tectonic unit of Cadomian consolidation with clearly definedboundaries. From the north and the east, Brunovistulicum is separated from Małopolska Block byOdra and Kraków-Lubliniec fault zones - which are parts of much larger transcontinental Hamburg-Kraków dislocation zone (Buła and Żaba, 2005). Its western boundary is delimited by Moravian-Silesian tectonic zone which separates Brunovistulicum from the eastwardly overthrusted crystallinecomplexes of Western Sudeten, represented in this area by rock series of Moldanubicum units. Fromthe south, the crystalline basement of Brunovistulicum is cut by Peri-Pieniny tectonic zone. It seemsthat it does not represent the unit’s boundary, which crystalline basement probably spreads out to thesouth under the complexes of Inner Carpathians overthrusted towards the north (Fig. 7).The Cadomian basement is overlain by stratigraphic complexes of different ages. In the UpperSilesian and Brno blocks, which compose Brunovistulicum, the Lower Cambrian sediments, similar asfar as lithology and facies are concerned, occur. These sediments do not show any metamorphictransformations, and overlie discordantly genetically different Precambrian rocks of various intensityof metamorphic transformation. The development of the Brunovistulicum Early Palaeozoicsedimentary cover is still an open problem. The investigations of this problem are more advanced inthe Polish part of the unit (Upper Silesian Block) where Lower Cambrian, Middle Cambrian andOrdovician sediments were recognised within the Devonian-Carboniferous deposits basement (Fig. 8).Lower Palaeozoic lithologies of the Upper Silesian BlockAccording to the present interpretation, the Lower Palaeozoic sediments of the Upper SilesianBlock consist mainly of the Cambrian deposits (Buła and Jachowicz, 1996, Buła, 2000). TheCambrian clastic rocks have been encountered in this area beneath the Lower and Middle Devonian orMesozoic deposits in over 30 boreholes (Fig. 9). The Lower Cambrian clastic sedimentsdisconformably overlie the Cadomian basement. In the northern part of the Upper Silesian Block, theclastic sediments extend into the Middle Cambrian and Ordovician series. There is no information onthe Upper Cambrian deposits in the Upper Silesian Block, which may probably occur in its northernpart. Four lithostratigraphic units are distinguished within the Lower Palaeozoic series of the UpperSilesian Block. In ascending stratigraphic order, they are as follows: the Borzęta Formation (LowerCambrian, pre-trilobites Zone), Goczałkowice Formation (Lower Cambrian, Schmidtiellus-HolmiaZone), Sosnowiec Formation (Middle Cambrian), and Bibiela Formation (Ordovician) (Fig. 8).The stratigraphy of these rocks is based first of all on acritarchs. The trilobite fauna (HolmiaZone) was documented only in the upper part of the Lower Cambrian profile in the Goczałkowice IG1 borehole (Orłowski, 1975). In the Silesian region, Cambrian acritarchs have been documentedduring the 1970s in singular boreholes, only (Turnau, 1974; Kowalczewski et al., 1984; Brochwicz-23<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Lewiński et al., 1986; Moczydłowska, 1993). The interpretations of the documented acritarchsassociations age have been several times changed. In the studied area, the various Cambrian timeperiods were suggested, which caused different geological interpretations (Kowalczewski et al., 1984;Kowalczewski, 1990; Moczydłowska, 1997, Moczydłowska, 1998).The author has carried out the detailed palynological investigations in order to define thestratigraphy of the Lower Palaeozoic sediments of the Upper Silesian Block (Buła and Jachowicz,1996; Buła et al., 1997; Jachowicz, 1994; Jachowicz, 2005). The acritarchs recovered from LowerPalaeozoic deposits of Upper Silesian Block are morphologically distinctive and taxonomicallydiverse. They allow establishing characteristic palinozones that can be recognized throughout theentire investigated area.Cambrian clastic complexThe Lower Cambrian lithostratigraphic units have been subdivided into several members (Mb),based on the lithological and facies variations (Fig. 8).Borzęta Formation. The typical profile of the oldest lithostratigraphical unit – the Borzęta Formation,has been established within the Borzęta IG 1 borehole profile. Its sediments form regressivesequence of three units. The individual units are treated as the members (Mb.). They are asfollows, from the bottom to the top: the Myślenice Claystones Mb, Osieczany Siltstones Mb, andRajbrot Sandstones Mb.In the Upper Silesian Block, the oldest acritarchs associations occur in the Borzęta Formation.They were encountered in 11 boreholes situated on the marginal eastern part of the unit. TheLower Cambrian organic microfossils of the pre-trilobite – Terreneuvian series have beenrecognized in Borzęta Formation. These poorly morphologically differentiated assemblages weredominated by spherical specimens without ornamentation, belonging to Leiospheridia spp.,represented by specimens of different size (from 10-30 µm, to over 400 µm in diameter). Close tothem, a few specimens assigned to Tasmanites spp. were found with much thicker walls and a fewhundreds micron in diameter.The important elements of the associations were scarce specimens representing other acritarchssubgroup of a little more complicated morphology: Disphaeromorphitae (Granomarginata spp.,Pterospermopsimorpha spp.), Netromorphitae (Navifusa, Leiovalia), and Polygonomorphitae(Pulvinosphaeridium spp.). The latter species was represented by Pulvinosphaeridium antiquumdescribed from the Lower Cambrian deposits of Lithuania which are correlated with PlatysolenitesZone. Other components of the spectrum are occurring in small numbers, and are distinguished bytheir large size specimens belonging to the genera Chuaria, Tawuia and Ceratophyton. Organicmicrofossils assemblages, recognised in the individual members of Borzęta Formation, havesimilar generic and species composition which does not allow to correlate the characteristic<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 24

association to the individual members of the formation. Therefore, at this stage of the research, theassemblages obtained are considered as characteristic for the whole Borzęta Formation.Some differences were observed in the quantitative assemblage composition characterised by thedominance of certain taxa in single analyzed profiles. These differences may, but need not to be aconsequence of the differentiation in the vertical profile. They could also be a result of thesedimentary conditions.Goczałkowice Formation. The younger Lower Cambrian Schmidtiellus-Holmia sediments of theGoczałkowice Formation were deposited over much wider area then the Borzęta Formation.The Goczałkowice Formation was established by Kotas (1982) during its Lower Cambrianlithology investigations within the Goczałkowice IG1 borehole profile. A three-unit transgressivesequence was evidenced there because of gradational changes in sediments lithology. Its particularparts have been distinguished as the members, and have been named from bottom to top asfollows: the Mogilany Scolithos Sandstones (Mb.), Głogoczów Bioturbated Sandstones (Mb.),Pszczyna Siltstones with Trilobites (Mb.), and Jarząbkowice Claystones (Mb) (Buła andJachowicz, 1996; Buła, 2000; Buła and Żaba, 2005).The equivalents of the individual units of the Goczałkowice Formation have been recognised inseveral boreholes located to the east of Goczałkowice, as far as the Borzęta area, and northwest ofKraków.On the Polish side of the Brunovistulicum, the acritarchs have so far been only encountered insamples from the Głogoczów Bioturbated Sandstones (Mb.), and the Pszczyna Siltstones withTrilobites (Mb).Głogoczów Bioturbated Sandstones Member. The acritarchs from the Głogoczów BioturbatedSandstones (Mb) were documented in 8 boreholes, so far. The investigated profiles thicknesses areestimated as varied from 15 to 111 m. The Głogoczów Bioturbated Sandstones (Mb) consists ofalternating layers of light-grey, grey-green quartz sandstones, and grey to grey-green sandysiltstones; the sediments are generally heavily bioturbated. The recognised in these rocks tracefossils assemblages were numerous and variable. Their ichnocenoses are typical for open, shallowshelf environment, and they are dominated by the following trace fossils genera and species:Bergaueria, Dipoloceraterion, Skolithos lineraris, Monoceration tentaculatum and Planolitesbeverleyensis (Pacześna, 2005).The recognisable microflora assemblages have been found in samples from the GłogoczówBioturbated Sandstones (Mb) sediments. They contained rich and very well preserved acritarchspopulations which were dominated by a characteristic new genus Ichnosphaera (= Skiagia ornatatype 1 Moczydłowska and Vidal, 1986, and Elektoriskos flexuosus Eklund, 1990). This newgenus, and the associated new species, which are abundant in the investigated samples, will beformally defined in the near future by the author. Species described as Skiagia ornata type 125<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

(Moczydłowska and Vidal, 1986), Baltisphaeridium stipaticum (Hagenfeldt, 1989), andElektoriscos flexuosus (Eklund, 1990) will be transferred to the new genus – Ichnosphaera.The age of the described above acritarchs were considered by various authors to be the earlyLower Cambrian (Moczydłowska and Vidal, 1986; Hagenfeldt, 1989: Eklund, 1990; Brück andVanguestaine, 2004). So far, these forms are not known in the East European Platform but arevery common among acritarchs from the Mickwitzia Sandstone in central Sweden, and the “GreenShales” in Bornholm (Moczydłowska and Vidal, 1986; 1991).In the studied area, the acritarchs assigned to Ichnosphaera were documented in the GłogoczówBioturbated Sandstones (Mb) sediments, only. They were associated with abundantrepresentatives of the following genera and species: Comasphaeridium molliculum,C.brachyspinosum, Asteridium lanatum, A.tornatum, Lophosphaeridium dubium, Skiagia ornata,Tasmanites bobrovskae, Archeodiscina sp., and Leiosphaeridia.sp.The acritarchs recovered from the Głogoczów Bioturbated Sandstones (Mb) were morphologicallydistinctive and taxonomically diverse. In the Upper Silesian Block, this characteristic acritarchsflora is limited to the one type of Lower Cambrian sediments. The Głogoczów BioturbatedSandstones (Mb) is overlain by the Pszczyna Siltstones with Trilobites (Mb) which on the basis ofmacrofossils is assigned to the Holmia Zone (Orłowski, 1975). The Mogilany ScolithosSandstones (Mb) which underlie the investigated sediments do not contain any fossils within thePolish part of the Brunovistulicum unit. In the similar Cambrian profile, documented in the Brnoarea - Měnin 1 borehole (Czech Republic), acritarchs assemblages assigned to the Asteridiumtornatum - Comasphaeridium velvetum acritarchs zone, characteristic for Platysolenites Zone,were recognized (Vavrdova et al., 2003). According to these data, the age of microfloraassemblages recognized from the Głogoczów Bioturbated Sandstones (Mb) correspond to theSchmidtiellus mickwitzi, and probably, to the lower part of the Holmia Zone.Pszczyna Siltstones with Trilobites Member. Except for Goczałkowice IG 1 borehole, wheretrilobite fauna was documented (Orłowski, 1975), acritarchs assemblages from the PszczynaSiltstones with Trilobites (Mb) occur in 6 boreholes. In the Pszczyna Siltstones with Trilobites(Mb) rocks, high-frequency and high-diversity acritarchs assemblages occur. They containabundant and morphologically diverse Skiagia spp., accompanied by numerous specimens ofArcheodiscina umbonulata, Heliosphaeridium dissimilare, M. xianum, Polygonium varium,Aliumella baltica, Estiastra minima, Multiplicisphaeridium campanulum, Granomarginatasquamacea, Pterospermella spp. and Pterospermopsimorpha sp. The considerable diametervariation of Skiagia spp. specimens was observed in the Pszczyna Siltstones with TrilobitesMember profile. The specimens found in the lower part of the member are much smaller thanthese from its upper part. In that part, new acritarchs genera and species as: Sagatum priscum,Polygonium varium, Polygonium baltiscandium or Globus gossipinus appeared for the first time.<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 26

