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5) Arrest of Amir A. Badron @ “Cosain”, 27 yrsold, resident of Brgy Camantiles, Urdaneta City, Pangasinanatabout 8:00 AM of June 20, 2012 at San Jose City, Nueva Ecijaduring police operation conducted by joint elements of UrdanetaCity <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) and Urdaneta City PSby virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Gonzalo P. Marata of RTC, FJR, Br 47,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan in CC Nr. U-17535 dated July 20,2011 for Murder with NO Bailbond Recommended.Aforementioned accused is listed as Nr. 3 in the Top 10 MWP in the City ofUrdaneta, Pangasinan.Further background investigation by Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> disclosed thatsubject-MWP is among the other unidentified Target Personalities of the dreaded“PERALTA GROUP” whose primary criminal activity is Gun-for-Hire andsecondarily Gunrunning (included in 1<strong>CIDG</strong> Target List) that operates in the 5 thand 6 th Districts of Pangasinan and nearby provinces.6) Arrest of Dindo C. Cabasa, 35 yrs old, resident of Brgy Maygaay,Narvacan, Ilocos Surat about 6:00 AM of July 17, 2012 during implementation ofSW Nr. 62, S’ 2012 issued by Hon Judge Six<strong>to</strong> D Diompoc of RTC, FJR, Br 22,Narvacan, Ilocos Sur dated July 16, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 conducted byelements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> (as lead unit) & Ilocos Sur PPSC. Said operationresulted <strong>to</strong> the confiscation of One (1) Cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l (Norinco) bearing SN:906436; One (1) Cal .22 Revolver Magnum (Homemade) Springfield bearingSN: 042057; Eight (8) rds Live Ammunitions for cal .22 Magnum; Six (6) rdsLive Ammunitions for cal .45; One (10 pc magazine Assembly for cal .45Pis<strong>to</strong>l; and One (10 pc Holster for cal .22 revolver. A case for Violation of RA8294 was filed against the arrested suspect Dindo C. Cabasa before theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur docketed under NPSNo. I-03-INQ-12G-00087 dated July 17, 2012. IOC – PO2 Warren Lacangan09157814170Verification of records disclosed that arrested suspect Dindo C. Cabasa, islisted as member of “LITERATO/ CABASA” Group with their primary criminalactivities is Gunrunning and secondarily Illegal Drugs operating in the Province ofIlocos Sur and nearby provinces. It also covered with Region 1 <strong>CIDG</strong> COPLANentitled as COPLAN “BLAZING” that was previously submitted by 1<strong>CIDG</strong> <strong>to</strong>Intelligence Division (ID), H<strong>CIDG</strong> on May 3, 2012.7) Arrest of Michael M. Lagasca aka Kenneth Lagasca @ PEN andthe confiscation of Two [2] pcs Small heat sealed transparent plastic sachetcontaining white crystalline substance “shabu” weighing approximately0.3002 grams (under Chemistry Report PDEA RO1DD012-0029) withestimated street value of MOL Php2,500.00; One [1] unit Mobile PhoneSamsung Galaxy; and One (1) pc. Php1,000.00 peso bill buy-bust moneyduring buy-bust/ drug operation under PDEA Region 1 Control No. 1112-00005dated November 5, 2012 conducted by joint elements of PDEA Regional Office ILa Union Sec<strong>to</strong>r SET (lead unit), La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> (support unit), La Union PPSCand Agoo MPS at Brgy Sta Ana, Agoo, La Union at about 5:40 PM of November5, 2012.5
Arrested suspect Michael M. Lagasca aka Kenneth Lagasca @ PEN,newly identified Leader of “Calica Drug Group”, now also known as “PENDRUG GROUP” engaged in Illegal Drug Trade/ Drug Trafficking operating inthe 2 nd District of La Union particularly in the municipalities of Bauang andNaguilian based on the 3 rd Quarter 2011 Intelligence Summary from PDEARegion 1.On November 6, 2012, case for Violations of Sec. 5 & 11 of Art. II of RA9165 (Selling and Possession of Dangerous Drugs) were filed against thesuspect Michael M. Lagasca aka Kenneth Lagasca @ PEN before theRegional Trial Court, Agoo, La Union docketed under CC Nrs. A-6223 and A-6224, respectively. IOC – PO3 Danilo A Cortez – 09178357838 (Inves Support)Arrest of Most Wanted PersonNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 174NO. OF MWPs NEUTRALIZED: NATIONAL LEVEL - - REGIONAL LEVEL - 9 PROVINCIAL LEVEL - 1 MUNICIPAL/ CITY LEVEL - 18NO. OF WP (HEINOUS CASES) NEUTRALIZED - 21NO. OF OWP (LOCAL) NEUTRALIZED - 129NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED THRU CITAR - 155TOTAL ARRESTED/NEUTRALIZED - 333The following are the significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN “Pagtugis”:A. ARREST OF MOST WANTED PERSON/s:REGIONAL LEVEL: - 9 ARREST OF MWP Regional Level under DILG MC Nr. 2006-146with Php200,000.00 MonetaryReward.1) Arrest of Lord C. Menor, 38 yrs old, resident ofS<strong>to</strong>. Nalbot, Poblacion, Taytay, Palawan at about 1:00 PM ofFebruary 9, 2012 during police operation conducted by jointelements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, Palawan <strong>CIDG</strong> and TaytayMPS, Palawan by virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. JudgeJules A. Mejia of RTC, Br 54, Alaminos City, Pangasinan datedFebruary 3, 2002 in CC Nrs. 4175-A, 4176-A & 4177-A forRape (3 counts) with NO Bailbond Recommended. Arrestedwanted person was turned-over <strong>to</strong> the issuing court on February 13, 2012.Subject arrested person is listed as Most Wanted Person Regional Levelas per attached DILG MC Nr. 2006-146 with Php200,000.00 Monetary Reward.6
ARREST OF Most Wanted Person in Region 1 with MonetaryReward Amounting <strong>to</strong> Php140,000.00 under DILG Memorandum Circular Nr.2006-146.2) Arrest of Efren Madalipay y Respicio @ Afing at about 3:00 AM ofMarch 16, 2012 at Maligaya, S<strong>to</strong>. Niño, Caloocan City duringpolice operation conducted by joint elements of Pangasinan<strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), Pampanga <strong>CIDG</strong>, Pangasinan PPO-SOGand PIT-RIO1 by virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. JudgeMelanio C. Roxas of RTC, Br 17, Batac, Ilocos Norte datedOc<strong>to</strong>ber 28, 2003 in CC Nr. 4222-18 for Murder with NObailbond recommended.Subject arrested person is listed as Most WantedPerson in Region 1 with monetary reward amounting <strong>to</strong>Php140,000.00 under DILGMemorandum Circular Nr. 2006-146. Arrested suspect Efren Madalipay @ Afing, is one of the members of “Pinili-Badoc” Hold-up Group with their primary criminal activities as Gun-for-Hire andsecondarily Robbery/Hold-up operating in the province of Ilocos Norte and nearbyprovinces. Arrested suspect is now incarcerated at Batac City Jail, Batac, IlocosNorte. ARREST OF MWP in Region 1 with Monetary RewardAmounting <strong>to</strong> Php140,000.00 under DILG Memorandum Circular Nr. 2006-146:3) Arrest of Romy M. Vidal @ Kikay at about12:30 PM of April 19, 2012 at Alviar St., Brgy Poblacion,Dasol, Pangasinan during police operation conducted byjoint elements of 1<strong>CIDG</strong>, RIU1, PIB, Pangasinan PPO andDasol PS by virtue of W/A issued by Ret. Hon. Judge JulesA Mejia of RTC, Br 70, Burgos, Pangasinan in CC Nr. B-298for Murder with NO Bailbond Recommended. ARREST OF MWP in Region 1 with Monetary RewardAmounting <strong>to</strong> Php140,000.00 under DILG Memorandum Circular Nr. 2006-146:4) Arrest of Henry Olais y Ordinario, 47 yrs old,resident of Calungbuyan, Balaoan, La Unionat about 2:30 PMof April 19, 2012 at Candelaria St., Brgy Poblacion Norte,Paracale, Camarines Norte during police operation conductedby joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), HighwayPatrol Group 5, SOG, Pangasinan PPO, RPSB, PRO1, RIU1and Paracale MPS, Camarines Norte by virtue of Alias W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Vic<strong>to</strong>r O Concepcion of MTC, Balaoan,La Union dated June 7, 2005 in CC Nr. 5123 for Rape withNO Bailbond Recommended.7
ARREST OF MWP in Region 1 with Monetary RewardAmounting <strong>to</strong> Php90,000.00 under DILG Memorandum Circular Nr. 2010-54:5) Arrest of Jun T. Sumbad at about 6:50 AM of May 30, 2012 atCorner Gov. Halili st. and Bulacan st., Brgy Bagbaguin, Sta Maria, Bulacan duringpolice operation conducted by joint elements of RIU-1, 1<strong>CIDG</strong>, PNP-IG, CID,Bulacan PPO, PIB La Union PPO, San Juan PS, La Union PPO and NISG-NL byvirtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Alpino P Florendo of RTC, FJR, Br 30,San Fernando City, La Union dated April 20, 2007 in CC Nr. 7987 for Violation ofSec. 5 (b) of RA 7610 (Child Abuse Law) with NO Bailbond Recommended. Most Wanted Person in Region 1 as per DILGMC Nr. 2002-39 with Php75,000.00 Monetary Reward6) Arrest of Alex P. Cariaga, resident of BrgyDuripes, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte at about 11:00 AM of June 20,2012 during police operation conducted by joint elements ofIlocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (as lead unit), Maddela PS and Solsona PSat Brgy Divisoria Sur, Maddela, Quirino, Province by virtue of W/A issued by Hon.Judge Conrado A. Ragucos of RTC, Br 16, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte in CC Nr.8287-16 for Murder with NO Bailbond Recommended.Subject arrested person is listed as Most WantedPerson in Region 1 as per DILG MC Nr. 2002-39 withPhp75,000.00 Monetary Reward.Subject person is also listed as Nr 3 in the Province ofIlocos Norte MWP based on the list of Provincial Anti-PrivateArmed Group Task Force in Ilocos Norte (Target List) involvedin Shooting Incidents.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the arrested accused Alex P. Cariaga <strong>to</strong>gether withsome members of his family while being escorted by CINSPMELCHOR F PISO, Provincial Officer of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> going<strong>to</strong> Maddela PS.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing joint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong>, Maddela PSand Solsona PS <strong>to</strong>gether with the arrested accused Alex P.Cariaga while taking pho<strong>to</strong> shoot infront of Maddela PS whereinIlocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong>, as the lead unit..8
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing CINSP MELCHOR F PISO, Provincial Officer ofIlocos Norte (middle) while conducting inter<strong>view</strong> <strong>to</strong> the arrestedaccused Alex P. Cariaga inside the Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> Office<strong>to</strong>gether with a CIS-BPATS member.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing Hon. Governor Imee Marcos of Ilocos Nortewhile conducting inter<strong>view</strong> <strong>to</strong> the arrested accused Alex Cariga(above pho<strong>to</strong>) and his wife (lower pho<strong>to</strong>) inside the Ilocos NorteProvincial Capi<strong>to</strong>l last June 22, 2012.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing CINSP MELCHOR F PISO, Provincial Officer of IlocosNorte <strong>CIDG</strong> (above pho<strong>to</strong>) while being inter<strong>view</strong>ed by members of the media(lower pho<strong>to</strong>) at the Ilocos Norte Capi<strong>to</strong>l last June 22, 201 re arrest of AlexCariaga, listed as #3 in Ilocos Norte’s “Most Wanted Persons Involved inShooting Incidents”, after 15 years of hiding.9
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing CINSP MELCHOR F PISO,Provincial Officer of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> while beinginter<strong>view</strong>ed by Hon. Governor Imee Marcos re arres<strong>to</strong>f Alex P. Cariaga. ARREST OF Most Wanted Person in Region 1.7) Arrest of Emeterio C. Bagay, resident of Nr19D, Gen. Espino Street, Zone 6, South Signal Village,Taguig City at about 4:55 PM of July 22, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by joint elements of DIDMD/ D7 &DSOU, Southern <strong>Police</strong> District (SPD-Lead Unit), PIB ofIlocos Norte PPO and Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Jose C Pilar of RTC, Br 19, Bangui,Ilocos Norte for Murder with NO Bailbond Recommended.Subject arrested person is listed as Most WantedPerson in Region 1 as per DILG MC Nr. 2011-85 withPhp90,000.00 Monetary Reward.Subject person is also listed in the Province of Ilocos Norte MWP based onthe list of Provincial Anti-Private Armed Group Task Force in Ilocos Norte (TargetList) involved in Shooting Incidents.ARREST OF Most Wanted Person in Region 1 under LOI ManhuntCharlie.8) Arrest of Engr. John R. Boadilla, 42 yrs old,resident of Brgy Quinavite, Bauang, La Union/ Block 11, Lot 20,Decahomes Basac, Lapu-Lapu, Cebu City at about 11:00 AMof July 25, 2012 at Brgy Quinavite, Bauang, La Union duringpolice operation through CIS information conducted by jointelements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> (Lead Unit), RIU-1, NISG NorthernLuzon, PIB, LUPPO, Bauang PS, San Fernando City PS,LUPPSC and Luna PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. JudgeCarli<strong>to</strong> A. Corpuz of RTC, FJR, Br 27, San Fernando City, LaUnion dated November 23, 2011 in CC Nr. 9316 for Illegal Recruitment in LargeScale and by a Syndicate with NO Bailbond Recommended. ARREST OF MWP Regional Level under DILG MC Nr. 2004-168with Php300,000.00 Monetary Reward.9) Arrest of Engelbert T. Agpalo, 52 yrs old,resident of Brgy Pacang, Sta Maria, Ilocos Sur at about 5:35PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2, 2012 at P. Tuazon Street corner EDSA,Cubao, Quezon City during police operation conducted by10
joint elements of DSOD, Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>-1<strong>CIDG</strong> led by SPO4 Teofilo S JuanataJr under the supervision of PSSUPT FERDINAND O DIVINA, Negros OrientalCIDT-7RCIDU led by PCINSP RICKY NERON under the direct supervision ofPSSUPT JOSE V PANTE, and CIS Jose S Clarion as confidential agent withSPO1 Danilo D Opong of RFSO 16 by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge ArturoB. Buenavista of RTC, FJR, Br 22, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur dated June 20, 2012 inCC Nr. 2388-N for Murder with NO Bailbond Recommended.PROVINCIAL LEVEL: - 1 ARREST OF TOP 2 in the PDEA Watched List of DrugPersonalities of Ilocos Sur (PROVINCIAL LEVEL):10) Arrest of Estrella R. Palacpac at about 2:30PM of April 25, 2012 at Sheltervill, San Julian Norte, ViganCity, Ilocos Sur during police operation conducted by jointelements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong>, ISPPSC and PDEA RO-1 withIlocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> as lead unit by virtue of Warrant of Arrestissued by Hon. Judge Nida Bringas Alejandro of RTC, Br 20,Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated April 1, 2012 in CC Nr. 5210-Vfor Violation of Sec. 11 & 12 of RA 9165withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php120,000.00 forher temporary liberty. The police operation that led <strong>to</strong> the arrest of accusedEstrella Palacpac was due <strong>to</strong> the information of CIS member developed by CI-IIFlorentino Versoza of Region 1 <strong>CIDG</strong>.As a backgrounder, above-named arrested person and her husband RodelPalacapac (deceased) were arrested sometime the year 2002 by elements ofVigan City PS during the implementation of Search Warrant and a case forViolation of Sec. 11 & 12 of RA 9165 was referred against them before theProsecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Vigan City, ilocos Sur. In the said case, they posted theirbailbond thru surety company in the amount of Php120,000.00 for their temporaryliberty. The court handling the case issued subpoena <strong>to</strong> the accused several timesfor trial however, she failed <strong>to</strong> attend prompting the court <strong>to</strong> issue Warrant ofArrest for her capture.Further, as per verification from PDEA RO1, accused Estrella Palacpac, isa remnant of “CAMACHO” GROUP, a group involved in drug dealing activities inthe province of Ilocos Sur and adjacent provinces. Some of the personalities in thesaid group identified as Maricar Camacho, her husband Rodel Camacho andothers including Rodel Palacpac were already reportedly killed. With the saiddeath of her husband Rodel Palacpac in the year 2007, she continued with herillicit activities. As a result of her no<strong>to</strong>riety, she was listed TOP 2 in the PDEAWatched List of Drug Personalities in the Province of Ilocos Sur (PROVINCIALLEVEL) and PAIDSOTF of Ilocos Sur since she has a pending Warrant of Arrestand she is a remnant of “CAMACHO” GROUP involved in Drug Trafficking.11
CITY/ MUNICIPAL LEVEL: - 18 ARREST OF Top Most Wanted Person in the City of Dagupan,Pangasinan.11) Arrest of Arnel R. Quilonio, Sr, 49 yrs old, Dennis G. Quilonio @Panis, 26 yrs old &Arnel G. Quilonio, Jr @ Badjong, 24 yrs old, all residents ofBrgy Pugaro, Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 5:30 AM of January 2, 2012during police operation conducted by joint elements of SATT2, Pangasinan CIDT,SWAT and Dagupan City PS by virtue of Alias Warrant of Arrest issued by Hon.Emma M. Torio, Presiding Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 41, Dagupan City, Pangasinan inCC Nr. 2011-0119-D dated August 26, 2011 for Murder with NO bailbondrecommended.Christian Bangsal, brother of the victim and witness <strong>to</strong> the case positivelyidentified the real names of Panis Quilonio and John Doe Quilonio as stated inthe Alias Warrant of Arrest as Dennis Quilonio @ Panis and Arnel Quilonio, Jr@ Badjong, respectively.Prior <strong>to</strong> their arrest, suspects abandoned their business as fish vendors atMagsaysay Fish Market, Dagupan City and went on hiding after the commissionof the crime. Information received by elements of SATT2, Pangasinan CIDT thatsuspects will be joining their families in the celebration of Christmas and NewYears Day. After several weeks of surveillance, the suspects were sighted withtheir respective families/ residents in Brgy. Pugaro, Dagupan City that resulted <strong>to</strong>their successful arrest.Subject arrested persons were all listed as Nr. 2 in the TMWP in the Cityof Dagupan (City Level) as per Updated List of Wanted Person fromDagupan City PS dated December 23, 2011.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SINSP LOVELL U DALISAY, TeamLeader of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> and the Overall GroundCommander <strong>to</strong>gether with INSP DAVE D FRONDAsecuring the alley leading <strong>to</strong> the house of the suspectsArnel R. Quilonio, Sr, Dennis G. Quilonio @Panis&Arnel G. Quilonio, Jr @ Badjongat about 5:30AM of January 2, 2012 at Brgy Pugaro, Dagupan City,Pangasinan while the SWAT team is entering the door.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan, InvesPNCO of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> escorting the arrestedaccused ARNEL QUILINIO, SR & Arnel QUILINIO, JRwhile they were arrested at about 5:30 AM of January2, 2012 at Brgy Pugaro, Dagupan City, Pangasinan byvirtue of Alias Warrant of Arrest issued by Hon. EmmaM. Torio, Presiding Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 41, DagupanCity, Pangasinan in CC Nr. 2011-0119-D dated August26, 2011 for Murder with NO bailbond recommended.12
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the accused Arnel Quilinio, Sr. and hisson identified only in the warrant of arrest as certain“PANIS” but turned out <strong>to</strong> be Arnel QUILINIO, JR afterhe was positively identified by their victim’s brother andthe primary witness <strong>to</strong> the crime. SPO1 GuiamanzaLin<strong>to</strong>ngan wearing <strong>CIDG</strong> Blue polo t-shirt looks on.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing INSP DAVE D FRONDA of DagupanCity <strong>CIDG</strong> while conducting inter<strong>view</strong>/ interrogation <strong>to</strong>the arrested accused ARNEL QUILINIO, SR & ArnelQUILINIO, JR inside the Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> Officeafter their successful arrest.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing Arnel R. Quilonio, Sr, 49 yrs old, DennisG. Quilonio @ Panis, 26 yrs old &Arnel G. Quilonio, Jr@ Badjong, 24 yrs old, all residents of Brgy Pugaro,Dagupan City, Pangasinan after they were arrested atabout 5:30 AM of January 2, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by joint elements of Dagupan City<strong>CIDG</strong>, SWAT and Dagupan City PS by virtue of AliasWarrant of Arrest issued by Hon. Emma M. Torio,Presiding Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 41, Dagupan City,Pangasinan in CC Nr. 2011-0119-D dated August 26,2011 for Murder with NO bailbond recommended.Subject arrested persons were all listed as Nr. 2in the TMWP in the City of Dagupan (City Level) as perUpdated List of Wanted Person from Dagupan City PSdated December 23, 2011. ARREST OF Nr. 1 in the Top 10 MWP in the Municipality ofVillasis, Pangasinan (Municipal Level).12) Arrest of Leovino O. Alegria, 56 yrs old, resident of Zone 3,Poblacion, Villasis, Pangasinan at about 4:30 PM of January 5, 2012 during policeoperation conducted at by joint elements of SATT3, Pangasinan CIDT led by PCIMODESTO F CARRERA, SOG, Pangasinan PPO and Villasis PS by virtue ofAlias W/A issued by Hon. Manuel F Pas<strong>to</strong>r, Jr, Executive Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 50,Villasis, Pangasinan in CC Nr. V-1378 dated January 31, 2008 for Murder withNO bailbond recommended. Arrested wanted person was turned-over <strong>to</strong> theissuing court.13
Subject arrested person is listed as Nr. 1 in the Top 10 MWP in theMunicipality of Villasis, Pangasinan (Municipal Level) as per Wanted Listfrom Villasis PS dated December 21, 2011.Level).ARREST OF Nr. 10 in the TMWP in the City of Dagupan (City13) Arrest of Jessie Abalos y Ayoban, 24 yrs old,resident of Carael Dist., Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about5:00 PM of January 18, 2012 during police operationconducted by joint elements of SATT2, Pangasinan CIDTand Dagupan City PS by virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon.Florentino R. Dumlao, Jr, Presiding Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 42,Dagupan City, Pangasinan in CC Nr. 2011-0607-D datedDecember 16, 2010 for Robbery with Php24,000.00bailbond recommended. Arrested wanted person was turned-over <strong>to</strong> DagupanCity PS.Subject arrested person is listed as Nr. 10 in the TMWP in the City ofDagupan (City Level) as per Updated List of Wanted Person from DagupanCity PS as of December 2011.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PO3 Lorenzo Sabiniano (wearing <strong>CIDG</strong>sweat shirt) while assisting the accused Jessie ABALOS <strong>to</strong>wear his clothes after he was arrested by elements ofDagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> inside their house at Carael District,Dagupan City at about 5:00 AM of January 18, 2012 byvirtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. Florentino R. Dumlao,Jr, Presiding Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 42, Dagupan City,Pangasinan in CC Nr. 2011-0607-D dated December 16,2010 for Robbery with Php24,000.00 bailbondrecommended.Subject arrested person was listed as Nr.10 in the TMWP in the City of Dagupan (City Level) asper Updated List of Wanted Person from Dagupan CityPS as of December 2011.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PO3 Lorenzo Sabiniano (wearing<strong>CIDG</strong> sweat shirt) while assisting the accused JessieABALOS <strong>to</strong> board <strong>to</strong> one of the vehicles of Dagupan City<strong>CIDG</strong> during the successful arrest of the latter at about 5:00AM of January 18, 2012.14
ARREST OF Nr. 1 in the Top 10 MWP in the Municipality of SanNicolas, Pangasinan (Municipal Level).14) Arrest of Virgilio A. Almeron a.k.a. “Virgil”,54 yrs old, residents of Brgy Aguas, Rizal Occidental,Mindoro and/or San Felipe East, San Nicolas, Pangasinan atabout 1:15 AM of January 25, 2012 during police operationconducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCIMODESTO F CARRERA, Occidental Mindoro CIDT, PIBOccidental Mindoro PPO and Occidental Mindoro PPSC byvirtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Ulysses R.Butuyan of RTC, Br 31, Tayug, Pangasinan in CC Nr. T-4580 dated May 5, 2011 for Double Murder with the Used of UnlicensedFirearm with NO Bailbond Recommended. Arrested wanted person was turnedover<strong>to</strong> the issuing court.Subject arrested person is listed as Nr. 1 in the Top 10 MWP in theMunicipality of San Nicolas, Pangasinan (Municipal Level) as per UpdatedList of Wanted Person from San Nicolas PS.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO4 Teofilo Juanata of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (wearing sun glasses)during the successful arrest of Virgilio Almeron at Brgy Aguas, Rizal, Occidental,Mindoro at about 1:15 AM of January 25, 2012. ARREST OF Nr. 1 in the Top MWP in the Municipality of Badoc,Ilocos Norte (Municipal Level).15) Arrest of Felix D. Agarpao, 38 yrs old, residents of Brgy TaggatNorte, Claveria, Cagayan at about 8:30 AM of January 30,2012 during police operation conducted by joint elements ofIlocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI MELCHOR F PISO, BadocMPS, Claveria MPS and Maritime Ilocos Norte by virtue ofAlias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Isidoro T Pobre of RTC,FJR, Br 18, Batac City, Ilocos Norte dated March 16, 2010in CC Nr. 4698-1 for RAPE with NO BailbondRecommended. Arrested wanted person was turned-over<strong>to</strong> the issuing court.15
Subject arrested person is listed as Nr. 1 in the Top MWP in theMunicipality of Badoc, Ilocos Norte (Municipal Level) as per List of MostWanted Persons from Badoc PS dated January 30, 2012.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PCI MELCHOR F PISO, PO of IlocosNorte <strong>CIDG</strong> in white polo t-shirt while conductinginter<strong>view</strong> <strong>to</strong> the arrested accused Felix Agarpao atClaveria MPS on January 30, 2012. Said accused wasarrested at Brgy Taggat Norte, Claveria, Cagayan at about8:30 AM of January 30, 2012 by virtue of Alias W/A issuedby Hon. Judge Isidoro T Pobre of RTC, FJR, Br 18, BatacCity, Ilocos Norte dated March 16, 2010 in CC Nr. 4698-1for RAPE with NO Bailbond Recommended.Subject arrested person is listed as Nr. 1 in theTop MWP in the Municipality of Badoc, Ilocos Norte(Municipal Level) as per List of Most Wanted Personsfrom Badoc PS dated January 30, 2012.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PO3 Danny Gaces of Ilocos Norte<strong>CIDG</strong> while checking/ inspecting the handcuff of thearrested accused Felix Agarpao inside the ClaveriaMPS Office, Claveria, Cagayan.Level).ARREST OF Top Ten MWP of Dagupan City, Pangasinan (City16) Arrest of Jerry F. Marcellano, Jr, 21 yrs old, resident of NuevaStreet, Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 6:00 PM of February 27, 2012 duringpolice operation conducted by joint elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong>, DagupanCity PS, SWAT and SOG, Pangasinan PPO (through CIS information) by virtue ofW/A issued by Hon. Robert O. Rudio, Presiding Judge, RTC, Br 42, DagupanCity, Pangasinan dated February 12, 2009 in CC Nr. 2006-0075-D for Murderwith NO Bailbond Recommended.Subject arrested person is listed as Nr. 1 in the Top Ten MWP ofDagupan City, Pangasinan (City Level) as per Updated List of WantedPerson for 1 st Quarter 2012 from Dagupan City PS. ARREST OF Nr. 10 in the Top Ten MWP of Balaoan, La Union(Municipal Level):16
17) Arrest of Benigno R. Guimba at about 2:30 PM ofMarch 30, 2012 at Brgy. Paraoir, Balaoan, La Union duringpolice operation conducted by joint elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong>(lead unit), RPSB and RID of PRO1, PPSC and PIB of La UnionPPO and Balaoan MPS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. JudgeManuel R Aquino, RTC, Br 36, Balaoan, La Union dated March30, 2012 in CC Nr. 2571 and 2572 for the crime of Homicideand Frustrated Homicide with NO Bailbond Recommended.Subject arrested person is listed as Nr. 10 in the Top TenMWP of Balaoan, La Union (Municipal level) as per Updated List of WantedPerson for 1 st Quarter 2012 from Balaoan MPS.Level):ARREST OF Nr. 5 in the MWP of Laoag City, Ilocos Norte (City18) Arrest of Marlon S. Andres at about 2:45 PM of April 2, 2012 atBrgy Quiling Sur, Batac City, Ilocos Norte during police operationconducted by joint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCIMELCHOR F PISO (as lead unit), Laoag City CPS, PIT-RIU 1,Maritime Ilocos Norte & PIB, Ilocos Norte PPO by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Manuel L Argel Jr, Judge Designate, RTC, FJR,Br 14, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte dated November 6, 2008 in CCNr. 7307-14 for Homicide (For the Service of his Sentence).Subject arrested person is listed as Nr. 5 in the MWP ofLaoag City, Ilocos Norte (City Level) as per List of Most Wanted Personsfrom Laoag City PS dated April 2012.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the CINSP MELCHOR F PISO, Provincial Officer of Ilocos Norte<strong>CIDG</strong> (in yellow polo t-shirt) during the successful arrest of Marlon S. Andres.level):ARREST OF Nr. 10 MWP of Urdaneta City, Pangasinan (City19) Arrest of Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Sapon y Suyat @ “Kulot” at about10:30 PMof April 3, 2012 at Brgy. Bulihan, Silang, Cavite during police operation conductedby joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) led by PCI MODESTO FCARRERA, Cavite <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG and PIB of Pangasinan, PPO and Silang PS,Cavite by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Gonzalo P. Marata, RTC, Br 48,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan dated February 2, 2012 in CC Nr. 17861 for the crimeof Robbery with Php100,000.00Bailbond Recommended.17
Subject arrested person is listed as Nr. 10 MWP of Urdaneta City,Pangasinan (City level) as per Updated List of Wanted Person under LOI01/95 Manhunt Bravo. Further verification disclosed that the arrested suspectChris<strong>to</strong>pher Sapon @ “Kulot” is the leader of “Sapon Group” with their primarycriminal activities as Robbery and Akyat Bahay operating in the 5 th District ofPangasinan and nearby municipalities.Level):ARREST OF Nr. 1 in the MWP of Laoag City, Ilocos Norte (City20) Arrest of Janet G. Tangonan aka Ma. JaneMarcos at about 3:40 PM of April 16, 2012 at FranciscaArranz Apartment, Brgy San Julian Sur, Vigan City, IlocosSur during police operation conducted by joint elements ofIlocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (as lead unit), Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> & ViganCity PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Conrado A Ragucos,Presiding Judge, RTC of Ilocos Norte, FJR, Br 16, Laoag Citydated November 18, 2010 in CC Nrs. 13453 <strong>to</strong> 13455 forESTAFA (3 Counts) with NO Bailbond Recommended.Subject arrested person is listed as Nr. 1 in the MWP of Laoag City,Ilocos Norte (City Level) as per List of Most Wanted Persons from Laoag CityPS dated April 2012. ARREST OF MWP in the Municipality of Narvacan, Ilocos Sur(Municipal Level):21) Arrest of Tirso O. De Guzman, 26 years old, resident of Brgy Aquib,Narvacan, Ilocos Sur at about 7:00 PM of April 17, 2012 at Brgy Parparia,Narvacan, Ilocos Sur during police operation conducted by joint elements of IlocosSur <strong>CIDG</strong>, Narvacan MPS and Ilocos Sur PPSCbased on information provided byCIS Member by virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Isidro T Pobre of RTC,FJR, Br 22, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur dated September 14, 2006 in CC Nr. 2830-N forRAPE with NO Bailbond recommended. Investigation disclosed that accusedraped his cousin identified as Rose Ann De Guzman sometime in the year 2005and went in<strong>to</strong> hiding until he was arrested by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong>,Narvacan MPS and Ilocos Sur PPSC.Subject arrested person is listed as MWP in the Municipality ofNarvacan, Ilocos Sur (Municipal Level) as per certification from NarvacanMPS dated April 18, 2012. ARREST OF Nr 8 Most Wanted Person in the Municipality ofBalaoan, La Union as per List of Most Wanted Person (Municipal Level) fromBalaoan PS.22) Arrest of Ronald B. Omo @ “ONAD”, 25 yrsold, resident of Brgy An<strong>to</strong>nino, Balaoan, La Union at about6:30 PM of May 26, 2012 during police operation conductedby elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong>, Balaoan MPS and PIB, LaUnion PPO by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Carli<strong>to</strong> A.18
Corpuz of RTC, FJR, Br 27, San Fernando City, La Union dated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 19, 2011in CC Nr. 9278 for Murder with NO bailbond recommended. ARREST OF Nr 4 Most Wanted Person in the Municipality of StaBarbara, Pangasinan (Municipal Level).23) Arrest of Federico C. Gabudao, 50 yrs old,resident of Brgy Erfe, Sta Barbara, Pangasinan at about 3:30PM of May 31, 2012 during police operation through CISinformation conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> (leadunit), RPSB 1, 3 rd Maneuver Coy and Sta Barbara PS by virtueof W/A issued by Hon. Judge Efren B Tienzo of RTC, Br 49,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan dated August 27, 2010 in CC Nrs.U-15700 & 15701 for Frustrated Murder in relation <strong>to</strong> RA7610 with proper bail shall be fixed after his arrest. ARREST OF Nr. 3 in the Top 10 MWP in the Municipality ofUrdaneta City, Pangasinan (City Level).24) Arrest of Amir A. Badron, 27 yrs old, resident of Brgy Camantiles,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 8:00 AM of June 20, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) andUrdaneta City PS at San Jose City, Nueva Ecija by virtue of W/A issued by Hon.Judge Gonzalo P. Marata of RTC, FJR, Br 47, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan in CCNr. U-17535 dated July 20, 2011 for Murder with NO Bailbond Recommended.Subject person is listed as Nr. 3 in the Top 10 MWP in the Municipalityof Urdaneta City, Pangasinan (City Level) as per Wanted List from UrdanetaCity PS. ARREST OF Top 10 MWP in the Municipality of Urbiz<strong>to</strong>ndo,Pangasinan.25) Arrest of Jessie Eliang y Agbuya, 23 yrs old,resident of Brgy. Pasibe East, Urbiz<strong>to</strong>ndo, Pangasinan atabout 2:20 PM of November 2, 2012 during police operationconducted by joint elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit)and Urbiz<strong>to</strong>ndo PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. JudgeRena<strong>to</strong> D. Pinlac of RTC Br 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinandated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 5, 2012 in CC Nr. SCC-6344 for Murder withNO Bailbond Recommended.Subject arrested person is listed as Nr. 8 in the Top 10 Most WantedPerson in the Municipality of Urbiz<strong>to</strong>ndo, Pangasinan.19
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SINSP LOVELL U DALISAY, TeamLeader of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> (wearing sunglasses)while explaining <strong>to</strong> the father of the accused the legality/legitimacy of the police operation. PO3 Roosevelt deVera, Warrant PNCO of Dqagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> (wearingjacket) and the accused Jessie Eliang looks on. ARREST OF Nr. 2 in the Top Ten Most Wanted Person in theMunicipality of Pozorrubio, Pangasinan26) Arrest of Oscar R. Nacis, 25 yrs old, resident ofBrgy Malasin, Dupax del Norte, Nueva Vizcaya/ Brgy Balakag,Pozorrubio, Pangasinan at about 1:30 PM of November 28,2012 during police operation conducted by joint elements ofPangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) <strong>to</strong>gether with CIS members,Nueva Vizcaya CIDT and Pozorrubio PS by virtue of Alias W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Tita Rodriguez Villarin of RTC, FJR, Br46, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan dated January 7, 2011 in CCNr. U-16724 for Murder with NO Bailbond Recommended.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the CIS members of Ilocos Norte <strong>to</strong>getherwith the arrested accused Oscar R. Nacis (center).B. WANTED PERSON/s NEUTRALIZED (HEINOUS CASES): - 2127) Arrest of Melchor Rigon y Villaluz, 43 yrs old, resident of Brgy.Fulgosino, Umingan, Pangasinan at about 11:30 AM of January 17, 2012 duringpolice operation conducted by joint elements of SATT3, Pangasinan CIDT,Balungao PS, Umingan PS and Labo, Camarines Norte PS by virtue of Warrant ofArrest issued by Hon. Judge Rolando De Lemios Bobis of RTC, Br 64, Labo,Camarines Norte in CC Nr. 2010-2024 dated February 25, 2011 for RAPEwith NObailbond recommended. Arrested wanted person was brought <strong>to</strong> Balungao PS forproper disposition28) Arrest of Garciano T. Bautista, 36 yrs old, resident of Brgy PasongIntsik, Guimba, Nueva Ecijaat about 4:00 PM of February 17, 2012 at NorthernLuzon Command (NOLCOM), San Miguel, Tarlac during police operation20
conducted by joint elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI HELSON B WALIN,<strong>CIDG</strong> 3/ Tarlac Provincial <strong>CIDG</strong>, RIO 1, NISG-NL & PIB, La Union PPO by virtueof W/A issued by Hon. Judge Henry Jean Paul N. Inting of RTC, Br 96, QuezonCity dated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 18, 2011 in CC Nr. Q-11-172613 for Murder with NOBailbond Recommended. Accused is an active member of <strong>Philippine</strong> Navy, AFPwith a rank of FN1 presently assigned at Northern Luzon Command (NOLCOM).29) Arrest of Luigi C. Almojera, 24 yrs old, resident of BrgyNancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 9:30 PM of February 24, 2012during police operation conducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>,Urdaneta City PS, SOG and RPSMB (through CIS information) by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Efren B. Tienzo, Presiding Judge of RTC, FJR, Br 49, UrdanetaCity, Pangasinan in CC Nr. 0-17473 for RAPE in relation <strong>to</strong> RA 7610 with NOBailbond Recommended. (Based on information from CIS member).30) Arrest of Rey I. Vertido, 24 yrs old, resident of Sitio Tococ, BrgyAmandiego, Alaminos City, Pangasinanat about 9:05 PM of February 29, 2012 atQuezon Ave., Brgy Pobalcaion, Alaminos City, Pangasinan during policeoperation conducted by joint elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong>, Alaminos City PS,PPSMC, Alaminos City 1 st Maneuver Pla<strong>to</strong>on, RIU-1, RID, PRO1 & POSOAlaminos City by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Alpino P. Florendo of RTC,Br 30, San Fernando City, La Union dated July 21, 2010 in CC Nrs. 8253 & 8254for RAPE through Sexual Assault & Statu<strong>to</strong>ry Rape, respectively with NOBailbond Recommended.31) Arrest of Wilfred Milan Delfin, Jr alias “Hapon”, 46 yrs old,resident of Zone 6A, Brgy Camantiles, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 4:00PM of April 3, 2012 during police operation conducted by joint elements ofPangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> and Urdaneta City PS by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Efren B. Tienzo, Presiding Judge of RTC, FJR, Br 49, UrdanetaCity, Pangasinan dated February 27, 2012 in CC Nrs. U-17735 & U-17736 forStatu<strong>to</strong>ry Rape in relation <strong>to</strong> RA 7610 with NO Bailbond Recommended.32) Arrest of Adrian Magsano y Torio, 35 yrs old, resident of NuevaSt., Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 1:00 PM of April 16, 2012 at Brgy.Poblacion, Tayug, Pangasinan during police operation conducted by jointelements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), RID and SOG of Pangasinan PPO byvirtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Caridad V. Galvez of RTC, Br 43, DagupanCity in CC Nr. 2012-0056-D <strong>to</strong> 2012-0069-D dated February 21, 2012 for Rape(14 counts) with NOBailbond recommended.33) Arrest of Adrian Magsano y Torio, 35 yrs old, resident of NuevaSt., Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 9:00 AM of April 17, 2012 at DagupanCity, Pangasinan during police operation conducted by elements of Pangasinanby virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Caridad V. Galvez of RTC, Br 43, DagupanCity in CC Nrs. 2012-048 <strong>to</strong> 0151 dated March 20, 2012 for RAPE (4 Counts) withNOBailbond recommended.Investigation disclosed that on said time & date, PO3 Mario S De Guzman,Intelligence PNCO of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> turn-over the arrested person Andrian21
