1 Fusion, July 2007 - Rio Grande

1 Fusion, July 2007 - Rio Grande

1 Fusion, July 2007 - Rio Grande

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JOURNAL OF THE PMC GUILDASK SOLHave you ever been in a philosophical quandary and asked yourself, “Whatwould Solomon do?” Well, the Solomon is no longer available, but on thispage we’ll try to think through professional issues that any of us might face.Please send your questions to Ask Sol, c/o Journal@PMCguild.com.Dear Sol: I had a piece on display at a local gallery show, then a month later afterthe work was back in my possession, someone approached me about buying it. Do Istill owe the gallery their commission?e first thing I’d turn to is your contractwith the gallery. If it providesinstructions for this specific situation,that’s the end of the story. Liveup to your contractual obligations,not only because it is the morallyright thing to do, but because doinganything less besmirches your reputation,and that is worth more thanwhatever extra money you’ll make bycutting out the gallery.If there is no contract, or if itdoes not offer guidance here, the keyquestion is how the customer cameto know about the work. If theysaw it at the gallery or in ads theyplaced, the gallery was doing its joband deserves to get paid for it.On the other hand, it’s possiblethat the customer heard aboutyou through an entirely unrelatedsource, and in that case, no commissionis due to the gallery. I’d suggestto the customer, though, that if hewants to stay informed about yourwork, he should get on the gallery’smailing list.Let me take it a step furtherand talk about the person whointentionally tries to bypass thegallery. Suppose you get a call fromsomeone who offers to buy workdirectly from you when a showcomes down, offering to split theamount being saved by not payinga commission. is is unethical andpretty close to stealing. e galleryhas invested time and money inyou, and deserves remuneration forthat. Not only should you not acceptsuch an offer, but you should tell thewould-be price shopper that his approachis offensive.And that’s what I think,SolPMC123.comServing PMC artists fromSan Antonio, Texas210 - 656 - 8239PAGE 15

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