Jarząbkowice Claystones Member. So far, massive claystones of this member were recognized inone borehole, Jarząbkowice IG1, only (at the depth of 3980-4028 m) (Buła & Żaba, 2005). Theserocks contain poorly preserved acritarchs association. It was a typical Lower Cambrian microfloraassemblage with Skiagia spp., Heliosphaeridium spp., Polygonium varium,Pterospermopsimorpha spp., Comasphaeridium spp., and Estiastra minima. Compared with theprevious assemblage, Jarząbkowice Claystone (Mb) palynoflora is characterized by weak genericand species diversity.Sosnowiec Formation. The Sosnowiec Formation sediments were documented in the Sosnowiec IG1borehole, situated in the north-eastern part of the Upper Silesian Block. A partial profile of MiddleCambrian sediments, about 280 m thick, was recognized here (at the depth of 3156.0-3442,6 m).They were represented by the complex of clastic rocks which consisted of alternating layers offine- and medium-grained quartz and quartzitic sandstones, and grey-green sandy siltstones. Tracefossils and scarce inarticulate brachiopods were found in siltstones (Biernat and Baliński, 1973).The intrusions of the gabbro-diorites, diorites, and diabases were present in the middle part of theprofiles (at the depth of 3244,0-3326,0 m).According to Moczydłowska (1998), there is a transition from Middle to Upper Cambrian, andeven to Ordovician (Tremadoc). The recent palinological study resulted in finding the typicalMiddle Cambrian acritarchs assemblages, dominated by Adara, Cristallinium cambriense,Heliosphaeridium notatum, Heliosphaeridium bellulum, Eliasum llaniscum, Comasphaeridiumsilesiense, C.longispinosum, Cristallinum cambriense, and other characteristic taxons.Within three samples, taken from the rocks overlying the gabbro-diabases intrusions (at the depthof 3212 – 3204,5 m), characteristic acritarchs associations were documented. They weredominated by new taxon Turrisphaeridium which differed from typical Middle Cambrian generaas Celtiberium or Adara. In the upper part of the profile, above the Turrisphaeridium associations,acritarchs assemblages with numerous typical Adara specimens were encountered. Detailpalynological analyzes carried out for the Sosnowiec IG 1 profile allowed to determine acharacteristic Middle Cambrian acritarchs succession with assemblages dominated byHelisphaeridium notatum and H.bellulum in the lower part of the investigated sediments (belowthe intrusions), and associations with numerous Turrisphaeridium and Adara specimens in theirupper part. It was palynoflora typical for the Middle Cambrian Eccaparadoxides oelandicus andParadoxides paradoxissimus zones.The Upper Cambrian sediments have not been recognized, so far, although their presence in thenorthern part of the Upper Silesian Block is very likely.27<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Fig. 9. Distribution of Lower Palaeozoic deposits in the Brunovistulicum (Brno Block and the UpperSilesian Block) and south-western part of the Małopolska Block (according Buła and Żaba,2005).<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 28

Ordovician carbonate-clastic complexThe Ordovician sediments distinguished as Bibiela Formation were documented for the firsttime in the borehole BM 152 in the northern part of the Upper Silesian Block. Below the Devonianclastic and carbonate rocks, at the depth of 284.6 - 375.6 m, a complex of clastic rocks differentlysilicified, with thin insertions of carbonate rocks, known as “shale-sand series”, was recognised(Gładysz, 1982; Gładysz et al., 1990). The Ordovician age of the recognised sediments wasdetermined based on conodonts (Siewniak-Madej, Jeziorowska, 1978) and acritarchs (Linczowska-Makowska, 1978; Jachowicz, 1990).Subsequently, Ordovician acritarchs have been described from the next three boreholes (45-WB,43-WB, and 24-WB), situated in the north-eastern part of the Upper Silesian Block (Jachowicz, 2005).Within the analyzed sections of the profiles, acritarchs typical for different Ordovician horizons, fromLlanvirn to Caradok, were recorded. The obtained associations were badly preserved, showing manydamages and high degree of carbonification. The obtained stratigraphic data have also confirmed theOrdovician sediments presence in the profiles of the northern part of the Upper Silesian Block.MAŁOPOLSKA BLOCKEdiacaran anchimetamorphic complex of Małopolska BlockIn the case of the Małopolska Block, the age of consolidation (Cadomian? or Grampian?) aswell as it’s north-western, southern, and south-eastern borders have not been defined, so far. TheKraków–Lubliniec tectonic zone is the boundary with the Upper Silesian Block, and it is the bestrecognized boundary of the Małopolska Block, so far. The northern border is drawn along the HolyCross Dislocation (Pożaryski et al., 1992; Pożaryski and Tomczyk, 1993). The crystalline basement ofthe Małopolska Block is also not known.The oldest sediments recognized in the Małopolska Block, are the weakly metamorphosedclastic rocks. They are underlying lithological series of different age (from Ordovician to Palaeogene).These are anchimetamorphic clayey silty-sandy sediments with insertions of conglomerates. Theserocks show different colours from green-grey, grey to cherry-brown. Locally, slight metamorphism(greenschist facies) occurs. The thickness of the anchimetamorphic rocks is variously estimated.According to the latest geophysical data, they may reach a depth of 20 km. The rocks of this type -flysch character, were recognised in over 1000 boreholes (Fig. 10). Stratigraphic position of thesesediments is not clear. They do not contain organic macro-remains. At first, they were regarded asVendian, and compared to Vendian phyllites of Dobrogea (Głowacki and Karnkowski, 1963). Suchrocks were also recognised in the basement of the Nida Basin. Within that area, in the borehole KsiążWielki IG 1, a U-Pb age of zircon from a unique tuff layer, dated at 549± 3Ma, indicated Ediacaranage of sedimentation of these rocks (Compston et al., 1995).29<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Fig. 10. The recognition of Precambrian rocks on the Upper Silesian and Małopolska Blocks.During the last decade, palynological investigations were carried out on anchimetamorphic rockssamples. The positive results were obtained for several boreholes located in the central, southern, andwestern parts of the Małopolska Block (Fig. 10). The well preserved assemblages of organic<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 30

microfossils were documented, there. They are low-diversity and low-frequency assemblagescomposed of abundant and morphologically diverse Leiosphaeridia and small Granomarginataspecimens which are accompanied by simple filaments forms which represent fragments of fossilCyanophyta. In simple morphologically less differentiated assemblages, differences in quality andquantity of obtained microflora can be observed. Three characteristic associations have beenrecognised in the studied material. The first assemblage from the central part of Małopolska Block(boreholes: Lipnica 7, Lipnica 10, Lipnica 16, Lipnica 17, Tryńcza 2) was dominated by genusLeiosphaeridia of different dimensions: from 10 to 50 µm, and single specimens of filamentsmicrofossils. The second assemblage of microflora was documented from the profiles located in thesouthern part of Małopolska Block (boreholes: Zalasowa 1, Stawiska 1, and Radlna 2). Thismicrofossils association was dominated by characteristic spiral shape Obruchevella genus, and tinysmall Leiosphaeridia sp. specimens. The third assemblage was recognized in the south-western part ofthe Małopolska Block, in the Cianowice 2 borehole. This more diverse association was composed ofhigh-frequency Leiosphaeridia of different dimensions, specimens of genera fromDisphaeromorphitae group, like Granomarginata and Pterospermopsimorpha, few slender Asteridiumand Comasphaeridium. Single specimens of characteristic genus Ceratophyton and Chuaria werepresent in the organic spectrum, too.Considering the great thickness of the Ediacaran flysch complex and its various tectonic positionwithin three areas of the Małopolska Block: western (Kraków area), central, and southern, it is quitecertain that different parts of that complex have been recognised so far, there. The describedassemblages are the first palaeontological data from the anchimetamorphic clastic rocks which formthe basement of Małopolska Block, where the Late Ediacaran age of the upper part of the succession issupported by U-Pb zircon age determination (Compston et al., 1995).Lithostratigraphy and palynostratigraphy of the Furongian–Silurian successionin the Holy Cross MountainsZbigniew Szczepanik, Wiesław TrelaLenarczyce PIG 1 – Furongian sandstones, mudstones and heterolithsA lack of the Furongian deposits in the southern HCM (Kielce Region) was highlighted as a mainevidence of different and independent tectono-stratigraphic evolution of both segments of the HCM.However, in 2004 the Furongian siliciclastic succession (up to 90 m thick) was documented in theLenarczyce PIG-1 well, drilled in the eastern outskirts of the Kielce Region (Szczepanik et al., 2004).This succession is represented by conglomerates, sandstones, mudstones/shales and heterolithicdeposits of the Lenarczyce Beds and dark shales with subordinate sandstone interbeds of the UblinekBeds (Fig. 11). The latter unit is dated by trilobite species of Peltura and brachiopods of Lingulellalepsis and Lingulella cf. davisi indicating the Furongian age of these deposits (Żylińska in Trela et al.,31<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