Magsano <strong>to</strong> RTC, Br 43, Dagupan City for Issuance of Commitment Order, andwhile awaiting for Commitment Order, it was found out that said arrested personhas still pending Warrant of Arrest, hence, it was duly served/implemented.Arrested wanted person is presently detained at BJMP, Dagupan City,Pangasinan.34) Arrest of Danilo L. Semana, 44 yrs old, resident of Brgy SanEsteban, Dingras, Ilocos Norte at about 11:25 AM of May 8, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (as lead unit), DingrasMPS and Maritime Ilocos Norte by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Perla BQuerubin of RTC, FJR, Br 11, Laoag City dated April 26, 2012 in CC Nr. 15113for RAPE with NO Bailbond Recommended & CC Nr. 15114 for Acts ofLasciviousness in relation <strong>to</strong> RA 7610 with Php80,000.00 recommendedbailbond.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing CINSP MELCHOR F PISO, Provincial Officer of ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong>in blue t-shirt <strong>to</strong>gether with the accused Danilo L. Semana.35) Arrest of An<strong>to</strong>nio C. Salinas, 73 yrs old,resident of Bakitiw, Malasiqui, Pangasinan at about 9:30 AMof May 8, 2012 during police operation conducted byelements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> & SOG, PPO by virtue ofW/A issued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D. Pinlac of RTC, Br. 57,San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated April 30, 2012 in CC Nr.SCC-6203 for RAPE withNO Recommended Bailbond.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the arrested accused An<strong>to</strong>nio C. Salinas, PO2Felomino Garcia of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> in brown t-shirt and one (1)CIS BPATS in maroon polo t-shirt while they were alighted from thecar going <strong>to</strong> Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office. Said operation madepossible due <strong>to</strong> the information given by the CIS member, who gavethe exact location/ address of the accused.36) Arrest of Edwin D. Riñen, 43 yrs old, resident of Sitio Para<strong>to</strong>ng,Brgy 4-A Saud, Badoc, Ilocos Norte at about 8:40 AM of May 14, 2012 duringpolice operation conducted by elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong>, PIB-Ilocos NortePPO, Currimao MPS & Badoc PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Isidoro22
T. Pobre of RTC, FJR, Br 1, Batac City, Ilocos Norte dated May 11, 2012 in CCNr. 4842-18 for Murder with NO Bailbond Recommended.37) Arrest of Ricardo M. Quendara, 49 yrs old, resident of Sitio Torres,Brgy Aramal, San Fabian, Pangasinan at about 5:00 AM of May 25, 2012 duringpolice operation through CIS information conducted by elements of Urdaneta City<strong>CIDG</strong>, San Fabian PS & RPSB 1 – 3 rd Maneuver Coy by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Elizabeth Berdal of RTC, Br. 47, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan datedApril 10, 2012 in CC Nr. 18046 for Murder with NO Bailbond Recommended.38) Arrest of Kendrick L. Co, 32 yrs old, resident of Brgy 28, MH delPilar st., Laoag City, Ilocos Norte at about 4:20 PM of May 29, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), Laoag City PS& RPSB1-1 st Maneuver Coy by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Conrado A.Ragucos of RTC, FJR, Br 16, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte dated May 25, 2012 in CCNrs. 151166 & 151167 for Arson (2 Counts) with NO RecommendedBailbond.39) Arrest Roger S. Verosil, 46 yrs old, resident of Brgy Nancapian,Malasiqui, Pangasinan at about 3:00 PM of June 15, 2012 during police operationconducted by elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG, Pangasinan SWAT andMalasiqui MPS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Manuel F. Pas<strong>to</strong>r Jr ofRTC, Br. 50, Villasis, Pangasinan dated July 28, 2010 in CC Nr. V-1522 forMurder with NO Bailbond Recommended.40) Arrest of Benjamin D. Noveda, 60 yrs old, resident of BrgySantiago, Binalonan, Pangasinan at about 4:00 PM of July 27, 2012 conductedby joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> (Lead Unit), RIU and Binalonan PS byvirtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Efren B. Tienzo of RTC, Br 49,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan dated August 27, 2010 in CC Nr. U-15718 for RAPEwith NO Bailbond Recommended. (Through CIS Information)41) Arrest of Jerry A. Silva, 22 yrs old, resident of Brgy Longog,Narvacan, Ilocos Sur at about 10:00 AM of September 5, 2012 at Brgy Rivadavia,Narvacan, IIocos Sur conducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> and NarvacanMPS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Raphiel F. Alzate of RTC, FJR, Br 1,Bangued, Abra dated August 10, 2012 in CC Nr. 2012-125 for RAPE in relation<strong>to</strong> RA 7610 with NO bailbond recommended.42) Arrest of Jezrael C. Bayya, 19 yrs old, resident of Sitio Kakaldingan,Brgy Longog, Narvacan, IIocos Sur at about 11:30 AM of September 5, 2012conducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> and Narvacan MPS by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Raphiel F. Alzate of RTC, FJR, Br 1, Bangued, Abra datedAugust 10, 2012 in CC Nr. 2012-125 for RAPE in relation <strong>to</strong> RA 7610 with NObailbond recommended.43) Arrest of Jefferson E. Respicio, 26 yrs old, resident of Brgy. StaMaria, Piddig, Ilocos Norte at about 3:05 PM of September 10, 2012 conductedby elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) & Piddig MPS by virtue of W/A23
issued by Hon. Judge Perla B. Querubin of RTC, FJR, Br 11, Laoag City datedSeptember 5, 2012 in CC Nr. 15277 for Rape (Art. 266-A of the RPC) with NObailbond recommended.44) Arrest of Jayrone N. Agorilla, 32 yrs old,resident of Brgy. 57 Pila, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte at about5:45 AM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2, 2012 conducted by joint elements ofIlocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), CIS members of Ilocos Norteand Laoag City PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. JudgeCharles A. Aguilar of RTC, FJR, Br 12, Laoag City datedSeptember 21, 2012 in CC Nr. 15308-12 for Murder with NObailbond recommended.45) Arrest of Emeli<strong>to</strong> C. Buccat, 30 yrs old, resident of Brgy. Ballogo,Bacnotan, La Union at about 3:00 PM of November 8, 2012 at Brgy. Sipulo,Bacnotan, La Union conducted by joint elements of Bacnotan PS, La Union <strong>CIDG</strong>(support unit) and 2 nd Coy, RPSB1 by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Vic<strong>to</strong>rM Viloria of RTC, Br 28, San Fernando City, La Union dated November 7, 2012in CC Nr. 9679 for Violation of RA 8353 (Anti Rape Law) with NO BailbondRecommended.46) Arrest of Geobille L. Cariño, 35 yrs old, resident of No. 178Arellano St., Mangaldan, Pangasinan at about 12:00 NN of November 27, 2012conducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), CIS members andMangaldan PS by virtue of Warrant of Arrest issued by Hon. Judge Emma M.Torio of RTC, FJR, Branch 40, Dagupan City, Pangasinan dated November 16,2012 in CC Nr. 2012-0559-D for Robbery with Homicide with NO bailbondrecommended. Said arrested person is the primary suspect who robbed theWestern Union Mangaldan Branch located along <strong>National</strong> road of JP RizalAvenue, Brgy. Poblacion, Mangaldan, Pangasinan on July 28, 2012 at about12:20 PM. Suspect shot <strong>to</strong> death the victim Mynie Fe dela Cruz, a Cus<strong>to</strong>merService representative of said establishment when she refused <strong>to</strong> give the moneyinside the counter.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing elements of Dagupan and Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI MODESTO F CARRERA,Provincial Officer, P<strong>CIDG</strong> (in black t-shirt with red bullcap) during the actual arrest of Geobille L.Cariño (wearing green sando) at Brgy. Malabago, Mangaldan, Pangasinan at about 12:00 NN ofNovember 27, 2012.24
47) Arrest of Roland T. Bueno, 38 yrs old, resident of Brgy. 55C Vira,Laoag City, Ilocos Norte at about 12:00 NN of December 21, 2012 conducted byjoint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), Laoag City PS and INPPSC byvirtue W/A issued by Hon. Judge Perla B Querubin of RTC, FJR, Br 11, LaoagCity, Ilocos Norte dated December 18, 2012 in CC Nr. 15383 for Violation of RA7610 in Relation <strong>to</strong> Art 335 of the RPC with NO bailbond recommended.C. ORDINARY WANTED PERSON/s: - 12948) Arrest of Elvira M. Marzan, 54 yrs old, resident of Brgy Tulong,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 4:30 PM of January 5, 2012 at BrgyCapulaan, Villasis, Pangasinan during police operation conducted by jointelements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL J CUSTODIO, SOG,Pangasinan PPO and Villasis PS by virtue of Warrant of Arrest issued by Hon.Elizabeth L. Bernal, Presiding Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 47, Urdaneta City,Pangasinan in CC Nr. 17746 dated November 24, 2011 for ESTAFA withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for her temporary liberty.49) Arrest of Regino P. Lomibao, 40 yrs old, resident of #33, Hererost., Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 10:15 PM of January 10, 2012 duringpolice operation conducted by joint elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSILOVELL U DALISAY and Dagupan City PS by virtue of Warrant of Arrest issuedby Hon. Genoveva Conching-Maramba, Presiding Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 44,Dagupan City, Pangasinan in CC Nr. 2005-0338-D dated April 3, 2006 forESTAFA Thru Falsification of Commercial Documents with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for his temporary liberty and W/A issued byHon. Emma M Torio, Presiding Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 40, Dagupan City,Pangasinan in CC Nr. 2005-0401-D dated December 29, 2011 for ESTAFA ThruFalsification of Commercial Documents with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php20,000.00 for his temporary liberty.50) Arrest of John S. Jularbal, 37 yrs old, resident of Brgy Poblacion,Cabugao, Ilocos Sur at about 4:00 PM of January 25, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI ARBEL CMERCULLO and Cabugao PS by virtue of Warrant of Arrest issued by Hon. JudgeNida Bringas Alejandro of RTC, FJR, Br 20, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur in CC Nr. 6011-V dated January 18, 2012 for ESTAFA.51) Arrest of Melchor F. Gagarin, 41 yrs old, resident of #50Carranglaan District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 3:30 PM of January 27,2012 at Poblacion, Calasiao, Pangasinan during police operation conducted byelements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by SPO2 Pacifico Padua by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Danilo S. Cruz, Presiding Judge, RTC, NCRJ, Br 152, Pasig Citydated January 20, 2012 in CC Nr. 146955-Psg for ESTAFA Thru Falsificationof Public Documents with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00for his temporary liberty. Arrested wanted person was brought <strong>to</strong> Dagupan City<strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation and prior turn-over <strong>to</strong> the issuing court fordisposition. Accused was released by Accused was released from the cus<strong>to</strong>dy ofDagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of Order of Release issued by Hon. Judge Emma M.25
Torio of RTC, FJR, Br 41, Dagupan City, Pangasinan dated January 27, 2012after posting the required bailbond.52) Arrest of Jonel G. Bayani, 34 yrs old, resident of Brgy Bungtulan,Vigan City, Ilocos Sur at about 7:45 AM of January 29, 2012 at Zone 2, Bantay,Ilocos Sur during police operation conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong>led by PCI ARBEL C MERCULLO and Ilocos Sur PPSC by virtue of W/A issuedby Hon. Judge Cecilia Corazon S. Archog of RTC, FJR, Br 21, Vigan City, IlocosSur in CC Nr. 6865 dated January 26, 2012 for Violation Sec. 32 of RA 7166and COMELEC Res. No. 8714 as amended by COMELEC Res. No. 8742(Illegal Possession of Deadly Weapon) with recommended bailbond amounting<strong>to</strong> Php12,000.00 for his temporary liberty.53) Arrest of Jesse Steward Ong, 31 yrs old at about 9:00 AM ofJanuary 30, 2012 at Mangin District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan during policeoperation conducted by elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI LOVELL UDALISAY by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Danilo S. Cruz, Presiding Judge, RTC,NCRJ, Br 152, Pasig City in CC Nr. 146955-Pasig for ESTAFA withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for his temporary liberty.54) Arrest of Francisco A. Manzanas, 67 yrs old, resident of Brgy 8Acosta, Batac City, Ilocos Norte at about 9:15 AM of January31, 2012 during police operation conducted joint elements ofIlocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI MELCHOR F PISO, Batac CityPS and Maritime Ilocos Norte by virtue of W/A issued by Hon.Judge Isidoro T Pobre of RTC, FJR, Br 18, Batac City, IlocosNorte dated January 26, 2012 in CC Nr. 4828-18 forStatu<strong>to</strong>ry Sexual Assault (Violation of Par. 2 of Art. 266-Aof the RPC with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php120,000.00 for his temporary liberty.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PCI MELCHOR F PISO, PO of Ilocos Norte<strong>CIDG</strong> in gray t-shirt while explaining <strong>to</strong> the arrestedaccused Francisco A. Manzanas (in maroon polo shirt) thenature of his offense. Said accused was arrested at Brgy 8Acosta, Batac City, Ilocos Norte at about 9:15 AM ofJanuary 31, 2012 by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. JudgeIsidoro T Pobre of RTC, FJR, Br 18, Batac City, IlocosNorte dated January 26, 2012 in CC Nr. 4828-18 forStatu<strong>to</strong>ry Sexual Assault (Violation of Par. 2 of Art. 266-Aof the RPC with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php120,000.00 for his temporary liberty.55) Arrest of Hermiline T. Corpuz, 55 yrs old,resident of Brgy 8, Bomi<strong>to</strong>g, Banna, Ilocos Norte at about6:30 PM of January 31, 2012 during police operationconducted joint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCIMELCHOR F PISO, Banna MPS and Maritime Ilocos Norte26
y virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Charles A. Aguilar of RTC, FJR, Br12, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte dated January 19, 2012 in CC Nrs. 15030-12 &15032-12 for Illegal Recruitment (2 Counts) with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00 each and CC Nrs. 15031-12 & 15033-12 forESTAFA (2 Counts) with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00each, respectively.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PO3 Danny Gaces of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong>wearing black PNP jacket while handcuffing the arrestedsuspect Hermiline T. Corpuz charged for IllegalRecruitment (2 counts) & ESTAFA during police operationconducted at Brgy Bomi<strong>to</strong>g, Banna, Ilocos Norte onJanuary 31, 2012.56) Arrest of Jocelyn A. Bravo, 49 yrs old, residen<strong>to</strong>f Brgy IV, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur at about 7:45 AM ofFebruary 2, 2012 during police operation conducted by jointelements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI ARBEL CMERCULLO and Ilocos Sur PPSC by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Cecilia Corazon S. Dulay-Archog of RTC, FJR, Br21, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated January 26, 2012 in CC Nr.6862-V for ESTAFA with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php16,000.00 for her temporary liberty.57) Arrest of Jhon Lhen Barcellano, 25 yrs old,resident of Ayusan Sur, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur at about 4:00PM of February 6, 2012 during police operation conductedat Max Restaurant, Brgy 1, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur byelements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Cecilia Corazon S. Dulay-Archog of RTC, FJR,Br 21, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated February 2, 2012 in CCNr. 6973-V for ESTAFAwith recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php16,000.00 for his temporary liberty.58) Arrest of Grace L. Soller, 42 yrs old, residen<strong>to</strong>f 49 Zamora st., Brgy IV, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur at about9:00 AM of February 7, 2012 during police operationconducted elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Cecilia Corazon S. Dulay-Archog ofRTC, FJR, Br 21, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated February 2,2012 in CC Nr. 6974-V for ESTAFA with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00 for her temporaryliberty.27
59) Arrest of Leonida L. Agbuya, 47 yrs old, resident of Brgy MinienEast, Sta Barbara, Pangasinan at about 8:00 AM of February 10, 2012 duringpolice operation conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL JCUSTODIO by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Gonzalo P. Marata, Presiding Judge,RTC, FJR, Br 48, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan dated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 7, 2010 in CC Nr. U-17044 for ESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php18,000.00for her temporary liberty.60) Arrest of Rubilyn G. Quiro, 33 yrs old, resident of Tabuyoc,Binalonan, Pangasinan at about 12:30 PM of February 10, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL JCUSTODIO by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Gonzalo P. Marata, Presiding Judge,RTC, FJR, Br 48, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan dated February 2, 2012 in CC Nr.17837 for Qualified Theft with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php80,000.00 for her temporary liberty.61) Arrest of Eleonor G. Binas, 39 yrs old, resident Brgy Domanpot,Asingan, Pangasinan at about 5:30 AM of February 15, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL JCUSTODIO by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Gonzalo P. Marata, Presiding Judge,RTC, FJR, Br 48, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan dated April 11, 2011 in CC Nr. U-17321 for ESTAFA committed by a syndicate with NO bailbondrecommended.62) Arrest of Nenita M. Diaz, 46 yrs old, resident of Pag-asa st., BrgyPalmis, Alaminos City, Pangasinanat about 3:15 PM of February 15, 2012 at BrgyPalmis, Alaminos City, Pangasinan during police operation conducted by jointelements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> and Alaminos City PS by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Elpidio N. Abella of RTC, Br 55, Alaminos City, Pangasinan in CC Nr.6121-A for ESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00for her temporary liberty.63) Arrest of Henry Y. Idnay, Jr aka “Buding”, 27yrs old, resident of Brgy 7-A, Sta Cruz, Badoc, Ilocos Norteatabout 11:00 AM of February 16, 2012 during police operationconducted by elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCIMELCHOR F PISO by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. JudgeCharles A Aguilar of RTC, FJR, Br 12, Laoag City, Ilocos Nortedated February 8, 2012 in CC Nr. 15061-12 for QualifiedTheft with NO bailbond recommended.64) Arrest of Kenneth R. Aporongao, 21 yrs old &Kervin R.Aporongao, 18 yrs old both residents of Brgy Solid West, Vigan City, Ilocos Surat about 11:00 AM of February 17, 2012 during police operation conducted byelements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Nida B.Alejandro of RTC, FJR, Br 20, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated February 15, 2012 inCC Nr. 6621-V for Less Serious Physical Injurieswith recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php1,000.00 each for their temporary liberty.28
65) Arrest of May S. Sagun, 54 yrs old, resident of # 2996 H San<strong>to</strong>s St.,Brgy. Carmona, Makati City at about 9:30 AM of February 20, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL JCUSTODIO, DSOD <strong>CIDG</strong>, PCP 1 Makati PS by virtue of Alias W/A issued byHon. Elizabeth L. Bernal, Presiding Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 47, Urdaneta City,Pangasinan dated December 5, 2011 in CC# U-17006 for ESTAFA withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for her temporaryliberty.66) Arrest of Michael Bryan J. Ramirez, 21 yrs old, resident of BrgySolid West, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur at about 11:00 AM of February 21, 2012 duringpolice operation conducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of Alias W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Nida B. Alejandro of RTC, FJR, Br 20, Vigan City, IlocosSur dated February 15, 2012 in CC Nr. 6621-V for Less Serious PhysicalInjurieswith recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php1,000.00 for histemporary liberty. Accused posted the required bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php1,000.00.Accused Michael Bryan J. Ramirez is one of the companions ofKenneth R. Aporongao and Kervin R. Aporongao in the above-mentioned case.Accused Kenneth R. Aporongao and Kervin R. Aporongao were arrested byelements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> on February 17, 2012 at Solid West, Vigan City,Ilocos Sur.67) Arrest of Marvin B. Espiritu, 18 yrs old, resident of Brgy Napaset,Luna, La Union at about 3:00 PM of March 1, 2012 during police operationconducted by joint elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI CESAR G PADAY-OS,RID/R2 and S2, LUPPO by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Manuel R Aquinoof RTC, Br 34, San Fernando City, La Union dated November 22, 2011 in CC Nr.3838 for Violation of RA 7610 with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php200,000.00 for his temporary liberty.68) Arrest of Chris<strong>to</strong>pher G. Col-long, 47 yrs old, resident of PoblacionSur, Salcedo, Ilocos Sur at about 2:00 PM of March 2, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI ARBEL CMERCULLO, Ilocos Sur PPSC, RID and Salcedo MPS by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Policarpio P Martinez of RTC, FJR, Br 71, Candon City, Ilocos Surdated February 23, 2012 in CC Nr. 3056-C for Illegal Recruitment and CC Nr.3057-C for Estafa with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> P24,000.00 andP26,000.00 respectively for his temporary liberty. .69) Arrest of Alexander A. Bala, 43 yrs old,resident of Brgy Tartarabang, Pinili, Ilocos Norte at about2:30 PM of March 2, 2012 during police operation conductedby elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI MELCHOR FPISO, Maritime Ilocos Norte, RPSB1, 1 st Maneuver COY andPinili PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Isidoro TPobre of RTC, FJR, Br 1, Barac City, Ilocos Norte datedFebruary 23, 2012 in CC Nr. 4831-18 for Violation of Sec.77 (formerly Sec. 68) of PD No. 705 as amended by E.O.277 and further amended by R.A. No. 7161) with29
ecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php62,000.00 for his temporaryliberty.70) Arrest of Rogelio S. Yacas, 47 yrs old, resident of Brgy Marnay,Sinait, Ilocos Norte at about 3:30 PM of March 2, 2012 duringpolice operation conducted by elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong>led by PCI MELCHOR F PISO, Maritime Ilocos Norte, RPSB1,1 st Maneuver COY and Pinili PS by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Isidoro T Pobre of RTC, FJR, Br 1, Batac City,Ilocos Norte dated February 23, 2012 in CC Nr. 4831-18 forViolation of Sec. 77 (formerly Sec. 68) of PD No. 705 asamended by E.O. 277 and further amended by R.A. No.7161) with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php62,000.00 for histemporary liberty.71) Arrest of Lore<strong>to</strong> C. Gabriel, 28 yrs old, residen<strong>to</strong>f Brgy Mindoro, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur at about 12:00 PM ofMarch 6, 2012 at Plaridel St., Vigan City, Ilocos Sur duringpolice operation conducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong>led by PCI ARBEL C MERCULLO, Ilocos Sur PPSC and RID,PRO1 by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Perla BQuirubin of RTC, FJR, Br 20, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur datedFebruary 15, 2012 in CC Nr. 6274-V for Violation of Sec. 5of R.A. No. 9262 – Anti Violence Against Women andTheir Children Act of 2002 with recommended bailbond amounting<strong>to</strong>Php10,000.00 for his temporary liberty.72) Arrest of Francisco B. Agcanas, 38 yrs old &Henry A. Asilan, 27yrs old, both residents of Brgy Ver, Dingras, Ilocos Norte at about 1:45 PM ofMarch 6, 2012 during police operation conducted by elements of Ilocos Norte<strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of Bench W/A issued by Hon. Judge Charles A Aguilar of RTC,FJR, Br 12, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte dated March 6, 2012 in CC Nr. 14414-12 forViolation of RA 8550, Section 88, No. 3 with no indicated bailbond.73) Arrest of Mark Anthony E. Bautista, 29 yrs old, resident of BrgyBuayen, Bayambang, Pangasinanat about 2:25 PM of March 8, 2012 duringpolice operation conducted by joint elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG,Pangasinan PPO and Bayambang PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. JudgeRena<strong>to</strong> Pinlac of RTC, Br 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated September 30,2012 in CC Nr. SCC-6055 for Attempted Murder with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php120,000.00 for his temporary liberty.74) Arrest of Jeffrey R. Hebron, 40 yrs old, resident of Castillo st., BrgyManiboc, Lingayen, Pangasinan at about 1:00 PM of March 11, 2012 at BrgyMagsaysay, Labrador, Pangasinan during police operation conducted by jointelements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong>, RID, SOG, PIB, Pangasinan PPO and LabradorPS by virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Teodoro Fernandez of RTC, Br38, Lingayen, Pangasinan dated April 29, 2009 in CC Nr. L-8254 for ESTAFA30
with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php16,000.00 for his temporaryliberty.75) Arrest of Dominador S. Layaoen, 59 yrs old, resident of Brgy.Bomi<strong>to</strong>g, Banna, Ilocos Norte at about 12:30 PM of March 14, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong>, Ilocos Norte MaritimeGroup, RPSB1-1 st Maneuver Coy and Banna MPS by virtue of Bench W/A issuedby Hon. Judge Conrado Ragucos of RTC, Br 16, Laoag City dated March12, 2012 in CC Nr. 15092-16 for Frustrated Murder with Php200,000.00Bailbond recommended.76) Arrest of PO1 Emmanuel R. Cabel, 31 yrs old, resident of Brgy.Monte, Paoay, Ilocos Norte at about 9:00 AM of March 16, 2012 at Camp ValentinS Juan, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte during police operation conducted by jointelements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> and PIDMB Ilocos Norte PPO by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Rosemarie V. Ramos of RTC, Br 19, Bangui, Ilocos Nortedated March 6, 2012 in CC Nrs. 2060-19 & 2061-19 for Attempted Murder (2counts)with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php120,000.00 each for histemporary liberty. Arrested wanted person is already under the cus<strong>to</strong>dy of IlocosNorte PPO when the Warrant of Arrest was served.77) Arrest of Jonnel L. Raganit, 17 yrs old, resident of Brgy 03 Loing,Piddig, Ilocos Norte at about 10:00 AM of March 17, 2012 at Sitio Malapinanaw,Brgy Boyboy, Ilocos Norte during police operation conducted by joint elements ofIlocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> and Piddig PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Perla BQuerubin of RTC, Br 11, Laoag City dated March 8, 2012 in CC Nr. 15080 forRobbery with Php20,000.00 bailbond recommended.78) Arrest of Bernard Q. Idnay, 34 yrs old, resident of Brgy 16-AMorong, Badoc, Ilocos Norte at about 6:00 AM of March 15, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (as lead unit), IlocosNorte Maritime Group, RPSB1-1 ST Maneuver Company and Badoc MPS by virtueof W/A issued by Hon. Judge Conrado Ragucos of RTC, FJR, Br 16, Laoag City,Ilocos Norte dated March 12, 2012 in CC Nr. 15092-16 for Frustrated Murderwith Php200,000.00 recommended bailbond.79) Arrest of Prudencio delos Reyes, 27 yrs old, resident of Brgy.Catangraran, Solsona, Ilocos Norte at about 9:00 AM of March 19, 2012 duringpolice operation conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> and SolsonaMPS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Perla B Querubin of RTC, Br 11,Laoag City dated March 8, 2012 in CC Nr. 15015 for Violation of Sec. 7 of RA9262 (Violence against Women and Their Children) with Php12,000.00bailbond recommended.80) Arrest of April A. Estavillo, 16 yrs old, resident of SitioMalapinanaw, Brgy 22 Boyboy, Piddig, Ilocos Norte at about 9:30 AM of March17, 2012 at Brgy. 3 Loing, Piddig, Ilocos Norte during police operation conductedby joint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI MELCHOR F PISO and PiddigPS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Perla B Querubin of RTC, Br 11, Laoag31
City dated March 8, 2012 in CC Nr. 15080 for Robbery with Php20,000.00bailbond recommended.March 21, 2012.81) Arrest of Alice N. Lorenzana, 43 yrs old,resident of Brgy. Pula, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur at about 1:30PM of March 21, 2012 at Bonifacio St., Vigan City, IlocosSur during police operation conducted by elements ofIlocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon.Judge Nida Alejandro of RTC, FJR, Br 20, Vigan City,Ilocos Sur dated July 20, 2011 in CC Nr. 6820-V withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00 forher temporary liberty. Arrested wanted person ispresently detained at Provincial Jail, Vigan City, Ilocos Surby virtue of Commitment Order issued by Hon. Judge NidaAlejandro of RTC, FJR, Br 20, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated82) Arrest of Danilo A. Bautista, 58 yrs old, residen<strong>to</strong>f Brgy. Guimod Sur, San Juan, Ilocos Sur at about 6:00 AM ofMarch 23, 2012 at Rizal St., Vigan City, Ilocos Sur during policeoperation conducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue ofW/A issued by Hon. Judge Six<strong>to</strong> D. Diompoc of RTC, FJR, Br72, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur dated March 13,2012 in CC Nr. 347-N for ESTAFA.83) Arrest of Liliosa Caridad P. Perez, 66 years oldand a resident of Brgy Bulag, Bantay, Ilocos Sur at about 4:00PM of March 27, 2012 during police operation conducted byelements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/A issued by Hon.Judge Nida B Alejandro of RTC, FJR, Br 20, Vigan City, IlocosSurdated March 23, 2012 in CC Nr. 6993-V for ESTAFAwith arecommended bail bond of Php30,000.00 and Illegal Recruitment with arecommended bail bond of Php24,000.00.84) Arrest of Arceli A. Litan, 25 yrs old, resident of Brgy 50, But<strong>to</strong>ng,Laoag City, Ilocos Norte at about 10:00 AM of April 10, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (as lead unit) and LaoagCity PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Charles A Aguilar, Presiding Judge, RTC,FJR, Br 12, Laoag City dated March 22, 2012 in CC Nr. 15093-12 for QualifiedTheft with NO recommended bailbond.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO3 Danilo Matahum, ChiefClerk/ Admin PNCO of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> duringthe successful arrest of Arceli A. Litan.32
85) Arrest of Babylyn R. Cadang, 33 yrs old,resident of Brgy Susugaen, Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte at about10:00 AM of April 10, 2012 during police operation conductedby elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI MELCHOR FPISO (as lead unit) and Pasuquin MPS by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Rosemarie V. Ramos, Presiding Judge, RTC,FJR, Br 19, Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte dated March 26, 2012 inCC Nr. 2065-19 for ESTAFA with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php16,000.00 for her temporary liberty.86) Arrest of Sps. Crisan<strong>to</strong> D. De Vera & Rowena C. De Vera, residen<strong>to</strong>f Brgy Caloocan Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinanat about 10:00 AM of April 18,2012 during police operation conducted by elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> byvirtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Robert P Fangayen of RTC, Br 39, Lingayen,Pangasinan dated April 17, 2012 in CC Nr. L-9426 for ESTAFA withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 each for their temporaryliberty.87) Arrest of Jovit R. Ortillano @ Lupin, resident of Sitio Aplaya,Pangapisan North, Lingayen, Pangasinanat about 10:00 AM of April 19, 2012 atCapi<strong>to</strong>l Compound, Lingayen, Pangasinan during police operation conducted byelements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Teodoro CFernandez of RTC, Br. 38, Lingayen, Pangasinan dated April 16, 2012 in CC Nr.L-9416 for Carnapping with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php36,000.00for his temporary liberty.88) Arrest of Carlo F. Tibalao, 48 yrs old, resident of Brgy Malindong,Binmaley, Pangasinan at about 8:00 AM of April 21, 2012 during police operationconducted by elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, RID, SOG and Binmaley PS (basedon CIS information) by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Teodoro C Fernandezof RTC, Br. 38, Lingayen, Pangasinan dated April 16, 2012 in CC Nr. L-9420 forAttempted Murder with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php120,000.00 forhis temporary liberty.89) Arrest of Rodolfo F. Teodoro, Jr, 29 yrs old, resident of Brgy SanJulian Sur, Vigan City, Ilocos Surat about 4:00 PM of April 27,2012 during police operation conducted by elements of IlocosSur <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI ARBEL C MERCULLO and ISPPSC(based on CIS information) at Brgy Miramar, Magsinal, IlocosSur by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Nida B. Alejandro ofRTC, Br 20, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated April 20, 2012 in CCNr. 7007-V for Violation of Sec. 10 (a) of RA 7610 (TheSpecial Protection of Children against Child Abuse,Exploitation and Discrimination Act) with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php80,000.00 for his temporary liberty.33
90) Arrest of Luzviminda C. Molina, 62 yrs old, resident of Calle Sison,Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinanat about 9:00 AM of April 27, 2012 duringpolice operation conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> & ATCCDbyvirtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Rosa Samson of RTC, NCJR, Br 105, QuezonCity dated June 8, 2011 in CC Nr. 11-1703 for ESTAFA with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php38,000.00 and Alias W/A issued by Hon. JudgeEvangeline C Castillo of RTC, NCJR, Br 101, Quezon City dated December 29,2011 in CC Nr. Q-11-170369 for Illegal Recruitment with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00, respectively.Property.91) Arrest of Alvino A. Robiñol, 44 yrs old, residen<strong>to</strong>f Brgy Bantaoay, San Vicente, Ilocos Sur at about 2:00 PM ofMay 1, 2012 during police operation conducted by elements ofIlocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> and ISPPSC (based on CIS information) byvirtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Cecilia Corazon S. Dulay-Archog of RTC, Br 21, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated April 26,2012 in CC Nr. 7012-Vfor Reckless Imprudence Resulting<strong>to</strong> Homicide and Multiple Physical Injuries and Damage <strong>to</strong>92) Arrest of Rodel M. Angeles, 34 yrs old, resident of Brgy 21, LaoagCity, Ilocos Norte at about 9:15 AM of May 2, 2012 at Brgy 13, San Nicolas, IlocosNorte during police operation conducted by elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (aslead unit) and San Nicolas MPS (based on CIS information) by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Conrado A. Ragucos of RTC of Ilocos Norte, FJR, Br 16,Laoag City dated April 23, 2012 in CC Nr. 15131-16 for ESTAFA.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PO3 Danny Gaces of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> in white t-shirt whileexplaining <strong>to</strong> the accused Rodel M. Angeles in red t-shirt the legality/ legitimacy ofthe W/A against him.93) Arrest of Jacqueline R. Alviedo, 43 yrs old, resident of Brgy IV,Vigan City, Ilocos Sur at about 4:45 PM of May 3, 2012 during police operationconducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> and Vigan City PS by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Cecilia Corazon S. Dulay-Archog of RTC, Br 21, Vigan City,Ilocos Sur dated April 26, 2012 in CC Nr. 6934-V for ESTAFA withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php30,000.00 for her temporaryliberty.94) Arrest of Dennis G. Quilonio, 26 yrs old, resident of Brgy Pugaro,Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 11:00 AM of May 10, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> & Dagupan City PSbased on CIS information by virtue of Hon. Judge Julius Dalaten of MTCC, FJR,34
Br 1, Dagupan City, Pangasinan dated April 25, 2012 in CC Nr. 51829 forAttempted Homicide with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php12,000.00 for his temporary liberty.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PO3 Lorenzo Sabiniano of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> (in blue polo t-shirt)<strong>to</strong>gether with the CIS-BPATS members during the arrest of Dennis G. Quilonio.Saidoperation made successful through the information given by CIS-BPATS members ofPangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>.95) Arrest of Arvrian Tingchuy, 25 yrs old, resident of Cabinet Hills,Baguio City at about 2:00 PM of May 12, 2012 at Magic Mall, Urdaneta City,Pangasinan during police operation conducted by elements of Urdaneta City<strong>CIDG</strong> & Baguio City <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Cecilia CorazonS. Dulay-Archog of RTC, Br. 6, Baguio City dated May 11, 2012 in CC Nr. 33043-R for ESTAFA withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php500,000.00 forhis temporary liberty.96) Arrest of Edilber<strong>to</strong> T. Tablate, 44 yrs old, residen<strong>to</strong>f Brgy Tono<strong>to</strong>n, Piddig, Ilocos Norte at about 11:50 AM of May14, 2012 during police operation conducted by elements ofIlocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> & Piddig MPS by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Perla B Querubin of RTC, FJR, Br 11, Laoag City,Ilocos Norte dated May 7, 2012 in CC Nr. 15137 for Violationof Art. III, Sec 5 (b) of RA 7610 (Child Prostitution and otherSexual Abuse Law) withrecommended bailbond amounting<strong>to</strong> Php200,000.00 for his temporary liberty.97) Arrest of Eduardo F. Flores, resident of Poblacion, Binmaley,Pangasinan at about 12:05 AM of May 14, 2012 during police operationconducted by elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> & Binmaley PS by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Florentino R. Dumlao of RTC, Br. 42, Dagupan City,Pangasinan dated May 2, 2012 in CC Nr. 2011-0198-D for ESTAFAwithrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00 for his temporaryliberty.98) Arrest of Marvin R. Acedo, 23 yrs old, resident of Brgy Sabang,Cabugao, Ilocos Sur at about 12:00 PM of May 15, 2012 during police operationconducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> and Cabugao PS by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Nida Bringas Alejandro of RTC, Br 24, Cabugao, Ilocos Surdated May 10, 2012 in CC Nr. 2897-K for Homicide with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php80,000.00 for his temporary liberty.99) Arrest of Jesus I. Ramos “alias Boling”, 46 yrs old, resident ofBrgy Luebeg, Laoac, Pangasinan at about 3:30 PM of May 17, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL JCUSTODIO by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Efren B. Tienzo of RTC, FJR,35
