ACADEMIC STANDARDS - Massachusetts Maritime Academy

ACADEMIC STANDARDS - Massachusetts Maritime Academy

ACADEMIC STANDARDS - Massachusetts Maritime Academy


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Academic StandardsGradesAlphabetical grades are assigned to students according to the following scale for each academicsubject:AlphabeticalGrade4.0EquivalentAlphabeticalGradeA 4.00 C- 1.67A- 3.67 D+ 1.33B+ 3.33 D 1.00B 3.00 D- .67B- 2.67 F 0.00C+ 2.33 I(Incomplete) ---C 2.00 X(Exempt) ---W(Withdrawn) ---4.0EquivalentA single, alphabetical grade certified by the instructor within the deadline published on the academiccalendar is assigned to each student and submitted to the Registrar.Grades are entered on a form distributed by the Registrar to each instructor and returned to theRegistrar according to a published calendar of events. A single, alphabetical grade is assigned to eachstudent on the appropriate form and returned to the Registrar and certified by the instructor within thedeadline published on the academic calendar.Only the instructor assigning a grade may subsequently change a grade once submitted. Any changemust be made within two weeks after the start of the term immediately following the term in whichthe grade was given. Students questioning an awarded grade must contact the appropriate instructorwithin this time limit.Grade changes must be submitted in writing to the Registrar by the instructor. An extension of theabove-mentioned two week period may only be allowed by special arrangement by the instructor withthe Vice-President/Academic Dean.IncompleteAn incomplete grade (‘I’) is awarded a student at the end of an academic term if the student has failedto meet a course requirement due to illness or other reasons beyond his or her control as excused bythe course instructor concerned.Students are authorized a maximum of two weeks into the next term to rectify a grade of Incomplete.If the incomplete is not rectified within that period, the incomplete is automatically converted to afailure (‘F’).An extended period may be allowed by the instructor upon approval of the Vice-President/AcademicDean. The instructor shall submit a recommended grade to the Registrar within 48 hours of theextended period allowed above.Course ExemptionAn exemption is awarded to a student who has been authorized by the Vice-President/Academic Deanor designee to omit taking a course. Exemptions apply only to the following:• Through Advanced Placement examination, with a grade of 3 or better, the student has beendetermined to be proficient in course subject matter.• Through validation of grades received at another accredited institution of higher education with agrade of ‘C’ or better.15

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