annual report grupo security - Banco Security

annual report grupo security - Banco Security

annual report grupo security - Banco Security

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a d m i n i s t r a d o r a g e n e r a l d e f o n d o s s e c u r i t y s . a .t y p e o f c o m p a n yCorporation, subsidiary of <strong>Banco</strong> <strong>Security</strong>.i n s c r i p t i o n i n t h e s e c u r i t i e s r e g i s t e rAdministradora General de Fondos <strong>Security</strong> S.A. is inscribed in the Securities Register with the No.0112.o b j e c t sGeneral funds manager.g e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o nThe company was constituted by public deed dated May 26, 1992 and was approved by the Superintendency of Securities and Insuranceon June 2, 1992 (Resolution No.0112). The company is subject to the regulatory authority of that Superintendency and the provisionsof Decree Law 1,328 and its regulations.By Resolution 288 of September 17, 2003, the Superintendency approved the reform of the bylaws of Sociedad Administradora deFondos Mutuos <strong>Security</strong> S.A. agreed at the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of July 4, 2003, which changed the company’s name toSociedad Administradora General de Fondos, in accordance with Chapter XXVII of Law 18,045.The funds managed by the company are subject to the special regulations set out in Decree Law 1,328 and its respective regulations andare to the regulatory authority of the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance.p a i d c a p i t a l a n d e q u i t yAs of December 2007, the company’s capital and reserves were Ch$1,399 million and its equity Ch$6,982 million.i n v e s t m e n t a s p r o p o r t i o n o f t h e a s s e t s o f g r u p o s e c u r i t y s . a .Administradora General de Fondos <strong>Security</strong> S.A. represents 2.07% of the assets of Grupo <strong>Security</strong>.t r a d i n g r e l a t i o n s w i t h s u b s i d i a r y a n d a s s o c i a t e c o m p a n i e s a n d t h e p a r e n tAdministradora General de Fondos <strong>Security</strong> S.A. provides investment sales services for the purchase of mutual fund quotas to each of thesubsidiaries and associates of Grupo <strong>Security</strong> S.A., and to the parent company.In the future, there is the possibility of extending the offer of these services to customers of the parent’s subsidiaries and associatecompanies.b o a r d o f d i r e c t o r sCHAIRMAN · Francisco Silva S. TAX Nº: 4.103.061-5Directors · Carlos Budge C. TAX Nº: 7.011.490-9· Santiago Felipe Larraín M. TAX Nº: 5.196.190-0· Renato Peñafiel M. TAX Nº: 6.350.390-8· Gonzalo Ruiz U. TAX Nº: 5.321.309-KPRESIDENT · Alfredo Reyes V. TAX Nº: 9.035.635-6

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