Br 49, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan dated May 17, 2012 in CC Nrs. U-18098 –18100 for Rape Through Sexual Assault with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php200,000.00 each and CC Nrs. U-18101 – 1105 for Acts ofLasciviousness in relation <strong>to</strong> Art. III, Sec. 5 par B with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php180,000.00 each for his temporary liberty.100) Arrest of Rodel A. Famorcas, 26 yrs old,resident of Brgy Balaleng, Bantay, Ilocos Sur at about 9:00 AMof May 21, 2012 during police operation conducted byelements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI ARBEL CMERCULLO and Ilocos Sur PPSC by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Cecilia Corazon S. Dulay-Archog of RTC, Br 21,Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated April 26, 2012 in CC Nr. 7001-Vfor ESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php30,000.00 for his temporary liberty.101) Arrest of Robert V. Sibayan, 46 yrs old,resident of Brgy Anonas, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about9:00 AM of June 1, 2012 during police operation through CISinformation conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>(lead unit), Urdaneta City PS and PAFDSP by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Elizabeth L Berdal of RTC, Br 47,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan dated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 17, 2011 in CCNr. U-16019 for Frustrated Murder with recommendedbailbond of P120,000.00 for his temporary liberty.102) Arrest of Catherine D. Joaquin, 33 yrs old, resident of Brgy VII,Vigan City, Ilocos Sur at about 11:00 AM of June 4, 2012 during police operationconducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI ARBEL C MERCULLO andIlocos Sur PPSC by virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Cecilia Corazon S.Dulay-Archog of RTC, Br 21, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated May 16, 2012 in CC Nr.7017-V for ESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00for her temporary liberty.103) Arrest of Sammy C. Laurean, 48 yrs old, resident of BrgyLambayan, Mapandan, Pangasinan at about 2:00 PM of June 5, 2012 duringpolice operation through CIS information conducted by elements of Dagupan City<strong>CIDG</strong>, Mapandan MPS & SOG of Pangasinan PPO by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Florentino R. Dumlao Jr of RTC, Br. 42, Dagupan City, Pangasinandated May 24, 2012 in CC Nr. 2012-0250-D for Frustrated Homicidewithrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00 for his temporaryliberty.104) Arrest of Manuel S. Maglipon, 74 yrs old,resident of A. B. Fernandez East, Dagupan City, Pangasinanat about 11:45 AM of June 6, 2012 during police operationthrough CIS information conducted by elements of DagupanCity <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Elpedio N.Abella of RTC, Br. 54, Alaminos City, Pangasinan dated June36
30, 2011 in CC Nr. 5850 for ESTAFA withrecommended bailbond amounting<strong>to</strong> Php60,000.00 for his temporary liberty.105) Arrest of Jonash D. Pascual, 22 yrs old, resident of Brgy 49-BRaraburan, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte at about 7:30 AM of June 6, 2012 duringpolice operation conducted by elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Perla B Querubin of RTC, FJR, Br 11, Laoag City, IlocosNorte dated May 24, 2012 in CC Nr. 15147 for Light Threat under Art. 265 ofthe RPC in relation <strong>to</strong> RA 7610 with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php3,000.00 for his temporary liberty.106) Arrest of Edison B. Balagat, 23 yrs old, resident of Brgy 12, SanNicolas, Ilocos Norte at about 6:00 AM of June 6, 2012 during police operationconducted by elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/A issued by Hon.Judge Maria Corazon M. Labrador of FJR, MTC-San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte datedJune 4, 2012 in CC Nr. 5306 for Direct Assault upon a Person in Authoritywith recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php12,000.00 for his temporaryliberty.107) Arrest of Liz A. Perez, 29 yrs old, resident of Brgy Juan Cartas,Caba, La Union at about 10:00 AM of June 8, 2012 during police operationconducted by elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> and Caba MPS by virtue of W/A issuedby Hon. Judge Juvencio S. Gascon of RTC, Br 26, San Fernando City, La Uniondated May 23, 2012 in CC Nr. 9478 for Qualified Theft with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php60,000.00 for her temporary liberty.108) Arrest of Richard R. Rabena, 26 yrs old, resident of Brgy Para<strong>to</strong>ng,Sta Catalina, Ilocos Sur at about 2:30 PM of June 8, 2012 during police operationconducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI ARBEL C MERCULLO byvirtue of W/A issued by Hon. Nilda B. Alejandro, Acting Presiding Judge of RTC,FJR, Br 20, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated April 20, 2012 in CC Nr. 7000-V forESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for histemporary liberty.109) Arrest of Silverio A. Matute, 49 yrs old, resident of Brgy Cabaroan,Piddig, Ilocos Norte at about 2:40 PM of June 19, 2012 during police operationconducted by elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> and Piddig MPS by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Rosemarie V. Ramos of RTC, FJR, Br 19, Bangui, IlocosNorte dated June 19, 2012 in CC Nr. 2082-19 for ESTAFA with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for his temporary liberty.110) Arrest of Hae Sung Lim (Korean <strong>National</strong>), 63 yrs old, resident ofBrgy 1 Barbaquezo, Carasi, Ilocos Norte at about 4:20 PM of June 19, 2012during police operation conducted by elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong>, Piddig MPSAND Carasi MPS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Rosemarie V. Ramos ofRTC, FJR, Br 19, Bangui, Ilocos Norte dated June 19, 2012 in CC Nr. 2082-19 forESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for histemporary liberty.37
111) Arrest Oscar B. Alejo, 62 yrs old, resident of Brgy Nancalobasaan,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 11:30 AM of July 2, 2012 during policeoperation through CIS information conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>by virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Emma M. Torio of RTC, Br 41,Dagupan City, Pangasinan dated September 21, 2011 in CC Nr. 2011-0384-D forIllegal Recruitment (Large Scale) with NO bailbond Recommended and CCNr. 2011-0389-D for ESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php16,000.00 for his temporary liberty.112) Arrest Henry R. Liera, 53 yrs old, resident of Sitio Simmilong, BrgySan An<strong>to</strong>nio, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur at about 9:00 AM of July 5, 2012 during policeoperation through CIS information conducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> ledby PCI ARBEL C MERCULLO & Narvacan MPS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon.Judge Oscar V. Badelles of RTC, 12 th JR, Br 05, Iligan City dated February 4,2010 in CC Nr. 14714 for Qualified Theft with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php80,000.00 for his temporary liberty.113) Arrest Omairah P. Guro, 48 yrs old, resident ofBrookside Gate 3, Lot 14, Birmingham Place, Cainta, Rizalat about 6:00 PM of July 11, 2012 at Gen Luna st., LaoagCity, Ilocos Norteconducted by elements of Ilocos <strong>CIDG</strong> &PIB, Ilocos Norte PPO by virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon.Judge Francisco RD Quilala of RTC, FJR, Br 14, Laoag City,Ilocos Norte dated May 22, 2008 in CC Nr. 13497-14 forESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php26,000.00 for her temporary liberty.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the arrested accused Omairah P. Guro <strong>to</strong>gether withCINSP MELCHOR F PISO, Provincial Officer of Ilocos Norte<strong>CIDG</strong> while inside the Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> Office during the arres<strong>to</strong>f the former.114) Arrest PO3 Joey Abang y Arce, 45 yrs old, resident of Brgy. Fuerte,Caoayan, Ilocos Sur at about 10:30 AM of July 12, 2012 at La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> Office,Camp Diego Silang, Carlatan, San Fernando City, La Union by joint elements ofLa Union <strong>CIDG</strong>(Lead Unit), PIB-LUPPO and RHSG-PRO1 by virtue of W/A issuedby Hon. Judge Ferdinand A Fe of RTC, FJR, BR 67, Bauang, La Union dated July2, 2012 in CC Nr. 3662-BG for Violation of RA 9165 with NO Bailbondrecommended.Investigation disclosed that after initial coordination with PCI CESAR GPADAY-OS, PO3 Abang personally appeared and surrendered <strong>to</strong> the Office of LaUnion <strong>CIDG</strong>. Arrested wanted person was booked for his arrest by La Union<strong>CIDG</strong> prior <strong>to</strong> turn-over <strong>to</strong> the issuing court.38
115) Arrest Joey D. Bolasoc, 40 yrs old, resident ofBrgy Capandanan, Lingayen, Pangasinan at about 9:00 AMof July 17, 2012 at Poblacion, Lingayen, Pangasinanconducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, PIB,Pangasinan PPO, RPSB 1 and Lingayen MPS by virtue ofW/A issued by Hon. Judge Teodoro C Fernandez of RTC, Br38, Lingayen, Pangasinan dated June 2, 2010 in CC Nr. L-8089 for Homicide (For Service of Sentence). (ThroughCIS Information)116) Arrest Joseph M. Lutrania, 31 yrs old &Crisanta C. Cadaoas, 34yrs old, both residents of Brgy Dasay, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur at about 5:30 AM ofJuly 18, 2012 at Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan conducted by elements ofIlocos <strong>CIDG</strong> led by SPO1 Artemio C Pajimola by virtue of W/A issued by Hon.Judge Gina Juan-Chan of RTC, FJR, Br 22, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur dated June 29,2012 in CC Nr. 3498 for ESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php38,000.00 for each for their temporary libert. (Through CIS Information)117) Arrest Pauline L. Tiri, 23 yrs old, resident of Brgy Manzante,Magsingal, Ilocos Sur at about 8:00 AM of July 24, 2012 conducted by elementsof Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) and Ilocos Sur PPSC by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Cecilia Corazon S. Dulay-Archog of RTC, FJR, Br 21, Vigan City,Ilocos Sur dated June 26, 2012 in CC Nr. 7011 for Frustrated Homicide withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for her temporaryliberty. (Through CIS Information)118) Arrest of Rolando E. Guba, 44 yrs old, resident of Brgy Camantiles,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 8:30 AM of July 31, 2012 at BrgyNancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan conducted by joint elements ofUrdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> (Lead Unit) and Laoac PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon.Judge Gonzalo P Marata of RTC, Br 48, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan dated July12, 2012 in CC Nr. 15718 for Attempted Parricide with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php120,000.00 for his temporary liberty. (ThroughCIS Information)119) Arrest of Raymart A. Rabang, 21yrs old, resident of Brgy Tamurong, StaCatalina, Ilocos Sur at about 2:00 PM ofAugust 2, 2012 at Plaza Maestro, Vigan City,Ilocos Sur conductedby elements of IlocosSur <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue ofW/A issued by Hon.Judge Marivic A.Cacatian-Beltran ofRTC, Second JudicialRegion, Br 3,Tuguegarao City dated39Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the SINSP EDUARDO S SARMIENTO,Deputy Provincial Officer of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> (in bluesweat shirt) while explaining <strong>to</strong> the accused RaymartA. Rabang the nature of his offense <strong>to</strong>gether with CIS-BPATS members of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong>.
July 9, 2012 in CC Nr. 14838 for Qualified Theft with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php54,000.00 for his temporary liberty. (Through CISInformation)120) Arrest of Joseph C. Ramilo, 36 yrs old, residen<strong>to</strong>f Poblacion, Sta Catalina, Ilocos Sur at about 11:00 AM ofAugust 9, 2012 conducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong>(lead unit) and Ilocos Sur PPSC by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Nida B. Alejandro of RTC, FJR, Br 20, ViganCity, Ilocos Sur dated August 8, 2012 in CC Nr. 7050-V forViolation of Sec. 5, RA 9262 (Anti-Violence againstWomen and their Children Act of 2004) withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php30,000.00 forhis temporary liberty. (Through CIS Information)121) Arrest of Carlo R. Flores, 42 yrs old, resident of Brgy Nagsabaran,San Juan, La Union at about 10:00 AM of August 10, 2012 at Brgy San Agustin,San Fernando City, La Union conducted by elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtueof W/A issued by Hon. Judge Ivan Kim B. Morales of MTCC, FJR, Br 11, SanFernando City, La Union dated April 11, 2012 in CC Nr. 41511 for Violation ofArt. 172 (Falsification by private individual and use of falsified documents) inrelation <strong>to</strong> Art. 171 (Falsification by public officer, employee or notary orecclesiastical minister) of the RPCwith recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php12,000.00 for his temporary liberty.122) Arrest of Mark Anthony G. Badua, 26 yrs old, resident of Brgy 9San Lucas, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte at about 10:40 AM of August 13, 2012conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) and San Nicolas PSby virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Maria Corazon M. Labrador of FJR, MTC,San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte dated August 7, 2012 in CC Nr. 5315for Theft withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php10,000.00 for his temporaryliberty.123) Arrest of Sunshine C. Realin, 21 yrs old, resident of Brgy SanJulian Sur, Vigan, Ilocos Sur at about 9:00 AM of August 20, 2012 at BrgyNagsangalan, Vigan, Ilocos Sur conducted by elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> (leadunit) and Ilocos Sur PPSC by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge CeciliaCorazon S. Dulay-Archog of RTC, Br 21, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated August 15,2012 in CC Nr. 7052-V for Qualified Theft with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> P80,000.00 for her temporary liberty.124) Arrest of Romel V Zulueta, 42 yrs old, resident ofZamora st., Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 9:00 AM ofAugust 27, 2012 conducted by elements of Dagupan City<strong>CIDG</strong> through CIS information by virtue of W/A issued by Hon.Judge Genoveva Conching Maramba of RTC, Br 44, DagupanCity, Pangasinan dated June 14, 2012 in CC Nr. 2012-0294-Dfor ESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php40,000.00 for his temporary liberty.40
125) Arrest of Eduardo A. Bustamante, 38 yrs old, resident of Brgy.Bacsil, Dingras, Ilocos at about 1:00 PM of September 4, 2012 conducted byelements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> with Ilocos Norte CIS by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Conrado A Ragucos, Presiding Judge of RTC, FJR, Br 16, Laoag City datedAugust 30, 2012 in CC Nr. 15267-16 for Frustrated Murderwith Php200, 000.00recommended bail bond.126) Arrest of Carli<strong>to</strong> O. Peralta, Jr, 56 yrs old, resident of Millora St.,Lucao District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 3:00 PM of September 5,2012 conducted by elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Caridad V. Galvez of RTC, Br 43, Dagupan City, Pangasinan datedAugust 12, 2012 in CC Nr. 2012-0395-D for Violation of RA 7610 withrecommended bail bond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php80,000.00 for his temporary liberty.127) Arrest of Franco G. Mabanta, 33 yrs old, resident of SitioInansuana, Brgy Lucap, Alaminos City, Pangasinan at about 2:30 PM ofSeptember 7, 2012 conducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, RIU-1,RID PRO1 and Alaminos City PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge TeodoroC. Fernandez of RTC, Br 54, Alaminos City, Pangasinan in CC Nr. 6146-A andW/A issued by Hon. Judge Elpidio N. Abella of RTC, Br 55, Alaminos City,Pangasinan in CC Nr. 6147-A for Act of Lasciviousness in relation <strong>to</strong> RA7610.128) Arrest of Jaime B. Lim, 58 yrs old, resident of Tapuac District,Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 10:20 AM of September 10, 2012 conductedby elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> and CIS members of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> byvirtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Florentino R. Dumlao of RTC, Br 42,Dagupan City, Pangasinan dated August 28, 2012 in CC Nr. 2012-0379-D forESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php60,000.00 for histemporary liberty.129) Arrest of Alex G. Garcia, 52 yrs old &Jedencio R. Garcia, 52 yrsold, both residents of Brgy 3 Tanap, Burgos, Ilocos Norte at about 11:30 AM ofSeptember 10, 2012 conducted by elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) &Burgos MPS <strong>to</strong>gether with CIS members of Ilocos Norte by virtue of W/A issuedby Hon. Judge Rosemarie V Ramos of RTC, FJR, Br 19, Bangui, Ilocos Nortedated September 6, 2012 in CC Nr. 2089-19 for Violation of Sec. 77 of PD 705as amended by EO 277 and further amended by RA 7161 withrecommended bailbond <strong>to</strong> Php30,000.00 each for their temporary liberty.130) Arrest of Simeon N. Calventas, 39 yrs old, resident of Brgy. 25,Tamdagan, Vintar, Ilocos Norte at about 11:00 AM of September 11, 2012conducted by elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) & Vintar MPS <strong>to</strong>getherwith CIS members of Ilocos Norte by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge CharlesA Aguilar of RTC, FJR, Br 12, Laoag City dated September 3, 2012 in CC Nr.15278 for Homicide with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php40,000.00 for his temporary liberty.41
131) Arrest of Bryan D. Palisoc, 25 yrs old, resident of Brgy Tarece, SanCarlos City, Pangasinan at about 4:10 PM of September 11, 2012 at BrgyBurgos, San Carlos City, Pangasinan conducted by elements of Dagupan City<strong>CIDG</strong>, San Carlos City PS and PIB, Pangasinan PPO by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Grace F. De Vera of MTCC, San Carlos City, Pangasinan datedSeptember 7, 2012 in CC Nr. MTCC-8599 for Reckless Imprudence Resulting<strong>to</strong> Homicide with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php30,000.00 forhis temporary liberty.132) Arrest of Rodrigo C. Pascua, 36 yrs old, resident of Martin Posadasst., San Carlos City, Pangasinan at about 9:05 PM of September 11, 2012conducted by joint elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> and San Carlos City PS byvirtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Grace Gliceria F. De Vera of MTCC, SanCarlos City, Pangasinan dated April 27, 2012 in CC Nr. MTCC-8543 for GraveThreats with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php4,000.00 for histemporary liberty.133) Arrest of Allan S. Castillo, 39 yrs old, resident of Brgy Mariano, SanCarlos City, Pangasinan at about 7:30 AM of September 12, 2012 conducted byjoint elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> and San Carlos City PS by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D. Pinlac of RTC, Br 57, San Carlos City,Pangasinan dated July 24, 2012 in CC Nr. SCC-6176 for Grave Threats withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php3,000.00 for his temporary liberty.134) Arrest of Avelina I. Velano, 52 yrs old, resident of Brgy. San PedroIli, Alcala, Pangasinan at about 11:00 AM of September 13, 2012 at Brgy. Pob.,Villasis, Pangasinan conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> <strong>to</strong>getherwith CIS (lead Unit) and Alcala PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge JudgeManuel F Pas<strong>to</strong>r, Jr of RTC, FJR, Br 50, Villasis, Pangasinan dated September5, 2012 in CC Nr. V-1718 for Violation of RA 9208 (Anti Trafficking inPersons Act of 2003) with No bailbond recommended.135) Arrest of Felimon G. Galutan, 61 yrs old, residen<strong>to</strong>f Brgy Raois, Bacnotan, La Union at about 9:05 AM ofSeptember 17, 2012 conducted by elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong>(lead unit), CIS members of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong>, Bacnotan PS,Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> and PIB, La Union by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Policarpio P. Martinez of RTC, Br 71, Candon City,Ilocos Sur dated August 25, 2006 in CC Nr. 2445-C forFrustrated Homicide with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php120,000.00 for his temporary liberty.136) Arrest of Armando B. Palacpac, 41 yrs old, resident of Brgy OraCentro, Bantay, IIocos Sur at about 8:30 AM of September 17, 2012 at BrgyRang-ay, Sinait, IIocos Sur conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> andSinait MPS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Cecilia Corazon S. Dulay-Archog of RTC, FJR, Br 21, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated January 26, 2012 in CCNr. 6920-V for Multiple Attempted Murder with the Use of Explosive with42
ecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php120,000.00 for his temporaryliberty.137) Arrest of Marcelino C. Cardenas, Jr @ “Jun Fabro”, 36 yrs old,resident of Brgy. Bo<strong>to</strong>bot Norte, Balaoan, La Union at about 10:00 AM ofSeptember 19, 2012 at BJMP located at Brgy Anonas, Urdaneta City,Pangasinan conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> <strong>to</strong>gether with CISmembers of Urdaneta City by virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. JudgeTeodorico Alfonso P Bauzon of RTC, FJR, Br 48, Urdaneta City, Pangasinandated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 31, 2008 in CC Nr. U-15315 for Frustrated Murder withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php200,000.00 for his temporary liberty.Accused is presently detained at BJMP Urdaneta City for the crime of Murderwhen the Alias W/A was served.138) Arrest of Jobert G. Dalipog, 42 yrs old, resident of Brgy Lusong,Manabo, Abra at about 11:10 PM of September 20, 2012 at Brgy Baruyen,Bangui, Ilocos Norte conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> and Abra<strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of Warrant of Arrest issued by Hon. Judge Jaime L. Dojillo ofRTC, FJR, Br 58, Bucay, Abra dated July 7, 2012 in CC Nr. N-0830 forConsented Abduction in relation <strong>to</strong> RA 7610 with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php80,000.00 for his temporary liberty.139) Arrest of Elvis V. Lavarias, 40 yrs old, resident of Brgy Malindong,Binmaley, Pangasinan at about 4:10 PM of September 26,2012 at Brgy Baybay Lopez, Binmaley, Pangasinan conductedby elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of Warrant ofArrest issued by Hon. Judge Teodoro C. Fernandez of RTC, Br39, Lingayen, Pangasinan dated September 25, 2012 in CCNr. L-9483 for ESTAFA with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for his temporary liberty.140) Arrest of Edmon F. Mencias, 54 yrs old, resident of Brgy.Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 11:30 AM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2, 2012 atBrgy. Poblacion, Mapandan, Pangasinan conducted by elements of Urdaneta City<strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL J CUSTODIO <strong>to</strong>gether with CIS member of Urdaneta Cityby virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Emma M. Torio of RTC, FJR, Br 40,Dagupan City, Pangasinan dated August 17, 2012 in CC Nr. 2012-0167-D forESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for histemporary liberty.141) Arrest of Mervin L.Barit,19 yrs old, resident of BrgyTalinga-an, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte&Kristian G. Mateo, 18 yrs old, residen<strong>to</strong>f Brgy Navotas,Laoag City, Ilocos Norteat about 4:30 PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 8, 2012 atBrgy. Casili, Laoag City, Ilocos Norteconducted by joint elements of IlocosNorte <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), CIS members of Ilocos Norte and Laoag City PS by virtue43
of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Perla B Querubin of RTC, FJR, Br 11, Laoag City,Ilocos Norte dated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 4, 2012 in CC Nr. 15322 for Acts of Lasciviousnessunder Art 336 of the RPC in relation <strong>to</strong> RA 7610 with recommended bail bondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php36,000.00 each for their temporary liberty.142) Arrest of Amalia S. Ravelo, 50 yrs old, resident ofBrgy Tanqui, Gabaldon, San Fernando City, La Union at about9:30 AM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 10, 2012 at Brgy Ballogo, Bacnotan, LaUnion conducted by joint elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> andBacnotan MPS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Carli<strong>to</strong> A.Corpuz of RTC, FJR, Br 27, San Fernando City, La Union datedFebruary 22, 2012 in CC Nr. 9336 for ESTAFA withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for hertemporary liberty.143) Arrest of Robert A. Reg @ “Bogart”, 34 yrs old, resident of Brgy V,Vigan City, Ilocos Sur at about 4:36 AM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 12, 2012 at Sitio Nagpasingan,Brgy Bangbangcag, Bucay, Abra conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong>,Ilocos Sur Provincial Intelligence Team (ISPIT) and RPSB-PRO COR by virtue ofAlias Warrants of Arrest issued by Hon. Judge Cecilia Corazon S. Dulay-Archogof RTC, FJR, Br 21, Vigan City dated February 24, 2012 in CC Nr. 6729-V forESTAFA and dated September 3, 2012 in CC Nr. 7058-V for Theft withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php16,000.00 (ESTAFA) andPhp24,000.00 (Theft), respectively.144) Arrest of Venancio B. Diwayan, 47 yrs old, resident of PurokMagsaysay, Loakan, Baguio City at about 10:45 AM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 17, 2012 at NotreDame Hospital, Upper Gen. Luna Rd, Baguio City conducted by joint elements ofUrdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>, CIS member of Urdaneta City and CAR <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue ofAlias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Ma. Ellen M Aguilar of RTC, FJR, Br 70, Burgos,Pangasinan dated May 25, 2006 in CC Nr. B-345 for Violation of PD1866 asamended by RA 8294 with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php80,000.00for his temporary liberty.145) Arrest of Venancio B. Diwayan, 47 yrs old, resident of PurokMagsaysay, Loakan, Baguio City at about 3:00 PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 18, 2012 at RTC,Br 70, Burgos, Pangasinan conducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, CISmember of Urdaneta City, PIB, Pangasinan PPO and CAR <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Ma. Ellen M Aguilar of RTC, FJR, Br 70, Burgos,Pangasinan in CC Nr. B-346 for Attempted Trespass <strong>to</strong> Dwelling. Investigationdisclosed that at about 10:45 AM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 17, 2012, joint elements of UrdanetaCity <strong>CIDG</strong>, CIS member of Urdaneta City, PIB, Pangasinan PPO and CAR <strong>CIDG</strong>conducted police operation that resulted <strong>to</strong> the arrest of above-named person byvirtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Ma. Ellen M Aguilar of RTC, FJR, Br 70,Burgos, Pangasinan dated May 25, 2006 in CC Nr. B-345 for Violation ofPD1866 as amended by RA 8294 with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php80,000.00 for his temporary liberty.When the accused presented <strong>to</strong> RTC, Br. 70, Burgos, Pangasinan fordisposition it was found out that arrested person has another standing W/A issued44
y Hon. Judge Ma. Ellen M Aguilar of RTC, FJR, Br 70, Burgos, Pangasinan inCC Nr. B-346 for Attempted Trespass <strong>to</strong> Dwelling, hence, it was served <strong>to</strong> thearrested accused.146) Arrest of Grace H. Sindol, 38 yrs old, resident of168 Pagasa Village, Arellano Street, Dagupan City, Pangasinanat about 12:30 PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 22, 2012 at Arellano Street,Dagupan City, Pangasinan conducted by elements of DagupanCity <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Florentino R.Dumlao of RTC, Br 42, Dagupan City, Pangasinan datedOc<strong>to</strong>ber 22, 2012 in CC Nr. 2012-0500-D for ESTAFA withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php16,000.00 for hertemporary liberty.147) Arrest of JO1 Gloria F. Manzano, 29 yrs old, resident of Brgy SanClemente, Magsingal, Ilocos Sur at about 3:02 PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 22, 2012 at BJMPOffice, Bantay, Ilocos Sur conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong>, IlocosSur Provincial Intelligence Team, PIB, Ilocos Sur and Bantay MPS by virtue ofAlias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Tita S. Obinario of RTC, FJR, Br 45, UrdanetaCity, Pangasinan in CC Nrs. 16549 and 16538for Qualified Theft thru Falsification of PrivateDocuments with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 and Php30,000.00for her temporary liberty.148) Arrest of Jose E. Domondon, 34yrs old, resident of Bayanihan Village,Caranglaan District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan atabout 5:40 AM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 23, 2012 atCaranglaan District, Dagupan City, Pangasinanconducted by joint elements of Dagupan City<strong>CIDG</strong> and Dagupan City PS by virtue of Alias W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Teodoro V. Fernandez ofRTC, Br 38, Lingayen, Pangasinan dated August29, 2012 in CC Nr. C-9380 for Highway RobberyPho<strong>to</strong> showing PO3 Roosevelt DeVera of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> (wearingblack sweat shirt) while conductingfingerprint <strong>to</strong> the arrested accusedJose Domondon)with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php30,000.00 for his temporaryliberty.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO2 Ariel P Estebanof Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> in blue <strong>CIDG</strong>sweat shirt during the actual arrest ofthe accused Jonathan Salvador.45
149) Arrest of Jonathan V. Salvador, 30 yrs old, resident of BrgyNancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 12:30 PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 24, 2012conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> and CIS members of UrdanetaCity, Pangasinan by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Efren B Tienzo of RTC,FJR, Br 49, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan in CC Nrs. U-18296 & 18297 for Violationof RA 9262 with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00 each for histemporary liberty.150) Arrest of Fermin D. Mendoza, 56 yrs old, resident of Brgy Turac,San Carlos City, Pangasinan. at about 11:50 AM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 25, 2012 conductedby joint elements of Dagupan <strong>CIDG</strong> and San Carlos City PS by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Edelwina C Pas<strong>to</strong>ral, Presiding Judge RTC, Br.56 San Carlos Citydated 24 November 2000 in CC No.3208 for Homicide with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php200,000.00 for his temporary liberty.151) Arrest of Reymund R. Mamuad, 25 yrs old, resident of Brgy.Peralta, Dingras, Ilocos Norte at about 2:45 PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 24, 2012 conducted byjoint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) and Dingras PS by virtue of W/Aissued by Hon. Judge Conrado A. Ragucos of RTC, FJR, Br 16, Laoag City datedOc<strong>to</strong>ber 22, 2012 in CC Nr. 15345-16 for Theft with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php20,000.00 for his temporary liberty.152) Arrest of Reynante Z. Estavillo, 43 yrs old, resident of Brgy.Bugnay, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte at about 5:45 PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 25, 2012conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) and San NicolasMPS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Isidoro T Pobre of RTC, FJR, Br 18,Batac City dated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 22, 2012 in CC Nr. 4886-18 for Violation of RA 6539(Violation of Anti-Carnapping Act of 1972) with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php180,000.00 for his temporary liberty.153) Arrest of Claro U Budol, 27 yrs old, resident of Brgy Pantal,Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 3:30 PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 30, 2012 conducted byelements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. JudgeSantiago J. Marcella, Jr of MTCC, Br 3, Dagupan City, Pangasinan dated June26, 2012 in CC Nr. 51867 for Reckless Imprudence Resulting <strong>to</strong> SeriousPhysical Injuries and Damage <strong>to</strong> Property with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php10,000.00 for his temporary liberty.154) Arrest of Efren F. Acuna, Jr, 22 yrs old, resident of Brgy Pantal,Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 7:30 PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 31, 2012 at Brgy StaRosa, Binmaley, Pangasinan conducted by elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> byvirtue of Alias W/A issued by Hon. Judge Caridad V. Galvez of RTC, Br 43,Dagupan City, Pangasinan dated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 23, 2013 in CC Nr. 2012-0553-D forConsented Abduction with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php10,000.00 for his temporary liberty.155) Arrest of Blas S. De Guzman, 56 yrs old, resident of Bolingit, SanCarlos City, Pangasinan at about 5:30 PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 30, 2012 at Brgy RoxasBlvd, San Carlos City, Pangasinan conducted by joint elements of Dagupan City46
<strong>CIDG</strong> and San Carlos City PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge A.Florentino, Jr of RTC, Br 32, Agoo, La Union dated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 23, 2012 in CC Nr. A-5062 for Qualified Theft (For the Service of his Sentence).156) Arrest of Rena<strong>to</strong> D. Ferrer, 42 yrs old, resident of Brgy Alarcio,Laoac,Pangasinan at about 3:05 AM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 30, 2012 at Brgy Nilombot,Mapandan, Pangasinan conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> (leadunit) and Mapandan MPS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Evelyn AtienzaTurla of RTC, 3rd Judicial Región, Br 40, Palayan City dated February 2, 2012 inCC Nr. 2207-P-12 for Violation of PD 705 (Illegal Logging) with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for his temporary liberty.157) Arrest of Ramon C. Mencias, 54 yrs old, resident of No. 6, DelPrado st., Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 10:30 AM of November6, 2012 at Brgy Poblacion, Mapandan, Pangasinan conducted by joint elements ofUrdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), CIS members of Pangasinan, Alcala PS andMapandan MPS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Manuel F. Pas<strong>to</strong>r of RTC,FJR, Br 50, Villasis, Pangasinan dated July 30, 2012 in CC Nrs. V-1699 & V-1700for ESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 eachfor his temporary liberty.158) Arrest of Joeffrey E. Bayaca, 35 yrs old, resident of Brgy.Talospatang, Malasiqui, Pangasinan at about 1:30 PM of November 11, 2012 atQuezon Boulevard, Malasiqui, Pangasinan conducted by elements of DagupanCity <strong>CIDG</strong> and CIS members of Pangasinan by virtue of W/A issued by Hon.Susana T. Baua, Presiding Judge of RTC, Branch 57, San Carlos City,Pangasinan in CC Nr. SCC-5573 dated September 29, 2009 for ESTAFA withrecommended bail bond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php30,000.00 for his temporary liberty.159) Arrest of Nova M. Cuaresma, 32 yrs old, resident of BrgyNagbunga, San Marcelino, Zambales at about 6:10 PM of November 13, 2012conducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) <strong>to</strong>gether with CISmembers, San Marcelino PS and Zambales <strong>CIDG</strong>, 3RCIDU by virtue of Warrantsof Arrest issued by Hon. Judge Mona Lisa V Tiongson-Tabora of RTC, Br26, SanFernando City, La Union under CC No. 7199 with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php42,000.00;, CC Nr. 7276 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php30,000.00, CC Nrs. 7312, 7315, 7316, 7317, 7319, 7324, 7323, 7328, 7330,7332, 7334, 7338, 7339 & 7340 with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php24,000.00 each; Warrants of Arrest issued by Hon. Judge vic<strong>to</strong>r M. Viloria ofRTC, Br, 28, San Fernando City, La Union under CC No. 7320 with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00; Warrants of Arrest issued by Hon. JudgeRobert T Cawed of RTC, Br. 29, San Fernando City, La Union under CC Nrs.7214 with bail bond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php30,000.00, CC Nr. 7218 with bail bondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00, CC Nr. 7219 with bail bond of Php30,000.00, CC Nr.7227 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00, CC Nr. 7259 with bail bond ofPhp24,000.00, CC Nr. 7283 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00, CC Nr.7290 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00, CC Nr. 7310 with bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00, CC Nr. 7311 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php24,000.00, CC Nr. 7322 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00, CC Nr.47
