EJTN 2012

EJTN 2012

EJTN 2012

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<strong>EJTN</strong> members. Over <strong>2012</strong>, 15 trainingactivities, ranging from two to five days inlength, gathered 10 foreign magistrates(those resident outside the state where theactivity is held) each along with nationalones (those resident in the state where theactivity is held).In <strong>2012</strong>, 15 of <strong>EJTN</strong>’s members andpartners participated in the programme:the Centro dos Estudios Judiciários (CEJ),Portugal; the Instituut voor gerechtelijkeopleiding/Institut de Formation Judiciaire(IGO-IFJ), Belgium; the Supreme Court ofEstonia, Estonia; the Ministry of Justice,Judicial Training Centre, Slovenia; theDanish Court Administration, Denmark; theCentro de Estudios Jurídicos (CEJ), Spain;the Studiecentrum Rechtspleging (SSR),The Netherlands; the National School ofJudiciary and Public Prosecution, Poland;the Academy of European Law (ERA),Germany; the Czech Judicial Academy,Czech Republic; the National Institute ofMagistracy (NIM), Romania; the Presidentof the Higher Regional Court Innsbruck,Austria; the High Council for the Judiciary,Italy; the French National School for theJudiciary (ENM), France; and the DeutscheRichterakademie, Germany.In comparison with the year 2011, thenumber of institutions offering a seminarunder the Catalogue+ programme doubled.22

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