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OUR MASTERSPhoto Kirsten Flagstadmuseet, HamarPhoto Fram MuseetPhoto Henie Onstad KunstsenterPhoto Fram MuseetPhoto Fram MuseetKirsten Målfrid FlagstadRoald AmundsenSonja HenieFridtjof Nansen Otto Neumann Sverdrup Ole BullNiels Henrik Abel (1802–1829)is considered to be Norway's leading mathematicianof all time. He proved the impossibilityof solving the quintic equation in radicals.Alf Prøysen (1914–1970)is one of Norway's most-loved writers and lyricists.He made significant contributions to literature, music,TV and radio.Tyge, a.k.a. Tycho Brahe (1546–1601)was a Danish astronomer. Brahe constructed astronomyinstruments, and his observations were the most accurateever made before the invention of the telescope.Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (1832–1910)was a Norwegian writer, poet and social commentator.He produced a wide range of works and was awardedthe Nobel Prize in Literature in 1903.Povel Ramel (1922–2007)was a Swedish entertainer, composer, musician andwriter. He was well known for his imaginative wit and is aninstitution in Swedish entertainment.Karen Blixen (1885–1962)was a Danish author, best known for her books SevenGothic Tales, Winter’s Tales and Out of Africa. Some of herworks were written under the pseudonym Isak Dinesen.Roald Amundsen (1872–1928)is one of the greatest polar explorers of all time.The Norwegian explorer was the first person to reachboth the North and South Poles.Kirsten Målfrid Flagstad (1895–1962)was a Norwegian dramatic soprano opera singer.She ranks among the greatest singers of the 20th century.Sonja Henie (1912–1969)was three-time Olympic gold medal winnerand won ten World Championships in figure skating.Thor Heyerdahl (1914–2002)was a Norwegian explorer whose many exploits includedcrossing the Pacific Ocean (from South America toPolynesia) on a raft called Kon-Tiki in 1947.Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875)was a Danish author and poet noted for his children’sstories. His works have been translated into more than100 languages.Helge Ingstad (1899–2001)documented the existence of Viking settlements in Canada500 years before Columbus discovered America.Edvard Munch (1863–1944)was one of the most remarkable painters in Norway.He was an important forerunner of expressionistic art.The Scream is his most famous work.Anders Celsius (1701–1744)was a Swedish astronomer, physicist andmathematician. He invented the Celsiustemperature scale, with a water freezing pointof 100 and boiling point of 0. The scale was reversedand is used worldwide to this day.Sigrid Undset (1882–1949)was a Norwegian novelist. She received The Nobel Prizefor Literature in 1928 for the books Kristin Lavransdatterand Olav Audunssøn.Otto Neumann Sverdrup (1854–1930)is considered to be one of the three greatest Arcticexplorers in Norway.Edvard Grieg (1843–1907)is considered to be Norway’s greatest composer of theromantic period, and the one that has received mostrecognition abroad.Sam Eyde (1866–1940)was a prominent Norwegian engineer and industrialentrepreneur. Together with Kristian Birkeland he founda method to use nitrogen contained in the air to producemineral fertilisers. This created the basis for the Norwegiannitrogen industry, and the company Norsk Hydro.Henrik Wergeland (1808–1845)is one of Norway’s most famous poets. He was theforemost cultural personality that the young nationfostered in the first half of the 1800s.Henrik Ibsen (1828–1906)is considered to be one of the world’s most importantplaywrights and the father of modern drama.Greta Garbo (1905–1990)was a Swedish-American actress. She was a silent moviesuperstar and is ranked as the fifth-greatest female star ofall times by the American Film Institute.Camilla Collett (1813–1895)was a Norwegian author, essayist and women’s rightsactivist. In her later works Collett’s commitment towomen’s rights becomes clearer, stronger and morefocused on men’s total domination of all aspects of society.Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754)was one of the most prominent Nordic intellectuals of theEnlightenment period. He was a professor and a Baron,and produced many scientific works, comedies and novels.Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855)was a Danish philosopher, theologian and psychologist. Heis often referred to as the father of existentialism.Carl von Linné (1707–1778)was a prominent Swedish botanist and medical doctor.He classified around 10,000 plant and 6,000 animalspecies. Parts of his complex system for classifyingplants are used to this day.Kristian Birkeland (1867–1917)was a professor of physics, with around 70 scientifictheses to his name. Together with Sam Eyde he found amethod to use nitrogen contained in the air to producemineral fertilisers.Piet Hein (1905–1996)was a Danish poet, author, inventor, mathematician anda true citizen of the world. He is well known for severalgeometrical figures.Evert Taube (1890–1976)was a Swedish poet, folk singer and composer. Taube isregarded as one of the finest troubadours in Sweden.Max Manus (1914–1996)was a prominent member of the NorwegianResistance during the Second World War. He was famousfor being one of the most brilliant saboteurs, and wroteseveral books about his sabotages.Gidsken Jakobsen (1908–1990)is one of our foremost aviation pioneers. She was the firstfemale leader of a Scandinavian airline.Oda Krohg (1860–1935)was a Norwegian painter well known for her portrait andmood-reflecting paintings. Krohg was an integral partof the cultural and political movement the ChristianiaBohemians.Christian Krohg (1852–1925)was a Norwegian painter, illustrator, author and journalist.He was a leading figure in the transition from romanticismto naturalism.Selma Lagerlöf (1858–1940)was a Swedish author most widely known for herchildren’s book The Wonderful Adventures of Nils. She wasthe first female writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature(1909).Jenny Lind (1820–1887)or Johanna Maria Lind was a Swedish opera singer knownas the Swedish nightingale. Her extraordinary voice tookher on tours in both Europe and the USA, and she wasregarded as one of the best singers of the 19th century.Georg Brandes (1842–1927)was a very influential Danish critic of Scandinavian andEuropean literature. He is credited with formulating theprinciples of new realism and naturalism.Erik Bye (1926–2004)was a Norwegian journalist and folk singer. He was oneof the most popular television and radio figures in Norwayin the 20th century. Erik Bye was well known for hiscommitment to the disadvantaged in society.Carl Larsson (1853–1919)was a Swedish artist. He is regarded as one of the mostimportant figures to have worked in the medium ofwatercolours, and he remains one of the most popular andwell-known Swedish artists.Amalie Skram (1846–1905)was a Norwegian author and feminist. She is knowntoday as a great naturalistic writer, with a body of workthat includes her multi-generational four-book story cycleHellemyrsfolket (The People of Hellemyr).Ole Bull (1810–1880)was a violinist and composer and often referredto as Norway’s first international star.André Bjerke (1918–1985)was a Norwegian writer and poet, many of whose poemsfocused on childhood. Bjerke played an important role inNorwegian literature and language debate in the post-warperiod.Aksel Sandemose (1899–1965)was a Norwegian author who is best known for the novel AFugitive Crosses His Tracks, which was originally publishedin 1933. The novel introduced the concept of the JanteLaw – a peculiarly Scandinavian disapproval of individualsuccess and achievement.Gustav Vigeland (1869–1943)was a Norwegian sculptor. He is best known for thesculptures in Frogner Park (or Vigeland Park) in Oslo, oneof the Norwegian capital’s major tourist attractions.Aasmund Olavsson Vinje (1818–1870)was a Norwegian author and journalist. He is notable forhis pioneering and consistent use of Norwegian Landsmål(now known as Nynorsk) in his writing.Fridtjof Nansen (1861–1930)crossed Greenland on skis and carried out a very importantand courageous polar expedition, crossing the ArcticOcean in the ship Fram.Jørn Oberg Utzon (1918–2008)was a Danish architect. He is best known for designingSydney Opera House in Australia. Other commissionsinclude Bagsværd Church on the outskirts of Copenhagenand the Kuwait National Assembly Building.108 Norwegian in-flight magazine109

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