7326 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php42,000.00, CC Nr. 7331 with bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00, CC Nr. 7335 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php30,000.00; Warrants of Arrest issued by Hon. Judge Adolfo F Alagar of RTC,Br. 66, San Fernando City, La Union under CC No. 7200 withNO bail bondrecommended, CC Nr. 7265 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00, CC Nr.7273 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00, CC Nr. 7279 with bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00, CC Nr. 7285 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php30,000.00, CC Nr. 7318 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00, CC Nr.7325 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php30,000.00, CC Nr. 7337 with bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00, CC Nr. 7282 with bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php24,000.00 for Qualified Theft (39 counts). Arrested wanted person wasbrought <strong>to</strong> Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation prior <strong>to</strong> turn-over <strong>to</strong>the issuing court.160) Arrest of Vivian D. Molina, 45 yrs old, resident of Brgy Navatat,Basista, Pangasinan at about 7:20 AM of November 15, 2012 conducted byelements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) <strong>to</strong>gether with CIS members by virtueof Warrant of Arrest issued by Hon. Judge Hermogenes C. Fernandez of RTC, Br56, San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated November 6, 2012 in CC Nr. SCC-6352for ESTAFA with recommended bail bond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php60,000.00 for hertemporary liberty.161) Arrest of Jesse Steward L. Ong, 32 yrs old, resident of Mangin,Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 8:30 AM of November 16, 2012 conducted byjoint elements of Eastern <strong>Police</strong> District and Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (support unit) byvirtue of Bench Warrant of Arrest issued by Hon. Judge Danilo S. Cruz of RTC,NCJR, Branch 152, Pasig City in CC Nr. 146955-Psg for ESTAFA ThruFalsification of Public Documents dated November 12, 2012. Subject wantedperson was released at about 1:00 PM of same date after presenting a CourtOrder issued by Hon Judge Danilo S Cruz of RTC, NCJR, Br 152, Pasig Citylifting the Bench Warrant of Arrest against the above-named suspect.162) Arrest of Herminigildo S. Galgalan, 61 yrs old, resident of Brgy. 19,Napu, Badoc, Ilocos Norte at about 7:40 PM of November 19, 2012 conducted byjoint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), CIS members and Badoc PS byvirtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Isidoro T. Pobre of RTC, FJR, Br 18, BatacCity dated November 19, 2012 in CC Nr. 4895-18 for Frustrated Parricide withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php200,000.00 for his temporary liberty.163) Arrest of Cristina P. Rivera, 30 yrs old, resident of Si<strong>to</strong> Para<strong>to</strong>ng,Brgy. Poblacion, Bacnotan, La Union at about 11:30 AM of November 26, 2012conducted by joint elements of Bacnotan PS (lead unit) and La Union <strong>CIDG</strong>(support unit) by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Asuncion Fikingas-Mandia ofRTC Br 7, Baguio City dated November 22, 2012 in CC Nr. 33692-R for ESTAFAwith recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php100,000.00 for her temporaryliberty.164) Arrest of Felicidad Q. De Vera, 65 yrs old, resident of Perez St.,Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 1:30 PM of November 29, 201248
conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> <strong>to</strong>gether with CIS members byvirtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge Elizabeth Berdal of RTC, Br 47, UrdanetaCity, Pangasinan dated September 6, 2012 in CC Nr. U-18324 for ESTAFA withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php26,000.00 for her temporary liberty.165) Arrest of Andres B. Mumar, 42 yrs old, resident of Brgy Bacag,Villasis, Pangasinan at about 3:30 PM of December 11, 2012 at Brgy Sta Teresa2 nd , Lubao, Pampanga conducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (leadunit), CIS members, Pampanga <strong>CIDG</strong> and Bulacan <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue of W/A issuedby Hon. Judge Manuel F. Pas<strong>to</strong>r, Jr of RTC, FJR, Br 50, Villasis, Pangasinandated August 2, 2011 in CC Nr. V-1277 for Frustrated Murder withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php200,000.00 for his temporary liberty.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing CINSP MODESTO F CARRERA, Provincial Officer of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> in polo t-shirtwith stripes during the successful arrest of the accused Andres B. Mumar, 42 yrs old in white sandoatabout 3:30 PM of December 11, 2012 at Brgy Sta Teresa 2 nd , Lubao, Pampanga by virtue of W/A issued byHon. Judge Manuel F. Pas<strong>to</strong>r, Jr of RTC, FJR, Br 50, Villasis, Pangasinan dated August 2, 2011 in CC Nr.V-1277 for Frustrated Murder with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php200,000.00 for histemporary liberty.166) Arrest of Romulo J. Ascado, 37 yrs old, residen<strong>to</strong>f Brgy. 14, Bungon, Batac City, Ilocos Norte at about 10:20AM of December 12, 2012 conducted by joint elements ofIlocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), CIS members, San Nicolas PSand Batac PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. Judge FranciscoRD Quilala of RTC, FJR, Br 14, Batac City, Ilocos Norte datedDecember 6, 2012 in CC Nr. 15387-14 for Carnapping withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php180,000.00 for histemporary liberty.167) Arrest of Alex M. Bar<strong>to</strong>lome, 46 yrs old,resident of Brgy. 4, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte at about 4:00 PMof December 12, 2012 conducted by elements of Ilocos Norte<strong>CIDG</strong> and CIS members by virtue of W/A issued by Hon.Judge Perla B Querubin of RTC, FJR, Br 11, Laoag City,Ilocos Norte dated November 29, 2012 in CC Nr. 15373 forViolation of Sec. 5e(2) of RA 9262 with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php24,000.00 for his temporary liberty.49
168) Arrest of Henry A. Centino, 54 yrs old, resident of Malued District,Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 10:30 AM of December 15, 2012 at LucaoDistrict, Dagupan City, Pangasinan conducted by joint elements of Dagupan City,CIS members and Dagupan City PS by virtue of W/A issued by Hon. JudgeFlorentino R. Dumlao of RTC, FJR, Branch 42, Dagupan City, Pangasinan datedNovember 26, 2012 in CC Nr. 2012-0639-D for Frustrated Murder withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php200,000.00 for his temporaryliberty.169) Arrest of Sps. Albert A. Caluza &Gloria L. Caluza, residents ofBrgy Payocpoc Norte Weste, Bauang, La Union at about 9:30 AM of December21, 2012 conducted by elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> by virtue W/A issued by Hon.Judge Manuel B Sta Cruz of RTC Br 43, Quezon City dated May 8, 2012 in CCNr. 153601 for ESTAFA with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php2,000.00each for their temporary liberty. Arrested wanted persons were released from thecus<strong>to</strong>dy of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> after posting the required bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php2,000.00 each before the RTC, Br 28, San Fernando City, La Union.Investigation of Heinous and Sensational CasesNO. OF HEINOUS CRIMES INVESTIGATED - 39SOLVED - 39UNDER INVESTIGATION - -CRIME SOLUTION EFFICIENCY - 100%NO. OF SENSATIONAL CASES INVESTIGATED - -SOLVED - -UNDER INVESTIGATION - -CASE SOLUTION EFFICIENCY - -The following are the Sensational Cases and Heinous Crimes Solved: (justprovide the IS or CC Nos.)Heinous Crimes Solved:1) Filing of Rape case against Patrick M Sabiniano (27) before theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r's Office, Lingayen, Pangasinan docketed under NPS docketNr. I-01-INV-12A-00012 dated January 12, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the rape case filedby Ericka V Canilang (16) that transpired at about 12:00AM of December 4, 2011at their residence located at Bry. Bocboc, West Aguilar, Pangasinan. IOC- SPO2Elsa M Bergado2) Filing of Murder case against Walter Yadao y Barcancel beforethe Office of the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Laoag City dated January 17, 2012docketed under I-04-INV-12A-00017 in relation <strong>to</strong> the killing of SBM Randolf P.Magno that transpired at about 10:40 AM of April 21, 2011 at Brgy. 17, SanFelipe, Sarat, Ilocos Norte.50
3) Filing of Murder case against Carli<strong>to</strong> Madriaga y Marantan beforethe Office of the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated February 13, 2012docketed under IS Nr. I-14-INV-12B-00016 in relation <strong>to</strong> the killing of Alber<strong>to</strong>Areola y Patao (46) that transpired at about 8:20PM of February 6, 2012 at Brgy.Bulala, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur. IOC-SPO1 Samuel E Ballan4) Filing of Murder case against Roy Ramirez y Dulay and MelchorDulay before the Office of the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Rosales, Pangasinandocketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-01G-INV-12Co-00071 dated March 12, 2012 inrelation <strong>to</strong> the killing of PSSUPT PAULITO ALABANZA y SAGUBO, retired <strong>Police</strong>Officer, resident of Baguio City that transpired at about 12:40 PM of March 6,2012 at the New Rosales Coliseum (cockpit Arena) Brg. Casanicolasan, Rosales,Pangasinan. IOC SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo, Jr.5) Filing of Robbery with Homicide case against Jomar Corpuz, JohnDoe and Peter Doe before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>rs Office, Vigan City, IlocosSur docketed under NPS # I-03-INV-12D-00145 in relation <strong>to</strong> the incidenttranspired at about 5:30 PM of March 15, 2012 at Brgy Olo-olo, Santiago, IlocosSur wherein the victims were identified as Eligio Galvan y Elgarico (victim)/Edward Galvan (complainant).6) Filing of Robbery with Double Homicide and Attempted Murdercases against Reynaldo Agnes, Florentino UBBI y Sibbu; Nonoy Tiglay andNelson Agnes before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r's Office, Marcos Hall of Justice,Laoag City docketed under NPS Nr. I-04-INV-12D-00143 dated April 11, 2012 inrelation <strong>to</strong> the shooting incident transpired at about 7:00PM of April 3, 2012 atBrgy. #13, Sitio Cabua-an, Caestebanan, Banna, Ilocos Norte wherein the victimswere identified as Anita Ucol y Silvano, 61 years old, married and his grandson,Norieli<strong>to</strong> Ucol y Silvano, 21 years old, single, farmer. IOC PO2 Warren DLacangan7) Filing of Murder case against Diosdado Tobias @ Dado before theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Lingayen, Pangasinan on April 16, 2012 docketedunder NPS Docket Nr. 01-01d-INV-12D-00146 in relation <strong>to</strong> the incident transpiredat about 9:00 AM of April 7, 2012 at Brgy. Bacabac, Bugallon, Pangasinanwherein the victim was identified as Cesar ARCE y Barre<strong>to</strong>, 59 years old, married,farmer, resident of Brgy. Laguit Padilla, Bugallon, Pangasinan. IOC PO2 ReyjeneTandoc Roque of Bugallon PS and SPO1 Guimanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan with CP Nr.092875797118) Filing of Murder case against Arnold Lopez y dela Cruz before theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Lingayen, Pangasinan on April 16, 2012 docketedunder NPS Docket Nr. 01-01d-INV-12D-00144 in relation <strong>to</strong> the incident transpiredat about 6:35 AM of April 2, 2012 at Brgy. Salasa, Bugallon, Pangasinan whereinthe victim was identified as Jelly Aquino y Torio, 19 years old, single, resident ofBrgy. Bantayan, Lingayen, Pangasinan. IOC PO2 Reyjene Tandoc Roque ofBugallon PS and SPO1 Guimanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan with CP Nr. 0928757971151
9) Filing of Murder case against Christian N Narag before the CityProsecu<strong>to</strong>r's Office, Dagupan City docketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-10-INQ-12D-00074 in relation <strong>to</strong> the incident transpired at about 10:00 PM of April 15, 2012 atWaste Management & Eco Park, Bonuan, Boquig, Dagupan City, Pangasinanwherein the victim was identified as Lanereon Gonzales y Manaois, 46 years old,married, jobless, maaried and a resident of #22 Gonzales St., Bonuan Boquig,Dagupan City. IOC SPO1 Guimanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan with CP Nr. 0928757971110) Filing of Murder case against Napoleon Ylarde y Cabuslay beforethe Office of the Clerk of Court, Regional Trial Court, Tayug, Pangasinan datedApril 20, 2012 docketed under CC Nr. T-5343 in relation <strong>to</strong> the incident transpiredat about 7:30 PM of April 19, 2012 at Brgy. Tocatec, Tayug, Pangasinan whereinthe victim was identified as Clarita Bacerra y Marron, 61 years old, married and aresident of Brgy. Mabini, San Quintin, Pangasinan. IOC SPO1 Maximo CJavonillo, Jr11) Filing of Parricide case against Corazon Casco y Moya before theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r's Office, Rosales, Pangasinan dated May 4, 2012 docketedunder NPS docket Nr. I-01g-INV-12E-00112in relation <strong>to</strong> the shooting incident thattranspired at about 5:30PM of May 2, 2012 at Brgy. Salvacion, Rosales,Pangasinan wherein the victim identified as Alfred Casco y Moya, 66 years old,married, retired nurse, husband of the suspect and a resident of #618 MendozaSt., District 4, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija. IOC SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo, Jr12) Filing of Murder case against Jessly Tugadi @ Tikong and JohnDoes before the Office of the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Vigan City, Ilocos Surdocketed under NPS docket Nr. I-03-INV-12E-00204 dated May 7, 2012 inrelation <strong>to</strong> the shooting incident transpired at about 9:10PM of January 31, 2012 atBrgy. Poblacion West, San Ildefonso Sur particularly in the vicinity of Doc<strong>to</strong>r RecelApartment wherein the victim identified as Anthony Que y Purisima @ Tony Boy,55 years old, married, former Vice Mayor of the municipality of S<strong>to</strong>. Domingo,Ilocos Sur and a resident of Brgy. Vacunero, S<strong>to</strong>. Domingo, Ilocos Sur. SuspectJessly Tugadi was identified based on the attached sworn statement given bywitness Mark Anthony Bragado y Par where he positively identified the suspectthrough pictures shown <strong>to</strong> him from the rogues’ gallery of San Ildefonso MPS. IOCSPO1 Samuel E Ballan of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> with CP Nr. 0917835783613) Filing of Rape in Relation <strong>to</strong> RA 7610 case against Rolenio Tugade@ “Bencing” before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Alaminos City docketedunder NPS docket nr. I-018-INQ-12E-0014 dated May 11, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> theincident transpired at about 2:00 AM of May 10, 2012 at Brgy. Tugui Norte, BaniPangasinan wherein the victim identified as Marites Veloria y Balmonte, 15 yearsold, single, HS student, and resident of same place. Suspect was arrested. IOCSPO2 Elsa M Bergado14) Filing of Murder case against Brgy. Capt. Eduardo de Vera of Brgy.Bog<strong>to</strong>ng, Malasiqui, Pangasinan before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, SanCarlos City, Pangasinan docketed under No.NPS Docket Nr. I-01C-INV-12E-0124dated May 17, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the shooting-<strong>to</strong>-death of Zaldy Garcia y52
Matabang, 39 years old, married, jobless, resident of Mabini St., Urbiz<strong>to</strong>ndo,Pangasinan that transpired at about 9:30PM of May 15, 2012, at Brgy. Bog<strong>to</strong>ng,Malasiqui, Pangasinan. IOC SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 0928757971115) Filing of Murder case against Brgy. Capt. Eduardo de Vera of Brgy.Bog<strong>to</strong>ng, Malasiqui, Pangasinan before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, SanCarlos City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-01C-INV-12E-0125dated May 17, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the shooting-<strong>to</strong>-death of Maribel LAMBINO yCallanta, 28 years old, married, housewife, resident of Sanggunian Village,Dagupan City, Pangasinan that transpired at about 9:30PM of May 15, 2012, atBrgy. Bog<strong>to</strong>ng, Malasiqui, Pangasinan. IOC SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan –0928757971116) Filing of Murder case against Jonathan Espira, Jomar Espira andJoshua Espira before the Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Justice Hall, Sevilla, Center, SanFernando City, La Union docketed under I.S. Nr. I-12-INV-12E-00350 dated May16, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the incident that transpired at about 6:40 AM of April 10,2012 at the La Union Provincial Nursery, San Fernando City, La Union whereinthe victim identified as one Angel Joy Valdez y Orque, 16 years old, second yearHS student. IOC SPO2 Augus<strong>to</strong> D Gacayan17) Filing of Murder case against Francis Abaya before the ProvincialProsecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office in Villasis, Pangasinan docketed under I.S. Nr. NPS-1-01F-INV-128-00092 dated May 22, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the shooting-<strong>to</strong>-death ofLeodivico Cocquia y Tangka, 70 years old, married, incumbent Brgy. Kagawadand resident of Brgy. Pan<strong>to</strong>l, Bayambang, Pangasinan that transpired at about12:15 PM of May 21, 2012 along the <strong>National</strong> Road of Brgy. Laoac, Alcala,Pangasinan. IOC SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo, Jr18) Filing of Rape in Relation <strong>to</strong> RA 7610 case against Andres Tuazony Zacarias before the Office of the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Lingayen, Pangasinandocketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-01-INV-12E-00209 dated May 23, 2012 inrelation <strong>to</strong> the incident that transpired at about 4:00PM of January 12, 2012 alongthe bridge of Brgy. Rosario, Lingayen, Pangasinan wherein the victim identified asJelyn Cardenas, 13 years old and a resident of Brgy. Rosario, Lingayen,Pangasinan. IOC SPO2 Elsa M Bergado19) Filing of Murder case against Dennis Delos San<strong>to</strong>s and three (3)John Does before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s, Dagupan City, Pangasinan docketedunder NPS Nr. 1-10-INQ-12F-00114 and subsequently an Information for thesame offense was filed before RTC, FJR, Family Court, Dagupan City docketedunder CC Nr. 2012-0283-D dated June 2, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the incidenttranspired at about 2:40 PM of June 1, 2012 at at Dagupan City <strong>National</strong> HighSchool (DCNHS) wherein the victim identified as Madelene Goyena y Hildama,14 years old, incoming 2nd year high school at DCNHS and a resident of CalarinRoad, Malued District, Dagupan City. IOC SPO1 Guimanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan with CPNr. 0928757971153
20) Filing of Murder case against Ariel Villanueva and Jose Marme<strong>to</strong> yMadarang before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r's Office, Alaminos City dated June 6,2012 docketed under NPS docket Nr. 1-01-b-INQ-12E-0010 in relation <strong>to</strong> theincident transpired at about 6:45AM of June 5, 2012 at Brgy. Maya, Infanta,Pangasinan wherein the victim identified as Crisos<strong>to</strong>mo Marme<strong>to</strong>, 82 yrs old, USCitizen/ Juanita Marme<strong>to</strong> (complainant). IOC SPO1 Guimanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan withCP Nr. 0928757971121) Filing of Murder case against Dominador J ORIAS a.k.a. “Doming”before the RTC – OCC, Tayug, Pangasinan docketed under CC# T-5308 datedJuly 11, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the shooting incident transpired at about 12:40 PM ofJuly 10, 2012 at Brgy. Baracbac, Umingan, Pangasinan wherein the victimidentified as Ferdinand DOMINGO y Laungayan, 38 years old, married, farmer,resident of said place. IOC SPO1 Guimanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan with CP Nr.0928757971122) Filing of Murder and Frustrated Murder cases against Aries Simonbefore the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Balaoan, La Union docketed under NPSNr. I-02C-INQ-12G-002 dated July 12, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the shooting incidenttranspired at about 9:15 PM of July 9, 2012 at Brgy. Can<strong>to</strong>ria #4, Luna, La Unionwhich resulted <strong>to</strong> the killing of Aida Nobleza y Nerona, 55 years old and woundingof Brgy. Captain Vic<strong>to</strong>riano Nobleza y Sabado, 59 years old, married; his wife;Jerwin Nobleza y Nerona, 20 years old, single and Joanne Abalos y Nobleza, 25years old, married. IOC- SPO1 Samuel E Ballan of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> with CP Nr.0917-835783823) Filing of Murder case against Rogelio de Luna @"Oming and OniAragon, both residents of Brgy Palong, and Lepa, Malasique, Pangasinan beforethe PPO, San Carlos City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS Docket No. I-01C-INV-12H-0199 dtd August 3, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the shooting incident thattranspired at about 9:40 PM of July 28, 2012 at Brgy Cabatling, Malasiqui,Pangasinan wherein the victim identified as Felix Felicisimo Pata. IOC- SPO1Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan24) Filing of Robbery with Homicide case against Giobelle Cariño andone John DOE before the PPO, Dagupan City, Pangasinan docketed under NPSDocket No. I-01D-INV-12H-0034 dtd August 3, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the robberyincident of Western Money Transfer located at Rizal Avenue, Brgy Poblacion,Mangaldan, Pangasinan at about 12:20 PM of July 28, 2012. Suspects shot thevictim Mynie Fe dela Cruz, a Cus<strong>to</strong>mer Service representative of saidestablishment with the use of cal .38 when she refused <strong>to</strong> give the money insidethe counter. IOC- SPO1 Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan25) Filing of Murder and Frustrated Murder cases against ClarenceBautista and Raymart Ladera before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, LaoagCity docketed under IS Nr. I-04-INQ-12H-00067 and subsequently an informationfor same cases was filed on August 4, 2012 before FJR, RTC, Batac Citydocketed under CC Nrs. 4875 and 4876 in relation <strong>to</strong> the killing of Efren Villa YMiranda, 52 years old, married, seaman and and wounding of his daughter54
identified as Joy Jansen Villa Y Magbual, 22 years old, single, nurse, bothresidents of Brgy. #2 Garreta, Badoc, Ilocos Norte transpired at about 12:45 AM ofAugust 1, 2012 at said place. IOC- SPO1 Jaime S Cadoy of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong>with CP Nr: 0999-550445526) Filing of Murder case against Six<strong>to</strong> Nievas y Nanat before the CityProsecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Alaminos City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-08-INV-12H-142 dated August 14, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the shooting incident thattranspired at about 10:00 PM of August 11, 2012 at the premises of HiddenParadise Videoke Bar located at Brgy. Amandiego, Alaminos City, Pangasinanwherein the victim identified as Reynaldo Sagana Y Espanya, 42 years old,married, resident of Brgy Bobong, Agno, Pangasinan and incumbent Brgy.Captain/ABC President of Agno, Pangasinan. Special Investigation Task Group(SITG) “SAGANA” , SPO3 Rex Tamayo and SPO1 Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan27) Filing of Murder case against Joey Sia y Dalayap and John Doesbefore the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r's Office, Marcos Hall of Justice, Laoag Citydocketed under NPS Nr. I-04-INV-12H-00332 dated August 16, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong>the shooting incident that transpired at about 11:10AM of August 13, 2012 at Brgy.Fortuna, Marcos, Ilocos Norte wherein the victim identified as Brgy Kgwd CenonFelipe Lazo y Rumbaoa, 62 years old, married and a resident of theaforementioned place. IOC- SPO1 Jaime S Cadoy of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> with CPNr: 0999-550445528) Filing of Murder and Frustrated Murder cases against BasilioYadao and Hadley Tapuro y Ines before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office,Marcos Hall of Justice, Laoag City docketed under NPS docket Nr. I-04-INV-12H-0032 in relation <strong>to</strong> the killing of Beni<strong>to</strong> Laeno y Pagat 32, years old, married and aresident of the aforementioned place and wounding of his five (5) yrs old son thattranspired at about 4:25PM of July 27, 2012 at Sitio Danao, Brgy. Sta Cruz Norte,Badoc, Ilocos Norte.29) Filing of Murder case against Rommel Fortuno y Tamayo before theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r's Office, Dagupan City, Pangasinan docketed under NPSDocket Nr. I-01d-INV-12H-3015 dated August 22, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the killing ofAlber<strong>to</strong> Castro y Villanueva that transpired at about 8:55AM of August 19, 2012along the Highway of Brgy. Cayanga, San Fabian, Pangasinan.30) Filing of Murder and Carnapping cases against John KennethUlpindo @ Janno before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, San Fernando City, LaUnion docketed under NPS Nr. I-12-INV-12I-00614 dated September 4, 2012 inrelation <strong>to</strong> the incident that transpired at about 3:45 AM of September 1, 2012 atthe Manna Residences located at Brgy. Pagdar-aoan, San Fernando City, LaUnion wherein the victim identified as Dr. Emilio Joven y Velasco, 72 years, singleand Medical Surgeon of Lorma Medical Center located at Carlatan, San FernandoCity, La Union. IOC- SPO1 Samuel E. Ballan of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> - 0917-835783831) Filing of Murder case against Vic<strong>to</strong>r Valdez before the Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r'sOffice, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed under NPD docket Nr. I-01e-INV-12J-55
0455 dated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 12, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the incident that transpired at about1:35 PM of July 25, 2012 at Brgy. Pantal, Manaoag, Pangasinan wherein thevictim identified as Mateo Estrada y Amejo.32) Filing of Murder case against Joel Naniong before the Office of theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan under NPS Docet Nr. 101-inq-12j-00126 dated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 30, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the incident that transpired atabout 3:40PM, Oct. 29, 2012 along the Provincial Road of Brgy. Amagbagan,Pozorrubio, Pangasinan wherein the victim identified as Bernardo Bravo yPartible, 52 years old, married, incumbent Brgy. Kagawad and a resident of Brgy.Dilan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan. IOC- PO3 Aris<strong>to</strong>n Noval II33) Filing of Murder case against Rogelio Callebo, Jr (arrested) beforethe Office of the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur docketed under NPSNr. 1-03-INQ-125-00119 in relation <strong>to</strong> the incident that transpired at about 10:25PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 24, 2012 at Brgy. Fuerte, Caoayan, Ilocos Sur wherein the victimidentified as Brgy. Kagwad Nomil Quias y Melmida, 41 years old. IOC- PO2Warren D Lacangan of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> with CP Nr. 0915-781417034) Filing of Murder case against Jayson Delos San<strong>to</strong>s y Fernandobefore the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, San Fernando City, La Union docketedunder NPS Docket Nr. I-02a-INV-12K-00877 dated November 15, 2012 by LaUnion <strong>CIDG</strong> in coordination with La Union <strong>Police</strong> Provincial Office which headedthe SITG GAYO in relation <strong>to</strong> the incident that transpired at about 9:10AM ofOc<strong>to</strong>ber 29, 2012 at Brgy. Consolacion, Agoo, La Union wherein the victimidentified as Atty. Lazaro Gayo y Cabalitazan, 62 years old, married, a candidatefor Board Member (Independent) of the Province of La Union and a resident ofBrgy. Garcia, Tubao, La Union.35) Filing of Murder case against Artemio Gamboa y Laureta, Jr andJorge R. Ventura @ “Bayong" before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Urdaneta Citydocketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-01e-INV-12K-00498 in relation <strong>to</strong> the incidentthat transpired at about 8:45PM of November 11, 2012 at Zone IV, Brgy.Caroscusan Sur, Asingan, Pangasinan wherein the victim identified as LordLaureta y Landingi.36) Filing of Double Murder case against Jay-ar DACALEN Y Rarangoland Brgy. Kagawad Aghel VILLANUEVA before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office,Laoag City docketed under NPS Number 104-INV-12K-00449 in relation <strong>to</strong> theincident that transpired at about 10:00 PM of November 18, 2012 at Brgy. Albano,Dingras, Ilocos Norte wherein the victims were identified as Jacky Andres Y Balilaand Dennis Padilla Y Revilla.37) Filing of Murder case against Nes<strong>to</strong>r Catacutan y Pichay before theOffice of the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur docketed under NPS Nr.1-03-INQ-12K-00140 in relation <strong>to</strong> the incident that transpired at about 9:20 PM ofNovember 25, 2012 at Brgy. Bayubay Sur, San Vicente, Ilocos Sur wherein thevictim was identified as Mario Reprima y Rosuman.56
38) Filing of Murder case against Mitsuaki Sa<strong>to</strong> and Dennis PadriganDumancan before the Office of the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Alaminos City, Pangasinandocketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-08-INQ-12L-014 dated December 3, 2012 inrelation <strong>to</strong> the killing of Tsu<strong>to</strong>mu Hiraga, 54 years old, married, Japanese <strong>National</strong>and a resident of Saitama, Japan, presently staying at Villa Milagrosa Hotellocated at Alaminos City wherein the incident transpired at about 12:30 PM ofDecember 1, 2012 at Camantiles Island (one of the islands in Hundred Island),Brgy. Pandan, Alaminos City, Pangasinan. SPO1 Guimanza B. Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan with CPNr 0915181832939) Filing of Murder case against Ricardo Legarda y Soriano andRichard Manuel y Tagbansa, both residents of GMA Cavite by SpecialInvestigation Task Group (SITG-Infanta) “MATINEZ” before the ProvincialProsecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Alaminos City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS. Nr. I-01b-INQ-12L-0022 dated December 18, 2012 in relation <strong>to</strong> the shooting incident thattranspired at about 2:45 PM of December 15, 2012 at Brgy. Ca<strong>to</strong>, Infanta,Pangasinan wherein the victim identified as Ruper<strong>to</strong> Martinez y Montero, 59 yearsold, and incumbent Municipal Mayor of Infanta, Pangasinan.PART III.Group’s Flagship Projects and LOI’s:CAMPAIGN AGAINST MISFITS, SCALAWAGS & “KOTONG” COPS:NO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - NoneNO. OF SUSPECTS:ARRESTED -KILLED -SURRENDERED -NO. OF CASES FILED -INTERNAL SECURITY OPERATIONSNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - -NO. OF CPP/ NPA:ARRESTED - -KILLED - -SURRENDERED - -NO. OF CASES FILED - -ANTI-KIDNAPPINGNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - -NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - -NO. OF SUSPECT/S KILLED - -57
Cockfighting Paraphernalia Two (2) pcs Calcula<strong>to</strong>r(Olympia& Casio); Seven (7) Bundles of paperlocally known as Papeli<strong>to</strong>s; Three(3) Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle (STX Mo<strong>to</strong>rcyclewith Plate Nr. 1209 AM, HondaWave Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle colored Redand Black without Plate Nr. &SYM Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle without PlateNr.and Jai-Alai papers containingnumbers, signs, and symbolsNO. OF CASES FILED - 10The following are the significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN “Roulette”:1) Confiscation of Php320.00 Cash Money Betsin different Denominations, One (1) Set of “SALISI” orDropball Table and the arrest of Michael B. Gaspar, 36 yrsold, resident of San Vicente, Sual, Pangasinan during policeoperation conducted by elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> ledby PI DAVE D FRONDA at about 5:00 PM of January 29,2012 at Brgy Seselangen, Sual, Pangasinan. Arrestedsuspect and the confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> DagupanCity <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation and disposition.Case for Violation of PD 1602 as amended by RA 9287was filed against the arrested suspect Michael B. Gaspar before the RTC,Lingayen, Pangasinan docketed under CC Nr. L-9382 dated January 30,2012. Inves-on-case SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan - 092875797112) Confiscation of Php920.00 Cash Money Bets in differentDenominations; One (1) “Salisi” Table and the arrest of Romano P. Emocling,resident of Bayawas, Polo, Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Roland S. Arangca,resident of Poblacion, Sual, Pangasinan &Jimmy A. Peralta, Jr, resident of BrgyPogo, Alaminos City, Pangasinan during police operation conducted by jointelements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong>, Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> and Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> atabout 3:55 PM of February 6, 2012 at Poblacion, Sual, Pangasinan. Case forViolation of PD 1602 as amended by RA 9287 was filed against the arrestedsuspects before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Lingayen, Pangasinandocketed under NPS NO. I-01-INQ-12B-00017. Inves-on-case SPO1Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan - 092875797113) Confiscation of Php1,354.00 Cash Money Bets in differentDenominations; Four (4) Fighting Cocks (1 dead); Five (5) pcs Gaffs (tari);Cockfighting Paraphernalia and the arrest of Rodrigo A. Pirante, residen<strong>to</strong>fBrgy San Vicente, Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Edwin C. Soliven, residen<strong>to</strong>fSual, Pangasinan, Alfredo S. Garcia, Jr, resident ofPolo, Alaminos City,Pangasinan &Carl Henson D. Domondon, resident ofPoblacion West, Sual,59
Pangasinan during police operation conducted by joint elements of Dagupan City<strong>CIDG</strong>, Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> and Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> at about 3:55 PM of February6, 2012 at Poblacion, Sual, Pangasinan. Arrested suspects and the confiscateditems were brought <strong>to</strong> Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation anddisposition. Case for Violation of PD 449 (Cockfighting Law) was filed againstthe arrested suspects before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Lingayen,Pangasinan docketed under NPS NO. I-01-INQ-12B-00018. Inves-on-caseSPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan - 092875797114) Confiscation of Php550.00 Cash Money Bets in differentDenominations; Seven (7) pcs. of ballpens; Papeli<strong>to</strong>s (Betting papers); Two(2) Stamp Pads; One (1) Rubber dater; One (1) Stapler; and One (1) smallbox of stapler wire and the arrest ofLeticia A. Carig, 42 yrs old, resident ofPlaridel, Tayug, Pangasinan, Tesie C. Molina, 52 yrs old, resident of Legaspi,Tayug, Pangasinan, Joseli<strong>to</strong> R. Castulo, 41 yrs old, resident of Legaspi, Tayug,Pangasinan, Marlo D. Manipon, 37 yrs old, resident of Magallanes, Tayug,Pangasinan, Peo A. Almuete, 47 yrs old, resident of Trenchera, Tayug,Pangasinan, Berli<strong>to</strong> B. Paramil, 47 yrs old, resident of Carriedo, Tayug,Pangasinan &Rodolf V. Ancheta, 63 yrs old, resident ofBrgy. C, Poblacion,Tayug, Pangasinan during police operation conducted by joint elements ofUrdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>, Tayug PS, SOG and PIB, Pangasinan PPO led by PCIMODESTO F CARRERA through CIS information at about 10:00 PM of February28, 2012 at Brgy Magallanes, Tayug, Pangasinan. Arrested suspects and theconfiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for properdocumentation and disposition. Case for Violation of PD 1602 as amended byRA 9287 was filed against the arrested suspects before the RTC, Br 51,Tayug, Pangasinan docketed under CC Nr. T-5314 with recommendedbailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php20,000.00 each for their temporary liberty. Allaccused were released after posted the required bailbond. IOC SPO1Maximo C Javonillo, Jr 09154627725) Confiscation of Php 415.00 Cash Money Bets in differentDenominations; Assorted “Papeli<strong>to</strong>s” and the arrest of Paulino M. Agyapas,40 yrs old, resident of Brgy. Caoayan, Sugpon, Ilocos Sur, Freddie D. Dayag, 41yrs old, resident of Brgy. Banga, Sugpon, Ilocos Sur &Diego G. Badongan, 53yrs old, resident of Brgy.Danac, Sugpon, IlocosSur during policeoperation conducted byjoint elements of LaUnion <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCICESAR G PADAY-OS,PIB (S2), LUPPO andSudipen PS at about9:30 AM of February 29, 2012 at Brgy. Por-poriket, Sudipen, La Union. Case forViolation of PD 1602 as amended by RA 9287 was filed against the arrestedsuspects before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Balaoan, La Uniondocketed under IS Nr. I-02C-INQ-12B-00035 dated February 29, 2012. IOCSPO2 Augus<strong>to</strong> D Gacayan.60
6) Confiscation of Php4,188.00 CashMoney Bets in different Denominations; Eight (8)Linear Columnar Notebook with figures, signs &symbols; Two (2) Columnar Pads colored yellowwith figures, signs & symbols; Ten (10) pcs. ofballpens with different colors; One (1) Notebook(Golden cage); Three (3) Calcula<strong>to</strong>rs; SeveralPapeli<strong>to</strong>s with figures, signs & symbols; andRubber Bands and the arrest of Froilan S.Maghirang, 40 yrs old, resident of Brgy San Lorenzo,San Pablo, Laguna, Elmer M. Palacpac, 38 yrs old,resident of Brgy Magliba, San Fabian, Pangasinan,Edwin C An<strong>to</strong>nio, 48 yrs old, resident of Brgy Ludlud,Lipa City, Batangas &Doming M. Lopez, 49 yrs old,resident of Brgy Lusacan, Tiaong, Quezonduring police operationconducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG,Pangasinan PPO, PAIGTF PPO and San Fabian PS at about 5:00PM of May 3, 2012 at Brgy Longos, San Fabian, Pangasinan. Casefor Violation of PD 1602 as amended by RA 9287 was filedagainst the arrested suspects before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>rsOffice, Dagupan City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS I-01d-INQ-12E-00041 dated May 4, 2012. Thus, Assistant ProvincialProsecu<strong>to</strong>r Myla S. Malicdem found probable cause <strong>to</strong> indict the arrested personsfor Violation of PD 1602 as amended by RA 9287 and filed the Information beforethe RTC docketed under CC Nr. 2012-0226-D. IOC - SPO1 Guiamanza BLin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 0927636-0855Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the confiscated items/ evidences during police operation conducted by jointelements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG, Pangasinan PPO, PAIGTF PPO and San Fabian PS at about5:00 PM of May 3, 2012 at Brgy Longos, San Fabian, Pangasinan.7) Confiscation of Php753.00 Cash Money Bets in differentDenominations; One (1) Olympia calcula<strong>to</strong>r; One (1) Stapler; Three (3) pcsballpens; and Seven (7) Bundles of paper locally known as Papeli<strong>to</strong>s and thearrest of Rudy I. Ramos, 40 yrs old, Melvin B. Pagat, 37 yrs old and Robert T.Sagnet, 46 yrs old, all residents of Brgy Namruangan, Cabugao, Ilocos Surduringpolice checkpoint/ operation conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> (leadunit), Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> and Ilocos Sur PPSC at about 9:30 PM of September 23,61
