International LDN Awareness Week eBook - User Control Panel

International LDN Awareness Week eBook - User Control Panel

International LDN Awareness Week eBook - User Control Panel

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with my local, but not very well informed, neurologist, who immediately, and falsely,assured me that I did not have MS.I insisted on further investigation and after a CAT scan, a visual evoked response test(VER), and a lumbar puncture, it was finally confirmed that MS was, in fact, thediagnosis.I fruitlessly inquired about diet and nutrient therapy, of which I had read much in mybasic research, but this was entirely denied and briskly condemned as placebo effect. Ileft the hospital intent on pursuing my own line of research and inquiry.I thus established a routine of attending the hospital medical library at Singleton where Iwas able to use the full range of research journals and books available there.At that time there was no facility for computer searches of journals etc. so the onlymeans of tracking down appropriate articles was to look up any interesting sections ofthe monthly compendium of scientific references, the Index Medicus.I was to continue this process ultimately for years until I had established a clear andeffective means of minimising my symptoms.During this period I had also decided that, on the basis of some of the research that Ihad revealed, I would consider the use of certain minerals in the treatment of MS. Isurmised that both zinc and copper might be of relevance in this condition when I foundthat both these minerals contributed to the production of prostaglandins, important cellmediators in the expression or resolution of inflammation in disease.I also joined the MS society and asked their advice. I was sent a bundle of informationsheets including details of an advised low-fat diet. I subsequently joined the localbranch of the MS Society, which met twice-weekly, on a Monday and a Thursday.I noticed here that the Centre provided tea and lunch for those wanting it, but I wassurprised that the meals often consisted of many of the foods that the MS Society hadalready advised against.During this period of early searching, when I attempted to find as many sources ofadvice and information as were available, I was unfortunate in suddenly developing about of acute pneumonia. Immediately my MS symptoms become much worse and Iwas promptly admitted to hospital. During my stay, with an appropriate course ofantibiotics, I had the opportunity of discussing some of my research with the neurologistwho had made the initial diagnosis of MS.I was quite shocked when he seemed totally unaware of much of the research that Ihad discovered, and even denied the association between various different autoimmuneconditions which had been declared as common. This conviction thatneurologists are not always the most expert at dealing with MS has been reaffirmed tome on many occasions since.With my recovery and subsequent discharge from hospital I was free once more toseek out further help from other sources. I was dismayed by the apparent lack ofconcern over the most suitable diet, and absence of more positive support at the localMS Society Centre, I therefore decided to leave and joined the newly opened ARMS(Action and Research into MS) Treatment Centre in Llansamlet, Swansea.Produced by <strong>LDN</strong> Research Trust for <strong>International</strong> <strong>LDN</strong> <strong>Awareness</strong> <strong>Week</strong> 19-25 October 2009© <strong>LDN</strong> Research Trust 200926

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