Butte County Sheriff-Coroner's Office Mass Fatality Plan

Butte County Sheriff-Coroner's Office Mass Fatality Plan

Butte County Sheriff-Coroner's Office Mass Fatality Plan


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<strong>Butte</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Sheriff</strong> - Coroner’s <strong>Office</strong>coordinate multiple jurisdictions or multiple agency emergency and disasteroperations.(e) (1) By December 1, 1996, each local agency, in order to be eligible forany funding of response-related costs under disaster assistance programs, shalluse the standardized emergency management system as adopted pursuant tosubdivision (a) to coordinate multiple jurisdiction or multiple agencyoperations.(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), local agencies shall be eligible for repair,renovation, or any other non-personnel costs resulting from an emergency.(f) The office shall, in cooperation with involved state and local agencies,complete an after-action report within 120 days after each declared disaster.This report shall review public safety response and disaster recovery activitiesand shall be made available to all interested public safety and emergencyCalifornia,DisasterAssistance Act,§1591 (b)management organizations.Establishes liability limits for registered disaster volunteers. No politicalsubdivision, municipal corporation, or other public agency under anycircumstances, nor the officers, employees, agents, or duly enrolled orregistered volunteers thereof, or unregistered persons duly impressed intoservice during a state of disaster or a state of extreme emergency, acting withinthe scope of their official duties under this chapter or any local ordinance shallbe liable for personal injury or property damage sustained by any duly enrolledor registered volunteer engaged in or training for disaster preparedness or reliefactivity.BCS-CO <strong>Mass</strong> <strong>Fatality</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> 34July 2009 July 2009

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