ACADEMIC STANDARDS - Massachusetts Maritime Academy

ACADEMIC STANDARDS - Massachusetts Maritime Academy

ACADEMIC STANDARDS - Massachusetts Maritime Academy


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SS-3131 Environmental EconomicsSS-3132 U.S. Foreign Policy since 1945SS-3141 Introduction to PsychologySS-3211 American <strong>Maritime</strong> HistorySS-3213 Sea Power in World HistorySS-3214 Europe in the Middle AgesSS-3216 Ancient History SeminarSS-3217 Vietnam and U.S. PolicySS-3218 Civil War and ReconstructionSS-3219 American History ISS-3220 American History IISS-3232 Cultural Factors in International BusinessSS-3232 Supervisory ManagementSS-3239 <strong>Maritime</strong> OperationsSS-3241 SociologySS-3242 Ancient GreeceSS-3243 Ancient RomeSS-3131 Environmental EconomicsSS-4121 Labor RelationsSS-4131 Engineering Economic AnalysisSS-4317 Intelligence and National Security PolicySS-4311 20 th Century HistoryScience and MathematicsThe required courses from the Science and Mathematics department enhance the ability to thinkquantitatively, critically, and logically and illustrate the manner in which problems of a quantitativenature are solved through the use of algorithms and logical thought. Students study fundamentalmathematical functions in Algebra and Trigonometry and explore the basic concepts of analysis ofthese functions in Calculus I or Applied Calculus, depending on their major. Then students select oneadditional mathematics course with a Calculus I or Applied Calculus prerequisite. Thus, studentslearn to use mathematics, including calculus, in problem solving, to use technology appropriately inthis process, and to apply mathematics to problems arising in other disciplines. In the required sciencecourses students apply the scientific method in a variety of classroom and laboratory settings so thatthey develop the ability to carefully collect, organize, and analyze data for the purpose of synthesizinga model for better understanding or problem solving. The basic concepts of matter are explored inChemistry I in order to reach a better understanding of technology, health and environmental issues.The laws of nature are studied in either College Physics I or Engineering Physics I in order to developa method of reasoning that will enable students to interpret physical events in a rational manner. Toadd necessary depth to their study of natural science, students also select a sequential laboratoryscience course in either Chemistry or Physics.GESM-1: SM-1111 Algebra and TrigonometryGESM-2: SM-1131 Chemistry IGESM-3: SM-1212 Calculus I or SM-1214 Applied CalculusGESM-4: Select one course from Science and Mathematics Group I.GESM-5: Select one course from Science and Mathematics Group II.GESM-6: Select one course from Science and Mathematics Group III.Science and Mathematics Group ISM-2113 Calculus IISM-2115 Applied Environmental MathematicsSM-2117 Quantitative Methods for ManagementSM-2119 Applied Mathematics for Deck OfficersScience and Mathematics Group IISM-2121 College Physics I7

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