annual report grupo security - Banco Security

annual report grupo security - Banco Security

annual report grupo security - Banco Security

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<strong>annual</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2007<strong>grupo</strong> <strong>security</strong>page 770.08% approximately of the partnership rights in Inversiones CIGNA Limitada. The total purchase price wasCh$13,544,371,743.S a n t i a g o , O c t o b e r 4 , 2 0 0 7The board of Grupo <strong>Security</strong> S.A. agreed at its meeting of October 4 to pay a total dividend of Ch$2.8 per share,corresponding to an interim dividend for the year of Ch$1.7 and an additional dividend of Ch$1.1 against retainedearnings.This total dividend will be payable to shareholders on October 30, 2007 at the offices of <strong>Banco</strong> <strong>Security</strong> at Agustinasstreet 621, 1st floor, Santiago, or in another form should shareholders request this prior to the date of payment.O R G A N I Z A T I O N A L S T R U C T U R EThe organizational structure of the Grupo <strong>Security</strong> companies is shown in the following chart:GRUPO SECURITYBANCO SECURITY99.94%ASESORÍAS SECURITY99.78%INVERSIONES SEGUROSSECURITY99.99%INMOBILIARIASECURITY99.99%INVERSIONES INVESTSECURITY99.90%VALORES SECURITY99.76%SECURITIZADORASECURITY GMAC-RFC50.96%VIDA SECURITYSEGUROS VIDA99.34%VIRTUAL SECURITY99.90%ADM. GENERAL DEFONDOS SECURITY99.99%PENTA SECURITYSEGUROS GENERALES29.17%GLOBAL SECURITYGESTIÓN Y SERVICIOS99.77%FACTORING SECURITY99.998%SERVICIOS SECURITY99.99%MANDATOS SECURITY99.77%CORREDORA DESEGUROS SECURITY99.99%TRAVEL SECURITY55.00%EUROP ASSISTANCE49.00%REPRESENTACIONESSECURITY99.99%COOPER GAY CHILE49.99%

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