MTR-40F REV 0.p65 - Southern Tool

MTR-40F REV 0.p65 - Southern Tool

MTR-40F REV 0.p65 - Southern Tool

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<strong>MTR</strong>-<strong>40F</strong>— TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDETABLE 5.ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTINGSYMPTOMDifficult to startFuel is available but spark plugwill not ignite. (Power availableat high tension cable).POSSIBLEPROBLEMI gnition plug being bridge? Check ignition system.C arbon deposit at ignition? Clean or replace ignition.Short circuit due to defectiveinsulators?Replace insulators.SOLUTIONI mproper spark gap?Set spark plug gap to the correct gap.Fuel is available but spark plugwillnot ignite. (Power NOTavailable at high tension cable).S hort circuit at stop switch? Check stop switch circuit. Replace stop switch if defective.I gnition coil defective?Replace ignition coil.Fuel is available and spark plugi gnites (compression n ormal).Muffler clogged with carbondeposits?Mixed fuel quality isinadequate?Fuel in use inadequate (water,dust)?Clean or replace muffler.Check fuel to oil mixture.Flush fuel sytem and replace with fresh fuel.A ir Cleaner clogged?Clean or replace air cleaner.Fuel is available and spark plugignites(compression l ow).D efective cylinder head gasket? Tighten cylinder head bolts or replace head gasket.C ylinder worn?Replace cylinder.S park plug loose?Tighen spark plug.Operation not satisfactoryA ir cleaner clogged?Clean or replace air cleaner.A ir in fuel line?Bleed (remove air) from fuel line.Fuel level in carbureator floatchamber improper?Adjust carbureator floatCarbondeposits in cylinder?Clean or replace cylinderNot enough power available(compression normal, no miss-firing).Not enough power available(compression normal, miss-firing).I gnition coil defective?Flush fuel sytem and replace with fresh fuel.I gnition plug often shorts? Replace ignition wires, clean ignition.Fuel in use inadequate (water, Flush fuel sytem and replace with fresh fuel.dust)?Engine overheats.Mixed fuel quality isinadequate?Excessive carbon depostion incombustion chamber?Exhaustcarbon.or muffler clogged withCheck fuel to oil mixture.Clean or replace crankcase.Clean or replace muffler.S park plug heat value incorrect? Replace spark plug with correct type spark plug.PAGE 22 — <strong>MTR</strong>-<strong>40F</strong>— PARTS & OPERATION MANUAL — <strong>REV</strong>. #0 (01/21/04)

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