2012 along the <strong>National</strong> Highway, Brgy Sta Cruz, Sinait, Ilocos Sur acting on thereport of Ilocos CIS that unidentified jueteng collec<strong>to</strong>rs onboard a colored RedHonda TMX and colored blue Honda Wave were moni<strong>to</strong>red collecting jueteng betsat different places of Cabugao, Ilocos Sur allegedly <strong>to</strong> be drawn on a movingvehicle. Case for Violation of PD 1602 as amended by RA 8297 was filedagainst the suspects Rudy I. Ramos, Melvin B. Pagat and Robert T. Sagnetbefore the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur docketedunder NPS # I-03-INQ-12I-00107 dated September 24, 2012. Inves-on-casePO2 Warren Lacangan - 091578141708) Confiscation of Php556.00 Cash Money Bets in differentDenominations; Jai-Alai papers containing numbers, signs, and symbols;Two (2) ball pens; and One (1) Casio calcula<strong>to</strong>r and the arrest of Eusebio D.Zacarias, 37 yrs old, resident of Brgy Estanza, Lingayen, Pangasinan duringpolice operation conducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, RID, PRO1and Lingayen PS at about 4:30 PM of September 26, 2012 at Brgy DomalandanEast, Lingayen, Pangasinan. Suspect was caught in the act of collecting/receivingJai-Alai money bet from his bet<strong>to</strong>r who managed <strong>to</strong> escape, without any permit oridentification card issued by Meridian Gaming Corporation. Arrested suspect andthe confiscated items is presently under the cus<strong>to</strong>dy of Lingayen PS. Case forViolation of PD 1602 as amended by Republic Act 9287 was filed againstEusebio ZACARIAS y Diaz before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office,Lingayen, Pangasinan docketed under NPS Docket No. I-01-INQ-11G-00076dated September 27, 2012. Inves-on-case PO3 Roosevelt D de Vera –093082180999) Confiscation of Php384.00 Cash Money Bets in differentDenominations; Nine (9) sets of Papeli<strong>to</strong>s containing two (2) numbercombination with corresponding bets; One (1) Ballpen colored orange; One(1) Honda Wave Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle colored Red and Black without Plate Nr. and thearrest of Jerick I. Urmaza at about 3:30 PM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 4, 2012 police operationon illegal gambling conducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead Unit),CIS member of Pangasinan, Malasiqui PS and PAIGTF, Pangasinan PPO at BrgyTalospatang, Malasiqui, Pangasinan. A case for Violation of PD 1602 asamended by RA 8297 was filed against the suspect Jerick I. Urmazabeforethe Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, San Carlos City, Pangasinan docketedunder NPS Docket Nr. I-OIC-INQ-12J-0257 and subsequently, an informationof same case was filed before the RTC, FJR, San Carlos City, Pangasinandocketed under CC Nr. SCC-635 dated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 5, 2012. Arrested person ispresently detained at Provincial Jail, Lingayen, Pangasinan.10) Confiscation of Php260.00 Cash Money Bets in differentDenominations; Papeli<strong>to</strong>s with marking Meridien Vesta Gaming Corporationwith written numbers and symbols; One (1) Ballpen colored black; One (1)STX Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle with Plate Nr. 1209 AM (confiscated from the possession ofEfipanio Fabia Sagun) and Php256.00 Cash Money Bets in differentDenominations; Assorted Papeli<strong>to</strong>s; One (1) Ballpen; One (1) SYMMo<strong>to</strong>rcycle without Plate Nr. (confiscated from the possession of Manueli<strong>to</strong>M. Abad)at about 11:00 AM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 16, 2012 during police operation on illegal62
gambling at Brgy San Isidro Sur, Binmaley, Pangasinan conducted by jointelements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, CIS member of Pangasinan, RID PRO1 andBinmaley PS. Arrested suspects and the confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong>Binmaley PS for proper documentation and disposition. Case for Violation ofSection 2, para G, in relation <strong>to</strong> para C, Section 3 of RA 9287 were filedagainst Efipanio Fabia Sagun and Manueli<strong>to</strong> Abad y Manuel before theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Lingayen, Pangasinan docketed under NPSDocket Nr.INQ-12V-00124 dated Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 17, 2012. Inves-on-case SPO1Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan - 09287579711CAMPAIGN AGAINST PRIVATE ARMED GROUPS & LOOSEFIREARMSNO. OF OPERATIONSCONDUCTEDNO. OF PERSONSARRESTEDNO. OF PERSONSKILLEDNO. OF FIREARMSSEIZED:HIGH-POWERED---- 24 One (1) Cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l with SN: 930682 One (1) unit Twelve (12) Gauge Shot gun(ARMSCOR) body guard model 30 with SN:865013 One (1) Cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l, ACP with SN:A1062741 (stainless/standard) One (1) Cal 5.56 (Armalite Rifle) with SN:9049885 One (1) Cal .30 Garand Rifle without SN One (1) cal .357 Magnum Pis<strong>to</strong>l without SN; One (1) cal .45 Armscor with SN: 1136300; One (1) Cal 5.56 M16 Baby Armalite (COLT)Rifle with SN: 9055671; One (1) Twelve Gauge Shotgun AKKARKARATAY TAKTIK with SN: 9552331; One (1) Cal .45 Armscor with SN: 1175299; One (1) Garand Rifle with defaced SN; One (1) HP 22 Pis<strong>to</strong>l with SN: 4176411 One (1) Ingram Machine Pis<strong>to</strong>l with SN 911877with marking “Interdynamic” Miami Fl. MODKG99 9MM Luger, closevolt version One (1) cal. 5.56 (Baby Armalite) ELISCO withSN: RP142370; One (1) Twelve Gauge Shotgun Browning withSN: B14386-marked A; One (1) Cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l (Norinco) bearing SN:906436;633331-
LOW-POWEREDHOMEMADENO. FIREARMSSEIZEDNO. OF EXPLOSIVE/SSEIZED One (1) Baby Amalite (M16) with SN: 184821; One (1) Twelve Gauge Shotgun (KARATAY)with SN: 152172; One (1) Cal .45 pis<strong>to</strong>l (Taurus) with SN:NUE52301; One (1) Cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l Reming<strong>to</strong>n with SN:125665; One (1) Unit INTRATEC 9MM Luger ModelTEC-KG9 machine Pis<strong>to</strong>l with SN: 748631 withattached silencerand One (1) Cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l Taurus with SN: NZH73684; One (1) M16 Armalite A1 Elisco Rifle withdefaced SN; One (1) cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l ARMSCOR with SN:1412948- 8 One (1) Caliber 9MM Pis<strong>to</strong>l without SN; One (1) cal .22 Rifle; One (1) cal .38 Revolver (Smith & Wesson)without SN One (1) Cal 9MM RUGGER P39 with SN: 309-71594 One (1) cal .38 without SN One (1) cal .38 with SN: 276135; One (1) Cal .38 Revolver Smith & Wessonwithout SN: and One (1) cal .22 magnum Revolver without SN9 One (1) cal .38 Paltic;- One (1) Twelve Gauge Shotgun (Homemade)with SN: 712860; and One (1) Twelve Gauge Shotgun (Homemade)without SN; One (1) cal 5.56 Homemade Pis<strong>to</strong>l One (1) Cal .38 Revolver (Smith & Wesson)“Homemade” w/o SN; One (1) Cal .22 Revolver Magnum(Homemade) Springfield bearing SN: 042057; One (1) Twelve (12) gauge Shotgun(Homemade) without SN: mark with RFV 123; One (1) cal .22 Pis<strong>to</strong>l Homemade without SN; One (1) Cal .22 rifle (converted) markedArmscor air rifle with SN 2365436441- One (1) Rifle Grenade; One (1) Fragmentation Grenade
NO. OF AMMUNITIONSEIZEDNO. OF MAGAZINESEIZEDOTHER ITEMSCONFISCATED-- One (1) MK IV Hand Grenade One (1) Hand Grenade One (1) MK II Fragmentation Grenade; One (1) pc MKII Grenade launcher (M79) One (1) Rifle Grenade and One (1) MK IV Hand Grenade1,775 rds Assorted Live Ammunitions6567 pcs Assorted magazines- One (1) FA plastic casing for Daewoo DP51 Three (3) Heat sealed plastic sachet containingwhite crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> beMethamphetamine Hydrochloride “SHABU”weighing more or less .6 grams with estimatedstreet value of Php7,080.00; Assorted Spent Shells Three (3) M16 rifle airsoft without permit; One (1) Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle Fury with PN2998 AI; One (1) unit Charade Sedan color blue withPN TLF 241 One (1) Housing Assembly for Colt M16Armalite Rifle with SN: 15388030; Two (2) Butt Springs for M16 Rifle; One (1) Butt Spring guide for M16 Rifle; One (1) Belt bag colored black for Short FA; Five (5) pcs Airsoft (4 pcs Airsoft Rifle, ModelMP5 SDG, M83 (Baby), M85, and 1 pc AirsoftPis<strong>to</strong>l, Model Glock (all the Airsoft confiscatedare unserviceable); Three (3) Holsters; Five (5) empty Shells for cal .45; One (1) box with Assorted Tools used inMachinery & repair of firearms One (1) steel butt for Ingram Machine Pis<strong>to</strong>l; One (1) pc. Magnetic Compass (US); Holster; Four (4) Empty Shell for cal .22; One (1) Baby Armalite Airsoft Rifle with one (1)magazine One (1) magazine pouch for M16 magazine; One (1) box Piccolo containing 200 pcs worthPhp1,600.00 and Thirty-five (35) pcs Bawang worth Php70.00.00NO. OF CASES FILED - 36The following are the significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN“Paglalansag Omega”:
1) Confiscation of One (1) cal .38 Paltic, Eight (8) rds LiveAmmunitions for cal .38 & Three (3) Heat sealed plastic sachet containingwhite crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be MethamphetamineHydrochloride “SHABU” weighing more or less .6 grams with estimatedstreet value of Php7,080.00during implementation of SW Nr. 37, S’ 2012 issuedby Hon Six<strong>to</strong> D Diompoc, Executive Judge of RTC, Br 72, Narvacan, Ilocos Surdated January 6, 2012 for Violation of RA 9165 under PDEA Control No. RO1-0112-00011 at the house/premises of Roger C. Cabrales @ Koreano (arrested)located at Brgy Purok A Bassit, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur at about 6:00 AM ofJanuary 10, 2012 conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCIARBEL C MERCULLO, Ilocos Sur PAIDSOG, Ilocos Sur PPO, PIB, Vigan City PS& PDEA, RO1. Records of separate cases for Violation of RA 8294 andViolation of Sec. 11 of RA 9165 was filed against the suspect Roger C.Cabrales @ Koreano before the Office of the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Vigan City,Ilocos Sur docketed under NPS Nr. I-14-INQ-12A-00002. IOC – PO3 Samuel EBallan – 091783578382) Confiscation of One (1) Cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l, ACP withSN: A1062741 (stainless/standard); Eleven (11) rds LiveAmmunitions for cal .45; Two (2) pcs magazines for cal .45;and Eighteen (18) pcs Spent Cartridges cases for cal .45during implementation of SW Nr. SCC-2012-01 issued by HonRena<strong>to</strong> D. Pinlac, Acting Executive Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 57,San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated January 11, 2012 forViolation of RA 8294 at the house/premises of Ulysis A. Bacani(arrested) located at Brgy Macabi<strong>to</strong>, Calasiao, Pangasinan at about 6:30 AM ofJanuary 12, 2012 conducted by joint elements of SATT2, Pangasinan CIDT led byPCI MODESTO F CARRERA, SOG, Pangasinan PPO and Calasiao PS. Arrestedsuspect and the confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> SATT2, Pangasinan CIDTlocated at Dagupan City, Pangasinan for proper documentation and disposition.Case for Violation of PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294 was filed against thearrested suspect Ulysis A. Bacani before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office,Dagupan City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-01d-INQ-12A-00008 and subsequently an information was filed before the Office of theClerk of Court, RTC, Dagupan City, Pangasinan docketed under CC Nr. 2012-0021-D.Accused was released by virtue of Order of Release issued by Hon.Genoveva Coching-Maramba, Executive judge, RTC, FJR, Br 44, Dagupan City,Pangasinan dated January 12, 2012 after posting the required bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php80,000.00 for his temporary liberty.IOC – SPO4 Dave D Fronda09299728316Pho<strong>to</strong> showing elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> whileconducting briefing before the troop’s jump-off at about5:30 o’clock in the morning of January 12, 2012. PO3Mario S de Guzman of Dagupan <strong>CIDG</strong>, who conductedsurveillance on the target area demonstrate/ show thelocation of the house of the respondent Ulysses Bacani.66
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PCI MODESTO F CARRERA andSPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan, while knocking at thedoor of the house of the subject Ulysses Bacani locatedat Bgy Macabi<strong>to</strong>, Calasiao, Pangasinan.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan in redpolo t-shirt while explaining <strong>to</strong> Brgy.Chairman Rober<strong>to</strong>Jorgio of Brgy. Macabi<strong>to</strong> Daniel Bacani, father of therespondent Ulysses BACANI the nature of the writ/ SW.The same was furnished a copy for their reference.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan whilesearching the black bag pack found inside the room ofrespondent Ulysses BACANI wherein the subjectfirearm was discovered. Said search was witness byBrgy. Chairman Rober<strong>to</strong> Jorgio of Brgy.Macabi<strong>to</strong> andthe respondent Ulysses Bacani <strong>to</strong>gether with SPO2Pacifico Padua of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SINSP LOVELL U DALISAY and INSPDAVE FRONDA while conducting inven<strong>to</strong>ry andpreparing the Certificate of Orderly and Receipt ofProperty Seized while Brgy. Chairman Rober<strong>to</strong> Jorgiolooks on.67
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PO3 Lorenzo Sabiniano of DagupanCity <strong>CIDG</strong> conducting fingerprint <strong>to</strong> the suspectUlysses BACANI.3) Confiscation of One (1) Cal 5.56 (Armalite Rifle) with SN:9049885; Twenty-one (21) rds. Live Ammunitions for cal 5.56; and One (1)pc. Long Magazine for cal 5.56 during implementation of SW Nr. SCC-2012-06issued by Hon Rena<strong>to</strong> D. Pinlac, Acting Executive Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 57, SanCarlos City, Pangasinan dated January 25, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at thehouse/premises of Andres G. Batara (arrested) located at Brgy Baracbac,Mangatarem, Pangasinan at about 11:25 AM of January 30, 2012. Suspect waspresently detained at Pangasinan Provincial Jail. Case for Violation of PD 1866as amended by RA 8294 was filed against the arrested suspect Andres G.Batara before the Regional Trial Court, Lingayen, Pangasinan docketedunder CC Nr. L-9383 dated January 30, 2012. IOC – SPO1 Guiamanza BLin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 0927636-08554) Confiscation of One (1) Cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l with SN: 930682; Twenty(20) rds Live Ammunitions for cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l; Eleven (11) rds LiveAmmunitions for cal 9MM Pis<strong>to</strong>l; One (1) pc magazine for cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l; andOne (1) FA plastic casing for Daewoo DP51 during implementation of SW Nr.2012-15 issued by Hon Rena<strong>to</strong> D. Pinlac, Vice Executive Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 57,San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated February 23, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 atthe house/premises of Bonifacio A. Sentinellar (arrested) located at BrgySalapingao, Dagupan City, Pangasinan at about 1:20 PM of February 24, 2012conducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, Dagupan City PS, SOG,RPSMB and PPSMC. Suspect posted the required bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong>Php80,000.00 for his temporary liberty. Case for Violation of PD 1866 asamended by RA 8294 was filed against the arrested suspect Bonifacio A.Sentinellar before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Dagupan City, Pangasinandocketed under CC Nr. 2012-0115-D dated February 25, 2012. SPO1Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 0927636-0855Shown are the confiscated evidences/items One (1) Cal .45Pis<strong>to</strong>l with SN: 930682; Twenty (20) rds Live Ammunitions forcal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l; Eleven (11) rds Live Ammunitions for cal 9MMPis<strong>to</strong>l; One (1) pc magazine for cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l; and One (1) FAplastic casing for Daewoo DP51 during implementation of SWNr. 2012-15 at the house/premises of Bonifacio A. Sentinellar(arrested) located at Brgy Salapingao, Dagupan City,Pangasinan at about 1:20 PM of February 24, 2012.68
(Left pho<strong>to</strong>) Showing SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan while conducting the on-site inven<strong>to</strong>ry on the seizeditems with presence of Brgy. Kagawad Albert Servantes of Brgy. Salapingao, Dagupan City after theimplementation of Search Warrant Number 2012-15 issued by Hon. Rena<strong>to</strong> D. Pinlac, Vice-ExecutiveJudge, RTC First Judicial Region, Branch 57, San Carlos City dated 23 February 2012. (Right pho<strong>to</strong>)Showing CINSP MODESTO F CARRERA, PO, Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (seated) while supervising thepreparation of documents by SPO1 Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan while SPO4 Teofilo Juanata & Brgy KgwdAlbert Servantes looks on.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing Brgy. Kagawad Albert Servantes inwhite t-shirt while read-through/ checking theReceipt of Property Seized and Certificate ofOrderly Search. CINSP MODESTO F CARRERA,PO, Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (wearing black polo t-shirt)and SPO1 Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan (wearing shades)looks on.Respondent Bonifacio SENTINELLAR y Ambeguiawhile affixing his signature <strong>to</strong> the Receipt ofProperty Seized and <strong>to</strong> the Certificate of OrderlySearch with the presence of Brgy. Kagawad AlbertServantes. Respondent duly received copy of thesame.5) Confiscation of One (1) unit Twelve (12) Gauge Shot gun(ARMSCOR) body guard model 30 with SN: 865013; and Nine (9) rds LiveAmmunitions for 12 gauge shot gun during implementation of SW Nr. U-001-2012 issued by Hon. Judge Tita Villarin of RTC, FJR, Br 46, Urdaneta City,Pangasinan dated February 24, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at the69
house/premises of Jun Glenn Perillo Lagao (arrested) located at PoblacionWest, Asingan, Pangasinan at about 6:30 AM of February 27, 2012 conducted byelements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> based on the information from CIS member.Arrested person and confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> forproper documentation. Case for Violation of PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294was filed against Jun Glen Perillo LAGAO on February 27, 2012 theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Urdaneta City docketed under NPS DocketNr. 1-01e-INQ-128-00017 IOC- SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo, Jr 09154628772Pho<strong>to</strong> showing Jun Glenn Perillo Lagao whilereceiving/ signing the SW Nr. U-001-2012 issued byHon. Judge Tita Villarin of RTC, FJR, Br 46,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan dated February 24,2012.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing are the Nine (9) rds LiveAmmunitions for 12 gauge shot gun confiscated atthe house of Jun Glenn Perillo Lagao.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> while preparing the documents after thesuccessful implementation of SW Nr. U-001-2012 at the house/ premises of Jun Glenn PerilloLagaoat about 6:30 AM of February 27, 2012 at Poblacion West, Asingan, Pangasinan. Saidoperation resulted <strong>to</strong> the confiscation of One (1) unit Twelve (12) Gauge Shot gun(ARMSCOR) body guard model 30 with SN: 865013; and Nine (9) rds Live Ammunitionsfor 12 gauge shot gun.70
6) Confiscation of One (1) Caliber 9MM Pis<strong>to</strong>l without SerialNumber; One (1) .357 Magnum Pis<strong>to</strong>l without Serial Number; One (1) RifleGrenade; One (1) Fragmentation Grenade; Two (2) Magazines for 9MM; One(1) Magazine for Caliber 45; Four (4) rds live ammos for cal. 9MM; One (1) rdlive ammo for cal. 40; One (1) rd live ammo for carbine rifle; Four (4) rds liveammos for cal. 357; One (1) rd live ammo for 12 gauge shotgun; Twenty one(21) rds live ammos for cal. 45; Three (3) M16 rifle airsoft without permit;One (1) Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle Fury with PN2998 AI; One (1) unit Charede Sedan colorblue with PN TLF 241 during implementation of SW No. SCC 2012-17 issued byHon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac, of RTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan forViolation of RA 8294 at the house/premises of Joel F. Naniong (arrested)located at Brgy Dilan, Pozzurubio, Pangasinan at about 6:00 AM of March 1, 2012conducted by joint elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong>, Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>,Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG, PIB Pangasinan PPO, SWAT, NBI and Pozzurubio PS.Arrested person and confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> SOG, Pangasinan forproper documentation. Case for Violation of PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294was filed against the arrested suspect before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed under CC Nrs. U-18007 & U-1800,respectively. IOC- SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo, Jr 091546287727) Surrendered/turned-over of One (1) cal .22 Rifle; and One (1) MKIV Hand Grenade by Brgy Captain Bernard Cabison of Brgy Mangin, DagupanCity, Pangasinan.At about 10:30 AM of March 15, 2012, Brgy Captain Bernard Cabison ofBrgy Mangin, Dagupan City, Pangasinan went <strong>to</strong> Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> Officelocated at Peoples’ Astrodome, Tapuac District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan andsurrendered One (1) cal .22 Rifle & One (1) MK IV Hand Grenade. Said firearmand explosive were voluntary surrendered/turned-over by Brgy Captain BernardCabison through the effort of CIS member Romeo Fernandez, President of CISPangasinan after previous coordination made by elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong>.Said firearm and explosive was turned-over by a resident of Brgy Mangin,Dagupan City, who requested anonymity.8) Confiscation of One (1) Cal .30 Garand Rifle without SN; Two (2)rds Live Ammunitions for Twelve Gauge Shotgun; Two (2) rds LiveAmmunitions for Cal 5.56 and Twelve (12) Live Ammunitions for Cal .30during implementation of SW No. SCC-2012-19 issued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> DPinlac of RTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated March 19, 2012 forViolation of RA 8294 at the house/premises of Morie M. Datario (arrested)located at Brgy Dilan, Pozzurubio, Pangasinan at about 7:00 AM of March 20,2012 conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> and Pozzurubio PS.Arrested person and confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Officefor proper documentation. Case for Violation of PD 1866 as amended by RA8294 was filed against the arrested suspect before the ProvincialProsecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS I-01e-INQ-12C-00032 and subsequently, an information was filed before the RTC,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan for same offense docketed under CC No. 18039with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php80,000.00 for his temporary71
liberty. Accused is presently detained at BJMP, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan.IOC- SPO2 Ariel P Esteban- 09273744567Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO2 Ariel P Esteban of Urdaneta City<strong>CIDG</strong> while conducting search <strong>to</strong> one of the cabinets of thesuspect Morie Datario.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Maximo Javonillo of Urdaneta City<strong>CIDG</strong> while bringing out the confiscated ammunitions insidea pouch.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the portion of the house of suspect MorieDatario where the confiscated Cal .30 Garand Rifle located.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the suspect Morie Datario in white t-shirt<strong>to</strong>gether with the confiscated firearm and ammunitions.72
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the confiscated firearm andammunitions.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO2 Ariel P Esteban of Urdaneta City<strong>CIDG</strong> while conducting inven<strong>to</strong>ry and preparing theCertificate of Orderly and Receipt of Property Seized whilethe suspect Morie Datario looks on.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the Brgy Officials of Brgy Dilan, Pozzurubio, Pangasinanwhile signing as witnessesthe Orderly Searched and Property Seized conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>.9) Confiscation of One (1) cal .38 Revolver (Smith & Wesson)without SN; One (1) Hand Grenade; One (1) pc Short Magazine for M16 Rifle;and Three (3) pcs Long Magazines for M16 Rifle during implementation of SWNo. 2012-21 issued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac of RTC, Br. 57, San CarlosCity, Pangasinan dated March 21, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at thehouse/premises of Reynaldo B. Vistro @ Rey (arrested) located at Brgy Pisuac,Urbiz<strong>to</strong>ndo, Pangasinan at about 6:30 AM of March 22, 2012 conducted by jointelements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG, PIB, SWAT and Urbiz<strong>to</strong>ndo PS. Arrestedperson and confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> SOG, Pangasinan PPO, Lingayen,Pangasinan for proper documentation. Case for Violation of PD 1866 asamended by RA 8294 was filed against the arrested suspect Reynaldo B.Vistro @ Rey before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, San Carlos City,73
Pangasinan docketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-01-INQ-12C-0085. IOC- SPO2Lorenzo Moyano 099938045010) Confiscation of One (1) Housing Assembly for Colt M16 ArmaliteRifle with SN: 15388030; Two (2) Butt Springs for M16 Rifle; One (1) ButtSpring guide for M16 Rifle; Three (3) pcs Long Magazines for M16 Rifle;Three (3) pcs Short Magazines for M16 Rifle; Twenty (20) rds LiveAmmunitions for M16; and One (1) MK II Fragmentation Grenade duringimplementation of SW No. 2012-22 issued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac ofRTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated March 21, 2012 for Violation ofRA 8294 at the house/premises of Repoldo S. Frias (arrested) located at BrgyPisuac, Urbiz<strong>to</strong>ndo, Pangasinan at about 6:10 AM of March 22, 2012 conductedby joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG, PIB, SWAT and Urbiz<strong>to</strong>ndo PS.Arrested person and confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> SOG, Pangasinan PPO,Lingayen, Pangasinan for proper documentation. Case for Violation of PD 1866as amended by RA 8294 was filed against the arrested suspect Repoldo S.Frias before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, San Carlos City, Pangasinandocketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-01-INQ-12C-0086. IOC- SPO2 LorenzoMoyano 099938045011) Confiscation of One (1) pc MKII Grenade launcher (M79); andFifteen (15) rds Live Ammunitions for Cal. 7.62 Rifle during implementationSW No. 2012-24 issued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac of RTC, Br. 57, SanCarlos City, Pangasinan dated April 11, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at thehouse/premises of Roldan L. Veloria (arrested) located at Brgy Cabanbanan,Manaoag, Pangasinan at about 6:00 AM of April 12, 2012 conducted by jointelements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG, PIB and Manaoag PS. Case for Violationof PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294 was filed against the arrested suspectRoldan L. Veloria before the RTC, Urdaneta City under CC Nr. U-18056 datedApril 12, 2012. IOC - SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 0927636-085512) Confiscation of One (1) Twelve Gauge Shotgun (Homemade) withSN: 712860; One (1) Twelve Gauge Shotgun (Homemade) without SN; One(1) pc magazine for Twelve Gauge Shotgun; Fifteen (15) rdsLive Ammunitions for Twelve Gauge Shotgun; Five (5) pcs.Unserviceable Airsoft (4 Rifle, Model MP5 SDG, M83 (Baby),M85, MP50 & 1 pc Airsoft pis<strong>to</strong>l Model Glock) duringimplementation SW No. 01-12 issued by Hon. Judge Carli<strong>to</strong> A.Corpuz of RTC, Br. 27, San Fernando City, La Union dated April16, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at the house/premises ofAn<strong>to</strong>nio J. Bucasas (arrested) located at Brgy Quirino,Bacnotan, La Union at about 6:00 AM of April 17, 2012conducted by joint elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCICESAR G PADAY-OS, Bacnotan MPS, 2 nd Coy, RPSB, La Union PSMC and RID.The operation was done in an orderly and peaceful manner witnessed by BrgyOfficials at said place. Case for Violation of RA 8294 was filed against thesuspect An<strong>to</strong>nio Bucasas before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, JusticeHall, Sevilla Center, San Fernando City, La Union docketed under NPS74
DOCKET NO. i-02-INQ-12D-00062dated April 17, 2012. IOC- SPO2 Augus<strong>to</strong> DGacayan 0918250725Pho<strong>to</strong> showing Brgy Capt Joel Sagun of Brgy Quirino, Bacnotan, La Union (right pho<strong>to</strong>) and hisKgwd while affixing their signature <strong>to</strong> the Receipt of Property Seized and <strong>to</strong> the Certificate ofOrderly Search during implementation SW No. 01-12 at the house/premises of An<strong>to</strong>nio J. Bucasas.Said Brgy Officials served as witnesses during the said police operation.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing CINSP CESAR G PADAY-OS,Provincial Officer of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> while inspectingone of the two (2) Twelve Gauge Shotgun which wasconfiscated at the house/premises of An<strong>to</strong>nio J.Bucasas during implementation SW No. 01-12.Suspect An<strong>to</strong>nio Bucasas (seated) looks on.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the confiscated One (1) Twelve GaugeShotgun (Homemade) with SN: 712860; One (1) TwelveGauge Shotgun (Homemade) without SN; One (1) pcmagazine for Twelve Gauge Shotgun & Fifteen (15) rdsLive Ammunitions for Twelve Gauge Shotgun at thehouse/premises of An<strong>to</strong>nio J. Bucasas.75
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the suspect An<strong>to</strong>nio Bucasas while pointing theconfiscated firearms and ammunitions inside the La Union<strong>CIDG</strong> Office. PO2 Danilo C Cortez (seated), Warrant PNCOof La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> looks on.13) Confiscation of One (1) cal .45 Armscorwith SN: 1136300; Two (2) pcs Magazines for cal .45;Twenty-seven (27) rds. Live Ammunitions for cal .45;Three (3) rds. Live Ammunitions for cal 9mm; andOne (1) Belt bag colored black for Short FA duringimplementation SW No. 02-12 issued by Hon. JudgeCarli<strong>to</strong> A. Corpuz of RTC, Br. 27, San Fernando City, LaUnion dated April 16, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at thehouse/premises of Gomer T. Jula<strong>to</strong>n (arrested) locatedat Brgy Quirino, Bacnotan, La Union at about 6:00 AM of April 17, 2012 conductedby joint elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI CESARG PADAY-OS, Bacnotan MPS, 2 nd Coy, RPSB, LaUnion PSMC and RID. The operation was done in anorderly and peaceful manner witnessed by Brgy Officialsat said place. Case for Violation of RA 8294 was filedagainst the suspect Gomer T. Jula<strong>to</strong>n before theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Justice Hall, SevillaCenter, San Fernando City, La Union docketedunder NPS DOCKET NO. i-02-INQ-12D-00063datedApril 17, 2012. IOC- SPO2 Augus<strong>to</strong> D Gacayan 091825072514) Confiscation of One (1) Cal 5.56 M16 Baby Armalite (COLT) Riflewith SN: 9055671;One (1) pc Short Magazine for M16 Armalite Rifle;andTwenty-two (22) rds Live ammos for M16 Rifle during implementation SWNo. SCC-2012-25 issued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac of RTC, Br. 57, SanCarlos City, Pangasinan for Violation of RA 8294 at the house/premises ofGerman S. Labii (arrested) located at Brgy Bog<strong>to</strong>ng Bunao, Mangatarem,Pangasinan at about 6:05 AM of April 19, 2012 conducted by joint elements ofPangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG, PIB and Mangatarem PS. The searched was done in anorderly and peaceful manner in the presence of Brgy. Kwgds. Joseph De Veraand An<strong>to</strong>nio Anyeras of said place. Case for Violation of PD 1866 as amendedby RA 8294 was filed against the arrested suspect German S. Labii beforethe RTC, Lingayen, Pangasinan docketed under CC Nr. L-9436dated April20, 2012. IOC - SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 0928757971115) Confiscation of One (1) Twelve Gauge Shotgun AKKARKARATAY TAKTIK with SN: 9552331 during implementation SW Nr. 53 S’ 201276
issued by Hon. Judge Six<strong>to</strong> D Diompoc of RTC, FJR, Br 72, Narvacan, Ilocos Surdated April 30, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at the house/premises of MarcelinoP. Ponse (arrested) located at Brgy Lungog, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur at about 4:00AM of April 30, 2012 conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> & NarvacanMPS. Above item/ evidence confiscated was registered under the name of acertain Florbeth R. Ponce, resident of Brgy Malamsit, Penaruba, Abra withLicense Nr. 9792311119656. Case for Violation of Sec. 1 of PD 1866 asamended by RA 8294 was filed against the arrested suspect Marcelino P.Ponse before the Provincial prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Vigan City, Ilocos Surdocketed under NPS # I-03-INV-12E-00194. IOC – SPO1 Samuel E Ballan –0917835783816) Confiscation of One (1) Cal .45 Armscor with SN: 1175299; One(1) magazine for cal. 45; Seven (7) rds LiveAmmunitions for cal. 45; and One (1) inside holsterduring implementation SW No. SCC-2012-31 issued byHon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac of RTC, Br. 57, San CarlosCity, Pangasinan for Violation of RA 8294 at thehouse/premises of Romeo G. Tucay (arrested) located atBrgy Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan at about 6:00 AM ofMay 15, 2012 conducted by elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>led by PCI MODESTO F CARRERA in coordination withCalasiao PS. Case for Violation of PD 1866 as amendedby RA 8294 was filed against the suspect Romeo G. Tucay for Inquestproceedings before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Dagupan City,Pangasinan on May 16, 2012 docketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-01d-INQ-12E-00048. Subsequently an information for same offense was filed before theOCC, RTC, Dagupan City docketed under CC# 2012-0258-D. IOC -SPO1Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 09287579711Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> while conducting proper documentation <strong>to</strong>the confiscated One (1) Cal .45 Armscor with SN: 1175299 during implementation SW No. SCC-2012-31issued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac of RTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan for Violation of RA 8294 atthe house/premises of Romeo G. Tucay.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing Brgy Officials of Brgy Buenlag, Calasiao, Pangasinan while affixingtheir signature <strong>to</strong> the Receipt of Property Seized and <strong>to</strong> the Certificate of OrderlySearch during implementation SW No. SCC-2012-31 issued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> DPinlac of RTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan for Violation of RA 8294 at thehouse/premises of Romeo G. Tucay. Said Brgy Officials served as witnesses during thesaid police operation. SPO1 Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> in blackpolo t-shirt with bullcap looks on.77
17) Confiscation of One (1) HP 22 Pis<strong>to</strong>l with SN: 4176411;One (1) HP22 Magazine;One (1) cal .38 with SN: 276135;One (1) cal .38 without SN;One(1) cal 5.56 Homemade Pis<strong>to</strong>l;Seven (7) rds Live Ammunitions for cal .38;Six(6) rds Live Ammunitions for cal .22;Five (5) empty Shells for cal .45;One (1)holster for cal .38; and One (1) box with Assorted Tools used in Machinery &repair of firearmsduring implementation SW No. SCC-2012-40 issued by Hon.Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac of RTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated May16, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at the house/premises of Alejandro S. Roca(arrested) located at Brgy Longos, San Fabian, Pangasinanat about 7:00 AM ofMay 17, 2012 conducted by elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG PangasinanPPO and San Fabian PS. Case for Violation of RA 8294 was filed against thesuspect Alejandro S. Roca before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office,Dagupan City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-01D-INQ-12C-00052 dated May 17, 2012. IOC - SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan –0928757971118) Confiscation of One (1) Cal 9MMRUGGER P39 with SN: 309-71594; Fourteen (14)rds Live Ammunitions for cal 9MM; One (1)magazine for cal 9MM; and One (1) pc Holsterduring implementation SW No. SCC-2012-39issued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac of RTC, Br. 57,San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated May 16, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at thehouse/premises of Allan C. Solis (arrested) located at Brgy Cayanga, SanFabian, Pangasinan at about 7:00 AM of May 17, 2012 conducted by elements ofPangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG and San Fabian PS. Case for Violation of RA 8294 wasfiled against the suspect Allan C. Solis before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’sOffice, Dagupan City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-01D-INQ-12C-00051 dated May 17, 2012. IOC - SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan –0928757971119) Confiscation of One (1) Cal .38 Revolver (Smith & Wesson)“Homemade” w/o SN; One (1) pc magazine for cal .45; and Ten (10) rds LiveAmmunitions for cal .380during implementation SW No. SCC-2012-36 issued byHon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac of RTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan datedMay 16, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at the house/premises of Ricarte P. Bodoy(arrested) located at Brgy San Roque, San Manuel, Pangasinan at about 6:00 AMof May 17, 2012 conducted by elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, Urdaneta City<strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG Pangasinan PPO and San Manuel PS led by PCI MODESTO FCARRERA, Provincial Officer of Pangasinan<strong>CIDG</strong>. (Based on CISInformation).Case for Violation of RA 8294 was filed against the suspectRicarte P. Bodoy before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Urdaneta City,Pangasinan docketed under NPS Docket Nr. I-01e-INQ-12E-00061 andsubsequently, an information of the same case was filed by Prosecu<strong>to</strong>rRamil J Lopez before the MCTC, Asingan-San Miguel, Pangasinan docketedunder CC# SM-9856 dated May 17, 2012. IOC – SPO2 Ariel P Esteban0927990011678
