Page 1 of 40 Compiled Messages 12/6/2011 https://westga.view.usg ...

Page 1 of 40 Compiled Messages 12/6/2011 https://westga.view.usg ...

Page 1 of 40 Compiled Messages 12/6/2011 https://westga.view.usg ...

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<strong>Compiled</strong> <strong>Messages</strong><strong>https</strong>://<strong>westga</strong>.<strong>view</strong>.<strong>usg</strong>.edu/webct/urw/lc1934932184131.tp2539...<strong>Page</strong> 34 <strong>of</strong> <strong>40</strong><strong>12</strong>/6/<strong>2011</strong>Author: David RobertsonDate: November 6, <strong>2011</strong> 5:59 PMMarcia - Thank you for sharing your story. Like you, my parents got marreid right after they graduated from high school, at18 years old, and have been married for 59 years. I cannot commend you enough for working hard with your husband,raising your children, and putting the energy and drive into obtaining your degree later. Your children will draw greatstrength and inspiration from your example later in their own lives. DavidReply ForwardSubject: Re:Conner_Growing Up Topic: Discussion Forum Six (October 31 - November 13)Author: David RobertsonTonia - I enjoyed reading about your growing up on the farm. I loved what you said, that "not knowing how to dosomething was no excuse for not doing it." Wow. My dad grew up on a farm and he had to learn so many things - fromlivestock care to mechanical work on every piece <strong>of</strong> equipment - all without instruction. As a result, my dad, like you, is notafraid to tackle new tasks and give it a whirl because failure is not an option. - DavidReply ForwardDate: November 8, <strong>2011</strong> 8:16 PMSubject: Re:Conner_Growing Up Topic: Discussion Forum Six (October 31 - November 13)Author: David RobertsonMarcia - I can see readily that your family is operating under a generational blessing. From your dad to you to your son,good things have passed down the family line that your son will value and pass forward as well. I love this! Thank you somuch for sharing. DavidReply ForwardDate: November 9, <strong>2011</strong> 10:49 AMSubject: Re:Time magazine articles Topic: Discussion Forum Six (October 31 - November 13)Author: David RobertsonSheila - Thanks for sharing these articles. I don't read Time regularly so this is a find I would not ordinarily be exposed to.Many thanks! DavidReply ForwardDate: November 13, <strong>2011</strong> 5:36 PMSubject: Re:Meaning <strong>of</strong> Life Topic: Discussion Forum Seven (November 14 - 27)Author: David RobertsonJessica - I enjoyed reading your comments. Certainly life is an ever-changing propostion. From the moment <strong>of</strong> birth theprocess <strong>of</strong> our death unfolds. To my <strong>view</strong>, life has meaning and purpose. Just like loving parents want to have a child, toraise, to love, to invest a legacy in, in the same I believe that God has created each <strong>of</strong> us with a plan in mind. - DavidReply ForwardDate: November 14, <strong>2011</strong> 7:02 PMSubject: Re:Meaning <strong>of</strong> Life Topic: Discussion Forum Seven (November 14 - 27)Author: David RobertsonJessica - Knowing that people have intrinsic value makes life more precious and helps us to treat others with dignity andrespect. In societies that don't agree with what you and are saying here, the sanctity <strong>of</strong> human life is degraded. The movie"Schindler's List" <strong>of</strong>fers a sober and graphic example <strong>of</strong> this notion. Just like the movie "The Passion <strong>of</strong> the Christ" did notfully capture the gruesome horror <strong>of</strong> the scourge and crucifixion <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ, so Schindler's List did not fully capture thehorror <strong>of</strong> life in the death camps <strong>of</strong> Nazi Germany. Viktor Frankl, Corrie ten Boom, and other Holocost survivors, <strong>of</strong>fer aglimpse in their writings <strong>of</strong> what happens when the meaning <strong>of</strong> life is meaningful to those in power and meaningless tothose who are subjected to their autocratic rule. - DavidReply ForwardDate: November 15, <strong>2011</strong> <strong>12</strong>:18 PMSubject: Robertson - On Discovering the Meaning <strong>of</strong> Life Topic: Discussion Forum Seven (November 14 - 27)Author: David RobertsonI love this class! While I am trying my best to choke down quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research methods in myother class, this class is a breath <strong>of</strong> fresh air to talk about the stuff <strong>of</strong> life that actually matters to me!Over the years, motivational speakers like Zig Zigler and John Maxwell have <strong>of</strong>ten quote Viktor Frankl. His wise sayings andunique perspectives made their way in quotable quotes around the world for decades.You can purchase the book that Dr. Hayes recommends from Amazon at this link:http://www.amazon.com/Mans-Search-Meaning-Viktor-Frankl/dp/0807014273/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321310727&sr=8-1Date: November 14, <strong>2011</strong> 6:07 PMFrankl's book, "Man's Search for Meaning," was actually published in 1959 under a different title: "From Death-Camp toExistentialism."

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