Annual Report 2006 - Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital

Annual Report 2006 - Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital

Annual Report 2006 - Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital


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Summary Financial StatementsINCOME FROM ACTIVITIESRestated2005/06 2004/05£000 £000OTHER OPERATING INCOME2005/06 2004/05£000 £000Elective income 53,938 57,741Non-elective income 71,300 76,925Outpatient income 42,171 38,985Other types of activity income 33,810 25,627A&E income 5,550 4,162PbR clawback (13,371) (22,906)Private patient income 1,875 1,561195,273 182,095Income from mandatory services 193,356 180,479Income from non-mandatory services 1,917 1,616195,273 182,095Due to a change in Tariff “Other types of activity income” includes£7.5million of income in respect of drugs and devices. Previously,this income was included in elective and non-elective income. Thecomparative fi gures have not been reclassifi ed as it is not consideredpracticable due to the change in the method of receiving income.Research and development 1,655 1,075Education and training 15,955 13,423Transfers from donated asset reserve 223 262Transfers from deferred income- government grant 173 61Non patient care services to other bodies 22,747 25,037Other 5,695 3,85246,448 43,710Included within “Non-patient care services to other bodies” are drugsales, laundry services, fi nancial services, IT services and estates servicestotalling £15.2 million (2004/05 - £14.5 million).Included within “Other income” above is catering income of £1.6 million,(2004/05 - £1.4 million), merit awards of £0.9 million (2004/05 - £0.9 million)and car parking income of £0.3million (2004/05 - £0.3 million).SALARY AND PENSION ENTITLEMENTS OF SENIOR MANAGERS - Remuneration 2005/06Name and title Salary Other Golden Benefi ts(bands of £5,000) remuneration hello/ in kind(bands of £5,000) compensation (rounded tofor loss of offi cethe nearest(bands of £5,000) £100)£000 £000 £000 £R Hawker Chairman 40 - 45 - - -B Baty Non-Executive Director 10 - 15 - - -D Bishop Non-Executive Director 10 - 15 - - 200M De Viell Non-Executive Director 10 - 15 - - 100J Evans Non-Executive Director 5 - 10 - - -G Sturtridge Non-Executive Director 15 - 20 - - 100R Walker Non-Executive Director 10 - 15 - - -A Pedder Chief Executive 140 - 145 - - 8,200L Hall Director of Facilities 70 - 75 - - 100E Hobson Director of Operations 85 - 90 - - 100S Jupp Director of Human Resources 85 - 90 - - 300R Muskett Acting Director of Finance 0 - 5 - - 100M N Orzel Director of Nursing & Service Imp. 85 - 90 - - 100V Pearce Joint Medical Director 80 - 85 90 - 95 - 100M Stevens Director of Finance & Information 100 - 105 - - 200N Walsh Director of Planning 60 - 65 - - -I Wilson Joint Medical Director 50 - 55 85 - 90 - -R Muskett was Acting Director Finance until 17/4/2005, M Stevens was appinted 18/04/2005, J Evans resigned 28/02/<strong>2006</strong>,R Hawker retired 30/04/<strong>2006</strong>, A Ballatti was appointed as Chairman 1/05/<strong>2006</strong>.Other remuneration shows the salary that is attributable to clinical duties.The benefit in kind for A Pedder relates to the provision of a lease car. The remaining benefits in kind relates to the mileage allowance paid over and above theInland Revenue allowances.Pension Benefits 2005/06Name and title Real increase in Total accrued pension Cash equivalent Real increase inpension & related & related lump sum transfer value cash equivalentlump sum at age 60 at age 60 at 31 March at 31 March <strong>2006</strong> transfer value(bands £2,500) <strong>2006</strong> (bands of £2,500)£000 £000 £000 £00027A Pedder Chief Executive 30.0 - 32.5 220.0 - 222.5 823 100L Hall Director of Facilities 2.5 - 5.0 87.5 - 90.0 314 17E Hobson Director of Operations 0.0 - 2.5 125.0 - 127.5 452 10S Jupp Director of Human Resources 2.5 - 5.0 75.0 - 77.5 297 15R Muskett Acting Director of Finance 0.0 - 2.5 50.0 - 52.5 145 1M N Orzel Director of Nursing & Service Imp. 2.5 - 5.0 80.0 - 82.5 267 16V Pearce Joint Medical Director 10.0 - 12.5 212.5 - 215.0 981 44M Stevens Director of Finance & Information 5.0 - 7.5 175.0 - 177.5 700 30N Walsh Director of Planning 2.5 - 5.0 100.0 - 102.5 430 17I Wilson Joint Medical Director 10.0 - 12.5 132.5 - 135.0 523 48

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