B'Tselem report: Crowd Control: Israel's Use of Crowd Control ...

B'Tselem report: Crowd Control: Israel's Use of Crowd Control ...

B'Tselem report: Crowd Control: Israel's Use of Crowd Control ...


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military truck equipped with water containers and a water cannon. 85 A camerainstalled on the water cannon is operated by a control panel inside the truck.The cannon’s maximum range is 30-40 meters. 86 Special safety instructionsfor all types <strong>of</strong> water-spraying trucks are detailed in Operations Procedure90.2221.060 which B’Tselem does not have its disposal, but a précis appearsin the general police procedure for handling “disturbances <strong>of</strong> the peace”. 87 Thegeneral procedure states that the sprayed water jets are so powerful that theycan cause severe physical damage. Therefore, the cannons must be used withcare. The procedure also stipulates that operators must ensure that innocentbystanders are not hit. 88To the best <strong>of</strong> B’Tselem’s knowledge, exposure to the odor <strong>of</strong> the Skunk in thequantities ordinarily used at demonstrations poses no health hazards, with theexception <strong>of</strong> nausea and, in extreme cases, vomiting. That said, a person stainedwith the substance must shower and launder their clothing, usually repeatedly,in order to get rid <strong>of</strong> the stench. Many cases have been documented in whichsecurity forces sprayed large quantities <strong>of</strong> the liquid into homes and yards. Insuch cases, the smell persisted for a long time, and residents were forced towash <strong>of</strong>f the substance with large quantities <strong>of</strong> water and cleaning products.B’Tselem has documented at least three instances in which a water cannoncaused damage to property, including breaking a window and fluorescent lightbulbsat a gas station.B’Tselem’s observations show that security forces <strong>of</strong>ten spray the Skunk at protestmarches and demonstrations as a preliminary method <strong>of</strong> dispersal, even whenthe demonstrations are quiet and no stones have been thrown. B’Tselem doesnot know <strong>of</strong> any cases in which security forces used the Skunk at a demonstrationwith only Jewish or Israeli participants. Many Palestinian demonstrators haveexpressed indignation at the humiliation caused by exposure to the Skunk.The actions <strong>of</strong> the security forces raise serious suspicions that the Skunk is used asa collective punitive measure against residents <strong>of</strong> villages where regular weeklydemonstrations are held near the village’s built-up areas, such as a-Nabi Salehand Kafr Qadum. This was certainly the case on many occasions documented85 For the product at the manufacturer’s website, see: http://www.bat.co.il/products1.htm86 Orr Commission Report, § 254.87 Israel Police, Police Procedure for Handling Disturbances <strong>of</strong> the Peace at Demonstrations, no. 90.222.012[in Hebrew].88 Ibid., § 1.5.d.36

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