For The Defense, July 2010 - DRI Today

For The Defense, July 2010 - DRI Today

For The Defense, July 2010 - DRI Today

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O N T H E R E C O R D<strong>2010</strong> <strong>DRI</strong> Annual MeetingI Hope It Is Not a CoincidenceBy Chuck Stewart, <strong>2010</strong> Annual Meeting Program ChairI hope that it is not a coincidence that <strong>DRI</strong> President-Elect Matt Cairns asked me to chair the <strong>2010</strong> AnnualMeeting, October 20–24 in San Diego, during the veryyear that both <strong>DRI</strong> and I turned 50 years old. I hopethat Matt chose me to chair this meeting to permit meto demonstrate to <strong>DRI</strong> the important role that the organizationplays in my daily life and practice. This will be<strong>DRI</strong>’s 15th Annual Meeting, and I have made them all—except when trials stood in the way. <strong>For</strong> one half of mylife, I have been a member of <strong>DRI</strong>. I cannot even beginto count the number of <strong>DRI</strong> seminars I have attended—I won’t try. Turning 50 has had that deteriorating affecton my brain, and me generally. In <strong>DRI</strong>’s case, however,the chronological age has resulted in a great number ofgood changes. Over these past 50 years, <strong>DRI</strong> grew fromthe brainchild of a few brilliant visionaries into thelargest and most prominent defense organization specificallydedicated to the advancement of education, justice,professionalism, service, economics, and balance.<strong>The</strong> program, the setting, and the speakers for thisAnnual Meeting create a perfect beginning for the next50 years. On the first day, the opening speaker MarcusLuttrell, a former U.S. Navy Seal and the author of theNew York Times bestseller Lone Survivor, sets the tone.Luttrell’s story is absolutely amazing and very compelling.As a child, in his home state of Texas, he yearnedto join the Navy Seals. Luttrell ran thousands of miles,trained religiously, and was accepted into the Navy Sealprogram. <strong>For</strong> his efforts, he was sent into the mountainousregion of northern Afghanistan, near the borderwith Pakistan. Dropped into the mountains withhis team, Luttrell fought alongside his team membersand survived a frightening nightmare when his teammembers did not. His stirring, courageous story is filledwith examples of sacrifice, honor, patriotism, communityand destiny.Luttrell is not the only blockbuster speaker on theprogram. He is only the first. On the second day, SoledadO’Brien, CNN anchor and special correspondent,will share her tale of determination and hard work, valuesthat allowed O’Brien to reach the pinnacle of reporting.She strongly believes that education is crucial forour young people, and that mentoring keeps young peoplemotivated and hopeful. You will not want to missher speech.On Saturday, Mara Liasson, the award- winning journalistand national political correspondent for NPRushers in the third day, addressing the current politicalclimate, its impact on the legal profession, and policyissues facing the country. Her knowledge of the WhiteHouse, Congress, and politics beyond the Beltway causeNPR to call on her regularly for its award- winning newsprograms All Things Considered and Morning Edition.Matt Miller, brilliant author, columnist, and publicradio host, will speak at Thursday’s Awards Luncheon.A senior fellow with the Center for American Progress,Miller is a columnist for <strong>The</strong> Daily Beast and WashingtonPost, a contributing editor for <strong>For</strong>tune, and the hostof public radio’s popular, political week- in- review program,Left, Right & Center. Miller’s speaking and writingstyle makes his insightful commentary a terrific, mustseepart of the Annual Meeting.Annual Meetings mean networking and entertainmentas much as they mean education and enrichment.This year’s Thursday evening off-site Networking Receptionwill take place on the deck of the U.S.S. Midway aircraftcarrier. One of the largest ships in the Navy, theU.S.S. Midway played a crucial role in the defense ofour country, as well as serving as the Persian Gulf flagshipfor Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Members andguests will be able to explore the ship, cross- examine thedocents on the history of the ship, walk under the wingsand props of aircraft, climb into fighters, and even tryout flight simulators. Refreshments and live music willawait us on deck, and we will have the run of the aircraftcarrier against the stunning backdrop of downtown SanDiego and the marina. I promise a truly special night.Of course, that will not be the only reception. <strong>The</strong> WelcomeReception will start off the meeting on October 20.Before walking into this culinary arts and wine experience,stop by the First-Time Attendees and New MemberReception and join the <strong>DRI</strong> leadership for a few minutes.On October 21, before being shuttled to the U.S.S. Midway,attend the Diversity Reception for delicious horsd’oeuvres and refreshing cocktails. <strong>The</strong> Young LawyersCommittee is the host of the Networking Reception onFriday followed by dine-arounds at some of San Diego’sbest restaurants. <strong>The</strong>re is an Awards Luncheon on Thursdayand a Women’s Networking Luncheon on Friday.Finally, the President’s Gala and Installation Ceremonywill cap off the last day on Saturday. Great food and wineare not the only highlights of this event. <strong>DRI</strong> is havingits first Silent Auction and Saturday night is the finalOn <strong>The</strong> Record, continued next page<strong>For</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Defense</strong> n <strong>July</strong> <strong>2010</strong> n 1

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