2006). These deposits are underlain by mudstones with thin siltstone interbeds of the Kobierniki Bedscorresponding to the Cambrian Series 2/3 (Fig. 11). There is a stratigraphic gap between the Furongianstrata and the overlying upper Tremadocian glauconite-rich sandstones (Fig. 11). Thin conglomeratebed (40 cm thick) delineating the base of the Ordovician system in this well (and whole KielceRegion) is interpreted as a transgressive lag deposit (Trela, 2005).The palynological studies indicate that acritarch assemblage of the Kobierniki Beds are rare andrepresented by: Adara alea, Celtiberium sp., Comasphaeridium cf. strigosum, Comasphaeridiumsilesiense, Comasphaeridium sp., Cristallinium sp., Dictyotidium sp., Eliasum sp., Eliasum llaniscum,Granomarginata sp., Granomarginata squamace, Heliosphaeridium coniferum, Heliosphaeridiumlubomlense, Heliosphaeridium notatum, Leiosphaeridia sp., Liepaina plana, Lophosphaeridium sp.,Polygonium varium, Pterospermella div. sp., Retisphaeridium div. sp., Skiagia insigne, Volkovia cf.dentifera. This assemblage contains forms characteristic for the boundary zone of the Cambrian Series2 and 3. In traditional HCM subdivision it can be referd to the lowermost Middle Cambrian.The Lenarczyce and Ublinek Beds yielded a completely different assemblage with specimensreferring to Diacriodae and the “galeate” group including Acanthodiacriodium, Dasydiacrodium,Polygonium, Solisphaeridium, Ladogiella, Calyxiella, Vulcanisphaera and others. The numerousspecimens represented by the Dasydiacrodium caudatum Vanguestaine, Leiofusa stoumonensisVanguestaine, Veryhachium dumontii Vanguestaine and Trunculumarium revinium (Vanguestaine)clearly indicate that the Lenarczyce Beds correspond to the Leptoplastus and Protopeltura preacursorzones in the Scandinavian division (Szczepanik et al., 2000). Most of these taxons disappear upwardsin the succession where a significant morphological variability within the Diacrioidae forms isobserved, however, numerous specimens of Polygonium and Solisphaeridium occur as well. In thenorthern HCM (Łysogóry Region) such a taxonomic assemblage is distinctive for the Peltura andAcerocare zones. Noteworthy that in the Lenarczyce PIG-1 well there is no evidence ofArbusculidium, Baltisphaeridium, Trichosphaeridium and Nellia, i.e., acritarchs diagnostic for theuppermost Furongian and the Cambrian/Ordovician boundary which are abundant in some sections ofthe Łysogóry Region.Two tectonically different structural levels have been recognized in the Cambrian succession ofthe Lenarczyce PIG-1 well (Fig. 11). The lower level includes intensely folded rocks of the CambrianSeries 2/3 and lowermost part of the Furongian deposits. The upper level coeval to the rest of theFurongian strata is deformed to a lesser degree, which is enhanced by subordinate thrust faults cuttingthe bedding planes at low angles.The sedimentary environments of the Lenarczyce Beds include: 1) sand ridges/waves accumulatedunder storm and tidal influence, and 2) heterolithic deposits accumulated in a transitional zonebetween the shoreface and offshore environment under influence of weak storm currents (Szczepaniket al., 2004). The Ublinek Beds seem to be accumulated in an open shelf setting (open shelf muds) thatwas affected by rare storm-surge channels filled by sand (sandstone interbeds) (op.cit).<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 32

Fig. 11. The Cambrian and Ordovician section in the Lenarczyce PIG 1 well.BF – Bukówka Formation, MdF – Międzygórz Formation, KF – Kędziorka Formation.33<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Wilków IG 1 – Furongian, Upper Ordovician and Llandovery/Wenlock shalesThe Wilków IG 1 well is located in the northern HCM and provide inside into the Furongian toSilurian succession in the Łysogóry Region. The total thickness of the considered deposits is up to 900m. In some intervals they are tectonically deformed.The Furongian part of the Wilków section is represented by the Mąchocice Beds and BrzezinkiFormation (Łysogóry Beds in Tomczykowa, 1968) widely distributed across the Łysogóry Region.The Mąchocice Beds are made up of mudstones and dark shales which are in places intenselybioturbaled and intercalated by thin sandstone beds. The Brzezinki Formation is represented by darkand black shales with trilobite species of Leptoplastides, Parabolina and Peltura (Tomczykowa, 1968;Tomczykowa and Tomczyk, 2000). They are correlated by Żylińska (2002) with Acerocare sensu latoZone and seem to be coeval with Scandinavian alum shales.There is the tectonic contact between the Furongian Brzezinki Formation and Upper Ordovicianrepresented by the Jeleniów Formation (Fig. 12). The latter formation is made up of dark and blackshales (Fig. 12) with subordinate limestone and thin K-bentonite beds (Trela, 2006a). The lowerboundary of the Jeleniów Formation is diachronous and extends from the uppermost Darriwillian toSandbian stages (teretiusculus to gracilis/foliaceus graptolite zones), whereas its upper boundary iswithin the middle Katian stage (clingani or even styloideous graptolite zones) (Tomczykowa, 1968;Bednarczyk, 1971; Tomczykowa and Tomczyk, 2000). Shales are homogenous, however, in placesreveal sub-millimetric horizontal lamination and discrete bioturbational mottling confined to theindividual laminae (Trela, 2007). The phosphate-rich nodules occur as subordinate lithology,especially in the bioturbated sediment. Locally, the light-coloured discrete trace fossils, represented bysmall Chondrites accompanied by rare oval burrows with a discrete meniscate structure are emplacedonto the dark host sediment. Shales contain abundant pyrite that forms macroscopic small aggregatesand more or less indistinct laminae and lenses. In thin sections the pyrite occurs as framboids andmicroscale aggregates. A relatively thin package of grey/green bioturbated claystones (up to 8 m)divides this monotonous succession into two horizons (Fig. 12).The Jeleniów Formation passes upwards into the Wólka Formation (Trela, 2006a) represented bygrey to green bioturbated claystones/mudstones (Fig. 12). In general, three types of bioturbationstructures occur in considered deposits: 1) grey to dark biodeformational structures, 2) trace fossilsshowing a definite shape and distinct outlines, and 3) diffuse burrow mottles with indistinct outlines(Trela, 2007). In general, the characterized herein trace fossils are flattened due to compaction. Themost conspicuous and common among the distinct trace fossil assemblage is Chondrites displayingboth small- (up to 1 mm) and large-diameter (2-4 mm) spots, and root-like branches. The second, lesscommon but distinct trace fossils are straight or slightly winding, unlined and unbranched meniscateburrows resembling Taenidium isp., however, in the cross sections this trace fossil shows a blade-likespreite structure comparable to the ichnogenus Teichichnus (Trela, 2007). These trace fossils are<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 34

accompanied by Planolites isp. and Palaeophycus isp. The upper portion of the Wólka Formation isdominated by massive green claystones/mudstones with sparse biodeformational structures (Fig. 12).The topmost part of the Ordovician section in the Wilków IG 1 well, likewise in other localities ofthe HCM, is composed of sandy mudstones, sandstones interbedded with marls and shales of theZalesie Formation (up to 6 m thick) referred to the Hirnantian regressive event (Fig. 12; Trela, 2006a,b; Trela and Szczepanik, 2009). In boreholes located in Dębniak, eastward from Wilków, thesedeposits are dated by trilobites of Mucronaspis (Bednarczyk, 1971).There is a stratigraphic gap between the Upper Ordovician Zalesie Formation and overlyingSilurian strata that includes the Rhuddanian and most of the Aeronian stages (Fig. 12). The upperAeronian and Telychian in the Wilków section is represented by grey/green carbonaceous shalesreferred to as the Ciekoty Shale (Fig. 12; Tomczyk, 1962a). The graptolite community recognized inthis deposits includes species indicative for the sedgwickii to crenulata zones (Fig. 12). Thesubordinate lithology includes pyrite-enriched black shales occurring either as relatively thickintervals (up to 0,3 m) or thin laminated interbeds (4–8 cm). The grey/green shales are apparentlymassive, however, in thin sections they reveal discrete horizontal, sometimes inclined, laminationenhanced by silt-size quartz grains. Nevertheless, in some cases discrete biodeformational structureswere recognized both in macro- and microscale. The laminated black shale beds consist: 1) blacklaminae with fine lenticular and wavy-crinkly fabrics, and 2) grey massive and bioturbated laminae.Their contact with hosting grey/green claystones is largely sharp, however, gradual transition betweenthese two lithologies was also observed. The Aeronian and Telychian succession reveals TOC contentranging from less than 1.0 wt% in grey/green claystones up to 2.61 wt% (usually 1.5–2.0 wt%) inblack shales.The Rhuddanian part of the Silurian mudrock succession in the Łysogóry Region is reportedeastward from Wilków in boreholes nearby Dębniak. The laminated, partly siliceous, black shales ofthe Zbrza Member (up to 6 m thick) which are part of the Bardo Formation (sensu Trela and Salwa,2007) are predominating lithology of the considered stratigraphic interval. Their occurrence isrestricted to the Dębniak 1 well. These shales yielded graptolites indicative for the acuminatus tocyphus zones. In thin sections black shales of the Zbrza Member show amorphous organic matteraccompanied by abundant framboidal and euhedral pyrite (mostly 6–20 µm and subordinate 40 µm)and irregularly scattered silt-size quartz grains. In some cases pyrite forms thin laminae and lenses.The organic matter (TOC) content in these shales ranges from 1.71 wt% up to 3.54 wt%.The Llandovery shale facies in the Wilków IG 1 well extend upward to the Wenlock graptoliteshales that are black in the interval corresponding to the Cyrtograptus murchisoni graptolite zone(Fig. 12).35<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Fig.. 12. The Furongian to Wenlock mudrock succession in the Wilków IG 1 well.Hirn. – Hirnantian, ZF – Zalesie Formation.<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 36

Stop 6. Zbelutka – Lower Cambrian sandstones and mudstonesZbigniew SzczepanikThe outcrop in the small, rural and abandoned quarry of the Lower Cambrian rocks placed in theŁagowica Valley, in the central part of the HCM, about 8 kilometers southeast of Łagów (Fig.1). Inthe geological tectonic subdivision, this area belongs to the central part of the Kielce Region, 10 kmsouth from the Holy Cross Fault, in the eastern limb of Bardo Syncline (Fig. 1). The Lower Cambrianand lower part of Middle Cambrian rocks in the Kielce region are very common. On geological mapsthey occupy more than 40 % of the Paleozoic Core but in the eastern part of the Kielce Region theyoccupy almost entire area of the Paleozoic core (Fig. 2). The Cambrian deposits outcropped in thisquarry represent the uppermost part of the Ociesęki Formation (Orłowski, 1975), represented bybioturbated sandstones intercalated by mudstones and claystones (Fig. 3). This part of the formationwas distinguished by Kowalczewski (1990) as a Widełki Member. The sandstones are massive,however horizontal lamination occurs as well. Trace fossils occur on the lower bedding planes buttheir distribution is irregular. They were recognized in the rocks from the Ociesęki Formationespecially in the western an central part of the Kielce Region and represent a shallow marine Cruzianaichnofacies (Stachacz, 2008). The mineral composition of sandstones and mudstones does not seem tobe very much diversified (Michniak, 1962, 1969; Łydka and Orłowski, 1978). The rock framework ispredominantly composed of quartz grains and subordinate feldspar and plagioclases. Micas arecommonly found in the Cambrian rocks of the whole HCM. The matrix is mostly of muddy type(illites) with admixtures of carbonates (Kowalczewski, 2000).The sedimentary record of the Ociesęki Formation indicates a relatively shallow-waterenvironment, i.e., transition zone between coastal sands and open shelf muds (Studencki, 1988).Numerous deposit feeders indicate a well-oxygenated environment and abundance of nutrition in thesubstrate. The sedimentary environment was characterized by the low-energy conditions withsuspension settlement of fine-grained deposits interrupted by the high-energy storm episodes. Thehigh-energy events are corraborated by large erosional channels interpreted as a result of strongbottom currents induced by regional tectonic activity (Mizerski et al., 2000).The outcropped rocks subjected to a relatively weak tectonic deformation which is indicated bya slight northwestward inclination of strata. However, it should be stressed that the Lower Cambrianrocks in the HCM are much more tectonically deformed (Gągała, 2005).The Ociesęki Formation occupied uplifted tectonic block located the central part of the EarlyCambrian sedimentary basin. To the south and northeastern direction this facies passes laterally intoclaystones and mudstones of the Kamieniec Formation and mudstones/sandstones of the CzarnaFormation (Kowalczewski, 1990). Thickness of the Ociesęki Formation is not determined precisely,and varies between 400 metres (Kowalczewski, 1990, 2000) and 1200 metres (Orłowski 1992). There37<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

