Defining and Measuring Trophic Role Similarity in Food Webs Using ...

Defining and Measuring Trophic Role Similarity in Food Webs Using ...

Defining and Measuring Trophic Role Similarity in Food Webs Using ...


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(1998). SeeChristian & Luczkovich (1999) for a completespecies list with<strong>in</strong> each compartment.(1) Phytoplankton, (2) Halodule wrighti, (3)micro-epiphytes, (4) macro-epiphytes, (5)benthic algae, (6) bacterio-plankton, (7) microprotozoa,(8) zooplankton, (9) epiphyte-graz<strong>in</strong>gamphipods, (10) suspension-feed molluscs, (11)suspension-feed polychaetes, (12) benthic bacteria,

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