1 Fusion, July 2007 - Rio Grande

1 Fusion, July 2007 - Rio Grande

1 Fusion, July 2007 - Rio Grande

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JOURNAL OF THE PMC GUILD– are based on the price of silver onthe world market. He offered thisexample of a 16-gram package ofPMC3:If silver is $13 per troy ounce,<strong>Rio</strong> <strong>Grande</strong> divides it by 31 to getthe value of silver per gram. In thiscase, it works out to $0.41935 pergram. at is multiplied by the 16grams of silver in the package, fora subtotal of $6.70968. at is thenrounded up to $6.71, to which afabrication charge is then added.<strong>Rio</strong> <strong>Grande</strong>’s fabrication chargevaries by volume. A certified artisanwho buys fewer than 10 packagespays a $14 fabrication charge, or$20.71. A certified artisan whobuys more than 10 packages paysa $13 fabrication charge. ere’s anU S D o l l a r s151413121110987654Jan Feb March April Mayadditional price break for certifiedartisans who buy 100 packages ormore of PMC.<strong>Rio</strong> <strong>Grande</strong> assesses a higherfabrication charge for non-certifiedcustomers. In the previous example,the fabrication fee for a non-certifiedcustomer would be $20.50, or$27.21 as a starting price.“<strong>Rio</strong> <strong>Grande</strong> believes havingthis spread in price is important,”Whitmore said. “We know manycertified artisans lead classes andwish to resell PMC. <strong>Rio</strong> <strong>Grande</strong>needs to price PMC at prices thattraditional jewelers (who are noteligible for the certified prices) canconsider a purchase. At the sametime, we recognize we need to havepublic prices that allow teachers toresell PMC fora profit. I’ve designedour pricemodel with thehope of meetingboth of theseneeds.”is chart showsthe significant risein price in the spotprice of silver, andalso compares theroller coaster changesof the last year to thegentle terrain of adecade ago.Source: Kitco.comPAGE 3

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