Defining and Measuring Trophic Role Similarity in Food Webs Using ...

Defining and Measuring Trophic Role Similarity in Food Webs Using ...

Defining and Measuring Trophic Role Similarity in Food Webs Using ...


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DEFINITION OF TROPHIC ROLE SIMILARITY 305construct the answer. We are try<strong>in</strong>g to groupspecies <strong>in</strong>to trophically equivalent sets, yet to dothis for any given pair of species, we would liketo know which trophic equivalence set all of theother species belong to, which is circular.Surpris<strong>in</strong>gly, there is a solution, which isrecursive <strong>in</strong> nature; <strong>and</strong>, it is drawn fromthesocial sciences, where the concept of social roleof <strong>in</strong>dividuals with<strong>in</strong> social systems has beenextensively analysed.The social sciences have paid much attentionto the importance of structure <strong>and</strong> position <strong>in</strong>the study of social roles. Social scientists havedevoted a considerable amount of effort toformaliz<strong>in</strong>g the notion of role <strong>in</strong> the contextof a systemof social relations (Nadel, 1957;Merton, 1959; Homans, 1961; Goodenough,1969; Mayhew, 1980). For example, <strong>in</strong> thesystemof social relations <strong>in</strong> a hospital, whatdef<strong>in</strong>es a person as play<strong>in</strong>g the role of doctor isthe characteristic set of relations they have withpersons who are play<strong>in</strong>g related roles such aspatients, nurses, medical record keepers, pharmaceuticalsales people <strong>and</strong> receptionists. Earlysocial network research modeled k<strong>in</strong>ship systemsus<strong>in</strong>g algebraic approaches (White, 1963; Boyd,1969), followed by Lorra<strong>in</strong> & White’s (1971)‘‘structural equivalence’’ concept that formallydef<strong>in</strong>ed roles <strong>and</strong> reduced the complexity of anetwork of relations to a set of simplified rolestructures. In this structural equivalence model,two <strong>in</strong>dividuals are seen as occupy<strong>in</strong>g the sameposition to the extent they have the same k<strong>in</strong>dsof social ties to the same third parties. This work<strong>in</strong> turn paved the way for the development of amore general concept known as regular equivalence(White & Reitz, 1983), <strong>in</strong> which two<strong>in</strong>dividuals are seen as play<strong>in</strong>g the same role tothe extent they have similar ties to analogous<strong>in</strong>dividuals (i.e. those play<strong>in</strong>g correspond<strong>in</strong>groles). Differences between structural <strong>and</strong> regularequivalence approaches were discussed byBorgatti & Everett (1989), Everett & Borgatti(1991) <strong>and</strong> Everett & Borgatti (1994).As an extension of Elton’s (1927) ‘‘role <strong>in</strong>relation to food <strong>and</strong> enemies’’ paradigm, we willnow apply the theory of social role analysis <strong>and</strong>the concept of regular equivalence to ecologicalfood webs <strong>and</strong> formalize the measurements oftrophic role similarity <strong>in</strong> detail. We will apply theregular equivalence approach to the analysis oftrophic role structure <strong>in</strong> two food webs, one ab<strong>in</strong>ary or topological network <strong>and</strong> the othera carbon-flow network. We will also compareperformance of the regular equivalence approachwith the structural method proposedrecently (Yodzis & W<strong>in</strong>emiller, 1999) <strong>in</strong> creat<strong>in</strong>gtrophic aggregations. F<strong>in</strong>ally, we will present animage graph of each food web, based on theregular equivalence approach, which provides areduced-complexity view of the entire food web.2. Theory of <strong>Role</strong> Analysis2.1. GRAPH-THEORETIC TERMINOLOGYWe represent community food web data asa directed graph, or digraph, G(V,E), whichconsists of a set of nodes V (also known asvertices) represent<strong>in</strong>g species or compartments,<strong>and</strong> a set of directed ties (also known as edges orarcs) E which represent predation, parasitismorany other trophic relationship. The notation(a,b) A E <strong>in</strong>dicates the presence of a tie from a tob. Similarly, (b,a) A E, <strong>in</strong>dicates a tie from b to a.Optionally, we can also def<strong>in</strong>e a real-valuedfunction F on E which assigns a value (such as aquantity of flow) to each tie, so that f (u,v)¼ 0.27 would <strong>in</strong>dicate a flow of 0.27 units fromu to v. For simplicity of exposition, we shallusually assume here that ties are simply presentor absent rather than valued. However, themathematics generalizes straightforwardly tovalued data, <strong>and</strong> we will use valued energy flowdata <strong>in</strong> our empirical examples.The set of nodes adjacent to a given node v iscalled the neighborhood of v <strong>and</strong> denoted N(v).In a directed graph, a node’s neighborhoodconsists of two parts: an out-neighborhood,def<strong>in</strong>ed as the set N o (v) ¼ { p| (v, p) A E}, <strong>and</strong>an <strong>in</strong>-neighborhood, def<strong>in</strong>ed as the set N i (v) ¼{q|(q,v) A E}. In the case of food web predationdata, the out-neighborhood N o (u) is the set ofspecies that are predators of species u, <strong>and</strong> the<strong>in</strong>-neighborhood N i (u) is the set of species thatare prey of species u.An equivalence relation def<strong>in</strong>ed on a set ofnodes is a b<strong>in</strong>ary relation that is reflexive,symmetric <strong>and</strong> transitive. An example of anequivalence relation is the relation R <strong>in</strong>duced bya partition of nodes <strong>in</strong>to mutually exclusive

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