is no data concerning the basal boundary of the Ocieseki Formation. The Middle Cambrian sandstonesoverlie discordantly this unit (Kowalczewski, 1990).The palynological data from this outcrop are scarse and poorly preserved limiting acritarchrecognition. The majority of acritarchs can be determined only on the genera level. Acritarchs ofSkiagia, Lophosphaeridium, Asteridium were found in mudstone intercalations. However, morediversified and better preserved assemblage of microflora was found in the nearby small outcrop. Itconsists of Skiagia ornata, Skiagia compressa, S. cf. orbiculare, Skiagia insignis, Lophosphaeridiumtruncatum, Lophosphaeridium tentativum, Comasphaeridium strigosum, Asteridium sp.,Heliosphaeridium sp., Leiovalia sp. Such assemblages pointed to the upper part of Lower Cambriancorrelated with the Stage 2, although it does not enable more precise age determination. However, inthe vicinity, the same rocks trilobites indicative for the Protolenus zone were reported.Silurian of the Bardo SynclineMonika MasiakThe Bardo Syncline, which is a part of the Chęciny−Klimontów Anticlinorium (Kielce Region ofthe HCM, Małopolska Massif), is a c. 15 km-long structure, extending from Zarobiny in the west toKędziorka in the east. It is c. 1.5−2.5 km wide; the largest width is noted in the central part of thestructure, whereas to the east and west it distinctly narrows (Fig. 13).Fig. 13. Geological map of the Bardo Syncline (after Czarnocki 1939; party modified by Tomczyk1974). 1 – Lower Cambrian; 2 – Ordovician, mainly Arenigian, Lanwirnian and upper Ashgillian;3 – Llandovery, Wenlockian and lower Ludlowian; 4 – upper Ludlowian; 5 – Lower Devonian; 6– Middle Devonian; 7 – zones of diabase sills; 8 – main dislocation zones; 9 – boreholes<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 38

The syncline is built of the Ordovician and Silurian strata lying on Cambrian rocks; in theaxial part it is overlain by Devonian deposits. The general WNW−ESE orientation of the syncline isdisturbed near Widełki, where the Ordovician to Devonian strata are NW−SE-oriented. Rockscomposing the basement of the syncline represent Lower Cambrian deposits of theProtolenus−Issafeniella Zone unconformably overlain by Tremadocian strata (Czarnocki, 1939). Theobserved stratigraphic gap and angular unconformity are the effect of the Sandomirian Phase of theCaledonian Orogeny. Ordovician and lower Silurian rocks are observed in the southern limb of thesyncline, whereas in the northern limb they are hidden below Lower Cambrian rocks that are thrustedover them (Figs 13, 14).Fig. 14. Geological cross-section through the Bardo Syncline (after Skompski in: Belka 2000). ε 1 –Lower Cambrian; θ − Ordovician; S s – Silurian, graptolitic shales; S g − Silurian, greywackes; D 1-2– Lower and Middle Devonian.A number of localities has been studied within the syncline with focus on Ordovician and Siluriandeposits, particularly with regard to stratigraphic, palaeontologic, petrographic and structural issues:Zalesie Nowe (Czarnocki, 1928a, b; Górka, 1969; Bednarczyk, 1971, 1981, 1996; Chlebowski, 1971;Kremer, 2001; Trela, 2006a), Chojnów Dół (Czarnocki, 1939; Bednarczyk et al. 1981), Bardo Stawy(Kielan, 1956, 1959; Tomczykowa, 1957, 1958, 1962; Tomczyk, 1962a, b; Temple, 1965;Bednarczyk, 1971; Masiak et al. 2003), Prągowiec Ravine (Tomczykowa, 1957, 1958; Tomczyk,1962a, b; Masiak 1999, 2002) and Widełki (Stupnicka et al. 1991; Malec, 2003).The southern limb of the syncline in Chojnów Dół, Bardo Stawy and Zalesie Nowe exposes theoldest Silurian strata. A succession comprising Cambrian, through Ordovician, to Silurian rocks isvisible in Chojnów Dół, which is located near Kędziorka village (eastern termination of the BardoSyncline). The stratigraphy of this exposure was summarized in Bednarczyk et al. (1981). Theboundary between the Ordovician and Silurian is not exposed; as pointed out by Bednarczyk et al.(1981), “Middle Ordovician carbonate rocks lying on lower Ordovician strata are at present notaccessible in the Chojnów Dół Ravine”. Likewise, their contact with the graptolitic claystones cannotbe observed. Graptolitic claystones representing the Lobograptus scanicus and L. progenitor zones of39<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

the Prągowiec Beds (Tomczyk, 1962a) are exposed in the ravine slope in its middle part, about 100 mto the south-east from the diabases.”Much better quality and easier accessible exposures of the upper Ordovician and lower Silurianrocks occur in the Zalesie Nowe and Bardo Stawy localities (Figs. 15-18; for description see Stop 7,8).Tomczyk (1962a, b) presented a graptolite-based stratigraphic sub-division for Silurian strata thatare exposed along 600 m in the Prągowiec Ravine (Fig. 19; Stop Prągowiec) in the northern limb ofthe Bardo Syncline and the accompanying non-graptolitic fauna was described by Tomczykowa(1957, 1958). Because Tomczyk did not state the type and thickness of the particular zones, as well asdid not supply information on the method applied to construct the biozonation, his biostratigraphicsub-division is considered informal (Fig. 20). The similarly informal litostratigraphic sub-divisionapplied by him distinguishes here the “Prągowiec Beds” developed as clayey shales and calcareousclaystones with carbonate concretions, encompassing the Gothograptus nassa to the Saetograptusleintwardinensis zones. Recently, a new biostratigraphic sub-division based on graptolites was workedout by Porębska (2002a, b), after whose approval the author presents the so-far unpublisheddescription of the particular zones, with data on their lithology, thickness and occurrence of benthicfauna (Figs 19, 20). The correlation between the sub-division of Tomczyk (in: Kowalczewski andTomczyk 1981) and the unpublished sub-division of Porębska is presented in Fig. 20.A diabase intrusion is located in the boundary zone between the graptolitic shales andgreywackes (e.g. Czarnocki, 1939; Kowalczewski and Lisik 1974; Nawrocki, 2000; Krzemiński,2004). The intrusion, c. 20−30 m thick, was folded along with Ludlowian deposits and isunconformably covered by the Devonian (Emsian) strata. Basing on the chemical composition theBardo diabase was classified to the olivine tholeiite type (Krzemiński, 2004). The age of the intrusionhas been a matter of debate. This sill was considered to be an intrusive body corresponding to the post-Ludlow and pre-Emsian time interval (Kowalczewski and Lisik, 1974), however, the recent 40 Ar- 39 Ardata (422+418 Ma) indicate its late Ludlow age (Nawrocki et al., 2007). According to the geochemicalstudies of Krzemiński (2004), diabases of the Bardo Syncline may probably record the detachment ofthe Małopolska Block (Massif) from Baltica and displacement to its present-day position along theCraton margin in late Ludlowian–Emsian times.The shales and diabases are overlain by deposits referred to as the Niewachlów Greywackes(Czarnocki, 1919). These deposits, exposed in several parts of the syncline, are considered Ludlowianin age as evidenced by the graptolite Bohemograptus bohemicus (Tomczyk, 1962a). Additional findsof trilobite fauna: Balizoma erraticum, Dalmanites nexilis, Richterarges kielcensis, Helokybe cf. spio,as well as other benthic fauna, e.g. Atrypa sp., Stropheodonta sp., Camarotoechia nucula (Kozłowskiand Tomczykowa 1999) point to the middle Ludlowian Bohemograptus bohemicus Zone.The origin of the Niewachlów Greywackes has been the topic of a number of papers.Przybyłowicz and Stupnicka (1989) distinguished the Niewachlów Greywackes Formation comprising<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 40

ocks composed mainly of material of volcanic origin, largely pyroclastic, with admixture ofweathered material derived from Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian rocks, formed in a low-energyenvironment, at some distance from the shoreline. According to Przybyłowicz and Stupnicka (1989),the volcanic material is derived from ryolithic volcanoes, whose eruption centre was located atrelatively short distance from the sedimentary basin. Palynologic studies of the NiewachlówGreywackes (Krawczyk, 2006) indicated the presence of an Ordovician acritarch assemblageaccompanying Silurian palinomorphs.Based on petrographic-geochemical studies, Kozłowski et al. (2004) suggested that theNiewachlów Greywackes were deposited in a foreland basin of an orogene, formed as a result of lateSilurian (Caledonian) collision of a volcanic arc and Peri-Baltica, located to the west of the presentdayHCM. The source rocks of the greywackes included uplifted deposits of the fore-arc basin,accretionary wedges and volcanic rocks (Kozłowski et al. 2004). According Malec (2001) thesegreywackes are interpreted as a deeper-water flysch facies.The succession of Silurian rocks in the Bardo Syncline terminates with deposits assigned to theWidełki Shales Formation (Stupnicka et al. 1991). The age and position of this formation in relation tothe Niewachlów Greywackes is controversial. Stupnicka et al. (1991) consider these rocks containingmarine fauna to overlie the greywackes, whereas according to Malec (2003), the clayey shales exposedalong a field road between Widełki and Zarobiny are not located on the greywacke succession butrepresent the topmost part of the lower Ludlowian Prągowiec Beds that passes upwards into theNiewachlów Greywackes. At present, this controversy cannot be solved, because the Widełki Shalesdo not yield index fauna that would point to a particular biostratigraphic zone of the Silurian. The ageof the formation was evidenced by ostracod assemblages, which suggested the Ludlowian age, withoutstage assignment. Only Neocucullograptus sp. indicates the presence of upper zones of the upperLudlowian (N. inexpectatus – N. kozlowskii; Stupnicka et al. 1991). Malec (2003) presented his viewbased on the structural position of the studied strata. Later studies, including analysis of the bioticassemblage in the Widełki Shales (Krawczyk, 2006) did not supply any definite solution with regardto the age of these deposits; nevertheless, the palynological assemblage evidences that the strata arenot an equivalent of the Prągowiec Beds.Stop 7. Zalesie near Łagów – Ordovician and Silurian successionMonika Masiak, Wiesław TrelaThe entire Ordovician section in this locality is up to 38 m thick and includes the upperTremadocian to upper Hirnantian rocks (Fig. 15). This succession rests upon the Lower Cambrianshales along the unconformity produced by the Sandomierz tectonic phase (Czarnocki, 1939;Kowalczewski, 2000). The lowermost Ordovician is represented by the Wysoczki Formation (Dzikand Pisera 1994; Trela, 2006a) referring to as alternation of glaucony-rich thin- to medium-bedded41<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Fig. 15. Lithology and stratigraphy of the Ordovician section in Zalesie nearby Łagów.siltstones/sandstones, mudstones and cherts. The conodont data indicate that this successioncorrespond to the upper Tremadocian Paltodus deltifer zone (Szaniawski, 1980; Dzik, 1994). Theacritarch community detected in this formation by Górka (1969) and Szczepanik (oral information)includes the following forms: ? Buchnia sp., ? Pirea sp., Acanthodiacrodium cf. commune Timofeev,<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 42