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo, Jr (in brown pants)while inspecting the confiscated One (1) Cal .38 Revolver (Smith& Wesson) “Homemade” w/o SNat the house/premises of RicarteP. Bodoywhile CINSP MODESTO F CARRERA, Provincial Officeof Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (wearing blue bullcap), SINSP JOEL JCUSTODIO, Team Leader of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> (with brownbullcap) and SPO2 Elsa M Bergado (in orange polo t-shirt) lookson.20) Confiscation of One (1) Garand Rifle with defaced SN; Two (2)rds Live Ammunitions for cal .30; Twenty-three (23) rds Live Ammunitionsfor cal 5.56; and Three (3) pcs magazines for M16 (2 long & 1 short) duringimplementation SW No. SCC-2012-37 issued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac ofRTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated May 16, 2012 for Violation of RA8294 at the house/premises of Jojo D. Bodoy (arrested) located at Brgy SanRoque, San Manuel, Pangasinan at about 6:15 AM of May 17, 2012 conducted byelements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>, SOG Pangasinan PPO andSan Manuel PS led by PCI MODESTO F CARRERA, Provincial Officer ofPangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>. (Based on CIS Information). Case for Violation of RA 8294was filed against the suspect Jojo D. Bodoy before the ProvincialProsecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS DocketNr. I-01e-INQ-12E-00060 and subsequently, an information of the same casewas filed by Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r Ramil J Lopez before the Office of the Clerk ofCourt, RTC, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed under CC# U-18109 datedMay 17, 2012. IOC – SPO2 Ariel P Esteban 09279900116Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SINSP JOEL J CUSTODIO, Team Leader of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>while conducting inspection <strong>to</strong> the confiscated One (1) Garand Rifle with defaced SN;Two (2) rds Live Ammunitions for cal .30; Twenty-three (23) rds Live Ammunitionsfor cal 5.56; and Three (3) pcs magazines for M16 (2 long & 1 short) at thehouse/premises of Jojo D. Bodoy.21) Confiscation of One (1) UnitINTRATEC 9MM Luger Model TEC-KG9 MachinePis<strong>to</strong>l with SN: 748631 with attached silencer;One (1) pc magazine for 9mm; Twelve (12) rdsLive Ammunitions for 9mm duringimplementation of SW No. 2012-01 issued by Hon.Judge Imelda P Cosalan of MTCC, Br. 1, SanFernando City, La Union for Violation of RA 8294 at79
the rented room of Diosdado D. Mendoza (at large) located at Purok 2, BrgySevilla Norte, San Fernando City, La Union at about 10:00 PM of May 23, 2012conducted by elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), La Union PPSC and SanFernando City PS. Case for Violation of Sec 1 of PD 1866 as amended by RA8294 was filed against the suspect Diosdado D. Mendoza before the CityProsecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, San Fernando City, La Union docketed under I-12-INQ-RE-0049 dated May 29, 2012. IOC- SPO1 Samuel E Ballan 09178357838Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Samuel E Ballan of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> whilepointing at the location of the confiscated One (1) UnitINTRATEC 9MM Luger Model TEC-KG9 Machine Pis<strong>to</strong>lbearing SN: 748631 with attached silencer inside the rented roomof Diosdado D. Mendoza.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing CINSP CESAR G PADAY-OS, Provincial Officer of La Union<strong>CIDG</strong> while conducting inspection <strong>to</strong> the confiscated One (1) Unit INTRATEC9MM Luger Model TEC-KG9 Machine Pis<strong>to</strong>l bearing SN: 748631 withattached silence.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Samuel E Ballan of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> (seated) in blue polo t-shirt while inspecting the confiscated One (1) Unit INTRATEC 9MM LugerModel TEC-KG9 Machine Pis<strong>to</strong>l bearing SN: 748631 whileBobby Talavera &Ferdinand Alcantara, both Brgy Tanods of Purok 2, Brgy Sevilla Norte, SanFernando City, La Union looks on.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing Bobby Talavera & Ferdinand Alcantara, both Brgy Tanods ofPurok 2, Brgy Sevilla Norte, San Fernando City, La Union while affixing theirsignature <strong>to</strong> the Receipt of Property Seized and <strong>to</strong> the Certificate of OrderlySearch.Said Brgy Tanods served as witnesses during the said police operationwhile SPO1 Samuel E Ballan of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> (seated) looks on.22) Surrendered/turned-over of One (1) Rifle Grenade and One (1) MKIV Hand Grenade by Brgy Kagawad Rey Calderon of Brgy Pantal, Dagupan City,Pangasinan.80
At about 10:00 AM of June 6, 2012, Brgy Kagawad Rey Calderon went <strong>to</strong>Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office located at Peoples’ Astrodome, Tapuac District,Dagupan City, Pangasinan and surrendered/turned-over One(1) Rifle Grenade &One (1) MK IV Hand Grenade. Said explosives were voluntarysurrendered/turned-over by Brgy Kagawad Rey Calderon through the effort of CISmember Romeo Fernandez, President of CIS Pangasinan and Mr. Lore<strong>to</strong> Marianoafter previous coordination made by elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> oncampaign against loose firearms and explosives.23) Confiscation of One (1) Ingram Machine Pis<strong>to</strong>l with SN 911877with marking “Interdynamic” Miami Fl. MOD KG99 9MM Luger, closevoltversion; Twenty-five (25) rds. Live Ammunitions for Twelve Gauge Shotgun;One hundred one (101) rds. Live Ammunitions for cal 9MM; Three (3) pcs.magazines for Ingram Machine Pis<strong>to</strong>l (long); and One (1) steel butt forIngram Machine Pis<strong>to</strong>l during implementation of SW No. SCC-2012-42 issuedby Hon. Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac, Vice Executive Judge of RTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City,Pangasinan dated June 6, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at the house/premises ofAlejandro Margarijo @ Andrew (arrested) located at Brgy Quibaol, Lingayen,Pangasinan at about 6:16 AM of June 7, 2012 conducted by elements ofPangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>, Pangasinan PPO-SOG, SWAT/PPSC and Lingayen PS. Casefor Violation of PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294 was filed against AlejandroMargarijo @ Andrew before the Office of the Clerk of Court, RTC, Lingayen,Pangasinan docketed under CC Nr. L-9469 dated June 7, 2012. IOC - SPO1Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 0928757971124) Confiscation of Two (2) rds Live Ammunitions for cal 7.62; andThree (3) rds Live Ammunitions for cal 5.56 during implementation of SW Nrs.56, S’ 2012 & 57, S’ 2012 issued by Hon Judge Six<strong>to</strong> D Diompoc of RTC, FJR,Br 72, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur for Violation of RA 8294 at the house/premises ofRichard Villa&Rober<strong>to</strong> Villa, Jr (both at large) located at Brgy San Pedro,Narvacan, Ilocos Sur at about 6:00 AM of June 11, 2012 conducted by jointelements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI ARBEL C MERCULLO, Ilocos Sur PPSCand Narvacan MPS. Case for Violation of RA 8294 (Illegal Possession ofAmmunitions) was filed against Richard Villa & Rober<strong>to</strong> Villa, Jr before theOffice of the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur docketed under I-03-INV-12F-00264 & I-03-INV-12F-00263, respectively. IOC – PO2 WarrenLacangan25) Confiscation of One (1) cal. 5.56 (Baby Armalite) ELISCO withSN: RP142370; One (1) Twelve Gauge Shotgun Browning with SN: B14386-marked A; One (1) pc. Magnetic Compass (US); One Hundred Eleven (111)rds Live Ammunitions for cal .45; Nine Hundred (900) rds Live Ammunitionsfor cal 5.56; and Eighteen (18) pcs Magazines for cal 5.56 (16 short & 2 long)during implementation of SW No. SCC-2012-55 issued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> DPinlac of RTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated July 10, 2012 forViolation of RA 8294 at the house/premises of Angelo A. Bissara (arrested)located at Mc Arthur st., Poblacion West, Alcala, Pangasinan at about 6:00 AM ofJuly 13, 2012 conducted by joint elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong>, Urdaneta City<strong>CIDG</strong>, PIB Pangasinan PPO, Alcala PS, RPSB1 and Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> led by81
PCI MODESTO F CARRERA. Case for Violation of PD 1866 as amended byRA 8294 was filed against the arrested suspect Angelo A. Bissara before theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Villasis, Pangasinan docketed under 1-01f-INQ-12G-00018 and subsequently an information was filed before the RTC,FJR, Br 50 docketed under CC# V-1697. IOC - SPO1 Maximo Javonillo, Jr –09154628772 (Through CIS Information)Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan while conductinginven<strong>to</strong>ries <strong>to</strong> the confiscated firearms and ammunitions at thehouse of Mr Bissara in the presence of Rena<strong>to</strong> Bacolor, Jr, (inwhite sando) Brgy. Chairman of Poblacion West, Alcala,Pangasinan. CINSP MODESTO F CARRERA, Provincial Officerof P<strong>CIDG</strong> (2 nd fm left-standing), SINSP JOEL J CUSTODIO,Team Leader of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> (seated wearing red <strong>CIDG</strong>polo t-shirt), SINSP LOVELL U DALISAY, Team Leader ofDagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> (in blue <strong>CIDG</strong> polo t-shirt) and members ofBPATS-CIS of Pangasinan looks on.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO3 Danilo Matahum (wearing camouflage t-shirt) and SPO1 GuiamanzaLin<strong>to</strong>ngan of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> (in green <strong>CIDG</strong> polo t-shirt) of Pangasinan while conductinginspection <strong>to</strong> the One (1) Twelve Gauge Shotgun Browning with SN: B14386-marked A.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing CINSP MODESTO F CARRERA, ProvincialOfficer of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> (in black <strong>CIDG</strong> t-shirt) and SPO1Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> (in green <strong>CIDG</strong>polo t-shirt) while conducting inspection <strong>to</strong> the One (1) cal. 5.56(Baby Armalite) ELISCO which was confiscated inside the roomof Mr Bissara.82
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan of Dagupan City<strong>CIDG</strong> while conducting firearm stencil <strong>to</strong> the confiscated One(1) cal. 5.56 (Baby Armalite) ELISCO with SN: RP142370.Other confiscated items/ evidences are shown in the picture.26) Confiscation of One (1) Cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l (Norinco) bearing SN:906436; One (1) Cal .22 Revolver Magnum (Homemade) Springfield bearingSN: 042057; Eight (8) rds Live Ammunitions for cal .22 Magnum; Six (6) rdsLive Ammunitions for cal .45; One (1) pc magazine Assembly for cal .45Pis<strong>to</strong>l; and One (1) pc Holster for cal .22 revolver during implementation of SWNr. 62, S’ 2012 issued by Hon Judge Six<strong>to</strong> D Diompoc of RTC, FJR, Br 72,Narvacan, Ilocos Sur dated July 16, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at thehouse/premises of Dindo C. Cabasa (arrested), 35 yrs old, located at BrgyMaygaay, Narvacan, Ilocos Surat about 6:00 AM of July 17, 2012 conducted byelements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> (as lead unit) & Ilocos Sur PPSC. Case forViolation of RA 8294 was filed against the arrested suspect Dindo C. Cabasabefore the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur docketedunder NPS No. I-03-INQ-12G-00087 dated July 17, 2012. IOC – PO2 WarrenLacangan 09157814170 (Through CIS Information)27) Confiscation of One (1) Baby Amalite (M16) with SN: 184821; One(1) Twelve Gauge Shotgun (KARATAY) with SN: 152172; One (1) Cal .45pis<strong>to</strong>l (Taurus) with SN: NUE52301; One (1) pc Magazine for M16 (long); One(1) pc Magazine for cal .45; Eight (8) rds Live Ammunitions for TwelveGauge; Nine (9) rds Live Ammunitions for M16 and Seven (7) rds LiveAmmunitions for cal .45 during implementation of SW No. SCC-2012-57 issuedby Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac of RTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinandated July 18, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at the house/premises of Cecilio C.Cataino (arrested) located at Brgy San Pedro Apartado, Alcala, Pangasinan atabout 6:30 AM of July 19, 2012 conducted by joint elements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong>(lead unit), Alcala PS and RPSB1 led by PCI MODESTO F CARRERA.Based on the verification from Chief, FEO, Camp Crame dated July 2,2012, Cecilio T. Cataina is not licensed/ registered firearm holders of any kind ofcalibers. However, during the implementation of said Search Warrant, respondentpresented licenses of all the aforementioned firearms except for the cal .45.Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> Provincial Office then conducted a 2 nd firearm licenseverification <strong>to</strong> FEO at Camp Crame, Quezon City. The Firearm and ExplosivesDivision issued the 2 nd attached documents/ certificate (Annex B) in the name ofCecilio C. Cataina dated July 19, 2012 certifying the authenticity of ownership ofsaid firearms as licensed and belonging <strong>to</strong> abovementioned person. However, thelicense for the cal .45 Taurus Pis<strong>to</strong>l had already expired on July 17, 2012. Therespondent alleged that he already renewed the license of said pis<strong>to</strong>l and he83
presented appropriate document proving his claim that is apparently genuine/authentic.Upon perusal of the two (2) certificates, the discrepancy of the records wasdue <strong>to</strong> the different middle initials.Base on the documents presented and certification issued by Firearms andExplosives Office, Camp Crame, QC, Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> properly released/returned the said firearms and was duly received by Mr. Cecilio C. Cataina(subject of the SW). Hence, no case was filed in court.IOC - SPO1 MaximoJavonillo, Jr – 0915462877228) Confiscation of One (1) Twelve (12) gauge Shotgun (Homemade)without SN: mark with RFV 123, One (1) Live Ammunitions for 12 GaugeShotgun during implementation of SW Nr. 18, S’ 2012 issued by Hon JudgeFrancisco A Ante, Jr of MTCC, FJR, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur dated August 2, 2012for Violation of RA 8294 at the house/premises of Nes<strong>to</strong>r Alcaparlas(arrested)located at Brgy Bulala Norte, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur at about 6:00 AM of August 3,2012 conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit), Ilocos Sur PPSC& Vigan City PS. A case for Violation of RA 8294 was filed against the suspectNes<strong>to</strong>r Alcaparlas before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Vigan City, Ilocos Surdocketed under NPS Docket No. I-14-INQ-12H-00023. IOC – PO3 RooseveltDe Vera – 09157814170Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the CINSP ARBEL C MERCULLO, ProvincialOfficer of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> (in brown jacket) while explainingtheReceipt of Property Seized and the Certificate of Orderly Search<strong>to</strong> the suspect Nes<strong>to</strong>r Alcaparlas.29) Confiscation of One (1) Cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l Reming<strong>to</strong>n with SN:125665; One (1) Cal .38 Revolver Smith & Wesson without SN:; Ten (10) rdsLive Ammunitions for cal .45; Seven (7) rds.Live Ammunitions for cal .38; and One (1) pcMagazine for cal .45 during implementation ofSW No. SCC-2012-66 issued by Hon. Rena<strong>to</strong> DPinlac, Vice Executive Judge of RTC, Br. 57,San Carlos City, Pangasinan for Violation of RA8294 at the house/premises of Alejandro L.Aguilar (arrested) located at Brgy Coliling,Rosales, Pangasinan at about 7:30 AM ofAugust 15, 2012 conducted by elements ofUrdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) and Rosales PS.A case for Violation of PD 1866 as amendedby RA 8294 was filed against the arrestedsuspect Alejandro L. Aguilar before theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r's Office, Rosales,84Pho<strong>to</strong> showing CINSP MODESTO FCARRERA, Provincial Officer ofPangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> while inspecting thefirearms and ammunitions confiscated atthe house of Alejandro Aguilar (blue sweatshirt).
Pangasinan docketed under docketed under NPS No. 1-01g-INV-12H-00199.IOC - SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo, Jr – 09154628772Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Ariel P Esteban (seated) of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> while showing the Receipt ofProperty Seized and explaining the Certificate of Orderly Search <strong>to</strong> the immediate family of AlejandroAguilar. SPO3 Elsa Bergado (4 th fm left) looks on.30) Confiscation of One (1) cal .22 Pis<strong>to</strong>l Homemade without SN; One(1) Magazine for cal .22 Pis<strong>to</strong>l; Fifty-seven (57) rds Live Ammunitions for cal.22; Four (4) Empty Shell for cal .22; and One (1) rd Live Ammo for 5.56MMduring implementation of SW No. SCC 2012-68 issued by Hon.Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac, Vice Executive Judge of RTC, Br. 57, SanCarlos City, Pangasinan dated August 30, 2012 for Violation ofRA 8294 at the house/premises of Rolando Matudan Pajarillo(arrested) located at Brgy. Arnedo, Bolinao, Pangasinan atabout 6:30 AM of September 3, 2012. A case for Violation ofPD 1866 as amended by RA 8294 was filed against thearrested suspect Rolando Matudan Pajarillobefore theOffice of the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Alaminos City,Pangasinan, docketed under NPS No. 1-011-INQ-121-0027dated September 3, 2012. IOC - SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan –09151818329Further be informed that arrested suspect Rolando Matudan Pajarillo isamong the Target Personalities of Coplan “HITMAN” with their primary activitiesas gun for hire and secondarily Cattle Rustling.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PO2 Felomino V Garcia of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> while bringing out the One(1) cal .22 Pis<strong>to</strong>l Homemade without SN hidden in one of the bag of the suspect Rolando Matudan.Below pho<strong>to</strong> SPO1 Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan in black <strong>CIDG</strong> polo t-shirt and CINSP MODESTO FCARRERA, Provincial Officer of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> in green t-shirt looks on.85
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing CINSP MODESTO F CARRERA,Provincial Officer of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> in green t-shirtwhile affixing his signature.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan ofDagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> in black <strong>CIDG</strong> t-shirt (seated)whilepreparing the Receipt of Property Seized and <strong>to</strong> theCertificate of Orderly Search while CINSP MODESTO FCARRERA, Provincial Officer of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> ingreen t-shirt and SINSP LOVELL U DALISAY, TeamLeader of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> in red <strong>CIDG</strong> polo t-shirtlooks on.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the Brgy Official of Brgy. Arnedo, Bolinao,Pangasinan while affixing his signature <strong>to</strong> the Receipt ofProperty Seized and <strong>to</strong> the Certificate of Orderly Searchduring implementation of SW No. SCC 2012-68 issued byHon. Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac, Vice Executive Judge of RTC, Br.57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated August 30, 2012 forViolation of RA 8294 at the house/premises of RolandoMatudan at about 6:30 AM of September 3, 2012. SaidBrgy Official served as one of the witnesses during the saidpolice operation.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the suspect Rolando Matudan Pajarillo inwhite t-shirt while affixing his signature <strong>to</strong> the Receipt ofProperty Seized and the Certificate of Orderly Search.86
31) Confiscation of One (1) cal .22 magnum Revolver without SN;and Five (5) rds Live Ammunitions for cal .22 Magnum and the arrest ofRolando Mendoza y Amantillo @ “Pukol” during police operation conducted byelements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> at about 11:00 PM of September 4, 2012 at BrgyNancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan.Investigation disclosed that at about 10:30 PM of September 4, 2012, oneJohnny Taluban y Guevarra reported <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> regarding an allegedattempted robbery “Akyat-bahay” incident that transpired at his residence locatedat Brgy. Nancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. Victim also averred that thesuspects are still within the said neighborhood searching for other houses <strong>to</strong> berobbed. Immediately personnel of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> <strong>to</strong>gether with someUrdaneta City CIS members proceeded at said area and saw three (3) suspiciouslooking malefac<strong>to</strong>rs who ran upon seeing the elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>.Upon pursuit, one Rolando Mendoza y Amantillo @ “Pukol” was apprehendedholding a Cal .22 Magnum revolver while the other two (2) malefac<strong>to</strong>rs managed<strong>to</strong> escaped and are still subject for follow-up operation by Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>.Case for Violation of PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294 was filed against thearrested suspect Rolando A. Mendoza before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS I-II-INQ-1200079 andsubsequently an information of same case was filed before the MTCC,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed under CC Nr: 26051. IOC - SPO1Maximo C Javonillo, Jr – 0915462877232) Confiscation of One (1) Cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l Taurus with SN: NZH73684; One (1) Baby Armalite Airsoft Rifle with one (1) magazine; Three (3)magazines for Cal 45 pis<strong>to</strong>l; One (1) long magazine for cal 5.56 armalite rifle;One (1) magazine for glock pis<strong>to</strong>l; Thirty (30) rounds of live ammunitions forcal .45; and Twenty five (25) rds live ammunitions for cal. 5.56 armalite rifleduring implementation of SW No. SCC-2012-69 issued by Hon. Rena<strong>to</strong> D Pinlac,Vice Executive Judge of RTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan dated August30, 2012 for Violation of RA 8294 at the house/premises of Virgilio M. Dela Cruz(arrested) located at Brgy Taloyan, Malasiqui, Pangasinan at about 4:35 PM ofAugust 30, 2012. Case for Violation of PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294 wasfiled against the arrested suspect Virgilio M Dela Cruz before the ProvincialProsecution Office of San Carlos City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS I-01C-INQ-12H-0220 dated August 31, 2012 and subsequently, an informationof same offense was filed before the RTC, docketed under CC Nr. SCC-6316.IOC - SPO1 Guimanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 09151818329Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the table drawer where the confiscatedmagazines were found.87
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan of DagupanCity <strong>CIDG</strong> while assisting the suspect Virgilio dela Cruz inaffixing his signature <strong>to</strong> the Receipt of Property Seized andCertificate of Orderly Search.33) Confiscation of One (1) Cal .22 rifle (converted) marked Armscorair rifle with SN 236543; and Eight (8) live ammunitions for cal .22 and arres<strong>to</strong>f Plaridel E. Palacio during police operation conducted by joint elements ofIlocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) and Ilocos Sur PPSC at about 3:00 PM of August 31,2012 at Brgy Olo-olo Sur, Santiago, Ilocos Sur.Investigation disclosed that on said time and date at aforementioned place,joint elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) led by PCI ARBEL C MERCULLOand Ilocos Sur PPSC were onboard on a private vehicle proceeding Candon City<strong>to</strong> implement warrant of arrest when they chance upon, Plaridel E. Palaciocarrying long firearm at Brgy. Olo-olo Sur, Santiago, Ilocos Sur. At that juncture,the police officers accosted him and confiscated from his possession, control andcus<strong>to</strong>dy one (1) Cal .22 rifle (converted) marked Armscor air rifle with SN 236543and Eight (8) live ammunitions for cal 22 from his coin purse.Case for Violation of PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294 was filedagainst the arrested suspect Plaridel E. Palacio before the ProvincialProsecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur docketed under NPS# I-03-INV-12I-00362. IOC – PO2 Warren D. Lacangan– 0915781417034) Confiscation of One (1) M16 Armalite A1Elisco Rifle with defaced SN; One (1) magazine for M16armalite rifle; Thirty nine (39) pcs live ammunitions forM16 armalite rifle; Twenty seven (27) pcs liveammunitions for cal 22 during implementation of SW No.71-S-2012 issued by Hon. Judge Six<strong>to</strong> D. Diompoc of RTC,Br. 22, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur dated November 13, 2012 forViolation of RA 8294at the house/premises of Marivic D.Gliam (arrested) located at Brgy Danuman West, Sta. Maria,Ilocos Sur at about 1:25 PM of November 13, 2012 conductedby joint elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) <strong>to</strong>gether with CIS members andSta. Maria PS. Arrested person and confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> Ilocos Sur<strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation. Case for Violation of PD 1866 asamended by RA 8294 was filed against the arrested suspect Marivic D.Gliam before the City prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, docketed under NPS DOCKET NO.I-03-INQ-12K-00129 dated November 14, 2012. IOC – PO2 Warren DLacangan – 0915781417088
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the confiscated One (1) M16 ArmaliteA1 Elisco Rifle with defaced SN; One (1) magazinefor M16 armalite rifle; Thirty nine (39) pcs liveammunitions for M16 armalite rifle and Twenty seven(27) pcs live ammunitions for cal 22 at the house/premises of the suspect Marivic D. Gliam.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the CIS members of Ilocos Sur whilepointing <strong>to</strong> the confiscated M16 Armalite Rifle.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PO2 Warren D Lacangan, InvesPNCO of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> (center) while showing <strong>to</strong>the Field Reporter of ABS-CBN Vigan City theconfiscated M16 Armalite A1 Elisco Rifle withdefaced SN.35) Confiscation of Sixty-seven (67) rds Live Ammunitions for cal.5.56; One (1) pc Short magazine for M16; One (1) pc magazine for Galil; Two(2) pcs Magazine for cal .45; and One (1) magazine pouch for M16 magazineduring implementation of SW No. SCC 2012-102 issued by Hon. Judge Rena<strong>to</strong> DPinlac of RTC, Br. 57, San Carlos City, Pangasinan for Violation of RA 8294at thehouse/premises of Flaviano Arenas, Jr (at large) located at Brgy Pangdel,Bayambang, Pangasinan at about 6:15 AM of December 4, 2012 conducted byelements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> and CIS members led by PCI MODESTO FCARRERA. Case for Violation of PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294 was filedagainst the suspect Flaviano Arenas, Jr before the Provincial ProsecutionOffice of San Carlos City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS I-01c-INV-12L-0318 dated December 5, 2012. IOC – SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan –0915181832936) Confiscation of One (1) cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l ARMSCOR with SN:1412948;Two (2) pcs Magazines for cal .45; andSix (6) rds Live Ammunitionsfor cal .45, One (1) box Piccolo containing 200 pcs worth 1,600.00 and thirtyfive(35) pcs Bawang worth 70.00.00 during police operation against Illegal89
Firecrackers and Pyrotechnicsalong the Mc Arthur Highway, Poblacion, UrdanetaCity, Pangasinanat about 2:30 PM of December 31, 2012 conducted by elementsof Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>.Investigation disclosed that when the elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> wasabout <strong>to</strong> confiscate the illegal Firecrackers and Pyrotechnics, the owner identifiedas Patrick Pascua resisted and tried <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p the confiscation prompting theoperating elements <strong>to</strong> arrest him. Suspect was informed about his constitutionalrights.While the suspect was under arrest, SINSP JOEL CUSTODIO noticed thatsuspect opened his shoulder bag and put his right hand inside. At that juncture,operatives hold his hand as they are thinking that he has a deadly weapon insidethe bag. When they opened the said bag, they saw One (1) cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l. Whenthe suspect was asked about the documents of said firearm, suspect failed <strong>to</strong>show any pertinent documents <strong>to</strong> possess the same prompting the operatives <strong>to</strong>confiscate the said firearm.Arrested suspect and the confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City<strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation.On December 31, 2012, case for Violationof PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294 (Illegal Possession of Firearms andAmmunitions) was filed against the arrested suspect Patrick L. Pascuabefore the OCC, RTC, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed under CC Nr. U-18493 with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php80,000.00. Likewise,information was filed at MTCC, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan for Violation ofRA 7183 (An Act Regulating the Sale, Manufacture, Distribution and Use ofFirecrackers) against the above-named person docketed under CC Nr. 26115with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php6,000.00 for his temporaryliberty. Investiga<strong>to</strong>r-on-case SPO2 Ariel P Esteban 09273744567CAMPAIGN AGAINST ILLEGAL DRUGSNO. OF OPERATIONS - 21CONDUCTEDNO. OF PERSONS- 35ARRESTEDTOTAL SHABU- MOL 9.0022 gramsCONFISCATED (gms)TOTAL DRIED MJ- -CONFISCATED (gms)NO. OF FULLY-GROWNMARIJUANA PLANTSCONFISCATED (pcs)- Sixty Three thousand one hundred fullygrown marijuana plants (63,100) withestimated DDB value of Php12,620,000.00TOTAL MARIJUANA - -FRUITING TOPSCONFISCATED (gms)TOTAL DDB/STREET -MOL Php12,685,544.20VALUEOTHER ITEMSCONFISCATED- Php11,140.00 boodle money (recovered) Php3,000.00 peso bill used as buy-bustmoney Php1,470.00 cash money in different90
denominations; 5 pcs cellular phones of different models; Two [2] knives; One (1) pc. Stainless scissor; One (1) pc. Black Nylon pouch One (1) cal .38 Paltic Eight (8) rds Live Ammunitions for cal.38; Buy-bust money in differentdenominations; One [1] XRM single mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle with platenumber 3456 AN; One [1] unit Mobile Phone SonyErickson; Two [2] pcs Five Hundred peso bills withSNs: ST034639 & BC993645; Two [2] pcs Small heat sealedtransparent plastic sachet containingwhite crystalline substance “shabu”; One [1] unit Mobile Phone SamsungGalaxy; and One (1) pc. Php1,000.00 peso bill buybustmoney; and Assorted Drug ParaphernaliaNO. OF CASES FILED - 24The following are the significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN “BigBertha”:1) Confiscation of One (1) pc. Heat sealed plastic sachet containingwhite crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be MethamphetamineHydrochloride “SHABU” weighing more or less .7 grams with estimatedstreet value of Php500.00; Three (3) pcs. Heat sealed plastic sachetcontaining white crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be MethamphetamineHydrochloride “SHABU” weighing more or less .15 grams with estimatedstreet value of Php1,800.00; One (1) pc. Php500 peso bill used as buy-bustmoney; One (1) shoulder bag; Seven (7) pcs. Php20.00 peso bills (recoveredmoney) and the arrest of Brendalyn B. Cruz, 39 yrs old, resident of Poblacion,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan duringdrug/buy bust operation under PDEA ControlNo. RO1-0112-00001 at about 6:30 PM of January 3, 2012 at Perez st.,Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan conducted by joint elements of SATT3,Pangasinan CIDT led by PI JOEL J CUSTODIO, PDEA RO1, Pangasinan SETand Urdaneta City PS. Arrested suspect was brought <strong>to</strong> PDEA Office located atUrdaneta City, Pangasinan for proper documentation and disposition while theconfiscated items were submitted <strong>to</strong> PNP Crime Labora<strong>to</strong>ry Office, Urdaneta Cityfor examination. Case for Violations of Sec. 5 & 11 of Art. II of RA 9165 werefiled against the arrested suspect before the Office of Clerk of Court, RTC,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed under CC Nrs. U-1745 and U-17846respectively with NO recommended bailbond as far as Sec. 5 is concern and91
Php200,000.00 bailbond recommended with respect <strong>to</strong> Sec. 11 of RA 9165.IOC - SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo, Jr -091546287722) Confiscation of One (1) pc. Heat sealed plastic sachet containingwhite crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be MethamphetamineHydrochloride “SHABU” weighing more or less .6 grams with estimatedstreet value of Php500.00 (subject of the buy-bust); One (1) pc. Php500 pesobill used as buy-bust money and the arrest of Rizaldy S. Parayno @ Zaldy, 46yrs old, resident of Brgy Bayaoas, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan duringdrug/buy bus<strong>to</strong>peration under PDEA Control No. RO1-0112-00002 at about 6:30 PM of January3, 2012 conducted by joint elements of SATT3, Pangasinan CIDT led by PI JOELJ CUSTODIO, PDEA RO1, Pangasinan SET and Urdaneta City PS. Arrestedsuspect was brought <strong>to</strong> PDEA Office located at Urdaneta City, Pangasinan forproper documentation and disposition while the confiscated items were submitted<strong>to</strong> PNP Crime Labora<strong>to</strong>ry Office, Urdaneta City for examination. Case forViolation of Sec. 5 of Art. II of RA 9165 was filed against the arrestedsuspect before the Office of Clerk of Court, RTC, Urdaneta City, Pangasinandocketed under CC Nr. U-1747 with NO bailbond recommended. IOC - SPO1Maximo C Javonillo, Jr 091546287723) Confiscation of Three (3) Heat sealed plastic sachet containingwhite crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be MethamphetamineHydrochloride “SHABU” weighing more or less .6 grams with estimatedstreet value of Php7,080.00, One (1) cal .38 Paltic & Eight (8) rds LiveAmmunitions for cal .38 during implementation of SW Nr. 37, S’ 2012 issued byHon Six<strong>to</strong> D Diompoc, Executive Judge of RTC, Br 72, Narvacan, Ilocos Surdated January 6, 2012 for Violation of RA 9165 under PDEA Control No. RO1-0112-00011 at the house/premises of Roger C. Cabrales @ Koreano (arrested)located at Brgy Purok A Bassit, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur at about 6:00 AM ofJanuary 10, 2012 conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Sur CIDT led by PCIARBEL C MERCULLO, Ilocos Sur PAIDSOG, Ilocos Sur PPO, PIB, Vigan City PS& PDEA, RO1. Records of separate cases for Violation of RA 8294 andViolation of Sec. 11 of RA 9165 was filed against the suspect Roger C.Cabrales @ Koreano before the Office of the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, Vigan City,Ilocos Sur docketed under NPS Nr. I-14-INQ-12A-00002. IOC – PO3 Samuel EBallan – 091783578384) Confiscation of Two (2) pcs of Improvised Tooters (glass tube)containing suspected shabu residue; One (1) Disposable Lighter and thearrest of Emmanuel B. Racho, 34 yrs old, resident of Consejo st. Poblacion,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan, Bong G. Astelero, 35 yrs old, resident of Perez st.Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan, Juani<strong>to</strong> P. Abad, 50 yrs old, resident ofTabu<strong>to</strong>c, Binalonan, Pangasinan, Emerson J. Pascual, 26 yrs old, resident ofDaramuangan Norte, San Mateo, Isabela, Marvin J. Pascual, 28 yrs old, residen<strong>to</strong>f Perez South, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan, Rober<strong>to</strong> T. Cid, 34 yrs old, residen<strong>to</strong>f Consejo st., Urdaneta City, Pangasinan, Rino Javier, 52 yrs old, resident ofBulaoen, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan duringdrug/ police operation under PDEAControl No. RO1-0112-00045 at about 8:00 PM of January 25, 2012 at Bagsakanarea, Caviganan Poblacion, Urdaneta City Pangasinan conducted by joint92
elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL J CUSTODIO, PDEA RO1,Pangasinan SET and Urdaneta City PS. Arrested suspects were brought <strong>to</strong>Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation and disposition while theconfiscated items were submitted <strong>to</strong> PNP Crime Labora<strong>to</strong>ry Office, Urdaneta Cityfor examination. Case for Violation of Sec. 15 of Art. II of RA 9165 was filedagainst the arrested suspects before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, UrdanetaCity, Pangasinan docketed under I-II-INQ-12A-00007. IOC - SPO1 Maximo CJavonillo, Jr 091546287725) Confiscation of One (1) pc. Heat sealed plastic sachet containingwhite crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> beMethamphetamine Hydrochloride “SHABU” weighingmore or less .04 grams with estimated street value ofPhp2,000.00; Php2,000.00 peso bill used as buy-bustmoney with SNrs. LH471776 & Z4516371; andPhp1,470.00 cash money in different denominations andthe arrest of Wilson Faylogna y Abian @TIKONGduringdrug/buy bust operation under PDEA Control No. RO1-0212-00013 at about 5:30 PM of February 9, 2012 atPoblacion 2, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte conducted by jointelements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong>, PDEA Ilocos Norte PSET, Ilocos Norte PAIDSOT,Pagudpud PS and 1 st Coy, 1 st RPSB. Case for Violation of Sec. 5 of Art. II of RA9165 was filed against the arrested suspect before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>rOffice docketed under IS No.I-04-INQ-12B-00007 and subsequently, aninformation was filed before the RTC, Br. 19, Bangui, Ilocos Norte docketedunder CC No. 2056-19 dated February 12, 2012. Accused was committed <strong>to</strong>Ilocos Norte Provincial Jail by virtue of Commitment Order issued by Hon.Rosemarie Ramos, Presiding Judge of RTC, Bangui, Ilocos Norte. IOC - SPO1Cornelio B Lacuesta, Jr – 091753309906) Confiscation of One (1) pc. small heat sealed plastic sachetcontaining white crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be MethamphetamineHydrochloride “SHABU” weighing 0.0324 grams with estimated street valueof Php 1,000.00 (seized from the possession, control andcus<strong>to</strong>dy of the suspect); One (1) pc heat-sealedtransparent plastic sachet containing white crystallinesubstance of suspected Methamphetamine Hydrochloride“SHABU” weighing 0.0310 grams with estimated streetvalue of Php1,000.00; Two (2) pcs. Php500.00 peso billsused as buy-bust money; Cash money amounting <strong>to</strong>Php1,100.00; One (1) unit Nokia Cellphone; One (1) pc.Stainless scissor; and One (1) pc. Black Nylon pouch andthe arrest of Ronald D. Gamponia duringdrug/buy bus<strong>to</strong>peration under PDEA Control No. RO1-0112-00029 at about 2:30 PM ofFebruary 21, 2012 at Brgy 46, Nalbo, Ilocos Norte conducted by joint elements ofIlocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong>, Ilocos Norte PAIDSOTG, PDEA INSET, RID, PRO1, PIB,INPPO, PIDMB, INPPO and Laoag City PS. Arrested suspect is presently underthe cus<strong>to</strong>dy of Ilocos Norte PAIDSOTG while the confiscated One (1) pc. smallheat sealed plastic sachet containing white crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be93
