EJTN 2012

EJTN 2012

EJTN 2012

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The seminar in CroatiaFor the first time since its creation, <strong>EJTN</strong>organised a seminar in a candidatecountry, which took place in Zagreb5–7 December, <strong>2012</strong>. It gathered togetherjudges and prosecutors from Croatia, theCzech Republic and France. The simulationfulfilled all expectations as the trainingactivity improved the methodology alreadyimplemented in the previous seminars.The Criminal Justice I Project (CJI) hasbecome a cornerstone of judicial trainingin criminal matters with four majorimprovements learnt in the lessons: Threecountries will be involved with criminalinvestigations; a reformulated workshoplanguage regime will be applied (withEnglish as the lingua franca); one theoreticallecture regarding ne bis in idem will begiven; and, a presentation on the role ofEurojust will be completed.The seminar in Zagreb was quite successfulas Croatia was considered as the 28 thEU Member State for the purposes ofthe simulation. Participants very muchappreciated the seminar with 94.7% of theparticipants rating the seminar’s objectiveand scope as either good or very good.Participants also expressed the sentimentthat the seminar improved their confidencein other EU judicial systems. Furthermore,100% of the participants considered theseminar’s format and content to be goodor very good. More specifically, the choiceof topics, the practical cases and the wellbalancedmethodology were appreciated.National experts in the seminar wereJudge Sanja Katušić Jergović, (Croatia), PetrKlement, Prosecutor and EJN contact point(Czech Republic) and Jean-Michel Peltier(France), Prosecutor and former FrenchLiaison Magistrate to the Czech Republic.Professor Wolfgang Schomburg acted aslecturer and Anna Richterova, Deputy to thenational member for the Czech Republic wasthe Eurojust representative at the seminar.44

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