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www.scenario.noFotograf: Gatis Rozenfeld - F64.lvInterior is everythingWe spend most of our lives indoors. Our well-being is influenced by colors,atmosphere and functionality. The perfect leisure zone or optimal lightingof a room can make an important difference to people’s health and wealth.It’s not the most expensive solutions necessarily, but the most strategic onesthat will unlock the true purpose of a room or area, and bring to life the project’svision. As interior architects, it is our job to make architecture and interiorsperform together. That is why our profession is all about creating the feeling ofultimate ease.RICCOVERO - BYPORTENMandatory withStove Guardin Norwegian HouseholdsAdvertisementFollowing the latest regulations for Norwegian electrical installations, stove guard is now mandatory in every new builthouse in Norway. Several producers have entered the marked the last couple of years, most of them with products thatare not up to standard. Each year 20% of the fires in private homes are caused by improper use of the stove/cookingtop, and cost the society several million euros. The purpose of the stove guard is, unlike smoke detectors, to preventfires. Cenika are these days laying their finishing touch on their contribution to the marked. Cenika is Norwegiancompany situated outside of Drammen, they operate in the professional segment of the electrical installation marked.Prototype Front CoverAKER SOLUTIONS - FORNEBU“Our mission is to design tomorrows environments in the best possible way. All projects - public or private -require the skill to integrate the personality, create optimal functionality and make people feel at ease”.Interior Designer Linda SteenOwner and CEO Scenario interiørarkitekter MNILSKULD - OSLODIPLOM IS - TUSENFRYDPicture: Linda SteenHead of developing, John E Knudsen,explains a little bit for us:“When my colleague and I sat down 2years ago, we laid down the frame of theCentech Stove Guard. It had to be technicallyadvanced, multipurpose capable, reliable,cost efficient and with an attractive design.Now we feel that we have achieved all thesegoals…and some more when we look at thefinished product.”What makes your product so differentfrom the others on the marked?“First of all we are one of few who demanda constant power supply. This is a demandin the building regulations for fire detectionsystems, and we couldn’t see any reason whyit shouldn’t be the same for the stove guard.Secondly we base our product on a High Resinfrared detector. Combined with a powerfulCPU that is capable of reading each temperaturespot several hundred times, each second.This makes the security level very high. Andthe capability of ruling out false alarms is fargreater than some of our competitors.The electrical installation businessis not famous for groundbreakingdesigns. How will your Stove Guardblend in with the luxurious taste oftoday’s consumer?“We have put a lot of effort into the designof this product; it has to be discreet to fitinto todays, modern kitchens. The primaryconcern was of course to make somethingout of the ordinary. Something the electricalbusiness hadn’t seen before, and that hadcurves to blend into every environment. Wealso thought about the fact that in some casesit had to be possible to custom build. I feelthat we have achieved that goal with today’sdesign and production technique.”With so many different installationstoday, with Smart houses, intelligentalarm systems and so one. How doyou think it is possible to integratethis product in these systems?“We were thinking on several solutions tothis challenge. At first it would be natural tohook up with one of the bigger systems, likeKNX. But with the development of the markedwith new innovation and smaller producerswith many good qualitys, we decided to basethe communication upon a potential-freeconnection. That will enable us communicatewith almost every system on the marked.”How easy is it for the users tooperate the StoveGuard?“First of all, the StoveGuard is built forthe user, never to consider its existence atall. But the possibility for situations causingthe StoveGuard to go off is always there.We have added a reset switch, to allow theusers to go beyond the alarmpoint for a shortamount of time. Or reset the unit if it shouldbe triggered. This is located on the unit itself.But we have also considered the elderly anddisabled that may not reach to the back wallof the coocking top with ease. For this groupwe have developed a wireless switch, whichcan be integrated in existing lightswitchpanels.”We thank John Knudsen for his time, andlook with excitement on a business pushedto innovation with the new regulations onhousehold security. Time will show whichtest criteria CENELEC will present to regulatethe business. In this way to exclude the lessserious actors in this marked. We are surethat Cenika has covered all the loopholes andpresents a high quality product, which willhelp make homes, safer for years to come.Svein Tore Moe,CEO CenikaJohn Knudsen,Head of developingCenikaPhone: +47 32 24 03 00 or +47 41 14 30 52Email: cac@cenika.no www.cenika.no

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