A. cf. tremadocum Górka, A. cf. formosum Górka, A. cf. petrovii Timofeev, A. cf. tremadocum Górka,A. commune Timofeev, A. complanatum (Deunff), A. constrictum (Deunff), A. formosum Górka, A.rotundatum Górka, A. timofeevi Golub et Volkova, A. tremadocum Górka, A. ubui Martin,Buedingisphaeridium tremadocum Rasul, Caldariola glabra (Martin), Caldariola sp. 1, Cymatiogaleasp., Cymatiogalea cf. canadiensis Górka, C. cf. cristata (Downie), C. cf. membranispina Deunff, C.couvillieri (Deunff), C. polygonomorpha Górka, C. ramosa (Di Mila, Ribecai, Tongiorgi),Cymatiosphaera cf. nebulosa (Deunff), Dactylofusa sp., Dasydiacrodium longicornutum Górka,Lophodiacrodium sp., Lophodiacrodium valdaicum (Timofeev), L. citrinum Downie,Lophosphaeridium sp., Micrhystridium robustum Downie, Micrhystridium sp., Peteinosphaeridiumtrifurcatum (Eisenack), Pirea cf. calvita Vavrdova, Pirea cf. ornata (Burman), Pirea sp., Polygoniumgracile Vavrdova, Priscotheca prismatica Deunff, P. raia Deunff, Stelliferidium cf. modestum(Górka), Stelliferidium sp., S. stelligerum (Górka), S. trifidum (Rasul), Tasmanites sp., Veryhachiumdumonti Vanguestaine, Vulcanisphaera frequens Górka.A distinctive feature of mudstone layers of the Wysoczki Formation is presence of the pyroclasticmaterial, represented by well preserved plagioclases, unaltered biotite, abundant montmorillonite andpyrogenic quartz (Chlebowski, 1971). Cherts occur either as thin beds revealing sharp boundaries withaccompanied siliciclastic sediment or nodules with more or less visible boundaries. The sedimentaryenvironment of these deposits was dominated by intermittent deposition of mudstones and cherts inlow-energy conditions punctuated by rapid accumulation of sandstones and siltstones due to tractionalprocesses associated with storm currents, which is supported by biogenic escape structures (Trela,2001). An overall coarsening-upward trend is recorded in the overlying glaucony-bearing sandstonesof the Międzygórz Formation (Fig. 15, Dzik and Pisera 1994; Trela 2006b), which seems to beproduced by the relative sea-level fall between Tremadocian and Floian.The most part of the Middle and lower Upper Ordovician sedimentary record is hidden under thinQuaternary clay cover and includes: 1) the lower Darriwilian sandstones of the Bukówka Formation,2) the uppermost Darriwilian/Sandbian dolostones and marls of the Mokradle Formation, 3) the Katiangrey and red shales of the Stawy Formation with thin K-bentonite beds overlain by dolostones of thethe Modrzewina Formation (up to 2 m) (Fig. 15; Trela, 2006a). The uppermost Ordovician isrepresented by the Hirnantian marly mudstones of the Zalesie Formation, up to 7 m (Trela, 2006a),which is supported by trilobite of Mucronaspis mucronatus (Brongniart) (Kielan 1956, 1959) andbrachiopods of the Hirnatian fauna (Temple, 1965). The Zalesie Formation passes upwards into palebrownshales (80 cm) with numerous graptolites of Normalograptus suggesting the uppermostOrdovician persculptus zone (Kielan, 1956; Masiak et al., 2003). The Silurian in this outcrop is madeup of black radiolarian cherts and shales dated by graptolites of the ascensus/acuminatus to cyphuszones of the Rhuddanian stage (Masiak et al., 2003).The palynological investigation of the Ordovician/Silurian boundary was made by Kremer (2001)and Masiak et al. (2003) (Fig. 16). The organic-walled microphytoplankton in the Zalesie Formation43<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

(mucronatus Biozone) is rare and the preservation of the particular taxa is poor; hence many of themare determined to generic level only or left in open nomenclature. However, several forms can berecognised precisely: Baltisphaeridium sp. and Ordovicidium sp. with wide and long processes appear,which are characteristic of the late Ordovician. They are accompanied by long-ranging taxa of simplemorphology such as Micrhystridium sp., Navifusa sp. A, Veryhachium sp. Other widespread taxa suchas Goniosphaeridium sp., Gorgonisphaeridium sp., Diexallophasis sp., Multiplicisphaeridium sp. andPolygonium sp. occur in this biozone. Specimens of Veryhachium cf. hamii, Veryhachium cf. lairdi,Veryhachium cf. reductum, Diexallophasis remota and Villosacapsula cf. irrorata were also found atthis level. Generally the acritarch frequency is rather low.Fig. 16. Lithology and acritarch frequency in the Zalesie Nowe exposure. 1. clayey shales, 2. blacksiliceous mudrocks, 3. grey marls, 4. grey dolomites, 5. very fine-grained sandstones to siltstones,6. silty to sandy claystones and shales, 7. bentonites, 8. grey marly claystones, 9. grey marlymudstones, 10, 11. palynological sample, 12. graptolite samples.The acritarch assemblages from the Ordovician/Silurian boundary zone (which is distinguishedon the basis of graptolites (Kremer, 2001) and lithology) are less diverse than those from theZalesie Formation. The long ranging taxa are dominant, such as: Micrhystridium sp.,<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 44

Multiplicisphaeridium sp., Gorgonisphaeridium sp. and Veryhachium sp. Only two distinctive forms -Acanthodiacrodium sp. and Baltisphaeridium sp. were found in this zone. Acritarch frequency in theboundary zone varies, but generally is higher than in the Zalesie Formation. The first Silurian samples(the lower part of the ascensus-acuminatus biozone) still yield low-diversity and sparse acritarchassemblages. They belong to Ammonidium sp., Micrhystridium sp. and Multiplicisphaeridiumlobeznum. The acritarchs are thin, pale and small. The sample that comes from the Silurian deposits(about 1,5 m above the upper limit of the O/S boundary zone) yielded a rich and diverse assemblage.The first appearance of Tylotopalla was observed. All palynological species from the O/S transitionalbeds are listed in the Table 1.List of species in Zalesie NoweSample noZ.1Z.2Z.3Z.4Z.5Z.6Z.7Z.8Z.9Z.10Z.11Z.12Z.13Z.14Z.15Navifusa sp. A X X XBaltisphaeridium sp.X X X X X XGoniosphaeridium spX X X X X XDiexallophasis remota (Deunff) Playford, 1977 X X X X X XMicrhystridium sp. X X X X X X X X XOrdovicidium sp.XVeryhachium sp. X X X X X X X X XVillosacapsula cf. irrorata (Loeblich et Tappan) Fensome et al., 1990X XPolygonium spX X X XMultiplicisphaeridum sp. X X X X X XGorgonisphaeridium sp.X X X X XVeryhachium cf. reductum (Deunff) Downie & Sarjeant, 1965X XDiexallophasis sp. X XAcanthodiacrodium sp.X? Acanthodiacrodium sp. XVeryhachium cf. lairdi (Deflandre) Deunff, 1954 ex Loeblich, 1970XVeryhachium cf. hamii Loeblich, 1970XMultiplicisphaeridum lobeznum (Cramer) Eisenack, Cramer & Diez, 1973XSalopidium wenlockensis (Downie) Dorning, 1981X XAmmonidium sp.XEvittia robustospinosa (Downie) Le Hérissé, 1989XTylotopalla caelamenicutis Loeblich, 1970XT. deerlijkianum (Martin) Martin, 1978 XT. guapa (Cramer) Eisenack, Cramer & Diez, 1973 XTylotopalla sp.XTable 1. Occurence of acritarcha species in Zalesie Nowe profile.Sediments of the Rhuddanian stage are overlain by the upper Llandovery and lower Ludlow greyand green shales. The diabase sill (~18 m thick) penetrates close to stratigraphic boundary of the lowerLudlow graptolite shales and the upper Ludlow Niewachlów greywackes. These greywackes areinterpreted as a deeper-water flysch facies (Malec, 2001), however, in the Łysogóry Region thissuccession reveals features of shallow subtidal to nearshore environment (Kozłowski, 2008).45<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Stop 8. Bardo Stawy – Ordovician/Silurian boundary, Rhuddanian black cherts andshalesMonika Masiak, Wiesław TrelaThe natural outcrop in Bardo Stawy provides the complete section of Llandovery rocks in theHCM and their continuous contact with the underlying strata of the uppermost Ordovician (Fig. 17).This outcrop is located in the southern limb of the Bardo Synclines of the Kielce Region.The uppermost Ordovician is made up of grey/green and yellow sandy mudstones, marls withsubordinate shales and sandstones (up to 7 m thick succession) that form the Zalesie Formation. Thesedeposits are dated by trilobites of Mucronaspis mucronatus (Brongniart) and Mucronaspis oliniTemple (Kielan, 1959) and brachiopods of the Hirnantia fauna (Temple, 1965). The sedimentaryrecord indicates that the Zalesie Formation was deposited in a high energy environment punctuated byreworking and redeposition episodes during the Hirnantian regressive event, which is supported bytextural and compositional immaturity of the mudstone and sandstone beds.The overlying sedimentary record refers to as the Rembów and Zbrza Members that belong to theBardo Formation (Fig. 17) corresponding to the uppermost Ordovician and Llandovery (Trela andSalwa, 2007). The base of the Rembów Member is represented by the light brown shales (~80 cm)with some admixture of silt-size quartz grains, which yielded graptolites of the upper Hirnantian?persculptus zone including Normalograptus miserabilis, N. parvulus, N. cf. persculptus, and N.avitus (Masiak et al., 2003). They grade upwards into thin-bedded black radiolarian cherts, up to 13 mthick (Fig. 17), with graptolites of the ascensus/acuminatus zones (Bednarczyk and Tomczyk, 1981;Masiak et al., 2003). The graptolite assemblge of this zone detected in Bardo Stawy includesAkidograptus ascensus, Parakidograptus acuminatus, P. primarius, Neodiplograptusmodestus and Cystograptus ancestralis and shows similarities to those known from southern Wales(eastern Avalonia), Scotland (Laurentia) and Baltica (opi. cit.). The lithology and biostratigraphic dataindicate the stratigraphic and sedimentary continuity between the Ordovician and Silurian systems inBardo Stawy and the Bardo Syncline.The chert beds reveal, more or less regular, sub-millimetric horizontal lamination (well enhancedon the weathered surfaces) with rare white laminae (up to 10 cm long) and lens-like nodules (up to 0.8mm thick). The cherts are made up of numerous radiolarian ghosts filled by the microcrystalline quartzwith subordinate fine spherulitic chalcedony (Fig. 17), some admixture of muscovite, rarescolecodonts, chitinozoans as well as sponge spicules (Kremer, 2005). Moreover, they contain anamorphous organic matter and aggregates/clusters of very small globular bodies (1.5-3.5 μm indiameter) interpreted as remnants of degraded coccoid cyanobacteria forming benthic microbial mats(Kremer and Kaźmierczak, 2005). In turn, the white laminae/nodules are composed of<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 46

