C48 Audio Preamplifier Owner's Manual - McIntosh

C48 Audio Preamplifier Owner's Manual - McIntosh

C48 Audio Preamplifier Owner's Manual - McIntosh


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How to Operate the <strong>C48</strong>, con’t1. Select the desired Input Source.2. Select “MONO/STEREO MODE, ______: Stereo”as indicated on the Front Panel InformationDisplay. Refer to figure 63.MONO / STEREO MODETUNER : StereoFigure 633. Set the “MONO/STEREO MODE” for either STE-REO or MONO. Refer to figure 64.MONO / STEREO MODETUNER : MonoFigure 64After approximately 4 seconds the InformationDisplay returns to indicate the Source Selection andVolume Level.DIGITAL AUDIO DISPLAYBy default the Digital <strong>Audio</strong> Display is switched Off.To display information about the type of digital signalpresent when any one of the five digital inputs is selected,perform the following steps:1. Select one of the Inputs assigned to an active digitalsource.Note: The USB-D/A Input may also be selected whenthe <strong>C48</strong> is connected to a computer.2. Select “DIGITAL AUDIO, Display Info: Off” asindicated on the Front Panel Information Display.Refer to figure 65.DIGITAL AUDIODisplay Info : OffFigure 653. Set the “DIGITAL AUDIO, Display Info” to On.Refer to figure 66.DIGITAL AUDIODisplay Info : OnFigure 66After approximately 4 seconds the InformationDisplay will return to indicate the Source Selection,Volume Level and the Digital Information. Refer tofigure 67.SOURCE: DVD15% 2CH PCMFigure 67PHONO ADJUSTMENTSWhen the Phono MC or Phono MM Input is selectedan additional TRIM SELECT FUNCTION becomesavailable for adjustment. Perform the following stepsto make the Phono Trim Adjustments:1. Select either the Phono MM or Phono MC SourceInput.2. Select “PHONO CARTRIDGE, Moving Coil 500Ohm” or “PHONO CARTRIDGE, Moving Magnet50pF” as indicated on the Front Panel InformationDisplay. Refer to figures 68 and 69.PHONO CARTRIDGEMoving Coil: 500 OhmFigure 68PHONO CARTRIDGEMoving Magnet: 50pFFigure 693. Set the desired phono cartridge loading value(Ohms for a Moving Coil Cartridge or Capacitancefor a Moving Magnet Cartridge) that comesclosest to the Phono Cartridge Makers recommendedvalue.After approximately 4 secondsthe Alphanumeric Displayreturns to indicate the SourceSelection and Volume Level.MonoPress the Front Panel MONOPush-button to change fromStereo to Mono Mode forthe currently selected InputSource. The LED above theMONO Push-button will illuminate.Refer to figure 50.The <strong>C48</strong> remembers for eachselected Input whether theMode is Stereo or Mono. Tochange the Mode from Monoto Stereo for the currentlyselected Input Source press theMONO Push-button.Note: The audio signalpresent at the RE-CORD OUT Jacksis unaffected by theMONO Push-button.Equalizer BypassPress the Front Panel EQBYPASS Push-button toremove the <strong>C48</strong> EqualizerCircuitry from the signal pathfor the currently selected Input Figure 53Source. The LED above theEQ BYPASS Push-button will illuminate. Refer tofigure 50. The <strong>C48</strong> remembers for each selected Inputwhether the Equalizer Circuitry is deactivated. To re-20

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