International LDN Awareness Week eBook - User Control Panel

International LDN Awareness Week eBook - User Control Panel

International LDN Awareness Week eBook - User Control Panel

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attended. The professor also described how his research had also shown a consistentdeficiency of both copper and vanadium.He explained that these minerals were important in many vital functions, includingimmune activity, adrenal function, preventing oxidative stress, and maintaining bothmood and energy. The results of the zinc taste testing showed that every single patientwith MS was shown to be at least moderately deficient in this vital element.As a comparison we tested some of the partners or carers of these patients, when mostof these showed a relatively normal response. It was of interest however, that some ofthese also showed deficiency at various levels, showing how common zinc deficiencyactually is.The most dramatic response was when testing the nurse in charge of the Centre, whotested so strongly positive that she later declared that she was still aware of the tastethree days later!We then planned a simple research project providing supplements of zinc citrate,copper, and vanadium to a number of volunteers to see what response was obtained.This study however proved to be less than ideal as many of the volunteers, keen andenthusiastic at the beginning, ultimately failed to maintain their compliance with therecommended treatment and within weeks or, at most, several months, largely gave upthe treatment. Those symptoms that improved in those that continued the supplementslong enough reported increased energy, less depression or fatigue, improved appetite,and improved sleep.With this supporting evidence available however, I remained convinced of the methodand have continued these supplements ever since. With additional supplements, alsodetermined by my continuing research, I was subsequently able to maintain my MS inan almost complete state of stability with just a slow rate of progression for about 15years.As my research continued I discovered, one by one, new connections and links in along chain of facts that together formed a rational method of combined diet and nutrienttherapy.This I decided to test by offering it to others who might be willing to consider my advicein dealing with their problems, as I had, to a great extent, already dealt with my own.Thus, in February, 1991, I set up the company, Dietary Research Ltd, as a service toothers, offering advice in the treatment, not only of MS, but numerous other problems,such as arthritis, post-viral fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and other atopicor auto-immune diseases.I contacted the Evening Post newspaper, which agreed to send Ms Jill Forward, anindependent, free-lance journalist to write a story about my work and intentions. MsForward subsequently came to my house, where we discussed my research andintended purpose in finding a means of resolving MS symptoms. She then wrote a verypositive article which, when presented in the Evening Post newspaper raised a largenumber of inquiries from the local community.With these first inquiries I started my work in earnest, discussing the problemsProduced by <strong>LDN</strong> Research Trust for <strong>International</strong> <strong>LDN</strong> <strong>Awareness</strong> <strong>Week</strong> 19-25 October 2009© <strong>LDN</strong> Research Trust 200928

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