Fig. 17. A - Lithology and stratigraphy of the Rhuddanian section in Bardo Stawy (biostratigraphyafter Bednarczyk and Tomczyk, 1981; Masiak et al., 2003), persc. – Normalograptus perscuplusgraptolite zone, B - radiolarian black cherts of the Rembów Member and their contact withmudstones of the Zalesie Formation in Bardo Stawy, C - photomicrograph of the chert bed withradiolarian tests filled by silica; in the lower part fragment of light chalcedony lamina enriched inthe organic matter, plane-polarized light.47<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

cryptocrystalline quartz, some organic matter, degraded acanthomorphic acritarchs, graptolites,chitinozoans, radiolarians and phosphate sediment (Kremer, 2005).The overlying graptolite siliceous shales of the Zbrza Member (Fig. 17) are largely horizontallylaminated and interbedded by rare thin chert layers (up to 2 cm thick) displaying faint lamination.Numerous graptolites indicative for the vesiculosus and cyphus zones were identified in this shale unit(Bednarczyk and Tomczyk, 1981; Masiak et al., 2003). The light-coloured mottling bioturbationsoccur on some bedding planes and in most cases they do not disturb the lamination. The lower part ofthe vesiculosus zone is characterized by large normalograptids: Normalograptus medius, N.rectangularis and N. balticus, accompanied by the index taxon Cystograptus vesiculosusoccurring however sporadically (Masiak et al., 2003). Graptolites in the upper part of this zoneare more abundant and display a higher taxonomic variability due to occurrence of monoserialgraptolites represented by Atavograptus (A. atavus) and Huttagraptus (H. incurvus and H.praestrachani), Dimorphograptus confertus, D. decussatus decussatus, Pseudoorthograptusobuti, Neodiplograptus elongatus, Diplograptus sp. 1 and Raphidograptus (opi. cit).The Rhuddanian black radiolarian cherts and shales are interpreted as transgressive depositsrelated to the marine flooding that was initiated during the latest Hirnantian (persculptus zone). Thepalaeogeographic reconstructions indicate that during the considered time span the HCM, as a part ofBaltica, was positioned at the northern margin of the Rheic Ocean (Podhalańska and Trela, 2007). It ispostulated that accumulation of black radiolarian cherts was influenced by upwelling system generatedby the SE trade winds along the submarine paleohigh located in the central HCM (Trela and Salwa,2007; Trela, 2009). These conditions generated large blooms preserved as white laminae and noduleswithin chert beds (Kremer, 2005).In the Bardo Stawy section, the acritarch-prasinophyte assemblage reveals the low-frequency atthe base and gradually becomes more abundant and taxonomically more diverse (Fig. 18). Themaximal acritarch abundance occurs in the lower part of the vesiculosus Zone. Changes in acritarchassemblages are regardless of lithology. A distinct fall in abundance is noted in the ?persculptus Zoneand in the lower part of the ascensus–acuminatus Zone, both in Bardo Stawy and Zalesie (Fig. 16).The changing acritarch abundance in the Ordovician/Silurian boundary interval allows distinguishingthe transition zone between the two systems in the Zalesie section. It probably encompasses the?persculptus Zone and part of the ascensus–acuminatus Zone. The maximal microphytoplanktonabundance in the lower part of the ascensus–acuminatus Zone correlates with the rise of Chitinozoaabundance. The second abundance peak of acritarchs and prasinophytes in the lower part of thevesiculosus Zone corresponds not only to the numerous occurrence of Chitinozoa but also to theappearance of brachiopods, conodonts and bioturbations. All palynological species from the O/Stransitional beds are listed in the Table 2. Changes in the abundance and taxonomic diversity of thepalynological assemblage may indicate gradual recovery of biotic assemblages in the Early Silurian<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 48

ocean after retreat of the Late Ordovician glaciation on Gondwana, which caused a worldwide bioticcrisis and extinction of many faunal and floral species (phytoplankton).List of species in Bardo StawySample noBS.1BS.2BS.3BS.4BS.5BS.6BS.7BS.8BS.9BS.10BS.11BS.12BS.13BS.14BS.15BS.16BS.17BS.18BS.19BS.20BS.21Micrhystridium sp. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XMultiplicisphaeridium sp. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XPolygonium sp. X XVeryhachium sp. X X X X X X X X X X X X XAcanthodiacrodium sp. XOrthosphaeridium sp XAmmonidium sp. A X X X X X X X XElektoriskos pogonius Loeblich 1970 X X XNavifusa sp. A X X X X X X X X X X X X X XAmmonidium microcladum (Downie) Dorning, 1981 X X X X X X X X X XDiexallophasis tappana (Kiryanov) Wicander, 1986 X X X X X X X X X X XElektoriskos brevispinosum (Lister) Vanguestine,X X X1979Elektoriskos sp. X X X X X X XAmmonidium sp. X X X X X X XMicrhystridium inflatum (Downie) Lister 1970 X X XMultiplicisphaeridium cladum (Downie) Eisenack,1969X X X X X XM.imitatum (Deflandre) Lister, 1970 X X X X X X X X X X X XM. lobeznum (Cramer) Eisenack, Cramer & Diez,1973X X X X X XM. mingusi Le Hérissé, 1989 X X X X X X X X X X X XSalopidium sp. X X X X XTylotopalla caelamenicutis Loeblich, 1970 X X X X X X X X X X X X X XT. guapa (Cramer) Eisenack, Cramer & Diez, 1973 X X X X XVeryhachium valiente Cramer, 1964 X X X X X X X X XDiexallophasis sanpetrensis (Cramer) Dorning, 1981 X X X X X X X X XEvittia robustospinosa (Downie) Le Hérissé X XMultiplicisphaeridium monki Le Hérissé, 1989 X X X X X X XM. pardaminum Diez & Cramer, 1976 X XM. variabile (Lister) Dorning, 1981 X X X X X X X X X XTylotopalla deerlijkianum (Martin) Martin, 1978 X X X X X XTylotopalla sp. X X XVeryhachium trispinosum (Eisenack) Stockmans &X X X XWillière, 1962Buedingiisphaeridium sp. XDiexallophasis sp. X X X X X X X X X XBuedingiisphaeridium lunatum Le Hérissé, 1989 X XGorgonisphaeridium sp. X XLophosphaeridium parverarum Stockmans &Willière 1963Veryhachium trapezionarion Loeblich, 1970 XElektoriskos aurora Loeblich, 1970 X XGlyptosphaera speciosa Kiryanov, 1978 X X XGorgonisphaeridium cf. succinum Lister, 1970 X XMicrhystridium radians Stockmans & Willière, 1963 X X XMultplicisphaeridium illinoi (Cramer & Diez)Eisenack, Cramer & Diez, 1973M. mergaeferum Loeblich, 1970 X XDictyotidium dictyotum (Eisenack) Eisenack, 1955 X X X X XDomasia limaciforme (Stockmans & Willière)Cramer, 1970XLeprotolypa gordonense (Cramer) Colbah, 1979XPterospermela sp.XMultiplicisphaeridium paraguaferum Cramer)Lister,1970X XM. raspum (Cramer) Eisenack, Cramer & Diez, 1973 X X XCymatiosphaera sp.X XMicrhystridium stellatum Deflandre, 1945 XDiexallophasis remota (Deunff) Playford, 1977Table 2. Occurrence of acritarcha species in Bardo Stawy sectionXXBS.22X49<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Fig. 18. Lithology and range chart of the graptolites with regard to acritarch frequency in the BardoStawy exposure. 1. clayey shales, 2. black siliceous mudrocks, 3. grey marls, 4. grey dolomites, 5.very fine-grained sandstones to siltstones, 6. silty to sandy claystones and shales, 7. bentonites, 8.<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 50

grey marly claystones, 9. grey marly mudstones, 10, 11. palynological sample, 12. graptolitesample.Stop 9. Bardo Prągowiec – Wenlock-Lower Ludlow shalesMonika MasiakThe natural outcrop called Bardo Prągowiec is located in the northern limb of the BardoSyncline in the Kielce Region (Fig. 1, 13). In the Prągowiec ravine we can observe the upper Wenlockand lowermost Ludlow mudrock facies (Fig. 19). The oldest graptolite zone identified in the northernlimb of the Bardo Syncline is the Monograptus lundgreni−Monograptus testis Zone. It is representedby yellow mudstones with fragmentary lamination and numerous horizontal bioturbation canals. Thethickness of this zone (in the exposed part) reaches 1.6 m. This zone yields numerous adultrepresentatives of M. flemingii, M. priodon, Cyrtograptus sp. and Pristiograptus dubius. The graptolitefauna is accompanied by numerous nautiloids, crinoids, ostracodes and bivalves. Palynologicassemblages (acritarchs and prasinophytes) have been described from the lundgreni−testis Zone(Masiak, 2002).Fig. 19. Sketch-map of the Prągowiec Ravine with biostratigraphic subdivision. Solid lines –boundaries of graptolitic zones as defined by E. Porębska (unpublished data 2007), dotted lines –boundaries of informal graptolitic zones after Tomczyk in: Kowalczewski and Tomczyk (1981),dashed line – fault, t – accumulation terrace, d – diabaseThe Pristiograptus dubius Zone, represented by green lapilla tuffs up to 0.4 m thick, begins withthe last appearance of M. testis and C. lundgreni and terminates with the appearance of sporadicGothograptus sp. Rhabdosomes of P. dubius abundantly cover the lamination surfaces and areoriented in diverse directions. Apart from P. dubius no other graptolites or benthic species have beennoted in this horizon.The Gothograptus nassa−Pristiograptus parvus interval Zone is developed as yellow, bioturbatednon-calcareous mudstones with tuff admixture (thickness 6 m). It begins with the appearance ofGothograptus sp. and terminates with the last appearance of P. parvus. The G. nassa occursabundantly and does not reveal dwarfism, whereas P. parvus is present in great abundance in the upper51<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

