Oral Health inside - Communities and Local Government

Oral Health inside - Communities and Local Government

Oral Health inside - Communities and Local Government


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ResultsOne might expect to find little unmet treatment need among 8-year-old children, as this is oneof the target groups for <strong>Health</strong> Board Dental Services. However, the timing of the datacollection for the survey relative to the provision of services to this age group would haveimpacted on the proportion of caries treated at the time of the fieldwork. Although there islittle difference in the proportion of untreated caries in fluoridated <strong>and</strong> non-fluoridated groups,there is a difference in the proportion of untreated caries according to medical card ownership.For example in fluoridated areas 52% of caries is untreated among those without a medicalcard <strong>and</strong> 69% among dependants of medical card holders. In non-fluoridated areas 70% ofcaries is untreated among medical cardholders <strong>and</strong> 55% of caries among others. The timing ofthe survey is unlikely to have impacted on the relative proportions of medical cardholders <strong>and</strong>non-medical cardholders who had received treatment at the time of the survey. Thesedifferences therefore require further exploration. In NI the percentages are 68% <strong>and</strong> 44% againwith greater unmet treatment among the less well off (LIB yes).Mean values, cell sizes <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard deviations are tabulated for caries data in Appendix 7.Presence of fissure sealantsAnother treatment commonly provided by the <strong>Health</strong> Board Dental Service is fissure sealants.Figure 15 shows the prevalence of fissure sealants for 8-, 12- <strong>and</strong> 15-year-old children <strong>and</strong>adolescents in the RoI <strong>and</strong> NI. A child was considered to have sealants if there was evidence ofeither a complete or incomplete fissure sealant on one or more teeth.%Figure 15 Percentage of 8-, 12 <strong>and</strong> 15-year-old children <strong>and</strong> adolescents in RoI <strong>and</strong> NIwith at least one fissure sealant on their permanent teeth100908070605040302010047833RoI NI Age group6912In the RoI 47% of 8-year-olds had some fissure sealants on their teeth. In NI the percentage of8-year-olds with fissure sealants was 33%. In RoI these results are considered reasonable as thestudy may have been completed before all children in that class scheduled for treatment hadbeen seen.53691557Teeth have two typesof surface, smoothsurfaces which areparticularly wellprotected from toothdecay by fluoride <strong>and</strong>pitted or fissuredchewing surfaces whichbenefit from the clinicalapplication of a plasticadhesive resin calledfissure sealant. Thissealant protects thesevulnerable surfacesfrom decay.In the RoI 69% of 12 year-olds <strong>and</strong> the same proportion of 15-year-olds had some fissuresealants on their teeth. These percentages were 53% <strong>and</strong> 57% for 12- <strong>and</strong> 15-year-olds in NIrespectively. This finding is interesting because of the differences in the system of delivery ofdental care in the two regions. In NI the oral health care services are largely dem<strong>and</strong> led; theCommunity Dental Service (CDS) encouraging parents to register their children with a generaldental practitioner (GDP) for oral health care services. In the RoI the service is closer to a needsled service; in most areas the <strong>Health</strong> Board (HB) Dental Service screen children up to age 12 inprimary school <strong>and</strong> subsequently call those for whom consent has been obtained, to attendhealth board dental clinics for treatment. Whilst in many areas the HB services target 1 st or 2 nd ,6 th <strong>and</strong> sometimes 4 th classes, other children up to age 16 are also eligible for services.Differences in the method of service delivery may account for the higher prevalence of fissuresealants among children <strong>and</strong> adolescents in the RoI.33

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