Mud Creek Watershed Restoration Plan - Henderson County Center

Mud Creek Watershed Restoration Plan - Henderson County Center

Mud Creek Watershed Restoration Plan - Henderson County Center


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Management StrategiesLead Agency orOrganization 1 Funding 2AG NON-POINT SOURCE POLLUTION continued….• Work with willing landowners to implement buffers and conventional conservation practicessuch as cover crops, no till, field borders, filter strips, on row crop land.• Initiate groundwater monitoring to determine if historic pesticides are moving from the soilsof ag fields to streams through the groundwater.• Work with willing landowners to implement animal waste practices such as livestockexclusion, feed/waste structures, stream crossing and buffer strips to protect water quality.HABITAT DEGRADATION• Restore 15,000 feet of the most critically eroding streams in the <strong>Mud</strong> <strong>Creek</strong> watershed toimprove habitat and water quality.S&WCDDWQS&WCDNCWRPACSPUnknownEQIP,ACSPNCWRP• Restore native vegetation along streams to stabilize streambanks and improve habitat. Local Governments Grants• Educate landowners about the importance of riparian buffers for streambank stabilization,water quality and habitat.• Evaluate the benefits of a buffer ordinance to protect lands adjacent to streams from futuredevelopment activities.Council, CELocal Governments• Permanently protect high priority wetlands and riparian buffers. Local Governments,CMLC, ACGCUPLAND SOURCES OF SEDIMENTATION• Consider the benefits of a local Sediment and Erosion Control Program to oversee localdevelopment activities.Local governmentsGrantsUnknownGrantsPermit Fees• Educate excavators and the public about how to control erosion. Local govts., CE Grants• Reduce the sediment pollution from unpaved roads, eroding road banks, and roadsideditches.Local governments,DOT, HOA1 Lead Agencies or Organizations are defined as follows: Council-<strong>Mud</strong> <strong>Creek</strong> <strong>Watershed</strong> <strong>Restoration</strong> Council; Local Governments – <strong>Henderson</strong> <strong>County</strong>,<strong>Henderson</strong>ville, Flat Rock, and Laurel Park; PEP-Partners for Economic Progress; S&WCD-<strong>Henderson</strong> Soil and Water Conservation District; CE-<strong>Henderson</strong><strong>County</strong> Cooperative Extension; DWQ-Division of Water Quality; NCWRP-North Carolina Wetlands <strong>Restoration</strong> Program; CMLC-Carolina Mountain LandConservancy; ACGC-Apple Country Greenways Commission; DOT-North Carolina Department of Transportation; HOA-Home Owners Associations.2 ACSP-Agriculture Cost Share Program; EQIP-Environmental Quality Incentives Program; Grants – could include EPA 319 Nonpoint Source grants, NC CleanWater Management Trust Fund Grants; NCWRP-Wetland and Stream <strong>Restoration</strong> Funds; DOT-Regional road maintenance funds.DOTExecutive Summary Page vii

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