part of the zone. A very characteristic accumulation (55 cm thick) of benthic, planktonic and nektonicfauna, referred to as the “Trilobite Bed”occurs in the base of this biostratigraphic unit and the basalpart of the Prągowiec Beds (Tomczykowa, 1957, 1958). Recent studies (Porębska and Grabka,unpublished data) indicate that in this horizon the fauna occurs in a characteristic pattern, formingunique associations with variable taxonomic composition and domination of one or two species.The rapid, massive and short-duration appearance of benthic fauna was documented earlier incoeval deposits of the East European Craton (Tomczyk, 1974; Porębska et al., 2004). It represents aregional colonization event, isochronic for the entire Baltica palaeocontinent.The palynological assemblage from this zone (Masiak, 2002) is low-diversity and its abundancerises towards the top of the unit. Here also appears the dominating taxon Oppilatala.The Pristiograptus dubius−Gothograptus nassa interval Zone is recorded between the lastappearance of P. parvus and first appearance of Colonograptus praedeubeli. In this unit, P. dubius isextremely abundant whereas G. nassa is subordinate. The zone is developed as slightly laminated greyclaystones, typically without benthic fauna exept sporadically occuring machaeridia and bivalves. Thezone thickness reaches 5.4 m.The Colonograptus praedeubeli Interval Zone begins with the first appearance of the index taxonand terminates with the first appearance of C. deubeli. The index taxon occurs in great abundance. It isaccompanied by less frequent P. dubius, represented by two morphotypes, and rare poorly preservedretiolite graptolites. The praedeubeli Zone contains a very abundant acritarch-prasinophyteassemblage (Masiak, 2002) of low-diversity, dominated by Oppilatala (90% of the assemblage). Theabundance varies from low in the lower part of the zone to relatively rich in the middle and upper part;it is, however, lower than in the dubius−nassa Zone. The praedeubeli Zone is developed as grey,laminated claystones containing rare and small (up to 7 cm in diameter) calcareous concretions. Thethickness of the zone reaches 5 m.The Colonograptus deubeli Range Zone is defined between the first and last occurrence of theindex taxon. The zone yields also P. dubius and retiolite graptolites. The palynological assemblage isslightly less abundant than in the praedeubeli Zone (Masiak, 2002). The degree of taxonomic diversityrises, whereas the content of the dominating species gradually falls. The deubeli Zone is developed asgrey claystones and is up to 4 m thick.The Colonograptus ludensis interval Zone ranges from the last appearance of C. deubeli to thefirst appearance of C. gerhardi. The index taxon occurs in great abundance. Numerous are retiolitegraptolites; P. dubius is less frequent. The palynological assemblage shows (particularly in the upperpart of the zone) another fall in taxonomic diversity at unchanged abundance (Masiak, 2002). Theabundance of the dominating genus Oppilatala rises again. The C. ludensis Zone is 13 m thick anddeveloped as grey claystones.The Colonograptus gerhardi interval Zone is marked by the first appearance of the index taxonand terminates with the first appearance of Neodiversograptus nilssoni. The thickness of this zone<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 52

developed as grey clayey shales with calcareous concretions reaches 7 m. Abundance fall of thepalynological assemblage along with the lack of domination of Oppilatala can be observed in thiszone (Masiak, 2002).The Neodiversograptus nilssoni Zone is developed as light grey mudstones with numerouscalcareous concretions and begins with the first appearance of the index taxon. At present the top ofthis unit is not exposed, therefore it cannot be defined. The palynological assemblage of the exposedpart of the nilssoni Zone is characterized by the re-appearance of a dominating genus, which in thiscase is Leiofusa (Masiak 2002).Above the zones defined by Tomczyk (in: Kowalczewski and Tomczyk, 1981) and Porębskadistinguished the following zones: Lobograptus progenitor, L. scanicus, Cucullograptus hemiaversus,Saetograptus leintwardinensis and Bohemograptus (greywacke series) (Fig. 20). Due to lack ofdefinition, these zones are considered informal. At present, access to the very few exposures in thesezones is rather difficult. From accessible exposures come samples for palynological analysis. Theacritarch-prasinophyte assemblage is not as numerous as in the lower biostratigraphic zones, but istaxonomically more diverse (Masiak, 2002). The correlation of Tomczyk’s subdivision (in:Kowalczewski and Tomczyk, 1981) with unpublished subdivision of Porębska is presented in Fig. 20.These shales of the leintwardinensis Zone contact with the diabase sill intruding close to theboundary of the lower Ludlow graptolite shales and the upper Ludlow Niewachlów greywackes.The detailed biostratigraphic subdivision of the uppermost Wenlockian in the Prągowiec Ravineas well as palaeontological studies of graptolites (Porębska, 2002b) and acritarchs (Masiak, 1999,2002, 2006) allowed identification of the most significant Silurian biotic crisis, known as thelundgreni Event. This event took place in three phases: extinction, survival and recovery. The massextinction of graptolites (monograptids, cyrtograptids and retiolite graptolites) took place in one event.It is recorded in the top of the lundgreni−testis Zone. The only survival species was Pristiograptusdubius (Porębska 2002a, b). The scenario of the graptolite recovery phase is recorded within 11.4 m ofdeposits that are classified as a succession of three biostratigraphic zones: dubius, parvus−nassa, anddubius−nassa. The beginning of the survival phase (dubius Zone) is characterized by the soleoccurrence of P. dubius. The middle of the survival phase (parvus−nassa Zone) is distinguished by therapid and mass appearance of graptolites unknown from older beds: Gothograptus nassa and P.parvus with rare P. dubius. The decline of the survival phase (dubius−nassa Zone) is characterized bythe mass occurrence of G. nassa and P. dubius. Significant is the lack of P. parvus. The graptoliterecovery phase begins with the mass appearance of P. praedeubeli in association with less numerousP. dubius. The palynological record of the lundgreni Event, i.e. oscillations in abundance andtaxonomic diversity is very similar to that noted from a coeval interval in the Bartoszyce IG 1 well(Porębska et al., 2004; Masiak, 2006), located in the East European Craton, as well as on Gotland53<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

(Calner et al., 2006; Masiak, 2006). Similarly, a dominating taxon occurs during the survival phase,although it is represented in these sections by different genera and species.Fig. 20. Lithological column of the Silurian deposits exposed in the Prągowiec Ravine (northern limbof the Bardo Syncline) and correlation of the existing stratigraphic subdivisions.Stop 10. Łysa Góra (Bald Mount) - Pleistocene peri-glacial boulder coverWiesław TrelaThe highest ground elevations in the HCM are called Łysica (Mount Bald - 612 m absolute height)and Łysa Góra (Bald Mount - 595 m absolute height) with Holy Cross Monastery. The Łysogóry is thename of the mountain range to which the both peaks belong. The origin of this mountain range comesfrom the deforested high slope areas covered by a huge rock boulders, which is called “gołoborze”.<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 54

The predominating lithology of the boulder fields are the Furongian quartzitic sandstones thatform Łysogóry. The considered herein deforested block debris areas were formed in the peri-glacialconditions that affected the HCM in the Pleistocene (Różycki, 1972, Lindner, 1977, 1984). In that timethe Łysogóry Mountain Range was many times affected by variable climate cycles, i.e., cold duringglacial periods and warm during inter-glacial periods. The block-debris covers developed upon theFurongian quartzite sandstone outcrops, which had undergone physical disintegration. On the otherhand, the mudstone and claystone interbeds produced clayey-debris covers. The peri-glacial periodfavoured also the slope processes, particularly slumps and slides. During the interglacial periods, theweathered covers were subject to erosion and the fine-grain fractions of the clayey-debris cover werewashed out and transported downwards the slope.The peri-glacial climate conditions prevailed during the older South-Poland glaciation periods(the Narew glaciation – Günz and the Nida glaciation – Mindel I) prior to final glaciation of wholearea during the San glaciation (Mindel II and III). However, the highest elevations were free of theice-cap and formed nunataks even in times when the glacier entered the HCM twice, and reached ashigh as 500 m absolute height. During the Mid-Poland glaciations (the Odra glaciation – Rüss I andthe Warta glaciation - Rüss II) the HCM was located outside of the glacier influence, although in itsdirect foreland area. During the North-Poland glaciations (the Vistula glaciation – Würm) the HCMwere situated in far-distant foreland of the glacier but still within peri-glacial zone.According to Klatka (1962) the boulder fields are supposed to developed during the Mid-Polandglaciation periods (the Odra glaciation – Rüss I). However, basing on the fresh nature of the materialin debris-block covers Kowalski and Jaśkowski (1986) believe that their origin is likely to be linkedprimarily to peri-glacial environment of the North-Poland glaciation – precisely the Vistula glaciation(Würm).Stop 11. Czerwona Góra – Upper Permian conglomeratesAnna Fijałkowska-MaderThe abandoned “Zygmuntówka” quarry is located in Czerwona Góra village, 11 kilometers southof Kielce and 3 kilometers north-east from Chęciny, within the northern limb of the Gałęzice-Bolechowice syncline (Fig. 21). This quarry is famous for the Upper Permian conglomeratescorresponding to the Zechstain PZ1 and PZt (top terrigenous series) cycles, reaching up to 100 m inthickness (Zbroja et al., 1998). They rest on the Givetian–Frasnian carbonates along the prominentunconformity. Unfortunately only the uppermost 30 meters of the conglomerate succession can beobserved in the quarry (Fig. 21).The conglomerates are clast- to matrix-supported with the Devonian limestone and dolostonespebbles as a main components, embedded in micritic-ferric-clayey matrix and calcitic cement (Fig.21). The pebbles are poorly sorted and rounded. Their average diameter is 3–6 cm, whereas the largest55<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

Fig. 21. A – Lithologic section of the northern wall of the “Zygmuntówka quarry” showing successionof the conglomerate lithofacies (Z1-Z5), B – General view of the northern wall of the“Zygmuntówka quarry”, C – Close view of conglomerate from the Zygmuntówka quarry”showing limestone clasts embedded in micritic-ferric-clayey matric and calcitic cement.ones reaches up to 80 cm. The Lower Carboniferous (Visean) limestone pebbles are subordinateconstituent of the considered conglomerate. Neither fauna nor flora has been found here. Theconglomerates are cut by calcite veins (so-called “różanka” from rose) assigned to two separatephases: the older one which does not pierce pebbles and the younger one which cuts pebbles and has ahoney colour, often with an ore mineralization (Migaszewski et al., 1996). Basing on matrix featuresand sedimentologial structures, five lithofacies (Z1-Z5) have been distinguished (Fig.21; Zbroja et al.,1998), including:- massive conglomerates with compact fabric (Z1),<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 56

