July 16, 2012 - Warrick County School Corporation
July 16, 2012 - Warrick County School Corporation
July 16, 2012 - Warrick County School Corporation
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APPROVEDWARRICK COUNTY SCHOOL CORPORATIONSCHOOL BOARD MINUTESJULY <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>The <strong>Warrick</strong> <strong>County</strong> Board of <strong>School</strong> Trustees met in regular session on <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>, at7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Administration Center with all members present. PresidentGary Hachmeister called the meeting to order. A moment of silence was followed by the Pledgeof Allegiance.Consideration of Routine ItemsA motion was made by Thomas Welch and seconded by Dorothy Kroeger to approve thefollowing Routine Items, as listed:A. Approve the minutes of the <strong>School</strong> Board meeting held on <strong>July</strong> 2, <strong>2012</strong>.B. Approve Claims 1 - 145 and sign the docket.Motion carried.Consideration of Items for Board ActionA. A motion was made by Dorothy Kroeger and seconded by Ben Stilwell to approvethe list of Title I Summer <strong>School</strong> bus drivers, as presented. Title I Summer <strong>School</strong>will run from <strong>July</strong> 23, <strong>2012</strong>, through August 3, <strong>2012</strong>. Motion carried.B. A motion was made by Jim Eifler and seconded by Brenda Metzger to approve thefollowing Standing Committees for the time period of <strong>July</strong> <strong>2012</strong>, through December<strong>2012</strong>:Curriculum & Policy Personnel & Contracts ConstructionCandace Nance Dorothy Kroeger Jim EiflerGary Hachmeister Brenda Metzger Candace NanceBen Stilwell Gary Hachmeister Thomas WelchTransportation Bid BargainingDorothy Kroeger Ben Stilwell Dorothy KroegerBrenda Metzger Candace Nance Candace NanceThomas WelchBen StilwellMotion carried.Consideration of Personnel RecommendationsMr. Rick Reid, Director of Human Resources, presented recommendations foremployment of personnel for the <strong>2012</strong>-2013 school year and requests for leave of absence. Uponhis recommendation:
<strong>School</strong> Board Minutes – <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2012</strong> – Page TwoA. A motion was made by Candace Nance and seconded by Jim Eifler to employBridget Hoffman as an agriculture teacher at Tecumseh Jr./Sr. High <strong>School</strong>. Motioncarried.B. A motion was made by Brenda Metzger and seconded by Dorothy Kroeger toemploy Stephanie Sullivan as a temporary vocal music teacher at Boonville High<strong>School</strong> and Boonville Middle <strong>School</strong>. Motion carried.C. A motion was made by Candace Nance and seconded by Ben Stilwell to employKerri Holland as a guidance counselor at Castle High <strong>School</strong>, contingent uponlicensing. Motion carried.D. A motion was made by Candace Nance and seconded by Dorothy Kroeger to employJamison Foley as a third grade teacher at Loge Elementary <strong>School</strong>. Motion carried.E. A motion was made by Thomas Welch and seconded by Ben Stilwell to employLinda Higginson as a behavior consultant. Motion carried.F. A motion was made by Candace Nance and seconded by Ben Stilwell to employDelma Dillman as a math teacher at Castle North Middle <strong>School</strong>, by transfer fromBoonville Middle <strong>School</strong>. Motion carried.G. A motion was made by Brenda Metzger and seconded by Ben Stilwell to employAndrea Norman as a school psychologist. Motion carried.H. A motion was made by Dorothy Kroeger and seconded by Ben Stilwell to employSarah Olson as a temporary occupational therapy assistant at multiple locations.Motion carried.I. A motion was made by Dorothy Kroeger and seconded by Thomas Welch to employKori Cox as a 5.5-hour cafeteria employee at Tecumseh Jr./Sr. High <strong>School</strong>,transferring from a 3.25-hour cafeteria employee. Motion carried.J. A motion was made by Dorothy Kroeger and seconded by Candace Nance to employBarb Dempsey as a 4-hour custodian at Castle High <strong>School</strong>, transferring from an 8-hour custodian at John H. Castle Elementary <strong>School</strong>. Motion carried.K. A motion was made by Ben Stilwell and seconded by Dorothy Kroeger to approve there-assignment of Ladonna Kelle from educational interpreter to program assistant atBoonville Middle <strong>School</strong>. Motion carried.L. A motion was made by Ben Stilwell and seconded by Jim Eifler to approve therequest of Barb Dempsey, 4-hour custodian at Castle High <strong>School</strong>, for a leave ofabsence to begin on August 15, <strong>2012</strong>, until December 15, <strong>2012</strong>. Motion carried.M. A motion was made by Dorothy Kroeger and seconded by Ben Stilwell to approve therequest of Beverly Stephens, 7.5-hour secretary/treasurer at Sharon Elementary<strong>School</strong>, for a medical leave of absence beginning August 6, <strong>2012</strong>, using sick andpersonal days, and Family Medical Leave, with a tentative return date of January 2,2013. Motion carried.
