Surveillance Course - PNP Directorate for Operations
Surveillance Course - PNP Directorate for Operations Surveillance Course - PNP Directorate for Operations
Program of InstructionSurveillance CourseSubjectRegistrationOpening Ceremonya) ClandestineOperationb) Definition ofSurveillancec) Terminologiesd) Objectives ofSurveillancee) GeneralSurveillanceProceduref) Types ofSurveillanceg) Methods ofSurveillanceh) 5 Techniques ofFoot Surveillancei) VehicleSurveillanceNr ofHours30 min30 min1 hr2 hrs1 hr& 30minScope of InstructionsThe participants should be able toprovide their personalcircumstances required in theregistration formThis is to formally open theseminar and to welcome theparticipantsInstructor will discuss theClandestine Operation, definition ofsurveillance, terminologies and isobjectivesInstructor will discuss theprocedure, types and method ofsurveillanceInstructor will discuss the differenttypes of foot and vehiclesurveillance and its applicabilityMethod ofInstructionProcessingProgramLectureLectureLecturej) Continuation ofVehicle Surveillancek) 3 Techniques ofVehicle Surveillancea) Definition ofCasingb) Purposec) Usesd) Methods of Casinge) Preliminary Actionf) Coverageg) Disposal Plan2 hrs1 hr1 hr1 hrInstructor will discuss vehiclesurveillance and techniques ofvehicle surveillanceInstructor will discuss the definitionof Casing its purpose and usesInstructor will discuss the methodsof Casing and preliminary actionbefore conducting casingInstructor will discuss the extent ofcasing activity what it should coverLectureLectureLectureLecture
Program of Instruction<strong>Surveillance</strong> <strong>Course</strong>SubjectRegistrationOpening Ceremonya) ClandestineOperationb) Definition of<strong>Surveillance</strong>c) Terminologiesd) Objectives of<strong>Surveillance</strong>e) General<strong>Surveillance</strong>Proceduref) Types of<strong>Surveillance</strong>g) Methods of<strong>Surveillance</strong>h) 5 Techniques ofFoot <strong>Surveillance</strong>i) Vehicle<strong>Surveillance</strong>Nr ofHours30 min30 min1 hr2 hrs1 hr& 30minScope of InstructionsThe participants should be able toprovide their personalcircumstances required in theregistration <strong>for</strong>mThis is to <strong>for</strong>mally open theseminar and to welcome theparticipantsInstructor will discuss theClandestine Operation, definition ofsurveillance, terminologies and isobjectivesInstructor will discuss theprocedure, types and method ofsurveillanceInstructor will discuss the differenttypes of foot and vehiclesurveillance and its applicabilityMethod ofInstructionProcessingProgramLectureLectureLecturej) Continuation ofVehicle <strong>Surveillance</strong>k) 3 Techniques ofVehicle <strong>Surveillance</strong>a) Definition ofCasingb) Purposec) Usesd) Methods of Casinge) Preliminary Actionf) Coverageg) Disposal Plan2 hrs1 hr1 hr1 hrInstructor will discuss vehiclesurveillance and techniques ofvehicle surveillanceInstructor will discuss the definitionof Casing its purpose and usesInstructor will discuss the methodsof Casing and preliminary actionbe<strong>for</strong>e conducting casingInstructor will discuss the extent ofcasing activity what it should coverLectureLectureLectureLecture
h) Escape andEvasion Plani) Casing Report1. Sketches2.Photography3. Commercial4. Detail1 hr& 30min2 hrsand the disposal planInstructor will discuss the escapeand evasion plan in case theoperation is compromisedInstructor will discuss the reportsneeded after casing operation,everything must be wedocumented<strong>for</strong> appreciation of theCommander and <strong>for</strong> futurereferenceLectureLecture5 Techniques of Foot<strong>Surveillance</strong>Vehicle <strong>Surveillance</strong>CasingProductiona. Retrieve, Save,Print Photo Imageb. Capture, Edit, PrintVideo Footagec. Submission ofReportCritiquesDistribution ofcertificates ofAttendance to theparticipants andgiving of Certificate ofappreciation to theInstructor8 hrs8 hrs6 hrs1 hr1 hrStudents will apply the techniquesof foot surveillance, obtainingnecessary in<strong>for</strong>mation withoutasking the subject/rabbit andmaking sure that they don’t getburned-outStudents will apply the techniquesof foot surveillance, obtainingnecessary in<strong>for</strong>mation withoutasking the subject/rabbit andmaking sure that they don’t getburned-outStudents should be able toproduce the result of theirsurveillance and casing operationand be able to submit their aftersurveillance and casing reportLecturer and students will be ableto give their insights on the activity.They will focus on the CONS thathave been done during thepractical exercises in order to becorrected and to be avoided inactual operation.Closing ceremony of the 5-dayseminar, distribution of certificatesto the students and giving ofcertificate of appreciation to theinstructor/lecturerPracticalExercisesPracticalExercisesPracticalExercisesOpen ForumProgram