Page 1 of 40 Compiled Messages 12/6/2011 https://westga.view.usg ...

Page 1 of 40 Compiled Messages 12/6/2011 https://westga.view.usg ...

Page 1 of 40 Compiled Messages 12/6/2011 https://westga.view.usg ...

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<strong>Compiled</strong> <strong>Messages</strong><strong>https</strong>://<strong>westga</strong>.<strong>view</strong>.<strong>usg</strong>.edu/webct/urw/lc1934932184131.tp2539...<strong>Page</strong> 22 <strong>of</strong> <strong>40</strong><strong>12</strong>/6/<strong>2011</strong>Big idea: Pop culture has enormous influence over this demographic.* Finding: “Children yearn for relationships with engaged adults, especially extended family.”Big idea: Family ties remain an important cultural experience.A key except from the article captures the overarching theme: “Sesame Workshop concluded from their findings thatchildren are feeling pressure from 'adult sprawl' in four particular areas <strong>of</strong> their lives: violence, urbanization, media, and popculture. It is possible that children this age are feeling adult pressures due in part from <strong>view</strong>ing and experiencing adultcontent in these areas.”The transition from the world <strong>of</strong> the family to the world <strong>of</strong> school and peers can be a challenging one. Here is where theauthor contends that “mastery and competence” are important issues to this age group.The age <strong>of</strong> innocence gives way to the realm <strong>of</strong> adult concerns in a trouble world filled with real life issues that impact youngand old indiscriminately. Developing health coping skills becomes vital.The article points out that adults probably underestimate the level <strong>of</strong> influence they wield in the impressionable lives thatlook to them for protection and role modeling.Here is a statement that is absolutely true and has astonishing implications: “Media are ubiquitous in life today.” From 9%<strong>of</strong> households in 1950 having TV sets to 98% in 1985 (26 years ago!), media wields unfathomable influence for good orbad.Consider this scenario: If parents are CSI fans and follow the series, children can be exposed to a minimum <strong>of</strong> at least threemurders per week in Hollywood detail.Implications? “The research results support growing concern that children's development is being hindered by exposure toviolent and adult content.”How can adults help during the middle school years? Goodman makes 5 recommendations that I feel are noteworthy:1. Have children develop relationships with adults whom they can share their fear2. Help children develop the tools to work through their fears3. Provide good role models4. Give children realistic expectations5. Help children develop media literacy to enhance their ability to cope with “adult sprawl”The future <strong>of</strong> every country on the planet depends on how the present middle childhood generation makes it through thisperiod <strong>of</strong> their life development. Adolph Hitler had a keen sense <strong>of</strong> this facto in his day cried out to his Germanconstituency: “Give me your youth!” and created the “Hitler Youth” movement who were groomed later to become his S.S.This is an extreme example pulled from history but it underscores the importance <strong>of</strong> the five recommendations RobinGoodman points out in the article to help this age group make it through this season emotionally healthy and free fromunrealistic expectations, irrational fears, and emotional baggage that the media and adult sprawl has passed on as theirinheritance.Source: http://www.aboutourkids.org/articles/<strong>view</strong>_middle_life_through_eyes_middle_childhood-- DavidReply ForwardSubject: Re:Robertson - Middle Childhood Topic: Discussion Forum Four (October 3 - 16)Author: David RobertsonDate: October 9, <strong>2011</strong> 6:02 PMJessica - Thanks for the reply. When we can come up with creative ways to collect data that kids find fun then we are on theright track for sure. - DavidReply ForwardSubject: Re:Robertson - Middle Childhood Topic: Discussion Forum Four (October 3 - 16)Author: David RobertsonDate: October 9, <strong>2011</strong> 6:06 PMBarbara - You make a keen observation and one that I think is very wise. When we say "adult entertainment" in our culturalcontext it suggests X-rated movies. But truthfully adult entertainment includes sit-coms and violent movies and shows thatmay not be suitable for younger <strong>view</strong>ers. The "parental discretion is advised" warning is good but only as good as thediscretion <strong>of</strong> the parents who are charged with guarding the minds <strong>of</strong> their children. - DavidReply ForwardSubject: Re:Robertson - Middle Childhood Topic: Discussion Forum Four (October 3 - 16)Author: David RobertsonDate: October 9, <strong>2011</strong> 6:18 PM

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