<strong>School</strong> Board Minutes – <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2012</strong> – Page ThreeReportsMr. Rick Reid reported on the following resignations:A. Lisa Nall, 6.75-hour program assistant at Newburgh Elementary <strong>School</strong>, effective<strong>July</strong> 3, <strong>2012</strong>.B. Lee Ann Roeder, 6.75-hour program assistant at Castle North Middle <strong>School</strong>,effective <strong>July</strong> 10, <strong>2012</strong>.Mr. Rick Reid next reported on the following retirements:A. Mary Monroe, third grade teacher at John H. Castle Elementary <strong>School</strong>, effective asof the end of the 2011-<strong>2012</strong> school year.B. Jesse Waters, 8-hour custodian at Chandler Elementary <strong>School</strong>, effective September1, <strong>2012</strong>.Mrs. Jane Wilhelmus, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, came forward to give areport on the <strong>2012</strong> ISTEP scores for grades three through eight. The <strong>Warrick</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Corporation</strong> ranked 38th out of 291 school corporations in the State of Indiana. TennysonElementary <strong>School</strong> ranked 86 th and Yankeetown Elementary <strong>School</strong> ranked 94 th in the state (outof 1,524 public schools). Total pass rates for the <strong>Warrick</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> exceededthe state averages in all categories tested. <strong>Warrick</strong> <strong>County</strong> schools already achieved good scoresthat were above the state averages in 2011, but several schools accomplished increased scores in<strong>2012</strong>, including 6 out of 14 schools with increased scores in math/language arts combined. Also,when comparing schools that were below state averages in subjects tested last year with thisyear, <strong>Warrick</strong> <strong>County</strong> increased in 10 categories, which shows the tremendous effort and workdone at our schools. By testing in the spring instead of the fall, the tests represent mastery ofIndiana standards over the course of the current school year, and data can be tracked from springto spring. To prepare for future testing, test results from this year will be reviewed and ourschools will continue to monitor student progress throughout the year. Also, schools willcontinue to do a number of things to help maintain and improve scores, including providingremediation. Mrs. Wilhelmus said the <strong>Warrick</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> continues to improveon a tradition of excellence. She is proud of the teachers, staff, parents, the community, andespecially the students for accomplishing the goals reached this year.Mr. Schneider thanked Mrs. Wilhelmus for her presentation. He said our test scorescontinue to be very strong, and he is proud of the hard work that is reflected by our students,teachers, staff, and parents. The tests show that our students continue to excel as they aremeeting state standards. He stated that while preparing for ISTEP and the resulting test scoresare important and serve a purpose, that is not the sole purpose of our corporation, and many othergreat things take place in our schools. He looks forward to maintaining and even improvingscores on future ISTEP testing.
<strong>School</strong> Board Minutes – <strong>July</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2012</strong> – Page FourOther Board BusinessSeveral upcoming meetings were discussed:Transportation Committee - Tuesday, August 14, <strong>2012</strong>, at 8:30 a.m. at the AdministrationBuilding.Construction Committee - Tuesday, August 7, <strong>2012</strong>, at 7:30 a.m. at the AdministrationBuilding.Personnel & Contracts Committee – Monday, August 20, <strong>2012</strong>, at 6:00 p.m. at theAdministration Building.Curriculum & Policy Committee – Monday, August 20, <strong>2012</strong>, after the Board meeting atapproximately 7:30 p.m. at the Administration Building.Since Labor Day falls on a normal meeting night, a motion was made by Candace Nanceand seconded by Dorothy Kroeger to change the first Board meeting in September fromSeptember 3, <strong>2012</strong>, to Tuesday, September 4, <strong>2012</strong>, at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried.Thomas Welch said the ISBA Summer Board Member Academy that several Boardmembers attended recently was excellent and very informative.AdjournmentA motion was made by Dorothy Kroeger and seconded by Jim Eifler to adjourn. Motioncarried. Meeting adjourned.These minutes were approved by the <strong>Warrick</strong> <strong>County</strong> Board of <strong>School</strong> Trustees on the6th day of August, <strong>2012</strong>.Attested:______________________________________________Candace Nance, Secretary of the <strong>Warrick</strong> <strong>County</strong> Boardof <strong>School</strong> Trustees______________________________________________Gary Hachmeister, President of the <strong>Warrick</strong> <strong>County</strong>Board of <strong>School</strong> Trustees