- massive conglomerates with scattered fabric (Z2),- horizontally bedded conglomerates with compact fabric (Z3),- diagonally trough bedded conglomerates with compact fabric (Z4),- massive or poorly horizontally bedded conglomerates with compact fabric (Z5).The grainy fabric is embedded primarily in a detrital mass of matrix type. Locally the presence ofcalcite cement of hydrothermal origin replacing the matrix along subhorizontal zones is observed(Zbroja et al., 1998).The conglomerates from the “Zygmuntówka” quarry represent deposits of alluvial fan developedunder the arid and semiarid climate conditions. They formed subaerial part of delta fan entering theshallow sea. Two sequences of prograding conglomerate units (A and B) recognized in this quarry,separated by erosional boundary, suggest that the development of delta fan system proceeded in twophases controlled by climatic and tectonic conditions (Zbroja et al., 1998).Stop 12. Zachełmie – Middle Devonian carbonates and Permian/Triassic continentalterrigenous depositsWiesław Trela, Maria Kuleta, Stanisława ZbrojaThe abandoned Zachełmie quarry (Fig. 22) is a prominent place due to the Variscanunconformity truncating the Middle Devonian dolostones and overlain by the uppermostPermian/Lower Triassic (Lower Buntsandstein) alluvial fan to fluvial deposits (Fig. 22).The Devonian dolostones belong to the Wojciechowice Formation of the Eifelian age supportedby conodont data (Niedzwiedzki et al., <strong>2010</strong>). The lowermost part of the succession outcropped in thequarry is composed of laminites and laminated stromatolites with spectacular shrinkage cracks onbedding surfaces related to the supratidal environment. The Tetrapod trackways were detected onbedding planes of this laminated part of the Eifelian section (Niedzwiedzki et al., <strong>2010</strong>). TheWojciechowice Formation is considered to record the earliest stage in development of the Middle-Upper Devonian carbonate platform in the HCM (Skompski and Szulczewski, 1994).The small scale topographic lows within the Variscan unconformity are filled by the poorly sortedand clast-supported breccia (up to 1 m thick) forming irregular isolated patches and composed of thesubstrate dolostones. This breccia is interpreted as the regolith deposit developed upon the emersionsurface probably during the Late Permian.Crudely stratified conglomerates/breccias of the Zachełmie Member (up to 6 m thick) resting uponthe Middle Devonian dolostones are outcropped in the eastern part of the quarry. In the upper part theyare intercalated by red sandstones. Besides of the local dolostone boulders this coarse-grained unitcontains also fragments of the breccia from the topographic lows within the Variscan unconformity.These deposits are interpreted as alluvial fan (Szulczewski, 1995c) developed in a close proximity to amorphological elevation built of the Middle Devonian dolostones.57<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

The bulk of the uppermost Permian/Lower Triassic succession in the Zachełmie quarry is made upof the Jaworzna Formation (Fig. 22) consisting of thin- to medium-bedded red calcareous sandstonesinterbedded by red mudstones and shales. In the nearby boreholes, the spore-pollen assemblage of theLower Buntsandstein Lundbladispora obsoleta - Protohaploksypinus panti zones was identified in theJaworzna Formation (Fijałkowska, 1994). This biostratigrafic data are supported bymagnetostratigraphic data indicating that the considered deposits correspond to the basal Triassicnormal polarity zone (Nawrocki et al., 2003). The occurrence of conchostracan carapaces of Falsiscapostera Kozur & Seidel in the lower portion of the Jaworznia Formation and Falsisca cf. verchojanica(Molin) in its upper part suggests location of the Permian/Triassic boundary within this unit(Ptaszyński and Niedźwiecki, 2004).The sandstone beds reveal the small-scale cross bedding, horizontal lamination, rare ripple marksand desiccation cracks. Moreover, root traces, plant remains, rare fish scales, vertebrate foodprints,and invertebrate trace fossils were recognized within these sediments (Kuleta et al., 2006). Theinvertebrate trace fossils correspond to the Scoyenia and Mermia assemblages. Its deposition wasmostly confined to two depressions preserved in the palaeomorphology of the Zachełmie quarry. TheJaworzna Formation is interpreted as the sheetflood deposits (Szulczewski, 1995c) or even fan deltasuccession entering the lake environment (Kuleta et al., 2009).The overlying grey/pink sandstones of the Zagnańsk Formation (Fig. 22) are a multistory andamalgamated channel deposits of the braided river system (Szulczewski, 1995c; Kuleta et al., 2006).In the Zachełmie quarry two channel routes truncating the Jaworzna Formation and locally the MiddleDevonian dolostones can be observed. The undulating erosive surfaces of sandstone beds are locallycovered by a thin channel lag deposits consisting of dolostone pebbles and red mudstone clasts. Thecommon sedimentary structures detected in these sandstones include: large scale trough and tabularcross-bedding.Fig. 22. (the next page) Correlation of the uppermost Permian/Lower Triassic deposits across theZachełmie quarry.<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 58

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Stop 13. Krzemionki – Archeological Museum and ReserveGrzegorz Pieńkowski, Marzena Stempień-SałekIn the Mesozoic margin of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains there are outcrops of various kindsof flint and many prehistoric mines. Places where striped flint was mined were found at Korycizna,Borownia and Ruda Kościelna. In terms of area of the mining field, one of Europe’s biggest sites is thecomplex of flint mines at Krzemionki near Ostrowiec Świetokrzyski. Its perfectly preserved groundlandscape and underground structure give it extraordinary importance.The mines were found on 19 July 1922 by the geologist Jan Samsonowicz. Research andexcavation works in the area were directed by Zygmunt Szmit (1923, 1927), Józef Żurowski (1925-1927), Stefan Krukowski (1923, 1928-1937), Michał Drewko (1945, 1948), Tadeusz Żurowski (1953,1958-1961), Jan Kowalczyk, Bogdan Balcer and Zygmunt Krzak (1969-1970), Jerzy Bąbel (1979-1984, 2001-2004), Sławomir Sałaciński, Marek Zalewski, Witold Migal (1985-1988) and WojciechBorkowski (1989-2000).The mines were exploited ca. 3900 to 1600 BC. (radiocarbon dating) by different peoples wholeft artefacts categorized by archaeologists into cultures- e. g. the culture of funnel- shaped cups,culture spherical amphorae, Mierzanowice culture. It is possible that deposits of striped flint wereknown even earlier, to the Mesolithic hunters.Growing population and burning-down type of farming were vital factors which led todevelopment of flint mining in Świętokrzyskie region. Axes made of flint, used mostly for cuttingdown trees and clearing land as well as for cutting wood, were distributed in the range of 250 km fromthe mines (the culture of funnel- shaped cups, ca. 3900- 2900 BC.). However, most shafts atKrzemionki were made by miners who belonged to the culture of spherical amphorae (2900- 2500BC.). Axes for special purposes which they produced are found in the range as big as 600 km. In theearly Bronze Age (Mierzanowice culture, ca. 2200- 1600 BC.) tools and weapons (axes and arrowheads)made of flint were distributed in the range of ca. 85 km.The mining field in Krzemionki is located in an area of Jurassic (Upper Oxfordian) limestoneoutcrop in a syncline edge. The parabola- shaped field is ca. 5 km long and from 20 to 220 metreswide, covering the area of ca. 785 thousand m 2. The number of mining units is estimated at over fivethousand. The flint - bearing layer is a bank of flint concretions of various sizes, located in two layerswhose depths decrease towards the edge of the syncline. The shafts were set out 5 to 30 metres apart,and their depths and shapes depend on local geological conditions of flint- bearing layers. Ball-shapedand flattened flint concretions were extracted in a few ways, from excavating shallow cavities (twometres deep and four or five metres wide), through niche mines (ca. 4,5 m deep) and chamber- pillarmines to 8- 9 m deep chamber mines covering the area of ca. 400 m 2. The advance of more complex<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 60

flint mining technology in the Neolithic Age resulted in development of specialization: this is whenprofessional flint miners emerged. A mine crew consisted of five to ten people.Flint was mined in the warm (shallow cavities) and cold season (deep chambers). Sheds werebuilt over chamber shafts to protect the mine from rain and snow. The miners used sets of tools madefrom pieces of flint, other rocks and deer antlers. They served as wedges, mallets, levers, hoes andpickaxes. There was also an ingenious system of transporting flint output up to the surface. The minersworked underground in a contracted position: half- lying, crouching or kneeling. In order to savework, excavations were only 55-110 cm high. Loosened limestone rubble was disposed of either to thesurface, where it was stored in characteristic heaps surrounding the shafts, or was used for backfillingabandoned chambers. To prevent mine roofs from collapsing, pillars of solid rock were left (chamberpillarmines) or supports made of limestone slabs and rubble. Air circulation in the mine was providedby fires made in the shafts and their entrances. The mine was lit by burning resinous chips and perhapswith tallow lamps.The gained material was segregated underground and only the best quality flint wastransported to the surface. Just near the shaft it was segregated once again and underwent preliminaryworking. Concretions were broken on a stone anvil and worked with shaping tools made of stone,flint, bone and hard wood. Large amounts of flint waste and abortive semi- products of axes and othertools remained left near shaft entrances (site workshops). Selected semi- products or roughly shapedlump were taken for further working in productions settlements located in the basin of the Kamiennariver, where, for instance, axes were polished and finished. Apart from temporary camps built by theminers, there was no permanent settling in the mining area because of lack of potable water.Sometimes they used rainwater which remained in karst formations lying about 250 or 350 metressouth of the mining field.Pictures of symbols representing deities worshipped by the miners, made in charcoal on rockfaces and pillars, were found in the mine. They include a woman in labour, a bull’s head or horns, apair of feet. Located in the workplace, they were supposed to help the miners with excavatinglimestone rock. Probably they symbolize the Great Goddess and her partner, the God of Storm, whoseweapon was a lightning represented by a hatched and axe. This cult is connected with the special roleof a striped flint axe in the animal and crop farming communities of the culture of spherical amphorae.It is supposed that in rites it symbolized presence of a deity. It also meant social prestige and was awarrior’s weapon, magically protecting the owner from evil. This is why it was buried together withthe dead.After prehistoric miners had stopped exploitation of the deposits, the area remained hidden inancient forest until it was infringed by modern agriculture in the beginning of the 20 th century, whenthe village of Krzemionki was located nearby. The dwellers- lime producers destroyed the ancientmines (among other things, the “Great Chambers” in the tourist route No 1) in order to gain limestone61<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK

for production of lime and as fluxing agent for Ostrowiec steelworks. This kind of exploitation wasstopped when an archaeological reserve was established. Its organization began in 1926.Underground exhibition gallery ca.0,5 km long passing through Neolithic mining units wasopened for tourists 1 july 2004.ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM AND RESERVE at KrzemionkiA branch of Historical and Archaeological Museum at Ostrowiec Świętokrzyskiwww.Krzemionki.plEarly diagenetic concretionary flint nodules from the Upper Oxfordian oolitic and micriticlimestones represent silicified crustacean burrows. Their occurrence is confined to very shallowcarbonate facies of barrier, lagoonal, and tidal flat origin. Fills of crustacean burrows commonlyprovided a nucleation centre for flint formation and thereby the template on which flint nodule bedswere constructed. The reason for the special relationship between flint and crustacean burrowsprobably lie in the original texture (high permeability) of the burrow networks and also in the organiccontent (including the microbial assemblages) lowering the pH. Nodule horizons are developed moreor less parallel to bedding, to form several widespread horizons of the regional correlativesignificance.Abstract z Pieńkowski G.,Gutowski J., 2004: "Jurassic Volumes" issued by Institute of Geologyof the Faculty of Geology of the Warsaw University, Volume 2.<strong>CIMP</strong> <strong>2010</strong> FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 62

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