Alg 1 5.4 pg 296
Alg 1 5.4 pg 296
Alg 1 5.4 pg 296
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GUIDED PRACTICEVocabulary Check ✓Concept Check ✓Skill Check ✓1. The line that most closely fits a set of data is called the ? .Draw a scatter plot of data that have the given correlation.2. Positive 3. Negative 4. Relatively no5. DISCUS THROWS Predict the distance of the winning throw in theyear 2005 from the data in Example 2. Explain your reasoning.Draw a scatter plot of the data. State whether x and y have a positivecorrelation, a negative correlation, or relatively no correlation. If possible,draw a line that closely fits the data and write an equation of the line.6. x y 7. x y 8. x y 9.1 2º3 81.1 5.12 9º2 61.7 5.53 8º1 52.2 5.94 10 32.6 6.35 41 23.3 7.56 82 03.5 7.6x y5.5 0.46.2 1.07.7 2.58.1 2.99.2 4.39.7 5.5PRACTICE AND APPLICATIONSSTUDENT HELPExtra Practiceto help you masterskills is on p. 801.FITTING LINES Copy the graph and draw a line that corresponds closely tothe data. Write an equation of your line.10. y11. y 12.y3111113 x31131 x1 1 3 x1FITTING LINES Draw a scatter plot of the data. Draw a line thatcorresponds closely to the data and write an equation of the line.STUDENT HELPHOMEWORK HELPExample 1: Exs. 10–16,23Example 2: Exs. 10–16,23Example 3: Exs. 17–2213. x y 14. x y 15. x y 16.1.0 3.8 3.0 7.1 3.0 9.91.5 4.2 3.4 8.1 3.5 9.71.7 5.3 4.0 8.5 3.7 8.62.0 5.8 4.1 8.9 4.0 8.12.0 5.5 4.8 9.6 4.0 8.41.5 6.7 5.2 9.8 4.5 7.4x y5.0 6.8<strong>5.4</strong> 5.86.0 5.66.1 5.26.8 4.37.2 3.5<strong>296</strong> Chapter 5 Writing Linear Equations