Simplifying Implant Dentistry - JDT Unbound

Simplifying Implant Dentistry - JDT Unbound

Simplifying Implant Dentistry - JDT Unbound


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to restore an implant, for this reasonwe offer a low, flat fee for the Encode ®Abutment and its crown, thus hopingto further simplify the restoration of animplant.Figure 12 Figure 13About the AuthorsPrestipino is president of ArtifexDental Laboratory Inc., whichspecializes in implants and is locatedin the suburbs of Washington D.C.He is a Certified Dental Technician.He attended the dental technologyprogram at Northern VirginiaCommunity College, is an NADLmember, has trained at the PankeyInstitute and the Dawson Academy,is a member of the Northern Virginia<strong>Implant</strong> Society and lectures nationallyabout implants. His laboratory is aBeta test site for Biomet 3i Encode ®Complete.Morris received his dentaldegree from the University of Illinoisand completed his residency inprosthodontics at the University ofMissouri, Kansas City, Mo. He is amember of the American College ofProsthodontics, International Collegeof Prosthodontics, Academy ofOsseointegration and the InternationalCollege of Oral <strong>Implant</strong>ologists.Morris has lectured extensively bothnationally and internationally aboutimplant prosthodontics and relatedimplant topics and maintains a privatepractice, limited to prosthodonticsand restorative dentistry, in BuffaloGrove, Ill.Figure 14 Figure 15Figure 16QUIZ:Receive .5 point documented scientific credit for passing a quiz about this article. To get the quiz go to <strong>JDT</strong><strong>Unbound</strong> (www.nadl.org/jdtunbound) and click on the CDT link or use the Fax-On-Demand system by calling(877) 355-8029, press 1 for NBC documents and enter document number 55 to have the quiz faxed to you.You can enter your answers to this quiz (course code #18975 at http://quizzes.nadl.org or fax the completedquiz to (850) 222-0053. This quiz is provided to test the technician’s comprehension of the article’s contentand does not necessarily serve as an endorsement of the content by NADL or NBC.August/September 2009 Journal of Dental Technology 33

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