Job Description

Job Description

Job Description


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Key RelationshipsInternal• DIA staff• HR team• Shared Services business groupExternal• SuppliersPerson Specification<strong>Job</strong>holders may either have a solid background in administration with specific experience with HRprocesses, or be starting a career in HR with a tertiary qualification including a theoreticalunderstanding of HR and an aptitude for administration processes, including attention to detail.EssentialDesirableExperienceDemonstrated experience in an administration capacityA history of achievement in delivery of high quality HR servicesYesYesKnowledgeA working understanding of the Privacy Act and relevant employmentlegislationKnowledge and understanding of a range of business administrationprocessesExperience and demonstrated knowledge of job evaluation systemsYesYesYesSkillsHigh level of accuracyTime management and ability to self manageCapacity and aptitude for developing and running structured processesUnderstanding of HR practiceUnderstanding of MS Office applications and HR databasesYesYesYesYesYesEducation and Professional MembershipsA tertiary level qualification – in HR related disciplineYesOtherNil<strong>Job</strong> Grading Reference: Page 3 of 5File name:h:\hr coordinator role\jd_hr co-ordinator.doc

DIA CompetenciesCompetencies are behaviours that drive job success. They are observable and measurablecharacteristics that can be seen when a job is being done well.The competencies required for this job are listed below. Each competency falls within acompetency cluster, which are broad themes of skills, behaviours and abilities.Competency ClusterIntegrityIntelligenceEmotional MaturityTalent to ExecutePositive EnergyCompetencyIntegrity and TrustEthics and ValuesLearning on the FlySelf KnowledgeComposureOrganisingPriority settingProcess managementPlanningWritten CommunicationsPerseveranceAction orientedEdgeManaging Diverse RelationshipsInterpersonal SavvyCustomer focusManaging ComplexityManaging and Developing PeopleAchieves Effectiveness for MāoriEffectiveness for MāoriWith the exception of Achieves Effectiveness for Māori, the competencies DIA uses are derived from the Competency Sort Cardsdeveloped and copyrighted by Lominger Limited, Inc. No part of the Lominger competencies may be used, reproduced or transmitted inany form or by any means, by or to any party outside of The Department of Internal Affairs.Competency Clusters• IntegrityThis is the ability to accept personal accountability for actions and decisions; to be reliable,trustworthy, and honest in all aspects of our work; and to uphold the values and principlesof the Department.• IntelligenceThis is the ability to learn, understand and think things out quickly. It is demonstrated in ourability to reason, solve problems, think creatively, understand ideas that can be complex,and learn quickly from experience. It is the ability to make sense of a changing environmentand figuring out what to do.<strong>Job</strong> Grading Reference: Page 4 of 5File name:h:\hr coordinator role\jd_hr co-ordinator.doc

• Emotional MaturityThis is the ability to control one's emotions, to recognise their impact and to adapt tochanging circumstances, particularly during stressful times. It includes the ability to sense,understand, and react to others' emotions. It is about knowing one's strengths andweaknesses and continuously looking to improve oneself. It also requires individuals todemonstrate resilience and sound judgment in dealing with challenges.• Talent to ExecuteThis is about getting the job done. It is the ability to achieve results for the Department andprovide an outstanding service, with and through others. It also describes continuouslysearching for innovation and ways to ass value in order to position the Department forfuture success.• Positive EnergyThis is the demonstration of an upbeat attitude through good times and bad, and the desireto strive for the best outcomes for the Department. Individuals who demonstrate this traitare able to positively affect the behaviour of others, motivating them with a sense ofpurpose and spirit of cooperation. It encompasses the capacity to care deeply for the workthat we do and for the principles and values of the Department.• EdgeThis is the ability to make tough calls and to demonstrate courage and confidence inchallenging situations. It encompasses expertise in risk management and decision-making.Those with edge provide stability and clarity when crisis and confusion arise.• Managing Diverse RelationshipsThis is the ability to work with a diverse range of people and to build mutually beneficialrelationships and networks, sometimes in complex environments. It is the ability to valuethe contribution of others, respecting each other's views, beliefs and customs, united in acommon purpose.• Managing ComplexityThis is the ability to operate effectively in an ever-changing environment, scanning thehorizon for looming issues and providing solutions. This requires individuals to take anorganisation perspective when resolving problems, ensuring the Department maintains astrong culture of innovation and togetherness.• Managing and Developing PeopleThis is the ability to select, manage, develop and retain an excellent workforce within anenvironment that values diversity and individuality. It includes the promotion of continuouslearning and the development of others to ensure the Department is an employer of choice.• Achieves Effectiveness for MāoriAchieves Effectiveness for Māori describes working effectively with and for Māoricolleagues, clients and stakeholders, to ensure their specific needs are identified and met,and to create a positive work environment for Māori. It relates to our Effectiveness for Māori(EfM) strategies, policies and guidelines and supports our vision to be recognised as anEfM leader in public service.<strong>Job</strong> Grading Reference: Page 5 of 5File name:h:\hr coordinator role\jd_hr co-ordinator.doc

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