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride “SHABU” was submitted <strong>to</strong> Ilocos Norte CrimeLabora<strong>to</strong>ry Office for labora<strong>to</strong>ry examination. Cases for Violation of Sec. 5 & 11of Art. II of RA 9165 were filed against the suspect Ronald D. Gamponiabefore the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Marcos Hall of Justice, Laoag City,Ilocos Norte docketed under NPS No. I-015-INQ-12B-00012 andsubsequently, an information of the case was filed by City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>rLourdes M Layugan before the Regional Trial Court, Branch 13, Laoag City,Ilocos Norte docketed under CC. Nr. 15082 for Violation of Section 5 ofArticle II of RA 9165 (Selling of Dangerous Drugs) and CC. Nr. 15083 forViolation of Section 11 of Article II of RA 9165 (Illegal Possession ofDangerous Drugs). Accused is presently detained at BJMP, Laoag City,Ilocos Norte as per Commitment Order issued by Hon Judge Philip GSalvador of RTC, Branch 13, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte dated February 22,2012. IOC – SPO1 Cornelio B Lacuesta, Jr 091753309907) Confiscation of Two (2) pcs of heat sealed transparent plasticsachet containing suspected “ Shabu” weighing more or less 0.3 grams and0.4 grams with an estimated street value of Php300.00 and Php500.00,respectively; and Two (2) pcs Php100 peso bills with SNrs: XQ387969 andRZ 435559 (recovered) and the arrest of Mardi Ruben Campos duringdrug/ buybust operation under PDEA Control No. RO1-0112-00002 at about 4:30 PM ofMarch 6, 2012 at Brgy Camantiles, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan conducted by jointelements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL J CUSTODIO, PDEA RO1,Pangasinan SET, PIB, SOG, PAIDSOTF and Urdaneta City PS. Arrested suspectwas brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City PS for proper documentation while the confiscateditems were submitted <strong>to</strong> PNP Crime Labora<strong>to</strong>ry Office, Urdaneta City forexamination. On March 7, 2012, case for Violation of Section 5 and 11, Art II ofRA 9165 (Selling and Possession of Illegal Drugs) were filed against thesuspect Mardi Ruben Campos before the RTC, Urdaneta City, Pangasinandocketed under CC Nrs. U-18015 & U-18016 with recommended bailbondamounting <strong>to</strong> Php 200,000.00 (Sec. 5) & and NO Bailbond recommended(Sec 11). Accused is presently detained at Urdaneta City PS pending hiscommitment order <strong>to</strong> BJMP, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. IOC - SPO1 MaximoC Javonillo, Jr 091546287728) Confiscation of One (1) pc of heat sealed transparent plasticsachet containing suspected “Shabu” weighing more or less 0.07 gramswith estimated street value of Php500.00; One (1) pc of transparent plasticsachet containing suspected “Shabu” weighing more or less 0.09 gramswith estimated street value of Php1,000.00; One (1) pc. aluminum foil withsuspected shabu residue; One (1) aluminum foil (improvised <strong>to</strong>oter) withsuspected residue; One (1) transparent plastic sachet with suspectedresidue; and Two (2) disposable lighters and the arrest of Louie C. Daligdig &Marlon B. Fernandez duringdrug/ buy bust operation under PDEA Control No.RO1-0312-000-18 at Consejo st., Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about10:00 PM of March 8, 2012 conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>led by PSI JOEL J CUSTODIO, PDEA RO1, and Urdaneta City PS. Arrestedsuspects were brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentationwhile the confiscated items were submitted <strong>to</strong> PNP Crime Labora<strong>to</strong>ry Office,94
Urdaneta City for examination. Case for Violation of Sec. 5 of Art. II of RA 9165was filed against the arrested suspects before the RTC, Urdaneta City,Pangasinan docketed under NPS I-11-INQ-12C-00026 with NO bailbondrecommendedy, Pangasinan. IOC - SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo, Jr091546287729) Confiscation of One (1) pc of heat sealed transparent plasticsachet containing suspected “Shabu” weighing more or less 0.15 gramswith estimated street value of Php1,500.00; Three (3) pcs of Php500.00 pesobills buy bust money and the arrest of Dominador P. Jovenal & Hubert P.Jovenal duringdrug/ buy bust operation under PDEA Control No. RO1-0312-000-17 at Consejo st., Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 9:30 PM ofMarch 8, 2012 conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSIJOEL J CUSTODIO, PDEA RO1, and Urdaneta City PS. Arrested suspects werebrought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation while theconfiscated items were submitted <strong>to</strong> PNP Crime Labora<strong>to</strong>ry Office, Urdaneta Cityfor examination. Case for Violation of Sec. 5 of Art. II of RA 9165 was filedagainst the arrested suspects before the RTC, Urdaneta City, Pangasinandocketed under NPS I-11-INQ-12C-00025 with NO bailbond recommendedy,Pangasinan. IOC - SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo, Jr 0915462877210) Confiscation of Two (2) pcs of heat sealed transparent plasticsachet containing suspected “ Shabu” weighing more or less 2.923 gramswith estimated street value of Php19,500.00; Two (2) pcs of Php500 pesobills; and Php11,000.00 boodle money (recovered) and the arrest of Najer S.Sarangan duringdrug/ buy bust operation under PDEA Control No. RO1-0312-00025 at Brgy San Vicente, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 10:00 PM ofMarch 14, 2012 conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>, PIB, SOG,PAIDSOTF, PDEA Pangasinan and Urdaneta City PS. Arrested suspect werebrought <strong>to</strong> PDEA Pangasinan SET for proper documentation while the confiscateditems were submitted <strong>to</strong> PNP Crime Labora<strong>to</strong>ry Office, Urdaneta City forexamination. Case for Violation ofSec. 11 of Art. II of RA 9165 was filedagainst the arrested suspect Najer S. Sarangan before the RTC, UrdanetaCity, Pangasinan docketed under CC No. U-18025 with no bailrecommended. Assigned City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r: Hon Sylvestre Redemp<strong>to</strong>r Ridao.IOC - SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo, Jr 0915462877211) Confiscation of One (1) pc of Small heat sealed transparentplastic sachet containing suspected “ Shabu” (subject of the buy-bust);Seven (7) pcs of Small heat sealed transparent plastic sachet containingsuspected “ Shabu” (recovered from Joseli<strong>to</strong> Macugay) (with approximatelyMOL .212 grams with estimated street value of Php3,500.00; One (1) pc ofPhp500 peso bill buy-bust money; and Php200.00 peso bill and Two (2) pcsFifty peso bills (both recovered) and the arrest of Opelia B. Bravo @ Oping,42 yrs old, resident of Brgy Nancamaliran East, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan&Joseli<strong>to</strong> R. Macugay @ Li<strong>to</strong>, 43 yrs old, resident of Brgy Napu, Badoc, IlocosNorte duringdrug/ buy bust operation under PDEA Control No. RO1-0312-00029at Brgy Nancamaliran East, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 7:50 PM ofMarch 16, 2012 conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>, PIB, SOG,95
PAIDSOTF, PDEA Pangasinan and Urdaneta City PS. Arrested suspects werebrought <strong>to</strong> PDEA Pangasinan SET for proper documentation while the confiscateditems were submitted <strong>to</strong> PNP Crime Labora<strong>to</strong>ry Office, Urdaneta City forexamination. Case for Violation of Sec. 5 of Art. II of RA 9165 was filed againstthe suspect Opelia B. Bravo @Oping & Joseli<strong>to</strong> R. Macugay @Li<strong>to</strong> beforethe RTC, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed under CC No U-18035 with NObailbond recommended while separate case for Violation of Sec. 11 of Art. IIof RA 9165 was filed against Joseli<strong>to</strong> R. Macugay @Li<strong>to</strong> docketed under CCNo No U-18036 with Php 200,000.00 recommended bailbond. Both accusedwere presently detained at BJMP Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. Assigned CityProsecu<strong>to</strong>r: Hon Sylvestre Redemp<strong>to</strong>r Ridao. IOC - SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo, Jr0915462877212) Confiscation of One [1] heat sealed transparent plastic sachetcontaining white crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be “shabu” weighingapproximately .390 grams with estimated street value of Php3,705.00; One[1] piece of genuine one hundred peso bill with serial number K781761; One[1] bundle of boodle money [cut bond paper]; One [1] cellphone unit withsim card; and One [1] XRM single mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle with plate number 3456 ANand the arrest of Richie S. Cabrasduringdrug/ buy bust operation under underPDEA Region 1 Control No. 041200008 at about 2:30 PM of April 10, 2012 atBonuan, Binloc, Dagupan City, Pangasinan conducted by joint elements ofDagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> and PDEA Pangasinan SET West Sec<strong>to</strong>r. Arrested suspect isunder the cus<strong>to</strong>dy of PDEA Pangasinan SET for inquest proceedings. Case forViolation of Sec. 5 of Art. II of RA 9165 was filed against the suspect RichieCABRAS y Solomon before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Dagupan Citydocketed under NPS I-10-INQ-12D-00071 dated April 11, 2012 andsubsequently, an information was filed before the RTC docketed under CCNr. 2012-0179-D. IOC - SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 0927636-085513) Confiscation of heat sealed transparent plastic sachet containingwhite crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be “shabu” weighingapproximately MOL .363 grams with estimated street DDB value ofPhp3,448.50 (based on Chemistry Report), One [1] plastic containingassorted drug paraphernalia; Three [3] cellular phones of different models;Two [2] knives; One [1] piece of genuine Php500.00 peso bill with SN:U603241; One [1] bundle of boodle money [cut bond paper] and the arrest ofJumar P. Lumibao, Quirino C. Estrada , Rafeli<strong>to</strong> E. Okol & David M.Solomon, all residents ofTapuac District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan duringdrug/buy bust operation under PDEA Region 1 Control No. RO1-0312-00029 at about1:15 PM of April 16, 2012 at Tapuac District, Dagupan City, Pangasinanconducted by joint elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> and PDEA Pangasinan SETWest Sec<strong>to</strong>r. Case for Violation of Sec 5 [selling of dangerous drug] was filedagainst Jumar LOMIBAO while Sec 13 [possession of dangerous drugsduring meetings] against Quirino ESTRADA, JR, Rafaeli<strong>to</strong> OKOL and DavidSolomon MENDOZA, all under Article II of RA 9165 before the CityProsecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Dagupan City docketed under NPS I-10-INQ-12D-00075dated April 17, 2012. IOC - SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 0927636-085596
14) Confiscation of One [1] heat sealed transparent plastic sachetcontaining white crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be “shabu” weighingapproximately MOL .279 grams with estimated DDB value of Php2,650.50;One (1) pc. genuine Php100.00 peso bill used as buy bust money with SN:WG593617; and One (1) bundle of boodle money (cut bond paper) and thearrest of Raffy A. Villamil & Brendo T. Bargola, both residents ofBrgy CananNorte, Malasique, Pangasinan duringdrug/ buy bust operation under PDEARegion 1 under Control No. RO1-0412-00023 at about 9:15 AM of April 18, 2012at Rizal Extension, Brgy Pogo Chico, Dagupan City, Pangasinan conducted byjoint elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> and PDEA Pangasinan SET West Sec<strong>to</strong>r.Cases for Violations of Sec. 5 in relation <strong>to</strong> Sec. 26, Article II of RA 9165 wasfiled against Raffy A. Villamil and Bendo T. Bagola before the CityProsecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Dagupan City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS I-10-INQ-12D-00077 dated April 20, 2012 and subsequently, an information of thecase was filed by City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r Julie Sonson-Namoro before the RegionalTrial Court docketed under Criminal Case Number 2012-0196-D for Violationof RA 9165. Arrested accused presently detained at BJMP, Dagupan City,Pangasinan. IOC - PO3 Mario de Guzman – 0916616810315) Confiscation of Heat sealed transparent plastic sachetcontaining white crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be “shabu” weighingapproximately MOL .094 grams with estimated DDB value of Php893.00 (asper PNP Crime Labora<strong>to</strong>ry Report/ Results);One [1] piece of genuinePhp100.00 peso bill used as buy-bust money with SN: FF195307; One [1]bundle of boodle money [cut paper]; Assorted drug paraphernalia and thearrest of Dante A. Agustin duringdrug/ buy bust operation under PDEA Region 1under Control No. RO1-0412-000033 at about 12:15 AM of April 25, 2012 atTondaligan, Bonuan, Dagupan City, Pangasinan conducted by joint elements ofDagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> and PDEA Pangasinan SET West Sec<strong>to</strong>r. Cases forViolation of Sec. 5 & 11 of Art. II of RA 9165 was filed against the DanteAgustin before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Dagupan City, Pangasinan andsubsequently, an information of the case was filed by Inquest Prosecu<strong>to</strong>rElmer M Surot before the RTC, Br 43, Dagupan City, Pangasinan docketedunder CC Nr. 2012-0210-D. IOC - SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 0927636-085516) Confiscation of Heat sealed transparent plastic sachetcontaining white crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be “shabu” weighingapproximately MOL .813 grams with estimated DDB value of Php7,253.50;One [1] piece of genuine Php100.00 peso bill used as buy-bust money withSN: K430199; One [1] bundle of boodle money [cut paper]; and Assorteddrug paraphernalia and the arrest of Rober<strong>to</strong> F. Llobera, Oscar S. Llobera &Benedict M. Operna, all residents of Fernandez st., Brgy II, Dagupan City,Pangasinan duringdrug/ buy bust operation under under PDEA Region 1 ControlNo. RO1-0512-00003 at about 10:30 PM of May 1, 2012 conducted by jointelements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> and PDEA Pangasinan SET West Sec<strong>to</strong>r.Arrested suspect is under the cus<strong>to</strong>dy of PDEA Pangasinan SET for inquestproceedings. Case for Violation of RA 9165 was filed against the arrestedsuspects before the RTC, Br 44, Dagupan City, Pangasinan docketed under97
CC Nr. 2012-0224-D dated May 3, 2012.IOC - SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan –0927636-085517) Confiscation of Heat sealed transparent plastic sachetcontaining white crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be “shabu” weighingapproximately MOL .282 grams with estimated DDB value of Php2,679.00;Two (2) pcs. of genuine Php100.00 peso bill used as buy-bust money withSNrs: TL870358 & CD7516986; and Two (2) bundles of boodle money [cutpaper] and the arrest of Jose S. Paras duringdrug/ buy bust operation throughCIS information under PDEA Region 1 Control No. RO1-0512-000022 at about3:00 PM of May 10, 2012 at Bonuan Tondaligan, Dagupan City, Pangasinanconducted by PDEA Pangasinan SET West Sec<strong>to</strong>r (lead unit) and Dagupan City<strong>CIDG</strong> (support unit). Case for Violation of Sec. 5 of RA 9165 was filed againstthe arrested suspect Jose Paras before the RTC, Br 44, Dagupan City,Pangasinan docketed under CC Nr. 2012-0251-D dated May 14, 2012. IOC -SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 0927636-085518) Confiscation of One (1) heat sealed transparent plastic sachetcontaining white crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be “shabu” weighingapproximately .0635 gram (sold); Two (2) heat sealed transparent plasticsachet containing white crystalline substance suspected <strong>to</strong> be “shabu”weighing approximately .0582 gram (recovered); One (1) open heat sealedtransparent plastic sachet containing white crystalline substance suspected<strong>to</strong> be “shabu” weighing approximately .0609 gram; One (1) unit MobilePhone Sony Erickson; Two [2] pcs Five Hundred peso bills with SNs:ST034639 & BC993645; and Assorted Drug Paraphernalia and the arrest ofCeferino O. Cariño, Jr @ “Kabog”, 41 yrs old &Joseph V. Dangalan, 35 yrsold, both residents ofBrgy San Francisco, San Fernando City, La Unionduringdrug/buy bust operation under PDEA Region 1 under Control No. 0812-00008 dated August 7, 2012 at about 2:00 PM of August 7, 2012 at Brgy SanFrancisco, San Fernando City, La Union conducted by joint elements of PDEARegional Office I La Union Sec<strong>to</strong>r (lead unit), La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> (support unit), NISG-NF24 NFNL and San Fernando City PS. Arrested suspect and the confiscateditems is under the cus<strong>to</strong>dy of PDEA Regional Office 1. Case for Violation of Sec.5, 7 & 11 of Art. II of RA 9165 was filed by PDEA against the arrestedsuspects before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, San Fernando City, La Uniondocketed under NPS Nr. I-12-INQ-12H-00058. IOC - SPO1 Samuel E Ballan –09178357838 (Inves Support)Arrested suspect Ceferino O. Cariño, is a former member of PNP-RAIDTFbut already included in the OB Watchlist on Illegal Drugs in the Region based onthe certification from PDEA Region 1.19) Confiscation of Two [2] pcs Small heat sealed transparent plasticsachet containing white crystalline substance “shabu” weighingapproximately 0.3002 grams (under Chemistry Report PDEA RO1DD012-0029) with estimated street value of MOL Php2,500.00; One [1] unit MobilePhone Samsung Galaxy; and One (1) pc. Php1,000.00 peso bill buy-bustmoney and the arrest of Michael M. Lagasca aka Kenneth Lagasca @ PENduring buy-bust/ drug operation under PDEA Region 1 Control No. 1112-0000598
dated November 5, 2012 conducted by joint elements of PDEA Regional Office ILa Union Sec<strong>to</strong>r SET (lead unit), La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> (support unit), La Union PPSCand Agoo MPS at Brgy Sta Ana, Agoo, La Union at about 5:40 PM of November5, 2012.Arrested suspect Michael M. Lagasca aka Kenneth Lagasca @ PEN,newly identified Leader of “Calica Drug Group”, now also known as “PENDRUG GROUP” engaged in Illegal Drug Trade/ Drug Trafficking operating inthe 2 nd District of La Union particularly in the municipalities of Bauang andNaguilian based on the 3 rd Quarter 2011 Intelligence Summary from PDEARegion 1.On November 6, 2012, case for Violations of Sec. 5 & 11 of Art. II of RA9165 (Selling and Possession of Dangerous Drugs) were filed against thesuspect Michael M. Lagasca aka Kenneth Lagasca @ PEN before theRegional Trial Court, Agoo, La Union docketed under CC Nrs. A-6223 and A-6224, respectively. IOC – PO3 Danilo A Cortez – 09178357838 (Inves Support)20) Confiscation of Sixty Three thousand one hundred fully grownmarijuana plants (63,100) with estimated DDB value of Twelve Million SixHundred Twenty Thousand Pesos (Php12,620,000.00) during two (2) daysMarijuana uprooting/eradication (November 28 & 29, 2012) at Sitio Talon, SitioLangka, Sitio Baeng, and Sitio Cawang, all at Brgy Licungan, Sugpon, Ilocos Surand at the tri-boundaries of Ilocos Sur, La Union and Benguet conducted by Jointpersonnel of PDEA RO1 (lead Unit) La Union Sec<strong>to</strong>r, Special Enforcement Team,Ilocos Sur Sec<strong>to</strong>r Especial Enforcement Team, Ilocos Sur and La Union <strong>CIDG</strong>(support unit) <strong>to</strong>gether with CIS members, Ilocos Sur PPSC, 2 nd MC RPSB 1,PNP Regional Intelligence Office 1(RIU1) and Sugpon PS. There wasnocultiva<strong>to</strong>r/s that was seen in the area before, during and after the uprootingoperation. Samples of the eradicated/uprooted marijuana plants were taken andwere brought <strong>to</strong> PDEA Office for labora<strong>to</strong>ry examination, while the rest wereburned at the uprooting site. IOC – PO3 Danilo C Cortez – 09178357838 (InvesSupport)Pho<strong>to</strong> showing PO3 Danilo C Cortez of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> (in gray shirt and lousy cap) whilepointing at some of the fully-grown marijuana planted at the site of operation locatedsomewhere at the tri-boundaries of Ilocos Sur, La Union and Benguet.99
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SINSP SAMSON B PASCUAL, Deputy Provincial Officer of Ilocos Sur duringMarijuana eradication at the tri-boundaries of Ilocos Sur, La Union and Benguet.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the actual burning ofMarijuana on the site of operation.CAMPAIGN AGAINST UNLAWFUL DESTRUCTION OF NATURALRESOURCESNO. OF OPERATIONSCONDUCTED: ILLEGAL LOGGING - 2 ILLEGAL FISHING - 1 TOTAL - 3NO. OF PERSONS--ARRESTED: ILLEGAL LOGGING - 17 ILLEGAL FISHING - 20100
TOTAL - 37AMOUNT OF EVIDENCESEIZED:estimated market value of Php14,400.00 ILLEGAL LOGGING- 25 sacks of Processed Charcoal; and Illegally Cut Logs)- Nine(9) Bins of assorted species of ILLEGAL FISHINGcatch fish weighing more or less twohundred twenty five (225) kilosTOTAL AMOUNT - MOL Php14,400.00- One (1) Fishing Vessel marked“PRINCESS ROMINA” equipped withMitsubishi 160hp engine (owned byRowena Celeste E. Castro of Poblacion,Sual, Pangasinan) 16 HP Mo<strong>to</strong>rized Banca (Fishingvessel); Two (2) Paddles; One (1) set of compressor; One (1) piece Hose (more or less 45meters long);OTHER ITEM/S One (1) piece Knot (more or less 20CONFISCATEDmeters long); Two (2) overhead waterproof flashlight; Four (4) spear guns with pointed rods; One (1) styro box containing assortedfishes One (1) Improvised Trailer (Kuliglig); One (1) Mitsubishi Canter Truck bearingPlate Nr: CTR 233; and One (1) Isuzu Elf Truck bearing PlateNr: WKR 322NO. OF CASES FILED - 2The following are the significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN“Kalikasan”:1) Confiscation/seizureof One (1) Fishing Vessel marked“PRINCESS ROMINA” equipped with Mitsubishi 160hp engine (owned byRowena Celeste E. Castro of Poblacion, Sual, Pangasinan), Nine(9) Bins ofassorted species of catch fish weighing more or less two hundred twentyfive (225) kilos and Other fishing paraphernalia’s and the arrest of ManuelLlegue y Olimpo (Boat Captain), resident of Brgy. Pantal, Dagupan City, MelbertG Galangue (Chief Boat Mechanic), Poblacion, Sual, Pangasinan, Alber<strong>to</strong>Rocero y Mondedo, resident of Brgy. Pantal Centro, Dagupan City, MedinioLlegue y Jovien, resident of Bonuan Boquig, Dagupan City, Cris Dela Peña yPeple, resident of Poblacion, Sual, Pangasinan, Fernando Pingian y Rambo,resident of Pob., Sual, Pangasinan, Erwil Bacusa y Loma & Danilo Bacsal yAklad, both residents of Pob., Sual, Pangasinan, Rommel Amante y Caboten,resident of Pantal Centro, Dagupan City, Mario Solayao y Lampira, resident of101
Bonuan Boquig, Dagupan City, Cherwin Del Migues y Ponay, resident ofDagupan City and Jerome Gomias y Orenes, Christian Abaquita y Catalon,Raffy Elicsan y Baltar, Francis Garing y Licutan, all resident of Pob., Sual,Pangasinan during police operation conducted by joint elements of SATT 2,PangCIDT, PPPSMC of Pangasinan PPO, Alaminos City PS, RIU, RIID, CAO andPOSO Bantay Dagat Team, Alaminos City at about 9:00 AM of January 16, 2012along the sea water of Brgy. Patalan Lakay, Alaminos City, Pangasinan whilecaught in the act of fishing by the used of “Boli-boli” fishing gear.Six (6) of the sixteen (16) arrested fish workers/ fishermen have no CityLicense namely: Cherwin Del Migues, Jerome Gomias, Christian Abaquita, RaffyElicsan, Francis Garing & July Solayao. Arrested suspects and the confiscateditems were brought <strong>to</strong> POSO Bantay Dagat Team, Alaminos City for properdocumentation and disposition. Cases for Violation of Section 90, of RA 8550(Fisheries Law) was filed against Manuel LLEGUE y Olimpo, Boat Captain,Melbert G. GALANGUE, Chief boat mechanic (both under arrest) and RowenaCELESTE L. Castro(at large), owner of the boat, while case for Section 66ofCity Ordinance No. 2009-04 was filed against six others namely: Cherwin delMIGUES y Ponay; Jerome GOMIAS y Orenes;Christian ABAQUITA yCatalon;Raffy ELICSAN y Baltar; Francis GARING y Licutan and JulySOLAYAO y Panis, before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Alaminos City, docketedas NPS Docket No. I-08-INV-12A-013, dated January 17, 2012. Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r oncase is City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r Cris<strong>to</strong>bal CAALAMAN of the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office,AlaminosCity.The eight (8) other occupants of the Boat who were in the company of theapprehended suspects were released after finding no sufficient evidence <strong>to</strong> indictthem. The remaining apprehended suspects were released from the cus<strong>to</strong>dy ofPOSO Alaminos City by virtue of ORDER issued by Deputy City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>rCris<strong>to</strong>bal G. CAALAMAN, dated January 17, 2012.2) Confiscation/seizure of 16 HP Mo<strong>to</strong>rized Banca (Fishing vessel);Two (2) Paddles; One (1) set of compressor; One (1) piece Hose (more orless 45 meters long); One (1) piece Knot (more or less 20 meters long); Two(2) overhead waterproof flashlight; Four (4) spear guns with pointed rods;and One (1) styro box containing assorted fishes and the arrest of An<strong>to</strong>nio C.Guzman, 43 yrs old, Willy C. Guzman, 48 yrs old, Romnick C. Guzman & JeffA. Guzman, 23 yrs old, all residents of Brgy. 6-B, Virgen Milagrosa, Badoc, IlocosNorte during police operation conducted by joint elements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong>,Currimao PS and 104 th Maritime Group at about 12:50 AM of March 21, 2012acting on the report of a concerned citizen that an alleged illegal fishing is ongoingat Currimao Fish Sanctuary, vicinity of Brgy Pangil, Currimao, Ilocos Nortewhich resulted <strong>to</strong> the arrest of above-mentioned suspects while in the act of illegalfishing. Arrested suspects were under the cus<strong>to</strong>dy of Currimao PS for properdocumentation. Case for Violation of Sec 90 (Use of Active Gear in theMunicipal Waters and Bays and other Fishery Management Areas) andSection 96 (Fishing in Fishery Reserves, Refuge and Sanctuaries) of RA8550 known as “The <strong>Philippine</strong> Fisheries Code of 1998” was filed against thearrested suspects before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Laoag Citydocketed under IS Nr. INQ-12C-00028 and subsequently, an information wasfiled before the MCTC, Paoay-Currimao, Paoay, Ilocos Norte docketed under102
CC Nr. 3463-C with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php1,000.00 eachfor their temporary liberty. IOC SPO1 Cornelio Lacuesta , Jr 091753309903) Confiscation/seizureofOne (1) ImprovisedTrailer (Kuliglig) loaded with Twenty-Five (25) sacks ofProcessed Charcoaland the arrest of Crispin C. Ferrer, 56yrs old, resident of Brgy. San Roque, San Manuel,Pangasinan during police operation against rampant tradeand illegal transport of Processed Charcoal at Poblacion,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan without necessary license/permitfrom the PENRO, Pangasinan conducted by elements ofUrdaneta <strong>CIDG</strong> <strong>to</strong>gether with CIS Urdaneta led by PSI JOELJ CUSTODIO at about 5:00 AM of August 31, 2012.Case in Violation of PD 705 (Forestry Code of the<strong>Philippine</strong>s) has been filed in coordination/consultation fromMr. Jose Ibay Enrile Jr, Forest Ranger, CENRO UrdanetaCity, prior <strong>to</strong> filing, by this office against the above-named suspect through inquestproceeding before the Prov’l. Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Urdaneta City, Pangasinandocketed under I.S. No. I-11-INQ-12H-00015.Investiga<strong>to</strong>r on case - SPO1Maximo C Javonillo- 091546287724) Confiscation/seizureofOne (1) Mitsubishi Canter Truck bearingPlate Nr: CTR 233 driven by Wilbert Palacpac; andOne (1) Isuzu Elf Truckbearing Plate Nr: WKR 322 driven by Manili<strong>to</strong> Montero(both trucks loaded withIllegally Cut Logs) and the arrest of Dante R. Rapisura, Reynante D. Daquel,Eugene Navarro, Jeffrey Navarro, Adrian P. Rapisura, Isidro P. Rosqueta,Alber<strong>to</strong> P. Rabin, Meli<strong>to</strong> N. Navarro, Jorge N. Navarro, Bernardo N. Navarro,Joker R. Pao, Chris<strong>to</strong>pher R. Roqueta, Ian R. Rabena and Ronie R. Pazduring police checkpoint/ operation at about 5:10 PM of September 4, 2012 atSitio Limmansangan, Brgy Margaay, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur conducted by jointelements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> and Narvacan MPS. Investigation disclosed thatIlocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> Office received a report from CIS partner in Ilocos Sur that Two(2) Trucks loaded with illegally Cut Logs will be passing through the abovementionedplace. As a result, they were able <strong>to</strong> check and s<strong>to</strong>p One (1)Mitsubishi Canter Truck bearing Plate Nr: CTR 233 driven by WilbertPalacpac; andOne (1) Isuzu Elf Truck bearing Plate Nr: WKR 322 driven byManili<strong>to</strong> Montero loaded with illegally Cut Logs.Arrested suspect and confiscated items/evidences were immediatelyturned-over <strong>to</strong> DENR-CENRO, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur for proper disposition.CAMPAIGN AGAINST CHILD ABUSE, MALTREATMENT &EXPLOITATIONNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 3NO. OF MINORS RESCUED - 3NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - 6NO. OF CASES FILED - 3103
The following are the significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN “SagipAnghel”:1) Rescue of Yana P. Gomez, minor and resident of Brgy A, Tayug,Pangasinan during rescue/police operation conducted by elements of UrdanetaCity <strong>CIDG</strong> in coordination with Tayug PS at about 10:00 AM of April 26, 2012 at“Triple A” Videoke Bar located at Brgy A, Tayug, Pangasinan. Said operationresulted also in the arrest of four GROs namely: Carla D. Garcia, 32 yrs old,Maria Elena M. Luz, 30 yrs old, Abbie D. Gonzales, 23 yrs old &Cristal B.Marquez, 22 yrs old, all residents of Brgy A, Tayug, Pangasinan. Arrestedpersons and the rescued minor were brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office forproper documentation. Above-mentioned minor is presently under the cus<strong>to</strong>dy ofDSWD, Tayug, Pangasinan. Said police operation was coordinated <strong>to</strong> PSUPTEMMA M LIBUNAO, Chief, WCCD, H<strong>CIDG</strong> in compliance with SOP Nr. <strong>CIDG</strong> 05-01-2011 (Procedure in Handling of Cases) from the Direc<strong>to</strong>r, <strong>CIDG</strong> dated April 27,2011.Case for Violation of Municipal Ordinance (Working without necessaryPermits) was filed against the four (4) arrested GROs and separate case forViolation of RA 9208 (Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003) was filedagainst Verna Mandap before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Tayug,Pangasinan docketed under IS Nrs. I-QNI-INV-12D-00117 and I-QNI-INV-12D-001, respectively. Investiga<strong>to</strong>r-on-case SPO2 Elsa M Bergado 092751976652) Rescue of Jheo Yannis L. Ocsan, 6 yrs old, resident of BolosanDistrict, Dagupan City, Pangasinan during rescue/police operation conducted byelements of Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> and CSWD, Dagupan City acting on the complain<strong>to</strong>f Mrs Lilia L. Concepcion, aunt of the victim minor, resident of Baguio Cityinforming that said minor was allegedly maltreated by his father Joey Oscan.Rescued minor was brought <strong>to</strong> CSWD, Dagupan City for protective cus<strong>to</strong>dy. Thecase is under investigation by Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> in coordination with DSWD,Dagupan City, Pangasinan. Said police operation was coordinated <strong>to</strong> PSUPTEMMA M LIBUNAO, Chief, WCCD, H<strong>CIDG</strong> in compliance with SOP Nr. <strong>CIDG</strong> 05-01-2011 (Procedure in Handling of Cases) from the Direc<strong>to</strong>r, <strong>CIDG</strong> dated April 27,2011. SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan – 0927636-08553) Rescue of Anna Carissa R. Liba<strong>to</strong>n, 16 years old minor andresident of 2058 Lozado st., Pandacan, Manila during rescue/police operationconducted by joint elements of WACCO and WCPD, H<strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) and IlocosSur <strong>CIDG</strong> (support unit) at about 1:00 AM of November 22, 2012 at Jeje Barlocated at Brgy Calay-ab, S<strong>to</strong> Domingo, Ilocos Sur acting on the complaint ofRuby Reyes, mother of the aforementioned minor. Said operation resulted also inthe arrest of Efren T Tabiernos, Owner/ Managerof Jeje Bar & John David TEnfante, both residents ofBrgy Calay-ab, S<strong>to</strong> Domingo, Ilocos Sur. Arrestedpersons and the rescued minor were brought <strong>to</strong> WACCO and WCPD, H<strong>CIDG</strong>Camp Crame, Quezon City for proper documentation. On November 23, 2012, therescued victim was turned-over <strong>to</strong> Manila City DSWD for proper disposition. Onthe same date, case for Violation of RA 9208 (Anti-Trafficking in Persons Ac<strong>to</strong>f 2003) was filed against the arrested suspects before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s104
Office, Department of Justice, Padre Faura, Ermita, Manila, with NPS DocketNo. XVI-INQ-12K-00109 dated November 23, 2012. IOC-PO2 Warren DLacangan – 09157814170Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the rescued minor Anna CarissaLiba<strong>to</strong>n, who carefully listens <strong>to</strong> the advice ofWACCO, H<strong>CIDG</strong> operative.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the suspect Efren T Tabiernos,Owner/ Managerof Jeje Bar (with bullcap) whilebeing inter<strong>view</strong> by Jeff Canoy, Field Reporter ofABS-CBN at the Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> Office. Saidsuspect was arrested for Violation of RA 9208(Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003).CAMPAIGN AGAINST PROSTITUTION, VAGRANCY & INDECENTSHOWSNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 2NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED: - GROs/PROSTITUTE - 9 ESTABLISHMENT OWNER/ OPERATOR/ MAINTAINER - - OTHERS - -TOTAL NO. PERSONS ARRESTED - 9NO. OF CASES FILED - 3The following are the significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN “Nena”:1) Arrest of Carla D. Garcia, 32 yrs old, Maria Elena M. Luz, 30 yrsold, Abbie D. Gonzales, 23 yrs old &Cristal B. Marquez, 22 yrs old, all residentsof Brgy A, Tayug, Pangasinanand the rescue of Yana P. Gomez, minor duringrescue/police operation conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> incoordination with Tayug PS at about 10:00 AM of April 26, 2012 at “Triple A”Videoke Bar located at Brgy A, Tayug, Pangasinan. Arrested persons and therescued minor were brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for properdocumentation. Above-mentioned minor is presently under the cus<strong>to</strong>dy of DSWD,105
Tayug, Pangasinan. Said police operation was coordinated <strong>to</strong> PSUPT EMMA MLIBUNAO, Chief, WCCD, H<strong>CIDG</strong> in compliance with SOP Nr. <strong>CIDG</strong> 05-01-2011(Procedure in Handling of Cases) from the Direc<strong>to</strong>r, <strong>CIDG</strong> dated April 27, 2011.Case for Violation of Municipal Ordinance (Working without necessaryPermits) was filed against the four (4) arrested GROs and separate case forViolation of RA 9208 (Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003) was filedagainst Verna Mandap before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Tayug,Pangasinan docketed under IS Nrs. I-QNI-INV-12D-00117 and I-QNI-INV-12D-001, respectively. Investiga<strong>to</strong>r-on-case SPO2 Elsa M Bergado 092751976652) Arrest of Maria Grace D. Quiambao, 24 yrs old, resident of TarlacCity, Christine F. Diamzon, 24 yrs old, resident of Gerona, Tarlac, Madel Joy G.Angeles, 18 yrs old, resident of Kalibo, Aklan, Sandra A. Pinili, 24 yrs old,resident of Brgy Bayaos, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan &Chaxtie Jeane A.Advien<strong>to</strong>, 21 yrs old, resident of Brgy Mabanogbog, Urdaneta City, Pangasinanfor Working without necessary permits during police operation/ random inspectionconducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> in coordination with Alcala PS andMs. Editha Corpuz of Alcala MSWD Officer on the reported female minorsemployed as Guest Relation Officers at Video Bars located at Brgy San Pedro III,Alcala, Pangasinan at about 11:00 PM of September 12, 2012. Said policeoperation was coordinated <strong>to</strong> PSUPT EMMA TRINIDAD of H<strong>CIDG</strong>, WCPD incompliance with SOP Nr. <strong>CIDG</strong> 05-01-2011.Case for Violation of Municipal Ordinance No. 2003-05 (Workingwithout Occupational Health Permit/License) has been filed against theabove-named female persons, before the 8 th Municipal Circuit Trial Court(MCTC) Alcala-Bautista, Alcala, Pangasinan docketed under individual CC#.3092-3096 dated September 13, 2012 IOC SPO2 Elsa Bergado 09474491629CAMPAIGN AGAINST SMUT AND PORNOGRAPHYNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 8NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - -NO. OF PIECES OF EVIDENCE SEIZED:- ‣ 857pcs of assorted Pornographic/Pirated CD’s, VCD’s,pirated/ pornographicDVD’s & VHS Tapes (pcs)VCDs/ DVD’s Tabloids & Magazines - -TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT - MOL Php51,105.00NO. OF CASES FILED - 5The following are the significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN“Magdalena”:1) Confiscation of Twenty-nine (29) pcs. of Pornographic DVDs withestimated Market Value of Php1,160.00 during police operation conducted byelements of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI MELCHOR F PISO in coordination withLaoag City PS at about 5:00 PM of January 26, 2012 at Laoag City Supermarket.106
Owners of above confiscated items managed <strong>to</strong> escape upon noticing the arrivalof the raiding team. No case filed. IOC - SPO1 Cornelio B Lacuesta, Jr091753309902) Confiscation of Thirty-two (32) pcs. Of Assorted PornographicVCDs/DVDs with estimated Market Value of Php1,600.00 during policeoperation conducted by joint elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI LOVELLU DALISAY and Dagupan City PS at about 5:30 PM of January 26, 2012 at Navast., Dagupan City, Pangasinan. Owners of above confiscated items managed <strong>to</strong>escape upon noticing the arrival of the raiding team. Confiscated items werebrought <strong>to</strong> Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation and inven<strong>to</strong>ry. Nocase filed. IOC - SPO1 Guiamanza B Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan 09275797113) Confiscation of Fifty-two (52) pcs. of Pornographic DVDs withestimated Market Value of Php2,600.00 during police operation conducted byjoint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL J CUSTODIO and StaMaria PS at about 10:15 AM of January 27, 2012 at Public Market, Sta Maria,Pangasinan. Owner of said items identified as Jamal Lin<strong>to</strong>ng eluded arrest.Confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for properdocumentation and inven<strong>to</strong>ry. Case for Violation of Art. 201 par. 4 of the RPCas amended by PD 969 was filed against Jamal Lin<strong>to</strong>ng (at-large) before theProvincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Rosales, Pangasinan docketed under I-0ig-INV-12A-00020 dated January 30, 2012. Investiga<strong>to</strong>r-on-case is SPO1Maximo Javonillo, Jr - 09154628772.4) Confiscation of One Hundred Twenty-four (124) pcs. ofPornographic DVDs with estimated Market Value of Php6,200.00 during policeoperation conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL JCUSTODIO and Rosales PS at about 10:50 AM of January 27, 2012 at PublicMarket, Rosales, Pangasinan. Owner of said items identified as Jenny Colladoeluded arrest. Confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office forproper documentation and inven<strong>to</strong>ry. Case for Violation of Art. 201 par. 4 of theRPC as amended by PD 969 was filed against Jenny Collado (at-large)before the Provincial Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Rosales, Pangasinan docketedunder I-0ig-INV-12A-00021 dated January 30, 2012. Investiga<strong>to</strong>r-on-case isSPO1 Maximo Javonillo, Jr - 09154628772.5) Confiscation of One Hundred ninety-one (191) pcs of AssortedPornographic/ Pirated DVDs with estimated Market Value of Php9,550.00(Ninety-one (91) pcs of which are pornographic) during police operationconducted by joint elements of Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI ARBEL CMERCULLO, Ilocos Sur PPSC and Narvacan MPS at about 11:00 AM of January27, 2012 at Public Market, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. Owners of above confiscateditems identified as Omil Sakri Basak and Takoring Makrang Mungat managed<strong>to</strong> escape upon noticing the arrival of the raiding team. Confiscated items werebrought <strong>to</strong> Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation and inven<strong>to</strong>ry.Appropriate charges are being readied against the suspects for filing in court. IOC–IOC – PCI ARBEL C MERCULLO – 09175523777107
