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Bangkok - Pearl@blogg - Pearl Consulting

Bangkok - Pearl@blogg - Pearl Consulting

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BestPriceShort Stay Apartments ASA HOME ABROADUNICEF & Norwegian*)Only 600 NOK per nightin Central Oslo -Modern Studio Apartment (double bed, sleeps 2).*)And amazing 890 NOK per nightfor a spacious 3 double bedroomApartment Unit / Suite (sleeps 6).New Apartments, Central location, fullyfurnished with a kitchen, flatscreen TV,Cable, free wifi, short distance to bus/tram.Our Modern Apartments will suit both businesstravellers and families on holiday.We offer underground parking.Camilla Christiansen (front) and BjørgHelene Hellene packing gifts.FOR BOOKING AND MORE INFORMATION:Call (+47) 94 02 65 53 (Mon-Fri 09.00-16.00) or e-mail kd@shortstay.no.You can also visit our website at www.shortstay.no for more information.*) These rates applies for a minimum 2 nights stay.UNICEF’s Bernt G. Apeland and Bjørn Kjos fromNorwegian brush up their packing skills.“It requires so little of usto give children a better life”Norwegian’s Bjørn Kjos gets packing tips from a UNICEF employeeat the Supply Division Warehouse.nly 550 NOK per nightA team from Norwegian and UNICEFNorway visited UNICEF’s SupplyDivision in Copenhagen.By Lasse Sandaker-Nielsen Photo Lasse Sandaker-Nielsenwarehouse of more than 20,000 squareA metres, or the size of three footballfields; equipped with the latest technology;capable of storing 36,000 pallets; can house750 different UNICEF supply items. Almost300,000 kits – including products designedto meet a variety of emergency needs,especially for the critical areas of medicalcare, children’s education and protection –were packed here last year.“This is impressive,” Norwegian’sCEO Bjørn Kjos exclaims as he entersUNICEF’s Supply Division Warehouse inCopenhagen. He is flanked by two of hisemployees, Bjørg Helene Hellene and CamillaChristiansen, who have been invited alongto launch Norwegian’s new in-flight UNICEFcampaign, where passengers are encouragedto give an Inspiring Gift to children whoneed it the most.Efficiency at the assembly line“Hurry up or there will be a jam,” ordersCamilla jokingly to co-worker Bjørg. At theassembly line they’re packing UNICEFbrandedcardboard boxes with a varietyof medicines. “It takes time to put 12 pillcontainers into a box,” Bjørg responds.A few metres down the assembly line,dressed in UNICEF T-shirts, Bjørn Kjosand Executive Director Bernt G. Apeland ofUNICEF Norway diligently fill the passingboxes with a variety of medicine containers.“Looks like you’re a bit rusty there, Bjørn,”Bernt says, smiling. “I don’t think you’vewatched me closely enough – the ladies heresay I’m a natural, so I know what I’ll be doingwhen I quit Norwegian!” Bjørn parries.Hundreds of boxes are packed at thisassembly line every day, including UNICEF’s“Inspiring Gifts”.A gift that matters“I’m very impressed with the facilities, thelogistics and the important work UNICEFis doing here,” says Bjørg. “The fact that somany children die from diseases that nolonger exist in Norway is frightening, but itis gives me hope as it requires so little effortfrom us to give them a better life.”Camilla agrees and adds: “I’m veryproud to work for a company that supportsUNICEF.”From 1 November, Norwegian will encourageits passengers to support UNICEFby purchasing “Inspiring Gifts”, like the onespacked by Norwegian’s own employees atthe Supply Division Warehouse, on boardits flights.“These are genuine products such asvaccinations, medicines or school books thatUNICEF gives to children that need them.By purchasing a gift card on board, you willnot only give someone you love a meaningfulpresent, you will also help children who needit the most,” concludes Bjørn Kjos.Read more about UNICEF’s ”Inspiring Gifts”on page 89 of the In-Flight Magazine orat www.unicef.no/verdensgaverNorwegian and UNICEF have been working together for children since 2007. As a Signature Partner to UNICEF, Norwegiansupports the organisation’s work of giving children the best possible start in life, and a safe and happy childhood.sammen for barn77sammen for barn

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