Butte County Sheriff-Coroner's Office Mass Fatality Plan

Butte County Sheriff-Coroner's Office Mass Fatality Plan

Butte County Sheriff-Coroner's Office Mass Fatality Plan


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<strong>Butte</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Sheriff</strong> - Coroner’s <strong>Office</strong>Code of FederalRegulations Title 45Section 164.512qHIPAA PrivacyRegulations(b) The other agency has the authority to perform the functions beingdelegated.(c) When both the coroner and the other agency have a jurisdictional interestor involvement in the death.Standard: Uses and Disclosures About Decedents: Allows covered entities todisclose protected health information to a coroner or medical examiner for purpose ofidentifying a deceased person, determining a cause of death, or other duties asauthorized by law. Authorizes a covered entity to disclose protected healthinformation to funeral directors consistent with applicable law as necessary to carryout their duties. If necessary for funeral directors to carry out their duties, disclosuremay occur prior to and in reasonable anticipation ofthe individual’s death.EmergencyServices Act,§8607StandardEmergencyManagement System(SEMS)a) By December 1, 1993, the <strong>Office</strong> of Emergency Services, in coordinationwith all interested state agencies with designated response roles in the stateemergency plan and interested local emergency management agencies shalljointly establish by regulation a standardized emergency management systemfor use by all emergency response agencies. The public water systemsidentified in Section 8607.2 may review and comment on these regulationsprior to adoption.This system shall be applicable, but not limited to, those emergencies ordisasters referenced in the state emergency plan. The standardized emergencymanagement system shall include all of the following systems as a frameworkBCS-CO <strong>Mass</strong> <strong>Fatality</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> 32July 2009 July 2009

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