Araceae (PDF)

Araceae (PDF)

Araceae (PDF)


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44ARACEAE9a. Leaf blade palmate or rarely radiate; ovary fusiform ...................................................... 11. A. sect. Tenuipistillata9b. Leaf blade trisect, or rarely palmate; ovary bottle-shaped.10a. Leaf blade 3-foliolate or palmate; inflorescence exceeding leaf blade .................... 5. A. sect. Nepenthoidea10b. Leaf blade 3-foliolate; inflorescence below leaf blade.11a. Appendix apex usually flagelliform, much exceeding spathe, pendulous,proximally thick and base expanded into a stipitate disk; anthers dehiscingby horseshoe-shaped or lunate slits ........................................................................ 4. A. sect. Arisaema11b. Appendix obclavate, nearly erect or slightly recurved, obtuse at apex andgradually narrowed at base into a stipe; anthers dehiscing by rounded oroblong pores ..................................................................................................... 6. A. sect. Franchetiana1. Arisaema sect. Anomala Gusman & L. Gusman, Aroideana 26: 40. 2003.根 茎 组 gen jing zuPlants with rhizome. Rhizome reddish purple inside. Phyllotaxy spiro-distichous. Leaf blade 3-foliolate or pedate, rarely simple.Spadix bisexual or rarely unisexual when mature; appendix sessile, terete, attenuate or long and pendulous distally, usually withnumerous filiform neuter flowers.About 20 species: wet tropical and subtropical Asia; 11 species (seven endemic) in China.1a. Pseudostem distinct (more than 10 cm).2a. Leaf blade pedate or rarely 3-foliolate; neuter flowers occurring partly on spadix appendix.3a. Spathe basically green, throat of spathe tube not auriculate .................................................................... 8. A. grapsospadix3b. Spathe basically green, or dark purple dotted with paler purple, throat of spathe tube auriculate ............. 9. A. hainanense2b. Leaf blade 3-foliolate; neuter flowers covering whole of spadix appendix.4a. Neuter flowers (distal ones) 3–5.5 cm ............................................................................................................. 5. A. victoriae4b. Neuter flowers less than 0.7 cm.5a. Rhizome stout, more than 3 cm in diam.; spathe semitranslucent, without white mark ............................ 1. A. petelotii5b. Rhizome less than 2.5 cm in diam.; spathe opaque, with white mark ......................................... 7. A. rubrirhizomatum1b. Pseudostem absent or very short (less than 5 cm).6a. Budlike structure present at axil of neuter flowers ............................................................................................. 2. A. smitinandii6b. Budlike structure absent at axil of neuter flowers.7a. Apex of spadix appendix simple or nearly so.8a. Spathe tube throat broadly auriculate; spadix appendix with neuter flowers ....................................... 11. A. bannaense8b. Spathe tube throat without auricles; spadix appendix without neuter flowers ................................. 10. A. petiolulatum7b. Apex of spadix appendix brushlike, covered with numerous neuter flowers.9a. Spathe limb basically purplish, tube thick; spadix appendix pendulous ............................................. 4. A. lihengianum9b. Spathe limb basically green, tube slender; spadix appendix upright.10a. Spathe limb with single white mark at base ............................................................................. 6. A. pingbianense10b. Spathe totally greenish, without marks ........................................................................................ 3. A. menglaense1. Arisaema petelotii K. Krause, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 11: 332. 1932.紫 根 南 星 zi gen nan xingPlants dioecious. Rhizome lying underground or halfunderground, dark brown outside, purplish in section, thicklycylindric, 7–18 × 4–6 cm. Leaves usually 2; petiole green orpurplish green, to 60 cm, proximal 20–30 cm sheathing intopseudostem, encircled by several cataphylls; leaf blade green,3-foliolate; central leaflet with petiolule 1–4 cm, blade ellipticto ovate, to 30 × 17 cm, base rounded; lateral leaflets similarlypetiolulate, obliquely ovate, apex acuminate. Peduncle coloredas petiole, 7–12 cm. Spathe green, without stripes, semitranslucent;tube narrowly funnelform, 4–7 cm, throat 2–3 cm indiam.; limb deltoid-ovate, to 7 × 5 cm, apex acute and cuspidate.Spadix bisexual when mature; appendix basically green,4–6 cm, slender, covered with rather numerous filiform neuterflowers, brushlike. Berries reddish, ovoid, ca. 5 mm in diam. Fl.Jun–Jul, fr. Oct–Nov.Humid forest floors and gravel slopes in shade; 800–1000 m. SYunnan [Vietnam].2. Arisaema smitinandii S. Y. Hu, Dansk Bot. Ark. 23: 455.1968.披 发 南 星 pi fa nan xingArisaema tsangpoense J. T. Yin & Gusman.Plants perennial, evergreen, basically dioecious. Rhizomeca. 5 × 2.5 cm. Pseudostem absent. Leaves 1–4 together; petioledull dark brown to violet, with light brown transverse markings,cylindric, ca. 25 × 0.5–1 cm; leaf blade pedate with 3–5 segments;leaflets petiolulate, greenish, lanceolate, membranous,apex acute ending in a short arista; central leaflet with petioluleto 3 cm, blade ca. 15 × 5 cm, lateral veins numerous, base cuneate;lateral leaflets with petiolule to 5 mm, blade 12–15 × 3–4cm, base obliquely cuneate. Peduncle whitish, cylindric, muchshorter than petioles, ca. 2 × 0.5 cm, surrounded by 3 cataphylls;cataphylls light brown, oblong, ca. 2, 4, and 6 cm,

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