6) Confiscation of Eighty-five (85) pcs. of Pornographic DVDs withestimated Market Value of Php4,250.00 during police operation conducted byjoint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL J CUSTODIO and VillasisPS at about 11:20 AM of January 27, 2012 at Public Market, Villasis, Pangasinan.Owner of said items identified as Shiela Rodriguez eluded arrest. Confiscateditems were brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation andinven<strong>to</strong>ry. Case for Violation of Art. 201 par. 4 of the RPC as amended by PD969 was filed against Shiela Rodriguez (at-large) before the ProvincialProsecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Villasis, Pangasinan docketed under I-01f-INV-12A-00034. Investiga<strong>to</strong>r-on-case is SPO1 Maximo Javonillo, Jr - 09154628772.7) Confiscation of Fifty-eight (58) pcs. of Assorted PornographicVCDs/DVDs with estimated Market Value of Php5,800.00 (Twelve (12) pcs ofwhich are containing Sex Scandal of RAMGEN Revilla & Janelle Manahan);and Two hundred Forty-three (243) pcs of Assorted Pirated VCDs/DVDs withestimated Market Value of Php18,225.00 during police operation conducted byjoint elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI HELSON B WALIN, La Union PPSC,PIB, LUPPO and San Fernando City PS at about 11:30 AM of January 27, 2012 atSan Fernando City Supermarket, Ortega st., San Fernando City, La Union. Owneridentified as Aznar G. Macadatu aka Oding eluded arrest during said operation.Confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for properdocumentation. Cases for Violation of 293 (IPR) & Violation of PD 969 inrelation <strong>to</strong> Art. 201 of the RPC was filed against the suspect before theOffice of the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r, San Fernando City, La Union docketed underIS Nr. 12-INV-12A-00145 dated January 31, 2012. IOC – SPO2 Augus<strong>to</strong> DGacayan 091825078258) Confiscation of Forty Three (43) pcs of Pornographic DVDs withestimated Market Value of Php1,720.00 during police operation on thecampaign against pornographic materials conducted by elements of Urdaneta City<strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL J CUSTODIO at about 10:00 AM of September 11, 2012at Public Market, Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. Owners of aboveconfiscated items identified as Odin Sultan managed <strong>to</strong> escape upon noticing thearrival of the raiding team. A case of Violations of Art 201 of the RPC asamended by PD 969 & RA 8293 (IPR Law) were filed against ODIN SULTAN(at large) before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, Urdaneta City, Pangasinandocketed under NPS DOCKET NO.I-II-INV-12I-00336 dated September 12,2012. Investiga<strong>to</strong>r-on-case - SPO2 Elsa M Bergado 09474491629.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> <strong>to</strong>gether with CIS-BPATS of Urdaneta City duringpolice operation on the campaign against pornographic materials at Public Market, Poblacion, Urdaneta City,Pangasinan at about 10:00 AM of September 11, 2012.108
CAMPAIGN AGAINST ILLEGAL RECRUITMENT AND TRAFFICKINGOF MIGRANT WORKERSNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 1NO. OF VICTIMS ASSISTED/RESCUED -1NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - 1NO. OF CASES FILED - 1The following are the significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN“Pagsisikap”:1) Arrest of Lodibini E. Carbonel, 55 yrs old, resident of 25 Bon<strong>to</strong>cst., Robes III Village, Kungkong Mangga, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan at about3:15 PM of February 6, 2012 during entrapment operation conducted at PartasLaoag City Terminal located at Brgy 1, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte by joint elementsof Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PCI MELCHOR F PISO (lead unit), PIT-RIU1 andLaoag City PS when she received Php1,000.00 from the victim/complainant HazelManochon as partial payment for processing fee <strong>to</strong> travel abroad. Arrestedsuspect is presently under the cus<strong>to</strong>dy of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> for properdocumentation and disposition. Said operation was coordinated with ATCD incompliance with IMPLAN <strong>to</strong> Executive Order No. 41 (Reactivating the PresidentialTask Force against Illegal Recruitment Created under Executive Order No. 759 S.2008 and strengthening the same).Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Cornelio Lacuesta, Jr (green polo) andSPO3 Danilo Matahum (in white polo t-shirt with brownstripe) of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> while escorting the arrestedsuspect Lodivini E. Carbonel during successful entrapmen<strong>to</strong>peration conducted at Partas Laoag City Terminal locatedat Brgy 1, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte at about 3:15 PM ofFebruary 6, 2012. Said operation stemmed from thecomplaint of Hazel Manochon of Bon<strong>to</strong>c, Mt. Province.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO1 Cornelio Lacuesta, Jr of Ilocos Norte<strong>CIDG</strong> while conducting fingerprint <strong>to</strong> the arrested suspectLodivini E. Carbonel inside the Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> officelocated at Camp Capt. Valentin S Juan, Laoag City, IlocosNorte.109
On February 7, 2012, records of the case and suspect Lodibini E.Carbonell was presented for inquest proceedings <strong>to</strong> AssistantCity Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r GIFFORD D E L TUMANENG of Laoag CityProsecu<strong>to</strong>r Office and docketed under I. S. No. I-15-INQ-12B-0007 for Violation of Section 6 in relation <strong>to</strong> Section 7 of RA8042 Otherwise known as the Migrant Workers andOverseas Filipinos Act of 1995, in further relation <strong>to</strong> Art135 of PD 442. After the inquest proceedings, information ofthe case was subsequently filed before the RTC, FJR, LaoagCity docketed under CC Nr. 15075 for the same offensewith recommended bail bond of Php. 24,000.00. Theaccused was detained at BJMP, Laoag City during the pendency of the case asper commitment order dated February 07, 2012 issued by Hon Judge FranciscoR. D Quilala.Inves-on-case SPO1 Cornelio Lacuesta, Jr 09175330990.CAMPAIGN AGAINST SMUGGLING & MANUFACTURING,DISTRIBUTION & TRADING OF COUNTERFEITED ITEMSNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - 2NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - -- ‣ 31,839 pcs of Counterfeit KnorrSinigang Product and MaggiMagic Sarap Seasoning withEstimated Market Value ofITEMS CONFISCATEDPhp626,883.00;‣ 62 Sacks of Assorted PiratedDVDs/VCDs/CDs with estimatedMarket Value ofPhp8,680,000.00 (Computationis based on OMB Formula)TOTAL AMOUNT OF ITEMS SEIZED- Estimated Market Value ofPhp9,306,883.00NO. OF CASES FILED - -The following are the significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN “MegaShoppers”:1) Confiscation of Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty Nine(31,839) pcs of Counterfeit Knorr Sinigang Product and Maggi Magic SarapSeasoning with Estimated Market Value of Php626,883.00 duringimplementation of SW Nrs. 12-20332 <strong>to</strong> 12-20335 issued by Hon. Judge LylihaAquino of RTC, Br 24, Manila for Violation of RA 8293 (Unfair Competition/Intellectual Property Code) at the Stalls of Urdaneta City Public Market at about4:00 PM September 17, 2012 conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>,AFCCD-<strong>CIDG</strong> in coordination with Urdaneta City PS. Said operation was done inorderly & peaceful manner in the presence of Market Administra<strong>to</strong>r, Brgy Officialsand representatives of RV Domingo Law Firm who represent Nestle and UnileverPhils. Case for Violation of RA 8293 is being readied by the Office of AFCCD-110
<strong>CIDG</strong>, Camp Crame, Quezon City against the owners/ tenants of said stalls forfiling in court. SPO2 Elsa M Bergado 09474491629Subject operation was jointly initiated by the Nestle and Unilever Phils ascomplainants and through the office of the AFCCD-<strong>CIDG</strong>, Camp Crame, QuezonCity.2) Confiscation ofSixty-two (62) Sacks of Assorted PiratedDVDs/VCDs/CDs with estimated Market Value of Php8,680,000.00(Computation is based on OMB Formula) during police operation conducted byjoint elements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong>, Optical Media Board (OMB), Manila (leadoffice), PIB, La Union PPO, La Union PPSC, 2 nd MC RPSB-1 and San FernandoCity PS on the campaign against Distribution/Trading and/or Sale ofCounterfeited Items by authority of Inspection Order issued by Hon. RonnieRicketts, Chairman of Optical Media Board (OMB) at Old Dry Market, Brgy 3, SanFernando City, La Union at about 11:30 AM of September 25, 2012. While thestall owners and/or sellers could not be found during the conduct of saidoperation. Confiscated evidence/items were properly received by the lead office(Intelligence Officer III Dean Perez, Evidence Cus<strong>to</strong>dian of OMB). The case willbe handled by the Enforcement & Investigation Division (EID) of OMB, Manila(lead office).CAMPAIGN AGAINST ILLEGAL RETAILERS/ MANUFACTURERS OFPETROLEUM PRODUCTSNO. OF OPERATIONSCONDUCTEDNO. OF PERSONSARRESTED--- “B’GIS” LPG Retailer• Two (2) Pcs 11 kg filled tanks; and• Sixteen (16) Pcs 11 kg unfilled tanksITEMS CONFISCATED “LG” Gas Retailer• Seven (7) pcs 11 kg filled tanks; and• Twelve (12) pcs 11 kg emptycylindersNO. OF CASES FILED - -The following are the significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> OPLAN “Ligas”:1) Confiscation of Two (2) Pcs 11 kg filled tanks & Sixteen (16) Pcs11 kg unfilled tanks at the establishment of “B’GIS” LPG Retailer and Seven(7) pcs 11 kg filled tanks & Twelve (12) pcs 11 kg empty cylinders at theestablishment of “LG” Gas Retailer during police operation conducted byelements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by SINSP JOEL J CUSTODIO acting on therequest for police assistance from the representatives of DTI Pangasinan led byMr. Guillermo B Avelino, Jr and Trade and Industry Development Specialist Edwin1-111
Manalang at about 1:00 PM of March 15, 2012 at aforementioned establishmentslocated at Brgy Poblacion East, Rosales, Pangasinan.Investigation disclosed that when checked and verified about their permits/documents from DTI, they cannot present any certification or documents whichresulted <strong>to</strong> the confiscation of above stated items. After the inven<strong>to</strong>ry, theconfiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> DTI, Dagupan City Office for properdocumentation and disposition. Case is under the disposition of DTI Pangasinan.IOC PO2 Aris<strong>to</strong>n Noval II 09157812947ANTI-BANK/ARMORED VAN & PAYROLL ROBBERYNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - NoneNO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED -NO. OF CASES FILED -ANTI-TERRORISM CAMPAIGNNO. OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED - NoneNO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED -NO. OF CASES FILED -OPLAN BAWINO. OF OPERATIONS -CONDUCTED-NO. OF PERSONS ARRESTED - -NO. OF PERSONS KILLED - -HIGH-POWERED - -LOW-POWERED- 1 One (1) cal .22 RifleHOMEMADE -NO. FIREARMS SEIZED/ -SURRENDERED1- One (1) Rifle Grenade; One (1) Fragmentation Grenade;NO. OF EXPLOSIVE/S SEIZED One (1) MK IV Hand Grenade; One (1) Rifle Grenade and One (1) MK IV Hand GrenadeNO. OF AMMUNITION SEIZED - -NO. OF MAGAZINE SEIZED - -OTHER ITEMS CONFISCATED - -NO. OF CASES FILED - -The following are the significant accomplishments under LOI BAWI (Recall ofFirearms):112
1) Surrendered/turned-over of One (1) cal .22 Rifle; and One (1) MKIV Hand Grenade by Brgy Captain Bernard Cabison of Brgy Mangin, DagupanCity, Pangasinan.At about 10:30 AM of March 15, 2012, Brgy Captain Bernard Cabison ofBrgy Mangin, Dagupan City, Pangasinan went <strong>to</strong> Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> Officelocated at Peoples’ Astrodome, Tapuac District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan andsurrendered One (1) cal .22 Rifle & One (1) MK IV Hand Grenade. Said firearmand explosive were voluntary surrendered/turned-over by Brgy Captain BernardCabison through the effort of CIS member Romeo Fernandez, President of CISPangasinan after previous coordination made by elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong>.Said firearm and explosive was turned-over by a resident of Brgy Mangin,Dagupan City, who requested anonymity.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing Brgy. Capt Bernard Cabison in brown polo t-shirt <strong>to</strong>gether with Mr. Romeo Fernandez, President CISPangasinan while they were inter<strong>view</strong>ed by GMA 7 Reporterrelative <strong>to</strong> the surrender of subject firearms andammunitions.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing CINSP MODESTO F CARRERA, PO,Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> during inter<strong>view</strong> by GMA news reporterafter receiving the firearm and explosive from Brgy. Capt.Bernard Cabison. Mr. Romeo Fernandez, President CISPangasinan looks on.2) Surrendered/turned-over of One (1) Rifle Grenade and One (1) MKIV Hand Grenade by Brgy Kagawad Rey Calderon of Brgy Pantal, Dagupan City,Pangasinan.At about 10:00 AM of June 6, 2012, Brgy Kagawad Rey Calderon went <strong>to</strong>Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office located at Peoples’ Astrodome, Tapuac District,Dagupan City, Pangasinan and surrendered/turned-over One(1) Rifle Grenade &One (1) MK IV Hand Grenade. Said explosives were voluntarysurrendered/turned-over by Brgy Kagawad Rey Calderon through the effort of CISmember Romeo Fernandez, President of CIS Pangasinan and Mr. Lore<strong>to</strong> Marianoafter previous coordination made by elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> oncampaign against loose firearms and explosives.113
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing Romeo Fernandez, CIS President of Pangasinan andCIS Lore<strong>to</strong> Mariano during the turned-over of One [1] RifleGrenade & One [1] MKIV Hand Grenade by Brgy Kgwd ReyCalderon of Brgy Pantal, Dagupan City, Pangasinan at theDagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office located at Peoples’ Astrodome, TapuacDistrict, Dagupan City, Pangasinan.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing CINSP MODESTO F CARRERA, Provincial Chief ofPangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> during the inter<strong>view</strong> with ABS-CBN news reporter afterreceiving the explosives from Brgy. Kagawad Rey Calderon on June 6,2012.OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENTACTIVITIESOTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIESNO. OF OPERATIONSCONDUCTEDNO. OF PERSONSARRESTEDCONFISCATEDEVIDENCED/ ITEMS- 16- 14- One (1) bladed weapon measuring 13 ½inches long including handle andscabbard One (1) Unskinned/ unburned dog; One (1) Skinned/ burned dog; One (1) Butchered dog; One (1) pc. Knife; One (1) pc Bolo; Ten (10) pcs Php1,000 peso bills used asmarked money bearing SN: NPO76115,KWO065210, NM542613, PW340175,RZ569832, KP630151, PH037914,SG153936, RL473995 & RT414268 (allmarked with initials “MCJ”); One (1) Fake Land Title bearing TCT No.433017 Three (3) pcs butchered dogs; Two (2) pcs hog tied live dogs about <strong>to</strong> bebutchered; Two (2) pcs kitchen knives; One (1) pc ice pick; One (1) pc dog catcher (rope inserted in asteel pipe) one (1) unit Hot Air (Aeolus) 850C withexpired Misc 5-16-12; one (1) unit Hot Air (Aeolus) 850C;114
one (1) unit Hot Air (Aeolus) 850C; Bawang; Pla-pla; Dynamite; Piccolo; Pop-pop/ Watusi; Whistle Bombs; Judas Belt; Thunder Lolo; Rapid Fire; Five Star (Note: All the confiscated illegal firecrackers &pyrotechnics worth MOL Php24,999.00(market value)NO. OF CASES FILED - 10The following are the significant accomplishments under <strong>CIDG</strong> Other LawEnforcement Activities:1) Arrest of Regino P. Lomibao, 40 yrs old, resident of #33, Hererost., Dagupan City, Pangasinan and the confiscation of One (1) bladed weaponmeasuring 13 ½ inches long including handle and scabbard at about 10:15PM of January 10, 2012 during police operation conducted by joint elements ofSATT2, Pangasinan <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI LOVELL U DALISAY and Dagupan City PSby virtue of Warrant of Arrest issued by Hon. Genoveva Conching-Maramba,Presiding Judge, RTC, FJR, Br 44, Dagupan City, Pangasinan in CC Nr. 2005-0338-D dated April 3, 2006 for ESTAFA Thru Falsification of CommercialDocuments with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php40,000.00 for histemporary liberty and W/A issued by Hon. Emma M Torio, Presiding Judge, RTC,FJR, Br 40, Dagupan City, Pangasinan in CC Nr. 2005-0401-D dated December29, 2011 for ESTAFA Thru Falsification of Commercial Documents withrecommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php20,000.00 for his temporary liberty.Accused was presently detained at the BJMP, Dagupan City, Pangasinan.Investigation disclosed that during the implementation of the Warrants ofArrest against the accused by the arresting team, accused withdrew/ brought outa bladed weapon but, overpowered by the arresting officers. As a result thereof,PO3 Lorenzo Sabiniano and PO2 Filomeno Garcia sustained bruises due <strong>to</strong> thestruggle for possession of the bladed weapon.Subject arrested person has been hiding since the first issuance of Warran<strong>to</strong>f Arrest in the year 2006. Cases for Violation of Art. 151 of the RPC andViolation of BP Blg. 6 (Illegal Possession of Deadly Weapon) were filedagainst the arrested suspect before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office, DagupanCity, Pangasinan and subsequent filing of an information for said casesbefore the MTC, Dagupan City, Pangasinan docketed under CC Nrs. 51704-12 & 51705-12 with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php2,000.00 eachfor his temporary liberty. Inves-on-case SPO4 Dave D Fronda 092997283162) Arrest of Joel F. Fabro, 34 yrs old, resident of Brgy Poblacion,Urdaneta City, Pangasinan&John S. Alaparo, 27 yrs old, resident of Anonas,115
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan at about 9:20 AM of February 21, 2012 during policeoperation conducted by elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PSI JOEL JCUSTODIO acting on the report of a confidential informant that several dogs werebeing butchered for sale at Consejo st., Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan.Investigation disclosed that after receiving said information, elements ofUrdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> were dispatched and proceeded <strong>to</strong> the aforementioned placewhich resulted <strong>to</strong> the arrest of the suspects while in the act of burning thebutchered dogs and the confiscation of One (1) Unskinned/ unburned dog; One(1) Skinned/ burned dog; One (1) Butchered dog; One (1) pc. Knife; and One(1) pc Bolo. Arrested suspects were brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office forproper documentation. Case for Violation of RA 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of1998) was filed against the arrested suspects Joel F. Fabro & John S.Alaparo before the MCTC, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed under CC Nr.25955 with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php4,000.00 each for theirtemporary liberty. Accused are presently detained at BJMP, Urdaneta City,Pangasinan. IOC-SPO1 Maximo C Javonillo Jr 091546287723) Arrest of Bobby Maniego, 45 yrs old,Dale Jay Tanedo, 43 yrs old, Vincent Sicangco, 38yrs old, Eller Luimangan, 27 yrs old, Efren Santiago,43 yrs old &Dennis Cenizal, 37 yrs old, all residents ofTarlac City and the confiscation of Ten (10) pcsPhp1,000 peso bills used as marked money bearingSN: NPO76115, KWO065210, NM542613, PW340175,RZ569832, KP630151, PH037914, SG153936,RL473995 & RT414268 (all marked with initials“MCJ”); and One (1) Fake Land Title bearing TCTNo. 433017 at about 9:00 PM of June 14, 2012 duringentrapment operation conducted by elements ofUrdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> in coordination with Rosales PS atSM Parking Area, Carmen, Rosales, Pangasinan. Theirthree (3) other companions identified as Dindo Lupena, Athena Medina andApong Apos<strong>to</strong>l still remains at large.Investigation disclosed that on June 11, 2012, Sps Melchor & HaideeCabreros, businessman from Villasis, Pangasinan personally reported and lodgedtheir complaint <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for alleged Syndicated ESTAFA.Allegedly they were victims of a certain group being manipulated by BobbyManiego & Dindo Lupena from Tarlac City by making fraudulent transactionsinvolving large amount of money. That upon learning of the illegal activities of thesaid group, on June 14, 2012 at about 9:00 PM, members of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong>conducted entrapment operation at the vicinity of “SM” Carmen, Rosales,Pangasinan which resulted <strong>to</strong> the arrest of the above-named suspects and theconfiscation on the above-mentioned evidences.Investigation further disclosed that suspects introduced various businessopportunities including PCSO projects such as “Loterya ng Bayan” and “STL” <strong>to</strong>the victim/complainant and pursued them <strong>to</strong> invest large amount of money on saidPCSO project that reached MOL Php800,000.00 pesos including the loan moneyof a fake TCT of a Land Title. Upon investigation, said suspects were notauthorized nor even affiliated with the said government agency and the TCT116
earing no. 433017 is questionable as per certification from Registry of Deeds,Tarlac City.On June 15, 2012, a case for “Syndicated ESTAFA” & “Falsification ofPublic Documents” was filed against Bobby Maniego Dale Jay Tanedo,Vincent Sicangco, Eller Luimanagn, Efren Santiago, Dennis Cenizal, DindoLupena, Athena Medina and Apong Apos<strong>to</strong>l before the Regional Trial Court,Br 53, Rosales, Pangasinan docketed under CC# 5856-R. IOC - SPO1Maximo C Javonillo, Jr 091546287724) Arrest of Danny E. Samira, 47yrs old &Jansen C. Tagaduar, 25 yrs old,bothresidents ofBonifacio st., Brgy Bonifacio, SanCarlos City, Pangasinan and the confiscationof Three (3) pcs butchered dogs; Two (2)pcs hog tied live dogs about <strong>to</strong> bebutchered; Two (2) pcs kitchen knives; One(1) pc ice pick; and One (1) pc dog catcherrope inserted in a steel pipe at about 11:00 AM of July 2, 2012 during policeoperation against Illegal Dog Meat Trade activities conducted by joint elements ofDagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit) and San Carlos City PS in coordination withAnimal Kingdom Foundation. Confiscated items/ evidences were turned-over <strong>to</strong>Mr. Greg Quimpo, Representative of Animal Kingdom Foundation while thearrested suspects are presently detained at Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office whilewaiting for the Issuance of Detention Order <strong>to</strong> BJMP, San Carlos City,Pangasinan. Cases for Violation of Sec. 6 of RA 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of1998) and Violation of Sec. 11, par 7 of RA 9482 (Anti Rabies Act of 2007)was filed against the arrested suspects before the City Prosecu<strong>to</strong>r’s Office,San Carlos City, Pangasinan docketed under NPS No. i-09-INV-12J-0044dated July 2, 2012. IOC SPO1 Guiamanza Lin<strong>to</strong>ngan 09297579711Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the two (2) pcs hog tied live dogs about <strong>to</strong> bebutchered.117
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the two suspects identified as DannySamira & Jansen Tagaduar while caught in the actcleaning the butchered dogs by elements of DagupanCity <strong>CIDG</strong>.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the two of the three slaughtered dogsconfiscated by the operating elements of DagupanCity <strong>CIDG</strong>.5) Confiscation of one (1) unit Hot Air (Aeolus) 850C with expiredMisc 5-16-12 at EAM Cellphone Repair Shop located at Villanueva St., Brgy 16,San Jacin<strong>to</strong>, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, one (1) unit Hot Air (Aeolus) 850C atSolaiman L Matunding Cellphone & Repair Shop located at Darusalam ShoppingArcade located at Brgy 16 Villanueva St., Laoag City and one (1) unit Hot Air(Aeolus) 850C at Abdulah Papandayan Cellphone and Repair Shop located atRuiz Building Rizal St., Laoag City at about 10:00 AM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 30, 2012during police operation against unlicensed/ illegal Mobile phone retailer/ resellerand service center conducted by members of <strong>National</strong> TelecommunicationCommission (NTC) Region 1 headed by Mr. AMADEO Y YABES, CESO V,Regional Direc<strong>to</strong>r, NTC Region 1 and Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> led by PINSPEDUARDO C PAJINAG, Deputy Provincial Officer, Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> and CISmembers of Ilocos Norte. Said establishments allegedly all owned by Ms. Ethel MManalo which is not around during the conduct of police operation. Confiscateditems were covered by receipts and were brought <strong>to</strong> NTC Region1 Office forproper disposition.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing Mr. AMADEO Y YABES, CESO V, RegionalDirec<strong>to</strong>r of <strong>National</strong> Telecommunication Commission(NTC), Region 1 while conducting briefing <strong>to</strong> the membersof inspecting team led by the NTC, Region 1supported/assisted by members of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> led byINSP EDUARDO C PAJINAG, the then Deputy ProvincialOfficer of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> covered by GMA IlocosReporter Ms. Brigitte Mayor.118
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing representatives from <strong>National</strong> Telecommunication Commission (NTC) Region 1 andmembers of GMA Ilocos and ABS-CBN Laoag during the actual inspection against unlicensed/ illegalMobile phone retailer/ reseller and service center at Darussalam Shopping Arcade in LaoagCity,Ilocos Norte at about 10:00 AM of Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 30, 2012.INSP EDUARDO C PAJINAG, the then DeputyProvincial Officer of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> (with PNP bullcap) looks on.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing INSP EDUARDO C PAJINAG, the thenDeputy Provincial Officer of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> and CISmember of Ilocos Norte <strong>CIDG</strong> during police operationagainst unlicensed/ illegal Mobile phone retailer/ reseller inLaoag City.6) Arrest of Hanson A Dela Cruz, 34yrs old, resident of Brgy S<strong>to</strong>Domingo, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan &Reginald C Jover, 38 yrs old, resident ofPob., West, Asingan, Pangasinan for Acts of Lasciviousness & ESTAFA duringpolice operation conducted by joint elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> (lead unit)<strong>to</strong>gether with CIS members and Urdaneta City PS at about 9:00 AM of November29, 2012.Investigation disclosed that at about 8:00 AM of November 29, 2012,complainant Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Benigno y Badillo was then selling material products(“plastic jacket” of LTO license ID) along Lachica St., Pob., Urdaneta City, whenthe above-named suspects approached her and held her inside the establishmen<strong>to</strong>f “CO Medical” located on said place and sexually molested her. Further, shewas warned by the suspects not <strong>to</strong> tell anybody about what they did <strong>to</strong> her or elseshe will be restricted <strong>to</strong> do her business along the said premises. After theincident, the victim immediately reported the said incident <strong>to</strong> the office of UrdanetaCity <strong>CIDG</strong>. Upon receipt of the report, elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> respondedon the complaint of the victim which resulted <strong>to</strong> the arrest of the two suspects.Cases for Acts of Lasciviousness & ESTAFA were filed against thearrested suspects before the MTC, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed119
under CC Nrs. 26111 & 26110, respectively. IOC SPO2 Elsa M Bergado withCP # 094744916297) At about 4:45 in the afternoon of December 30, 2012, elements ofUrdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by SINSP JOEL J CUSTODIO conducted policeoperation against Illegal Firecrackers and Pyrotechnics at Public Market,Poblacion, Binalonan, Pangasinan which resulted <strong>to</strong> the confiscation of thefollowing evidences;KIND OFQUANTITY PRICE VALUEFIRECRACKERSBawang 1 box containing 35- 105.00piecesPla-pla 5 packs P30.00/pack 150.00Dynamite 6 pieces P50.00/pc 300.00Piccolo 23 packs P10.00/pack 230.00Pop-pop/ Watusi 15 pieces P5.00/pc 75.00TOTALPhp860.00Stall owners were able <strong>to</strong> escaped and eluded arrest upon noticing thearrival of the operating team abandoning the said items. Confiscated items werebrought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for documentation.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the confiscated assorted firecrackers and pyrotechnics beinginven<strong>to</strong>ried inside the Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> office.8) At about 11:00 in the morning of December 30, 2012, elements ofDagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> led by SINSP LOVELL U DALISAY conducted policeoperation against Illegal Firecrackers and Pyrotechnics at Poblacion, Mangaldan,Pangasinan which resulted <strong>to</strong> the confiscation of the following;KIND OFQUANTITY PRICE VALUEFIRECRACKERSPla-Pla (Big Triangles) 4 packs P30.00/pack 120.00Whistle Bombs 200 pieces P5.00/piece 1,000.00TOTALPhp1,120.00120
No suspects were arrested. Confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> DagupanCity <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for documentation.9) At about 1:00 in the afternoon of December 30, 2012, elements ofDagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> conducted police operation against Illegal Firecrackers andPyrotechnics at Public Market, Poblacion, Sta Barbara, Pangasinan whichresulted <strong>to</strong> the confiscation of the following evidences;KIND OFQUANTITY PRICE VALUEFIRECRACKERSBaby dynamite 12 pieces P20.00/piece 240.00Bawang 4 packs P40.00/pack 160.00Whistle Bombs 180 pieces P5.00/piece 900.00TOTALPhp1,300.00Stall owners were able <strong>to</strong> escape and elude arrest upon noticing the arrivalof the operating team abandoning the said items. Confiscated items were brought<strong>to</strong> Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> for proper documentation.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing elements of Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> during the actual operation against illegalfirecrackers and pyrotechnics at Public Market, Poblacion, Sta Barbara, Pangasinan.10) At about 5:00 in the afternoon of December 30, 2012, joint elementsof Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong>, Dagupan City PS, PIB and RID, PRO1 <strong>to</strong>gether withmembers of ABS-CBN Northern Luzon conducted police operation against IllegalFirecrackers and Pyrotechnics at Dagupan City, Pangasinan which resulted <strong>to</strong> theconfiscation of the following;KIND OF QUANTITY PRICE VALUEFIRECRACKERSJudas Belt (2000 rounds) 2 sets P900.00/set 1,800.00Judas Belt (1000 rounds) 9 sets P450.00/set 4,050.00Judas Belt (500 rounds) 3 sets P200.00/piece 600.00TOTALPhp6,450.00Stall owners were able <strong>to</strong> escape and elude arrest upon noticing the arrivalof the operating team abandoning the said items. Confiscated items were brought<strong>to</strong> Dagupan City PS for proper documentation.121
11) At about 10:00 in the morning of December 31, 2012, joint elementsof Dagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong>, Lingayen PS, POPB PPO, RID PRO1 and PIB, PPOconducted police operation against Illegal Firecrackers and Pyrotechnics atPoblacion, Lingayen, Pangasinan which resulted <strong>to</strong> the confiscation of thefollowing;KIND OF QUANTITY PRICE VALUEFIRECRACKERSBig dynamite 20 pieces P40.00/piece 800.00Large Whistle Bombs 47 pieces P30.00/piece 1,410.00Pla-Pla 5 packs P30.00/pack 150.00TOTALPhp2,360.00No suspects were arrested. Confiscated items is under the cus<strong>to</strong>dy ofLingayen PS12) At about 2:30 in the afternoon of December 31, 2012, elements ofDagupan City <strong>CIDG</strong> conducted police operation against Illegal Firecrackers andPyrotechnics at Poblacion, Malasiqui, Pangasinan which resulted <strong>to</strong> theconfiscation of the following;KIND OFQUANTITY PRICE VALUEFIRECRACKERSBig dynamite 15 pieces P40.00/piece 600.00Whistle Bombs 150 pieces P5.00/piece 750.00Bawang 120 pieces P2.00/piece 240.00Pla-Pla 2 packs P30.00/pack 60.00TOTALPhp1,650.00No suspects were arrested. Confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> DagupanCity <strong>CIDG</strong> for proper documentation.13) At about 2:30 in the afternoon of December 31, 2012, elements ofUrdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> conducted police operation against Illegal Firecrackers andPyrotechnicsalong the Mc Arthur Highway, Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinanwhich resulted <strong>to</strong> the confiscation of the following;KIND OFQUANTITY PRICE VALUEFIRECRACKERSPiccolo 1 box containing 200 pcs P8.00/piece 1,600.00Bawang 35 pieces P2.00/piece 70.00TOTALPhp1,670.00 One (1) cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l ARMSCOR with SN: 1412948; Two (2) pcs Magazines for cal .45; and Six (6) rds Live Ammunitions for cal .45122
Investigation disclosed that when the elements of Urdaneta City <strong>CIDG</strong> wasabout <strong>to</strong> confiscate the illegal Firecrackers and Pyrotechnics, the owner identifiedas Patrick Pascua resisted and tried <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p the confiscation prompting theoperating elements <strong>to</strong> arrest him. Suspect was informed about his constitutionalrights.While the suspect was under arrest, SINSP JOEL CUSTODIO noticed thatsuspect opened his shoulder bag and put his right hand inside. At that juncture,operatives hold his hand as they are thinking that he has a deadly weapon insidethe bag. When they opened the said bag, they saw One (1) cal .45 Pis<strong>to</strong>l. Whenthe suspect was asked about the documents of said firearm, suspect failed <strong>to</strong>show any pertinent documents <strong>to</strong> possess the same prompting the operatives <strong>to</strong>confiscate the said firearm.Arrested suspect and the confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> Urdaneta City<strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation.On December 31, 2012, case for Violationof PD 1866 as amended by RA 8294 (Illegal Possession of Firearms andAmmunitions) was filed against the arrested suspect Patrick L. Pascuabefore the OCC, RTC, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan docketed under CC Nr. U-18493 with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php80,000.00. Likewise,information was filed at MTCC, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan for Violation ofRA 7183 (An Act Regulating the Sale, Manufacture, Distribution and Use ofFirecrackers) against the above-named person docketed under CC Nr. 26115with recommended bailbond amounting <strong>to</strong> Php6,000.00 for his temporaryliberty. Investiga<strong>to</strong>r-on-case SPO2 Ariel P Esteban 0927374456714) At about 11:00 AM of December 31, 2012 joint elements of La Union<strong>CIDG</strong>, PPSC, Agoo Fire Station in coordination with Agoo PS conducted policeoperation against Illegal Firecrackers and Pyrotechnics at Brgy San NicolasNorte, Agoo La Union which resulted <strong>to</strong> the confiscation of the following;KIND OFQUANTITY PRICE VALUEFIRECRACKERSPop-pop 350 boxes P10.00/box 3,500.00Thunder Lolo 80 pieces P5.00/piece 400.00Rapid Fire 3 pieces P40.00/piece 120.00Fountain 6 pieces P30.00/piece 180.00Quitis 14 pieces P5.00/piece 70.00Five Star 20 pieces P5.00/piece 100.00Whistle Bomb 83 pieces P3.00/ piece 249.00TOTALPhp4,619.00No suspects were arrested. Confiscated items were under the cus<strong>to</strong>dy ofAgoo PS.123
Pho<strong>to</strong> showing SPO2 Ferdinand F Es<strong>to</strong>las,Chief Clerk/ PESPO of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> whileinspecting the permits and the firecrackersbeing sold by the stall owners/ vendors alongBrgy San Nicolas Norte, Agoo La Union.15) At about 8:30 AM of December 31, 2012 joint elements from LaUnion <strong>CIDG</strong>, PPSC, Bauang Fire station in coordination with Bauang PSconducted police operation against Illegal Firecrackers and Pyrotechnics at BrgyCentral East, Bauang, La Union. The said raid was led by Agoo fire station andPNP Units which resulted <strong>to</strong> the confiscation of which resulted <strong>to</strong> the confiscationof the following;KIND OFQUANTITY PRICE VALUEFIRECRACKERSPop-pop 19 boxes P15.00/box 285.00Piccolo 39 boxes P15.00/box 585.00Five Star 10 pieces P5.00/piece 50.00Whistle Bomb 10 pieces P5.00/ piece 50.00TOTALPhp970.00Stall owners/occupants were not present during the conduct of policeoperation. Confiscated items were brought <strong>to</strong> La Union <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for properdocumentation.Pho<strong>to</strong> showing the illegal firecrackers andpyrotechnics abandoned by the stall owner/ vendorsduring the police operation conducted by jointelements of La Union <strong>CIDG</strong>, PPSC, Bauang Firestation in coordination with Bauang PS at BrgyCentral East, Bauang, La Union.16) At about 11:30 in the morning of December 31, 2012, elements ofIlocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> led by CINSP NAPOLEON P DUQUEZ <strong>to</strong>gether with CIS124
members conducted police operation against Illegal Firecrackers andPyrotechnics at Brgy. 1, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur which resulted <strong>to</strong> the confiscationof the following evidences;KIND OF QUANTITY PRICE VALUEFIRECRACKERSPla-pla 200 pieces P10.00/piece 2,000.00Special Pla-pla 10 pieces P200.00/piece 2,000.00TOTALPhp4,000.00Stall owners/ vendors were able <strong>to</strong> escape and elude arrest upon noticingthe arrival of the operating team abandoning the said items. Confiscated itemswere brought <strong>to</strong> Ilocos Sur <strong>CIDG</strong> Office for proper documentation.PART IV.Conclusion:On Criminalities, isolated crimes occurred within the AOR, however thesecrimes were acted upon due <strong>to</strong> pro-active actions initiated by 1<strong>CIDG</strong> and thetimely assistance provided by other law enforcement agencies within AOR as wellas the active/ full support of the communities and force multipliers in the fightagainst all forms of criminalities contributed <strong>to</strong> the over-all viable peace and ordercondition in the Ilocos Region.125